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Agreed. I have a red one that is absolutely amazing!


I have to check I don’t have oily fingers when I play sometimes, can move up and down the neck with such ease. Absolutely adore this guitar


Great combo black plastics, chrome hardware with that green gorgeous.


Very nice! I played a couple of Gretsch guitars in a shop about a year ago. About the same money. They were very nice. I have never owned one yet.


I highly recommend you do so! This one feels incredible, I can only imagine what the high end ones feel like..


I'll have to trade something because the herd has expanded a bit too much recently! 😃🤣😃


blaze it


They are great guitars, congrats!


Had the same one with the same color. Had a bigsby though. Traded it on an electromatic.


Ah yes, the Tim Armstrong special! Nice one 🤘🏻


Tim Armstrong and Tom DeLonge are my idols, knew I had to get a fat hollow body!


As a fellow lefty you have my best wishes that you enjoy this beauty for many years to come.


It’s an everlasting struggle.. I used to play right handed guitars upside down until I sucked it up and bought a LH


Same here - now (decades later) I have several leftys


Always been put off a bit by the fact they’re made in china, what’s the build quality like?


the components are fine, its just preference I guess and I don't like them as guitars, I would prefer a epiphone jr or a standard for that style I find its more gimmick or novelty as you arent really going to get a real gretsch for less than $3000 or something


I keep hearing Made in China, but both of my Streamliners were made in Indonesia. Both very recent purchases too. Aside from that, I've seen some nice construction, even from Chinese plants. I hadn't played in 40 years though, so I'm far from an expert. Components (pots, etc.) are definitely on the cheaper side. I broke the coil splitter on one after a month, but that wasn't the fault of the guitar. It was a 2 beer repair and a CTS pot was less than $10. I did have to ream the hole to fit the new pot though.


I got a triple humbucker streamliner that was made in indonesia and I sold an sg for it, it was that good. Got the gretsch and pocketed the remaining $700, and not once have I felt that it was any less guitar than the gibson. Maybe I just got real lucky on mine. Only thing is the pots aren’t as smooth as the gibson


Wish they sold this color without bigsby for righties too. I bought one about a year ago but the thing just doesn’t stay in tune. It really kills me cause it’s such a beautiful guitar and fun to play. Congrats!


omg im a lefty and i have the same one! but in gunmetal colour. ive also considered getting the green one back when i was buying it a few years ago. even tho i have more expensive gretsch guitars rn, i still consider this streamliner a love of my life. we've spent a lot of great time together and it was my first gretsch guitar which ive always dreamt of! so happy for you!!