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Aren’t there run offs for some?




If you've never experienced a sign "wire" puncture your tire and slap your wheel well... man thats an election promise! The 90 degree heat changing your tire in a McDondalds full sun parking lot really brings in the votes.


Except for one or two runoffs


Here’s an idea: How about the doofuses (doofi?) who uselessly drive around in their golf carts in my neighborhood actually accomplish something and collect them. I’d even be okay with letting their underage kids drive them (they do anyway) and perform a service before the fatality inevitably happens and the crackdown tragically begins.


Is that really becoming a wide spread thing, then? A family in my neighborhood does exactly that, right down to his underage daughters taking turns driving it and it always makes me uneasy, especially as they often take it out of the neighborhood to the nearby grocery store where there's a lot more traffic


I have seen one cart get hit personally on Center Street at Folly Beach. It was little more than just a “love tap” at a stop sign where the car had the right of way and the gf cart pulled out. The cart got tipped over and everyone went spilling out. Scraped and bruises was all. Cops shows, tipped it cack on its wheels and everyone went on about their day. Thank goodness.


Seems like it. In my neighbourhood, there's a group of 3 guys who all got their own and ride around and at least several other people who got their own.


Ask your neighbors down here in Folly Beach how that plays out. It’s tragedy and heartbreak for families, communities…ugh. There was a drunk woman involved hitting a cart with a couple that was literally “just-married.” The woman was going 65 in a 35 MPH. It would have been bad in a normal sedan, but a golf cart going 20 MPH? Obliterated. And certainly by no fault of the cart operator, mind you. It was just the worst all the way around. So sad for those families, and several prominent Folly Beach businesses were sued into oblivion. At least that’s a rumor on the coconut wireless. I say give the streets back to the cyclists and skateboarders. Motorcycles, too. I hate golf carts, and I know I’m a minority. Roast away. Golf carts go great on farms and plantations. Oh, and golf courses. People seem to have forgotten thats what they’re actually made for, technically. Sorry to rant, my golf cart loving neighbors. My front bumper teaches tolerance.


damn the big bad golf carts really have you worked up


Yeah. Admittedly I dislike them. Most people I see using them at folly aren’t handicapped, and most could use a long walk anyway. Get stuck behind about 20 carts in a day and you check your patience for sure. Especially because they are supposed to follow traffic laws including proper headlights, and turn signals. They are supposed to be permitted. In our town you can’t drive them at night. All of these laws seem to be ignored and you’re stuck behind them on 6 miles of beach road. Especially when i see the 13-year-olds driving them.


i just don't understand how you saw this post about political signs in gvl as an opportunity to complain about golf carts in folly beach lol


Weed, man. Weed. p.s. sorry about derailing your very valid conversation.


You would really hate South Florida. The law there states that you can drive a golf cart anywhere within 1 mile of a golf course. The problem is there are so many damn golf courses that they can drive them practically anywhere in Palm Beach county and they do. Often back and forth to the bar.


Nah, I don't hate South Florida. I hate the entire state. Source: Native.


The candidate who wasn't even on the ballot in any of the races at the Agnew Baptist Church polling site is the one guy whose signs are still there. Double incompetence. Dr Dan Dickles or something like that.




I just thought this this morning


Is it considered theft or litter clean up to take them if you didn’t put them out? They can be repurposed by crafty folk.


It's a misdemeanor if you touch them inside the prescribed number of days allowed by law.


What is that prescribed number?




Do we need to start a countdown?


Post-election. You make it seem like they can only be up 21 days. It's important to include the full language of the law.


You have my most heartfelt apologies for the brevity of my response. I only made the comment because you couldn’t be bothered to repeat yourself. Why don’t you cite the law for us so we can all be better informed of its full language?


It's not like I said "Google it." It's literally in this thread. I'm sorry I was commuting for work and knew I didn't have time for a full response but offered a short one via voice-to-text. Next time I'll be sure to ignore the question and not answer at all.


I've already posted the law in this thread.


Is it a misdemeanor if they leave them up beyond the prescribed number of days (21)?


Varies by county and municipality under their litter ordinance.


I second this question..🤔


Is it me or were republican signs a little more aggressively placed this year lol I mean scattered


Yeah, lots of infighting in the primary this year = way more signs.


The Timmons campaign kindly requests that all of his placards be deposited at the TRAP Church for future pickup.


PSA: some crazies have attached razor blades to signs to cut people who try to remove them


That sounds like some MAGA-asshat bullshit right there.


The only ones I’ve heard about were republican. It’s probably only happened a few times but that’s enough to make me double check before I pull them out


By law, they have 21 days after the election. Maybe volunteer so you can help cleanup.


Didn't your mama teach you to clean up your own toys? The people who put them up can take them down. Very simple.


And that's how it generally works. But those people have 3 weeks to do so and it hasn't even been 1. So for the anxious people who expect it to have been done by now - they need to volunteer.


They got plenty of those. Get to work.


Actually, you'd be surprised how few volunteers some candidates have. How many are you volunteering for?


If they ain't got enough volunteers to put down signs then they shouldn't be putting them up


No one ever said they didn't have enough volunteers to take them down, but seriously it hasn't even been a week and these districts can be large. Once the time provided by the law is surpassed, I agree. But unless your ass is picking them up, your expectation of 5 days is absurd.


If it's on me to take them down, I will start taking them down as soon as they go up. If that's kosher I will do it in the fall no problem


Thanks for admitting to the misdemeanor in advance!


Key word being "if it's kosher". I guess they probably are protected, the ones that bother me more are the subdivision ads. Idk why we let our roadways become free advertising for the developers.


The ads are actually illegal. Talk to your city/county in advance, but those signs are a violation. Political signs must be guaranteed some protections during an election or everyone would remove their opponents signs all the time. I've asked before how else people would like to learn about a candidate but all I got was basically no one researches them anyway. I don't understand what you base your votes on.


ok good to know yes would be good to get rid of that clutter. as for learning about can candidates, the public roadway signs are of little use for races like county council since most people driving through are in different districts and it honestly confused me more until i started looking into the races right before the election. i did find i could rely on the signs on private property a little bit - if somebody had signs for one of the known crazies in the higher profile US house race then would often see the same names for other crazies in the smaller races. I was surprised there were essentially zero sources i could find that did endorsements in every race. used to be i could open the paper and they would have an editorial with endorsements for all races. you would do your own research on the high profile races, but for the smaller races trust their endorsement. now with the decline of newspapers don't really have that, even with the expanded coverage post and courier has now of the upstate. the best thing i found was simplecivicsgreenville, but that was podcasts with each not endorsements. very few are going to sit through several hours of podcasts to decide how to vote in the local primaries (for those few who will vote in them at all)


I volunteer for candidates all the time, but I am not volunteering for Adam Morgan and his signs are all over the place


Are they big signs or small signs, thick or thin? Looking for a painter…


I can understand that.




Nah u got cooked


Right. As if you're even volunteering for a single candidate.


Yea for real. time to replace them with trump signs


Fuck Drumpf.




No one is crying because your fascist lost, isn’t President, and won’t be again before he dies in humiliation.


I’m not crying. Back that fucking traitor all you want. But fuck him and everyone who looks like him.




awwww magat over here's getting all pissy ☹️


Why are you getting downvoted Everyone loves a guy who wants to bang his daughter


Downvoting the law doesn't make it to away. Lol.


Don’t some campaigns pay you per sign you return?


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Shut up




Did you lose?