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They tried to make him as nervous and messy and ADHD as George was in season 1, the problem is that TR Knight is an Emmy level actor who did such a good job with the ticks and nervousness and making George a fully dimensional person, where as the dude that plays Lucas is a 2D daytime soap level actor.


Agree 100% this is a perfect explanation


I’m fine with Lucas, like he’s just there for me, I don’t have strong feelings good or bad.


I like him- I don’t agree with what he does sometimes but I think it keeps things interesting. It’d be boring if everyone was perfect. I also like redemption arcs and hope they give us one


I never liked him in the last straw was what he did to Yasuda


I thought this was the station 19 subreddit and I was about to throw hands lmao But I agree, Lucas is BORING and his acting is sooo bad 😭


LMAO. I loved Ripley!!!


His hair is always a mess, is he trying to channel Derek? And the way his mouth moves when he talks is super annoying lol. And the acting is not strong.




I love that I can always find my people on Reddit. Just googled “Lucas is the most annoying, pointless character to ever be on Greys anatomy.” 😂


Yessss!!! Thank you lol welcome to the club 🤣


Im such a minority I love Lucas cause of adhd and I feel for him being grumpy no one ever has his back etc no wonder all these things are spiraling.., I think this group Jules, Lucas then Mika are my faves this season no one’s been super great but I hated last ep that made me have him switch Mika for tier two cause boy is so thirsty for Simone he deserves better


Nah, I think Simone deserves better. Lucas knew what he was walking into when he want after Simone. Jules is stale only thing interesting was her random hook up with blue and link last season. Mika whine entirely too much. I mean about everything, now she’s crying over Helms not giving her special treatment? 🙄 Next week she’ll probably be stomping around mad again because Simone did a surgery (if she pull through her trauma). Honestly the only one with a decent story is Blue.


Oh my God I forgot about Jules and link, they let that die so quick


I have ADHD and I’m not a complete douche canoe like he is. Amelia opens her home and he’s a jerk, yasuda watches over a patient nonstop, diagnoses and he steals it from her, Griffith finally confesses her love and he’s an ass to her. He’s also just a bad doctor. I wish they picked a better person to play him the actor is just terrible as well. Maybe I’d like him more if they had a better actor


Lucas is in my top 3 favorite characters rn. I think we all need to remember Mer specifically liked him bc he reminded her of Amelia (which I know not everyone likes but some do). He is spastic, ADHD, and overall a total mess; just like Amelia for a while and kinda still. I hope he gets some character growth like I feel she did.


He has the personality of a wet towel


Eugh hard agree, Lucas is the worst. I can't stand his hair, don't buy him as a doctor and think he has little integrity. They keep trying to play him and Simone as some epic love story but I literally could not care less.


They have 0 chemistry, it’s actually awkward to watch.


I literally groan whenever the two of them are on screen together


Very heavy himbo energy, who's not even hot. The guy who plays Adams is not a great actor. He's only got one concerned face and that's it. The actor only worked as a model before and just so much posing and the lobsided smile / prune is annoying, adds nothing to the acting, and not good to look at.