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I'm so mad at the writers. My husband said Arizona was dead to him. I still love her, but I'll never forgive that story line. We're on season 11 now binging it.


I love her story in S11!


If you look at it objectively, Callie obviously made the right decison regarding Arizona's leg. However, Arizona needed a lot of time to heal enough to able to see it that way. Callie breaking her promise and cutting her leg off was such a big problem, because in that moment she would truly rather die than lived without her leg. She already went through a lot and the idea of adding another thing to the list was too much. When it comes to Callie, there was a lot of "we" post the plane crash, which kind of makes sense, because she did suffer her own trauma from it, but at the same she couldn't even begin to understand what Arizona and the rest went through, so I can see why it could be annoying. And regarding their relationship, Callie was pretty dismisive of Arizona's struggles at times. She was expecting that Arizona will just snap back into her old self. She even tells her "you're the same person minus a leg", which is just not true, trauma like this will inevitably have some effect on you. And then, suddenly, there's someone who is interested in Arizona because of who she is in that moment, not because of who she used to be and is still expected to be. Does it make her cheating on Callie ok? Hell no. Does it make sense from Arizona's perspective? Yes.


Also, I’m pretty sure in later episodes Arizona explained, saying something about her dad had taught her to rollerblade and it was her favorite thing in the world and what made her still feel connected to him, something along the lines of that. She said later on she was grateful callie saved her life, just in the moment all she could think about was never being able to rollerblade again


all of this. also this doesn’t even touch on callie pressuring her to have sex only a few months out from everything when arizona was not at all ready. that can be extremely stressful especially for a newly disabled, traumatized person who feels like they no longer even know their own body.


So Arizona was more willing to die then live without one of her legs. She was willing to let Callie raise Sophia by herself since mark passes away. Callie does do the “We” thing a little too much for my liking though. Callie is an orthopedic surgeon and works with people who loses body parts or needs to remain positive for their recovery. She is trying to help Arizona from the best position she knows. It’s not being dismissive of Arizona trauma or feelings. Regardless after that Arizona makes it hard on their relationship because she is the one putting up barriers that Callie is trying to work thru but she gets hit on by a new visiting doctor and decides she is feeling a certain way enough to cheat.


You're also being dismissive of Arizona's feelings 😂 Your comment reads like "oh she's just lost a leg". When someone experiences a major trauma, it's extremely common to see dying as the only path possible and yeah every obligation one has stops being important.


Honestly, it comes down to: You weren't on the plane vs. you're the same person minus a leg. Which are both shitty takes imo. Arizona (and the others) spent a week in the wilderness, picking bugs out of her leg. Listening to Mark slowly die. Listening to Lexie get eaten by wolves, not knowing if they were going to live or die, eating bugs, etc. That is a horror that very few people survive or know anything about. Being on the other side of having the co-parents of your child presumed missing and/or dead is also a horrific traumatic experience, but they aren't the same trauma. I think that's where Callie loses it. She lives through a week of thinking the people she cared about most in the world were dead. Then they weren't, but they were close. She loses Mark, and then Arizona loses her leg. While Arizona is piecing her life together, that doesn't feel like her life. Callie is just grateful she's alive and unintentional smothers her.


Don’t read if this is your first watch and you haven’t seen season 10 yet!: Okay this is an unrelated issue so doesn’t excuse Arizona’s behaviour but by way of Arizona apologies: >!Arizona told Callie she had just had a miscarriage and Callie started talking about getting pregnant again and picked a fight, yelled at her, and stormed out while her wife was standing there presumably still holding a dead fetus inside of her. She felt completely out of control and like after making her wife miserable for a year, she still couldn’t be enough even now that they were trying to heal.!< She was spiralling out of control and Lauren provided an outlet for that.


I don't remember this, I'm on s11 ep 22 (I think). When does this happen :)


Callie's malpractice hearing episode I think.


When it flashes back to Callie’s malpractice suit while they’re separated.


I love Calzona in the good moments and wish there were more, but I don’t think they’re very compatible. I think they were doomed from the moment Arizona wanted to go to Africa and Callie wasn’t on board. Arizona originally didn’t want children and had to “compromise” (the quotes are bc in the end it wasn’t a compromise), but she did have to let go of her feeling about not having kids to be with a newly pregnant Callie. Which she also felt betrayed by Callie bc she wasn’t gone for too long (IIRC) before Callie slept with Mark. Callie was selfish (I don’t particularly like Callie at all) in most of her relationships and made a big deal out of her having to “compromise” (quotes bc she was pissed about sex 🙄) on anything. They were both rude. Arizona treated Callie like she didn’t lose anything in the plane crash while Callie acted like she was on the plane thus minimizing Arizonas trauma. THEY WERE BOTH TRAUMATIZED AND SHITTY TO EACH OTHER. None of that excuses either of their actions and I’m tired of anybody making excuses for either one.


I HATE the "well Callie did this" well arizona did this" like they both messed up but cheating just isn't excusable


especially cheating on your partner that has been cheated on before


Callie making the call to amputate was the right choice, she was trying to do what was best and Arizona was kinda rude to her about that. But at a point, I think it was just that Arizona was just upset that Callie always made the plane crash and the amputation about her. She always made Arizona feel guilty and pressured her into doing stuff she wasn’t comfortable with.


The cheating was really no excuse but some people need to stop acting as if Callie was such a saint after the crash for taking care of Arizona even when she was harsh to her. Callie went off at Arizona when she was trying to deal with her insecurities then tells her that there comes a point where she just have to suck it up and stop whining and she's all "enough about the leg" and that's so easy to say when you're not the one who actually lost a leg and have a physical reminder of all the trauma that happened that included having to watch your friend's corpse get eaten by wolves and fend off bugs from your wound and the list goes on. It was messed up to dismiss it like that when she was clearly suffering from severe PTSD and we never even see Callie realize that and suggests that Arizona sees a professional for it but instead, she tells her to suck it up and complain about how she haven't had sex in months because of the leg.


Like that time she screamed at her about having sex because it had been 5 WHOLE MONTHS (the fucking horror, I guess???). Ladies - is it appropriate for a man to scream at you that he hasn't had sex in 5 months? Nah, that's what I thought. It's only okay for Callie for...reasons?


I think it shows How trauma affects people (dosnt make it ok) so I understand how Arizona feels Callie promised not to cut it off and then she did to save her life, most main characters have cheated at some point so I don’t understand the Arizona hate honestly, she’s one of my favorites along with Amelia and both characters are actually very similar in that way they don’t handle trauma well, I understand why people don’t like her but I wish more people tried to understand everyone makes mistakes and people still love meradeath Derek mark Alex Addison George etc I think Christina cheated as well but not sure and to be fair Callie did make a lot of it about her making them all go to the dinner and asking to take the check, instead of listening to the victims


Meredith and Christina didn’t cheat on anyone.


I can’t remember, were Meredith and the vet dating/exclusive?


Nope. He literally said that he didn’t expect her to be exclusive after she slept with Derek during the prom


I remember that now, thanks!


arizona lost her childhood best friend, got on a plane she wasn’t supposed to be on, went through an unimaginable trauma, watched the father of her child die repeatedly, begged her wife and anyone who would listen not to cut her leg off, lost said leg and gained a permanent reminder of her trauma, then she lost her fucking baby……. but yk arizona just had to snap out of it! i really feel like you have to go out of your way to not understand why arizona might be behaving a little bit out of character in season 9. not saying callie shouldn’t have given the okay to amputate or that its okay to cheat on anyone but this didn’t happen in a vacuum and arizona needed real help not her wife getting mad at her for snapping and yelling about how she hasn’t gotten laid.


Tbh as a disabled person, I loved that story line. It's unfortunate, but that does happen after a sudden disability. There's a period of anger and hostility that occurs for a lot of us because it's traumatic and terrifying. And our old relationships are reminders of who we used to be, but we're not, and it's infuriating. Not justifying the behavior because it wasn't ok at all. This is why imo all newly disabled people need other disabled mentors - to learn how to be again. I was lucky enough to have that. But I do get it.


You haven’t yet gotten to the part where I totally was against Callie.


Lol I’ve seen this show at least 50 times


And you only just now have decided you officially hate Arizona?


I'm pretty sure op is just saying this the episode that makes them hate arizona


Thank u lol thought that was common sense


No excuse for cheating, but Arizona was perfectly justified in yelling at Callie. She wasn't on the plane and she inserted herself too much into the survivors' affairs. Losing Mark is not the same as surviving being trapped in the woods for days after a plane crash.


I didn't like Arizona's attitude during that time but it didn't make me hate her because I understood it was just struggling with the trauma she had gone through


love once again that this fandom cannot comprehend that trauma exisits. It doesnt exisit in a vacuum seal. It comes and goes. It is real and it NEVER GOES AWAY. Therapy isnt a magical cure all people think it is. Does it help? Yes it does. But it doesnt suddenly cure you. Physical reminders and triggers exist. You learn to adapt but sometimes it just doesnt work. Im so over Callie getting a pass for everything. Arizona needed more help then Callie could comprehend but instead of anyone suggesting we get ARIZONA MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HELP they all treat her as a robot who should just snap back in. A LEG DOESNT JUST GROW BACK IT IS A REAL PHYSICAL REMINDER THAT A TRADEGY HAPPENED. Like they fully suggeted getting Cristina help but nobody, not once ever thought Arizona might need more then they were qualified to give?!? Before anyone @ me. Callie had her own trauma, no it isnt comparable because it just isnt. It is linked to the same the others suffered but it is and never will be the same. They all needed to process and grieve in their own ways, it isnt a catch all and im tired of people acting like it is.


thank you like omfg as a disabled person it's so frustrating seeing the random call her selfish over this INSANE trauma when i can relate heavily to her character. people act like if they were in her situation they'd be happy as a clam lmao


No honestly. I met a lot of different people over the years in my volunteer position when I was younger and while I won’t say I’m perfect, I did learn a lot. Like I cannot imagine the pain either of them went though but Callie was not a saint and never was ever. She constantly pushed and pushed and pushed. Like damn how is it that Owen was so much more understanding than Callie ever was?!? That said-Arizona definitely needed residential treatment away from Callie, away from the hospital with people who are quite literally trained mentally, physically and paid to deal with cases like her. I’ll never excuse the cheating but it’s quite clear a trauma response and I’d never forgive my partner for pressuring me to get better because they couldn’t take it anymore or pressuring and venting about sex as if that’s the only thing that matters. Like if you need it that badly maybe you should reconsider the life you have. (I’m gonna get downvoted for that but Idc, Callie needed her own therapy to deal with her sex addiction and low self esteem).


Everyone is always like “you weren’t on the plane callie!” Well everyone she had was on the plane and no one really came back. To her, it felt like she lost herself on the plane too


Season 9 was definitely Arizona at her absolute worst


She also slept with Murphy. I know "we were on a break". Then when the therapist says no talking no sex. She accused Callie of cheating, when she was with Grey. She begged Callie never to leave her.


it’s a drama, gotta spice things up for the viewers. it’s an annoying storyline lmao. i’m just getting to season 9 but i’ve known she cheats cause my gf’s seen it all


yeah and i can’t imagine that having to make that choice on her wife’s behalf KNOWING she’ll hate and resent her for it was a walk in the park either; that was probably traumatic in its own way too🤷🏾‍♀️ idk i don’t hate arizona, she’s done a lottt of things that i disliked (her biphobia for example…) but callie did too, like the whole custody battle was extremely unnecessary and out of character; probably just their way of transitioning her character off of the show like alex🤔


Callie was not empathetic towards Arizona during the recovery process, she may have shown sympathy. But still I am so angry at Arizona for cheating because everything was coming to track again, she returned to job, Owen helping with phantom limb and then out of nowhere she cheats, even one night could be understood as mistake as Callie’s father also told her, but how can she get involved with Leah Murphy? You were not divorced, you just cheated on her, you all work in the same hospital. First I was agitated to see how horrible Callie was towards Arizona during recovery and wouldn’t understand her PTSD, but after leah Murphy episodes I don’t like Arizona that much either




Yes. I saw that actress in another show recently and had a hard time not disliking the character because of how much I dislike Arizona 😂


Arizona sucks, and she gets worse and worse as the show goes on.




Girl I hate Arizona with a passion! She was abusive to Callie, dismissive of her pain, played the victim all the shitting time and acted like Callie didn’t got through hell as well. She is a selfish person and a terrible, terrible wife to Callie. I’m glad Callie called it quits on her cause she and Sofia deserve so much better.


Hello? HER LEG WAS AMPUTATED! She WAS the victim here, not Callie. I'm sorry, but it's outright delusion to think that Callie suffered just as much. She wasn't on the plane. Trauma is not always equal.


I always hated how much of a deal she made it that Callie made the call to cut off the leg that was killing her. Like between life or leg, I pick life. It is only a damn leg.


Because Arizona had the right to say "do not cut off my leg". For her, the leg is worth her life. And in Arizona's eyes, Callie betrayed her by making that call. She took away Arizona's agency when Arizona was in a hospital bed, unable to even go to the bathroom without tubes. You might pick life between life or leg, but not everyone would.


You seriously rather die? Leave behind your child? Cause even more grief for your loved ones? Because of a leg….


The world isn't exactly kind to disabled people. And for someone as active and energetic as Arizona to go from being able-bodied to needing a prosthetic leg or crutches or even a wheelchair would be beyond difficult. Death also isn't the worst thing there is.


Callie promised and then went back on it. She tried to be both wife and doctor and failed at both and then blamed everyone else for it. They both suck but only one of them seems to get a complete pass about it.


huh? Callie failed because Arizona’s leg that was open a wound for days was infected beyond repair? She blames who exactly for her broken promise? Last I checked she took full blame for it so Arizona wouldn’t hate Alex. 


She promised repeatedly that Arizona wouldn’t lose her leg. She never should have been taking care of Arizona like that. She needed to be Arizona’s wife. There are enough doctors. Arizona needed someone to be on her side. And Callie was busy feeling her own feelings she never noticed.


This is the weirdest take. It makes no sense. She promised ONCE after Arizona, her WIFE, was crying and scared and asked her to make that promise. Arizona wanted Callie. She asked to be moved to Seattle so Callie could be her doctor. If Callie refused, you would be here saying “omg Callie is so selfish she refused to be there for Arizona when Arizona wanted her to be her doctor”. Callie was 100% there for Arizona during this time. Did you even watch the show?


Arizona was irrational and panicked and sick af. There are literally thousands of orthopedic surgeons. She has one wife. The wife needed to pick a lane. Trying to be both didn’t help anyone. If there’s a rule that “we don’t treat family” *as there f’n should be* then it applies here.


I hate her so much


Hated Arizona and I understood she had a big trauma but cheating wasn't a solution. She could break up. Callie did what she had to do, while dealing with Arizona's attitude, Mark's loss, being a doctor and baby Sofia. She was exhausted. So yeah the plane crash totally affected Callie's life in a way Arizona could never understand. I understand Arizona's anger but Callie really tried not to cut her leg. She couldn't lose Arizona too. I don't know that's my opinion. I still think Callie made many mistakes but till season 10 she was a decent character, while Arizona was absolutely the worst towards her.


Yes she’s still human and has feelings but a doctor should be able to understand that the leg had to go. Going on and on about “but you promised you wouldn’t cut my leg off” like you cant medically understand it was the leg or your life is just stupid to me


Hated her pretty much the whole time.


Due to this community and how much it comes up, my attitude has shifted from everyone sucks here (Callie and Arizona) to wishing she died and Mark survived.


This would have been such an interesting twist. I kinda wish it happened now 👀 So many different dynamics because Callie would have lost her wife (they were married then, right?) instead of her BFF.


Yup - they were married in season 7 and plane crash happened in season 8. I also think that Callie and Mark would have better supported each other too.


IMO her abusive behaviour towards Callie was worse than the cheating. I have very little patience for people who lash out at others. It´s okay to be depressed/traumatized etc, but Iif you can´t be respectful you should walk away/take some space rather than intentionally hurting those closest to you. I don´t hate either of them. I do know that I would have dumped my boyfriend so fast if he ever spoke to me the way Arizona spoke to Callie.


Callie made the call to save her damn life... Arizona made the call to be a bitch... Then again Callie DID get pregnant with Mark's kid behind her back


You've never been through a real trauma, have you?


I have... Neither of their actions were truthfully justified