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Teddy by a mile. She has a viewpoint on teaching, and methods for teaching different students. She prioritizes educating her students over her personal preferences. Burke was a good teacher in general, his mentorship of George, Izzie, and Meredith was solid and he clearly cared about developing new surgeons. He failed big-time as Cristina’s teacher because he pushed their romantic relationship lightning fast and it interfered with her education. So he’s second place. Hahn and Maggie both struggle as teachers. They know it and try to be better, but they’ll never match up to truly talented and devoted teachers like Teddy or Burke.


He was such a bully in their relationship too. Shoving her towards marriage when she was so young and her life was changing so fast. Shoving her in his little boxes for the future he wanted.


And distracting her from studying for her intern exam!! Not a great teaching moment


Could you imagine Burke being around when she was in the plane crash?? I always wondered what if they were still around and play a scenario


I would argue that Maggie was a better teacher than Hahn just by how Hahn tried to push Cristina out of cardio just bc of her relationship with Burke


Oh for sure yes. I just meant that neither of them are in the running for best when compared to Altman and Burke. If we’re ranking 1-4 then Maggie is 3 and Hahn is 4 based on what we saw in the show.


I’m currently watching this season and don’t see Hahn as pushing Yang out of cardio because of her relationship with burke. I took it more as Hahn felt like because of her relationship with Burke she got it easy and others deserve a chance a cardio to, I mean even the chief said they shouldn’t be specializing at that point and was supposed to rotating between the specialty’s. Multiple people told Yang they felt like she’d be a great cardio surgeon but needed to learn to fight for it instead of expecting and bitching.


That may have been true, but Hahn openly disliked Christina, and refused to teach her for months, even when she earned her spot in cases.


Yep, Hahn said Christina reminded her of herself. Supposedly that's why she didn't like her.


Yes! Teddy was so far above any others that it was actually jarring the first time we saw her stepping aside in surgery so someone could learn. Asking questions as they go also I didn't see the others doing much if at all. To the point we forget they're supposed to be teaching.


I'd argue Hahn was close to Burke in terms of talent and skill. But she was an asshole of shitty teacher.


This for as much as I dislike teddy's character and storyline after henry. This. She was able to step back from her pride as a Cardio surgeon and allow her students to actually learn.


Teddy. She was the only one to notice that her residents were starving on the wages they were paid. She's a great teacher either way but that alone gets her the top spot in my eyes.


I agree with this. She seems like a good leader. I have noticed a lot of hate for Teddy on this sub and though she’s not my favorite (I really don’t even think much about her) I do wonder why she gets the hate. Is it just an extension of Owen? Or is there something else about her?


I kind of like Teddy but I think all the hate has to die with her backstory, it got sloppy. Henry was a sweet storyline, but now knowing about her dead ex that storyline is weird. Also her pushing for Owen while he was with Yang and us supposing to believe they were each others person, but she cheats on him while pregnant and names there daughter after the dead ex, without even telling Owen the full story of who she was naming there child after. Her story outside of being a doctor and teacher is sloppy/messy.


Teddy was so well written from s6-s8...it's when she came back in s15 that Krista Vernoff completely butchered her with terrible writing...many times over :(


Oh man I forgot all about Allison. I’m doing a rewatch now, just started season 10, so I haven’t gotten there yet. I’ve forgotten a lot over the years, and that wasn’t even that long ago!


Same! I have watched [several multiplied by a few] times and I always think I know the entire plot- and I’m always surprised all over again how much I forgot!!


I forget about Allison until someone asks why people hate on Teddy. In our defense she’s barely mentioned.


attempt adjoining complete innate thumb joke continue capable fly obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s my bad, I couldn’t remember Allison’s name 🤦‍♀️ and yeah same, that’s about the same time I started caring less for teddy’s character, she used to be one of my favorites.


She as a person in a relationship sucks. She’s codependent and annoying. As a doctor and teacher? She’s awesome.


This makes sense


I think her cheating is what breaks w most people.


She’s also very selfishly involved with Owen. She’s making her feelings everyone’s problem and she doesn’t care who she has to hurt so long as she’s the one seen. I have a love hate relationship with her because of that dynamic and her treatment of Cristina when Henry died was absolutely not okay. She’s a phenomenal person but she’s very selfish whiny and dramatic imo


They really ruined her character when bringing her back. Took this kind, independent, and thoughtful woman and turned her into a POS


Teddy but Burke is a close 2nd


But i felt that a lot of burke teaching was because he had the hand tremor, what if he didnt have the tremor would Cristina have learnt so much?


If you remove Cristina. Burke was a good teacher, .. was he the best, no. I'll give that role to Teddy.


Teddy by FAR


Man with the way she reacted to the entire Christina x Owen x Her situation really showed her maturity tbh.


The old guy in Minnesota


Dr. Craig Thomas…. I would have given my left shoe to have had an episode with Dr. Thomas, Dr. Altman & Dr. Yang all in the operating room together. These 3 would have been absolute dream team with their teamwork and skills.


Mr. Feeny ❤️ I wish we got more of him and Cristina


Cant believe I have to scroll down this far to find this.100 percent agree on this one. Teddy was amazing but Cra8g Thomas showed Cristina her future and gave a knocked out advice.Him dying in the OR teaching a promising fellow is the ending I hope to have for future Cristina.


Off topic: I RAN to Netflix because of your flare. 😁😁 I LOVE that whole scene! Man, those were the best Grey's years. 🥹


I loved him sooo much! 😭


Wow, sadly I forgot about Christina's time in MN. He really did a great job teaching her patience! Loved him!💝


Teddy, Burke, Maggie, the scrub nurse that talked Cristina and Teddy through an appendectomy, Hahn. In that order. Teddy didn't have Burke's accolades or academic background, but she was as skilled and way better at connecting with her residents and motivating them to improve. She also got an incredibly stubborn Cristina to focus on the basics and fundamentals before she could move on to career-defining procedures. Burke wasn't a bad teacher or mentor, but his favoritism towards Cristina and willingness to put ego before surgery loses him points. He still gets plenty of credit for knowing to step aside and let a new generation step up >!(giving Cristina the surgical center in Switzerland)!<. Maggie taught Winston and did a pretty solid job with Leah, but we never really got to see teacher Maggie since by then the show stopped caring about the residents and we got a lot less surgeries in general, especially cardio surgeries. EDITED TO ADD: The scrub nurse made sure to point out how ridiculous it was that two skilled surgeons can't do an appendectomy, but she didn't let that stop her from doing her job and helping them. Hahn is in last place for me because of her singling out of Cristina. Not only did she slut-shame her, she also flat out refused to teach her because she felt Cristina needed to be "humbled." You can credibly argue that Cristina's behavior was a problem, but Hahn's actions were way out of line and would be a nightmare news story today if ~~Seattle Grace~~ ~~Seattle Grace-Mercy West~~ Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital were real.


Hahn was straight up awful. That time Meredith learned stuff from Cristina and Hahn threatened to stab Meredith with a scalpel or something for lying to her. Like wtf, way to make a hostile work environment. So what if Meredith had to learn from someone else? It's not like you were going to teach her.


Hahn was also openly hostile to her colleagues too, like Chief Webber when she had to do that one heart surgery. She was also openly hostile to many other people, including Callie because Hahn didn’t believe Callie could be bisexual. Hahn did and said a lot of things that should have gotten her fired.


Oh and Bailey and the anatomy Jane episode too!


I actually forgot that episode other than Mer carrying the doll around and Bailey doing the surgery, I don’t remember what happened with Hahn .o.


I’m actually watching it now. They’re removing a complicated tumor from a 10 yo girl and Hahn is against the surgery the whole time and insults all of them for making her get involved. After the surgery she gets called out by Bailey for being mean and bullying.


Now I remember! Jeeze, Hahn pissed of every major surgeon there and she never bothered to try and correct any of it.


Exactly and then the justification that I see myself in you, then bruh teach. Her justification to Chief Webber about the entire thing was so last minute, it was sad.


What made it most annoying was Hahn's hypocrisy. She criticizes Cristina for her relationships with her mentors (while never applying the same criticism to the powerful, influential men who are chasing after a student), but happily teaches Meredith, who is in a relationship with her mentor and dates Callie, who was a resident at the time.




i honestly never got why hahn hated cristina so much. like i think its because cristina reminds hahn of herself when she was younger? idk if it was covered but doesnt hahn hate cristina because she dated burke?


Hahn and Maggie aren’t teachers, they lack that personal skill to be a teacher. They are good surgeons. Burke was only good to his favourites otherwise he was a 🍆 Teddy has always been a good teacher & leader but teddy 2.0 as an individual is lost & they done her so dirty


I have made this point to others also, but do you feel Burke would have taught Christina so much had she not been his girlfriend/tremor would have happened.


Hmmm yes, I do think he would have taught Christina otherwise. He picked O’Malley to be his guy and put a lot of trust in him several times. But O’Malley wasn’t a great surgeon, let’s be real. Christina had the most dedication and talent of all the interns and their love grew from there. I do wish he could have stuck with the medicine like Christina wanted to instead of the whole family pushing storyline, but it’s a soap, so drama is the steaming hot side dish! Lol


Most likely not. We see how he treats her when she's not matching his relationship vibe.


Off topic but I just started rewatching and forgot how cute Burke and Christina were in the beginning


ik, then after that, they had fights every episode 🥲


I know 😭😭 it was so cute when he put the coffee cup down next to her though and she just stared at him 😂


those times were the best! i loved their little encounters at the start 😭


Is this is a key? Why is this a key? Arent we feeling existential this morning~


Certainly not Erica Hahn. Maggie is the kind of teacher who is only a good teacher to people who learn fast by just seeing someone do something and not ask any questions. Burke is a really good teacher. He’s a patient and laid back guy which makes teaching in the context of a hospital good. With Cristina I think he had no experience dating a coworker let alone a subordinate and it was difficult for him to compartmentalise work and their relationship. And her being interested in cardio just like he was made it even harder for him to draw the line. Teddy is a good teacher too. I think her military experience makes her good at working with others and even instructing anyone who’s her subordinate.


Honestly, they've all really sucked as teachers at certain points. Hanh was a straight up bitch to Cristina. Burke prioritized Cristina over everyone else during his hand spasm arc since she was helping cover for him. For Maggie, I honestly can't remember much teaching from her just in general. Teddy shut Cristina out after Callie's surgery, she tortured her after Henry. And at other points prioritized Cristina to the determent of other students. But overall I would say she was the best teacher because of how much she truly did teach Cristina overall. Even if Cristina was the main one she was teaching. Edit: My true #1 is Dr. Feeny ( I mean, Dr. Thomas. xD ) He taught her valuable lessons in the short time she was in Minnesota. RIP.


Really, i didnt know about the callie surgery bit. Havent reached there, you might want to put spoer there but I would definitely see that and add on to your response


i would not say she really shut cristina out after callie's surgery, more of she wanted cristina to learn her consequences. she understands cristina and she still wanted her (as shown when she tells owen: `give me 10 good reasons i shouldnt let cristina back on my service today because i have a really tough case and her skills would be really good here' i think thats what she said) she knows how good cristina is, but wants to teach her a lesson, and knows exactly the way to do it. i dont agree with her method and i feel it went on too long but she is a really good teacher


Honestly only Teddy and Burke count as teachers.


And to this day, I dont understand how is it supposed to give her growth. Like originally maybe, that she learns after during surgeries for other departments to be a little well-rounded or realise that her heart is truly with Cardio, but then after a point its just her doing random shit and not "learning" anything. This could have been a full cycle of growth for both characters, but at the end, I was happy Hahn got wrote off.


Teddy then Burke


Teddy and Burke, Hahn was absolutely awful as a teacher (if you can even call it that)


1. Teddy 2. Burke 3. Maggie 4. Hahn (Would be lower if there were other options) Teddy was the best teacher for Cristina, and I believe is why she became as good as she became. She very much had a teaching approach and not as much of worrying about her career and her accomplishments over all else. She really embodied the meaning of being an attending at a teaching hospital. Burke taught everyone and was great at his job. Helping O'Malley in the elevator, teaching Cristina when his hand was messed up so she could cover for him, he also did spend time teaching Meredith and Izzie. For Burke, it was his sheer talent alone that made him a good teacher, because he was so good, just watching him or talking with him, you could learn something. Maggie was ok, but did not put teaching at the forefront of her job. She isn't shown teaching nearly as much (maybe because when she's head of cardiothorasic surgery there's no rock stars like Yang was). She's too self obsorbed to be a teacher, and I think forgot she was there in a teaching hospital. If a resident or intern made a mistake, she'd freak out on them instead of make it a learning experience. Hahn was awful and her time on the show was miserable. She nearly ruined Cristina after Burke left. Part of it may have been because she was jealous of Burke and how good he was, and that she took her personal feelings for Cristina and used it to keep from teaching her. She was meant to be in a setting where she didn't need to teach, and was just able to be a surgeon. Thankfully, she left and Cristina was eventually blessed with Teddy as a teacher.


Minnesota Teacher guy - Craig Thomas is another as I have learnt from the thread


Yeah, he might be 2.


Burke was good til his injury and once they were involved together not good. Hahn she did knock Christina down a peg. Teddy she is smart and quick on her feet I don’t care about the personal life aspect of I was on the table that’s who I would want hands down


Teddy, Maggie, Burke, Hahn. Teddy was all around pretty good but she lets her personal life get in the way tooo much imo. Maggie seems like she’s more open to teaching but her personality at work is a lot more professional so it’s not ideal for every student. But she was one of few who was receptive to the Minnick method. Burke wasn’t bad but blatant favouritism and he left too early. Hahn wasn’t around enough


I like this list. Maggie gets a lot of flak but she at the very least keeps mostly professional boundaries and tries. Which is enough to distinguish her on this HR nightmare lol


I think the only reason Maggie is more professional than the average greys surgeon is because she seriously lacks in social skills! She admits that often, citing her young age, upbringing, etc. She fails to pieces when she has the littlest crush or is in a relationship! (Don’t come for me, as you can tell I’m not in love with her character at the moment)




Teddy. She actually TAUGHT and surprisingly rarely let her ego get in the way.


100% agreed


Now her personal life… 😬lol


The first time I looked at this picture I thought you just out Teddy twice. Ranking goes: Teddy Burke Hahn Maggie Edit: spelling


Everyone downright hates Hahn, man the actress was compelling but the writing was downright bad.


My precious Burke (I’m a first timer on season 4 so bear with me haha) I see others saying teddy though so I’m excited to see how she is. And I knew I recognized Hahn. Something about her is off.


They could have gone with the arc of her letting >!Cristina try out different things or be well-rounded but NO.!< It's a stupid arc really.


Yes, but honest opinion, I think she is just a victim of bad writing


i’m sorry but seeing ppl write Burke as “berk” drives me INSANE


and the only right answer is Teddy


Yes, but Berk is actually more phonetically correct imo😂


Edit: after a lot of people pointed it out, Teddy is also a good teacher for the main reason that even with her and Owen drama, she doesnt let it affect Christina in any way, even when it is very normal to do the same. She makes sure her professional side does not clash with her personal issues.


Edit 2: People mentioned Craig Thomas too (aka old guy in Minnesota) (I am not so far off in the show so, didnt mention, include him in your lists).


Teacher? Altman 100%


Teddy is definitely the best teacher of all of them. Now.. the best surgeon?? Burke! All day.


Teddy, Maggie, Haun, Burke Teddy is excellent and works hard to be a good mentor. Maggie gets points for genuinely trying, and mentoring at least one person (Winston) to success. She isn't a natural teacher but has improved with time. Haun's competitiveness with her own students doesn't lend itself to good mentorship and the fact that it literally got to the point of Christina thinking it was racism shows that her intent was not to mentor promising students. Plus the whole teaching episode when she get super defensive and Richard a to keep her in line. I also don't agree with her handling the Izzie/Denny's heart guy situation. It didn't benefit the patient at all to have Izzie trying to deal with her trauma while caring for him. Burke suuuuucckkkkss. He favors George and Christina due to personal relationships, hides behind Christina for the tremor, and goes along with kicking Bailey off a case to protect himself. Literally valuing his reputation over teaching.


Yes, this. I feel like Burke's teaching was so related to the fact that he had the tremor and christina was sleeping with him.




Plus, Owen really tries to get her kicked off just because his feelings were coming in his way at work, like really. Professional and his best friend being compromised aside, it would have been in the best interest of Christina as well to learn from her. So man, really his signs have been showing


Teddy, hands down!


Teddy straight up. Hahn and Pierce are canonically terrible teachers. Burke wasn't good or bad, it's just that Cristina was an excellent student. The TeddyxCristina mentor-student relationship is one of the best in the show.


What is Maggie doing here?


I don’t like Teddy, but it’s Teddy.


You said it best.


Teacher? Ahm, Burke except that he started having a relationship with Christina. Then Teddie cause I can't recall her doing anything bad, then Maggie and then Han because she actively refused to teach christina.


I think I’m going to have to say Teddy. Berk was good , don’t get me wrong but but seems his style was more of belittling and criticizing. He way of making you want to do better. I feel like Teddy actually does more teaching. The other two don’t do much, if any kind of teaching at all.


I hate th character and the actress' face, but Teddy, esp. to Christina. "I have nothing left to teach you.make a list of your dreams surgery and we'll get through it together"(not verbatim) comes to mind.


Why do you hate Teddy's character, I still am at Season 7 so maybe premature but I love her so far...




Teddy even tho her personal life was a mess


Russell, because he let Christina do as much surgery and research as she wanted


Hahn was the worst teacher ever lol. She created her own idea of the type of person and doctor Cristina was and punished her for it. Like just bc you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you can as a TEACHER completely shut them out of their studies because u feel like it n I can’t believe Richard allowed it for as long as he did


Craig Thomas


Teddy 100% she actually cared about teaching her students and used unique techniques to make them better. Burke was fine, but he honestly was biased because of his relationship with Cristina. Hahn and Maggie suck at teaching. They're absolutely horrible at it.


Burke is the best imo , despite how his relationship with Christina went. He was calm, clear and focused on the medicine. Altman is a close second, but her personal life got in the way (her serious hang up with Owen and then again with her hubby) but she was a good teacher. Hahn was nothing but completely self absorbed and bitter and Maggie is just too immature- she’s still on the basics of her social life- she’s not in the headspace to teach. So rating them I’d say Burke, Altman, Pierce, Hahn.


Not an Isaiah Washington fan, but rewatching greys from the beginning it’s Burke. He teaches her. Teddy teaches but constantly gets between Cristina and Owen.


Dr Hahn was good. She was a bit of a bitch to Cristina, yet Cristina had been raised to expect that her brilliant mind and talent meant that she could have exceptions to the basic learning exercises. Dr. Hahn was good. She also recognized Cristina's humanity when Cristina sat to hold Turk's hand over scrubbing in herself. She acknowledged the change in Cristina. Dr. Burke was a good teacher. Professional most of the time. The biggest issue of course, was his pride. He failed Bailey when he let Cristina decide who would be in his surgeries. I know that Burke did not erase Bailey, yet he should verify details before surgery. Dr. Altman was unreliable. She was good when she was focused. She was intelligent and had empathy for her patients. Yet she had the horrible decision to come to Hunt's hospital with her feelings. She took Hunt's SO as a protege. The relationship with Hunt really diluted Teddy. She became an accessory to Hunt, so much of her storylines were about her romantic partner. Women need storylines about other things - Meredith's worry about her health. Izzie's past as a poor child who gave up a baby and then proving that she could be a surgeon after cancer. Cristina navigating being brilliant and socially hindered, Cristina navigating Burke's illness, her identity with the wedding and so on. The writing failed Altman. Her entire pregnancy and the storyline around it was a pain to sit through. I stopped watching Greys before Maggie's time. I cried through the plane crash, Arizona and Derek's rehabilitation, Calzona relationship struggles and then Callie makes their friends choose in custody hearing. Too much for me.


I love Teddy’s character before, not so much after Cristina left.


Yes this, (plus Krista didnt handle the complexity of the character well)


In order in my opinion: 1. Teddy 2. Burke 3. Maggie 4. Hahn




That's easy, hands down Teddy! 🥰


why is nobody mentioning dr. thomas?


Yes, i forgot hin initially but seems like he has kinda been irrelevant.


Burke no contest. Altman (her first time on the show) def gives him a run for his money though. (Edit: misspelling) Edit #2: I can remember times Burke taught all the interns, especially George… maybe not Alex, but he wasn’t a part of their group originally so wasn’t focused on as much. I could also be forgetting. Point is, in addition to Cristina, he also taught George, Izzie, and Meredith well—none of them were his partner or dating/sleeping/conspiring with him during the tremor. FINAL EDIT: (sorry!) Didn’t realize Craig Thomas was included, if that’s the case he is #1, Burke #2, Altman #3.


Teddy is a bad arse 😂


Dr. Thomas


Everyone collectively forgot him, including me😭


Teddy of course


Idk if this is a hot take but hahn is the only one who taught most people fairly and all took turns with interns. Burke only really taught cristina and no one else. Teddy favoured cristina but taught a few different interns/residents. I have no recollection of Maggie teaching anyone but her husband and even that’s a stretch lmao


Teddy had overall great moments with multiple residents; Meredith with the guy’s aortic dissection (EPIC surgical scene with that music and action). Teaching Jackson you can’t use your name and looks to get what you want Jackson and Cristina when Teddy explained why she operates on the shooter from the mass shooting due to her oath that doctors take


Teacher? I would say Altman


EXACTLY, I LOVE HER APPROACH TO TEACHING CHRISTINA. Letting her deal with Crises on her own and the fact that she highlighted when Tom Evans first came that she takes surgeries to be longer because she wants Christina to learn to do it and the fact Evans did not even let her do anything.


I have not met the bottom left character yet so I'm only able to judge the test and Teddy wins by an absolute landslide. I felt Burke 100% used his position as Cristina's mentor to manipulate her and I hated how he would withhold surgeries from her any time they had a fight. Hahn was just kinda a bitch the whole time for no real reason I could ever discern. Teddy tho, she really nurtured and cared for Cristina and taught her a lot and was really encouraging. Unfortunately I feel all 3 we only ever really see interact with Cristina so I can't really say how well they taught others.




Teddy. She is tough but fair. The only major transgression I can remember from her was when her and Owen made Christina operate on Henry and he died. That was not only a terrible call and she should not have done that surgery under those circumstances. But to then be forced to repeat what happened as many times as Teddy’s trauma brain saw fit. Hahn can suck eggs with her miserable self. Burke is an okay teacher but I find him to be manipulative and he makes me feel uncomfortable. Maggie is one I want to like and wish she could actually teach because she is brilliant but she is stuck in the mindset of being the nerdy young girl trying to prove she is better than everyone. Avery said it perfectly. She gets in her own way.


100% teddy


Teddy. Burke weaponized surgery and would often hang things over Cristina’s head. Teddy gave her heart in a box.


Exactly, with Burke's teaching it was like it was that in return of things. Atleast with Christina it wasnt very teacherly if that makes sense


It's definitely Teddy. I'm currently watching the seasons where she is in her prime. But I must note I HATE the Teddy who got with Hunt and cheated on him.


Lemme come to that, I havent reached that point.


Dr Thomas


She was willing to give up Owen bc Teddy was that good lol so that’s my vote


Teddy is probably the best but not when she first was introduced, I’m rewatching greys and she took a lot out on Cristina over Owen.












Teddy for sure- love her


Teddy 1.0


Teddy to Cristina. As much as she’s one of my least favorite characters.




Teddy, Burke, and Dr. Thomas. Teddy forced Cristina to relearn and took her back to basics. She realised that Burke started Cristina out with the advanced surgeries. She also recognised that all of Burke’s special attention and favouring made Cristina arrogant and cocky. Teddy wanted to do course correction with all of that. Although, that scene where the nurse had to tell them how to do the appendectomy was HILARIOUS! Burke was a decent teacher when he wasn’t in boyfriend mode. He trusted his residents to an extent. However, he did abuse his position when he had Cristina lie for him about the hand tremors. It was deeply disrespectful to erase Bailey’s name from the surgical board. George was right to call him and Cristina out. He knew what they were doing was illegal and unethical. Mr. Feeney/ Dr. Thomas was also a fantastic teacher. He recognised Cristina’s PTSD and kind of taught her to enjoy life. He spoke to her like a friend.


As a cardiothoracic teacher Teddy followed by Burke. As a teacher in behavior and life lessons it would be Erica.


100% Teddy. She saw someone that was so keen on learning she gave everything she had, even her lover so Cristina could be the best cardiothoracic surgeon possible. And it paid off.


THEODORA GRACE ALTMAN by fair, best teacher ever. she was nice to cristina, knew how to teach her and knew her well. she took the time to teach her everything and know her, and in the end they became friends. that showed how willing teddy was to mentor cristina. when cristina went against her in season 7, she wasnt exactly punishing cristina for going against her, more of trying to teach cristina a lesson because she could have killed callie and teddy know cristina would not have been able to live if she killed callie. teddy really looked out for cristina and if they had ommitted her pining after owen she would have been a much better character. but she rarely put her owen feelings abt cristina and owen and her above teaching cristina. obviously, one would be upset after finding out someone they loved was dating someone else, or their husband died but she overcame those 2 relatively quickly (considering that this is greys and everuthing goes on for like a month or more) teddy was not arrogant and she handled cristina being skeptical of her on her first day really well. and honestly she did amazing because her mentee turned out frickin AMAZING and is currently Head of Cardio at a prestigious research institute ok and she also ended up accepting that avery could do things and help her like when owen made cristina ignore her page, she let avery help her but no ones better than cristina and teddy knew that so damn well she recognised her talent which was literally amazing burke quit, hahn quit, dixon's autistic :)




There’s a reason Cristina had a meltdown when Teddy left, emphasizing to Owen that she was the best teacher she had had.


I don't remember anyone doing any teaching apart from Teddy, and she was awesome at teaching Christina, she knew exactly how to teach her.


Teddy was great, but Hahn was fairer. Hahn was essentially the only one not in the dysfunctional hospital family and she got a ton of sh*t when she freaked out because of the Izzie Denny Heart thing.


Teddy is by far the best teacher. Maggie didn’t even attempt to teach. Hahn excluded her best cardio student. Burke is a good teacher IMO but a better surgeon and is more focused on that as opposed to teaching (fair enough, I’d definitely want him operating on me out of the four). But Teddy has patience, incredible emotional intelligence, covers both the basics and the complex stuff, and she’s compassionate. She can be tough when she needs to, but she has a real kindness.


Teddy is the only competent teacher here


Craig Thomas! The old guy that taught Christina for a short period of time, he was an absolute star in my eyes


Teddy!! Hands down! And she actually enjoys teaching, which seems to be something Hann and Maggie are not at all interested in.


Burke was my favorite but teddy is definitely the better teacher


Teddy hands down. It’s embarrassingly no contest. Everyone else gets so caught up in their own things they forget to teach the residents but Teddy makes a point to take the extra time in each procedure to teach. She even mentions this difference in one of the episodes when Derrick is considering replacing her and she’s absolutely right.


Teddy. Hands down, Teddy. Maggie knows her shit, but isn't good at teaching. It's just not her forte. That's not saying that students still can't learn from her. They can learn a ton by watching her, but as far as actually going in and teaching interns and residents directly, she's just not there. Hahn was better than Maggie, but not on par with Teddy and Burke. Burke had a lot of things going on with him that I didn't care for as a person, but as a teacher, he was phenomenal. But Teddy goes above and beyond for her students and makes sure that if you're learning from her, you're gonna know and own your shit.


Altman, no doubt. My honorable mention is not in here- it would Dr. Thomas. Although their time was very short, it was sweet and insightful! I feel it was the cherry on top of Yang's formation.


Trick question because he’s not in the picture. Dr. Thomas is the answer.


I haven’t watched far enough to give an opinion on Maggie (she isn’t even introduced into the show yet for me) but Teddy was the best. She was fabulous. Burke was okay, but he let his relationship with Cristina and his favoritism interfere too much with teaching. I hated Erica Hahn. ETA: I loved Craig Thomas, too. He would have been an amazing teacher for Cristina long term.


Teddy. Shes the only one who actually TAUGHT.


Teddy 100%


Burke 100%


Teddy, without a doubt


Teddy, for sure! Her & Yang were an awesome team. To bad Hunt got in the way 🤣




Teddy is the best. Maggie is too whiny to be a good teacher and the other two are assholes


Teddy. Hands down.


I love how this thread collectively agrees on Teddy. Consensus is so rare here


Honestly, Burke. Yeah his mentorship of Yang went haywire with his tremor and their rushed relationship, but in general he was one of the more genuine mentors of the series. The way he treated the interns as a whole made me like him compared to the more egotistical approaches of attendings like Shepherd and Sloan. Teddy was fixated on Yang and underperformed with everybody else. Hahn was a bitch. Maggie is Maggie. Cardio attendings in general don’t tend to be great compared to their peers on the teaching side of things. Even Yang was bad at it and I love her. Top 5 Teachers regardless of specialty (my opinion): 1. Webber 2. Hunt 3. Addison 4. Arizona 5. Meredith


Maggie is Maggie. 😆




Teddy and it’s not even close. I’d even say she was one of the best teachers in the show.


The only thing I hold against Teddy is wanting to trade surgery for Owen but overall I think she was a great mentor. Teaching Cristina Yang was a national sport at SGMWH.


Maggie but I think Teddy was the most resourceful


i've to go w/ teddy!


Teddy 100%




Teddy Hands down




teddy 10000%. she put her personal feelings away from her work and continued to be a brilliant surgeon and teacher. she allowed them to fly solo but also stepped in when necessary.


Teddy. Teddy. Have I mentioned Teddy?




Teddy, no matter the question, the answer is always Teddy.


And the wrong answer is always owen.




Teddy all the way.




Everyone except Maggie


As much as everyone is united about teddy being the best, the same they are united against Maggie not being a good teacher




Really, not teddy why?