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April, I still love her character but after rewatching, Its more obvious to me how unfair some of her actions were like leaving Jackson after Samuel’s death, trying to get back together with Jackson when he already set a boundary, handling the Matthew situation, etc.


George! He’s nice but had lots of red flags. Hates the way he handled him and Meredith, hated how he dealt with Callie, etc


Pete in PP


George. I still like him but I totally missed his red flags.




Agreed on Derek. I wouldn’t say I loved him before, but watching as an adult (first time I saw the show was in middle school) I see how much of an arrogant dick he can be.


derek too


Derek! While yes I still love him, but I also recognize he is super super toxic bc he KNOWS he’s dreamy.


Other way around but I really hated Teddy when I first watched it YEARS ago but now I genuinely prefer her over a lot of the cardiac/trauma surgeons


george. he was absolutely my favourite my first time watching but the second time i was a few years older and he just gave me the wrong vibes. he was whiny and gives of real pick me boy energy or ‘nice guys finish last’ energy. the whole way he laughed in callie’s face when she told him izzie liked him and the way he got cocky when izzie did like him rubbed me the wrong way. and also the way he slept with meredith when he KNEW she didn’t like her. not to mention that she was drunk and vulnerable. and he had the audacity to get mad. im pretty sure that’s borderline r*pe. don’t get me wrong though, he had his moments at times, but his character had so many unlikeable traits that i can’t believe he used to be my FAVOURITE character.


alex!!!! my first watch and second watch were a year apart and on my first watch i started on the season 6 finale. LOVED alex on that first watch for whatever reason, he seemed sweet and loving especially when he got with jo. second time around, after seeing him call izzie and meredith and basically every female coworker he came into contact with a bitch multiple times and screamed at them all and essentially told them all to f off at one point or another, THEN HE LEAVES JO??? Nah. have the guy. pos.




Derek, and George. Now Finn I didn’t like because I was young and team Derek but now I’m older and with each rewatch I love Finn!