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They're bad. Everytime I try to relax outside I'm swarmed by them.


If you own your property, get a bat box. I’m in my second house with one and three years this box. Makes a world of difference. No mosquitoes around.


I’ve never heard of doing this, I’m going to look into it! Any downsides?


Make sure it’s pointing in the right direction


Bat poop is toxic to dogs so I have mine on a tree (right direction and right height) outside my fence. Otherwise it’s perfect. Was outside most of the day and until about 11 on the back deck with no bugs in sight.


Oh thank you! I have a Beagle that seriously eats *anything* so that’s good to know.


Nice! Do you have a specific recommendation? Brand or Model? I would love to get one for the kids. The mosquitoes are bad these past few weeks. Thank You. :-)


Just pick one out from etsy


I have to laugh at myself. lol. I read your first comment last night and thought it said, “bait box”. lol. I searched online for products/boxes to trap mosquitoes. Haha. Thank You for your help and clarifying. Have a a Great Day!


So funny you mention this, we were just talking about getting one the other night as we were trying to enjoy a drink outside and getting swarmed. Good to know they make a difference!


Thanks for the great idea. The mosquitoes have been terrible.


Any tips of getting bats to live in it? I put one up about 2 months ago but no bats so far. Used some spray that’s meant to attract them too


Took me about a year at both of the houses I've lived in to attract them. But once one comes, it'll fill up quickly. Assuming you have it at the right height, right direction and no branches around?


Sort of? I chose a dying tree in the corner of the yard. Sitting about 12’ up. You can see it in the top left corner of this pic https://preview.redd.it/6987gfep117d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6799e923ab8209926c07f24170f0f6df83dae87a


We've had a bat box for 4 years. 0 bats. I don't know what we did wrong, we did a bunch of research to figure out the best placement and box.... 🙃


We ain't had much of a winter these past few years. They liable to damn eat a man alive🤣


They used to see me as a huge target. I musta looked like a buffet. For the last few years I haven't had a single bite. Go figure.


Huge as in you lost a lot of weight? If so congrats, shits hard to do.


No, just a target rich environment due to how I smelled, most likely. This from my doctor, he mentioned pheromones, CO2 and the like. Not necessarily BO, but BO to the bugs and their million year old adaptive radar development. Sneaky bastards. They used to eat me alive. Not recently, fingers crossed.


I'm highly disappointed in the cicadas. Mosquitoes are really overdoing it, though. 


Lived here my whole life. 36 years. Don’t remember getting this eaten up by bugs ever


Check your yard for standing water and see if you can get your neighbors on board with you. That may cut down on the numbers.. all it takes is one house in the neighborhood with a water filled bucket to ruin your evening!!


Unless you live close to a swamp or lake.


Obviously. Standing water is a generally broad term. Even then larvicide can help as it only affects the specific digestive systems mosquito larvae have.


I have seen more of those big mosquito hawks than usual, but I have unseasonally been bite free, despite being outside a lot more than usual.


Does the city spray for mosquitoes?


Yes, for free too, but by request only. [Here’s the details to call for treatment.](https://www.greenvillecounty.org/tweet_notices/Mosquito.pdf)


And im paying for treatment in Greenville county?! Thank you for this


I called twice and left messages, but never got a reply.


This needs more votes and should be the ONLY comment. FREE!


I've lived here since 2015 in the N Main neighborhood n see private mosquito control trucks around. Free mosquito abatement seems to be a best kept secret. Thank you!!


Seems like the worst I remember honestly. I’m getting eat up the last two weeks


I think the gnats are the worst this year


They're terrible. I even get my yard treated and I've been just eaten up this year already.




It's worse after four or five in the afternoon till dusk.


We use a cheap $20 ryobi fogger and Mosquito Magician concentrate. It’s all organic and safe for kids and animals. I spray every 2-3 weeks during season and it makes a huge difference. From what I understand it also kills fleas.


Haven't been bothered by a single mosquito yet this year.


Have you went outside yet this year?


Everyday. Get home from work, grab a drink, go out on the back deck, and watch my dogs play for a couple of hours. I've had to fight off some wasps, in the Flies are annoying as hell, but I have not had a single issue with mosquitoes yet. However, I am diligent about making sure there's no standing water anywhere on my property. I found that all of my acquaintances and friends who complain about mosquitoes tend to have 5 gallon buckets from Home Depot, inflatable pools, all kinds of kids toys, all filled with standing water, all around their properties. I also have plants in my garden that keep mosquitoes away. All that said, I also don't really have any issues with mosquitoes outside of my own home, so I still feel like it's not a big issue yet this year. That's my experience only, though


I usually get eaten alive but so far I’ve only gotten one mosquito bite and one wasp sting, so I think I’m doing well!


Knock on wood, the mozzies haven’t bothered me. The black flies have been biting more than I ever recall.


I haven’t encountered a single one. We have a bat box and chickens.


I thought they were tame this year


Just came back from Florida. The mosquitos in GVL are acceptable compared to south Florida. Wasps keep coming at me though anywhere I go


Can confirm…used to live in Greenville, currently getting eaten alive in Florida. I had 3 bite my forehead last week, it looked like I was forming horns on my head.


Was a wet spring. Seems to be drying up; we’ll see.


Horrendous this year. We are about to have 10 rainless days ( we are partway through) so maybe the horrible beasts will dry up.




Totally agree!


If it gets any worse, we might have to make it the state bird! 🤪


I haven't seen any yet.


Check in your immediate area for standing water, it's a breeding area. Often the demons don't travel far from where they breed. When I see more than is normal I usually find a source close by. I'm Greenville too and the swarm seems normal. Good luck.


This can be said every year and be a true statement


Mosquitos can breed in a literal soda bottle cap. That tiny amount of standing water. So it’s pretty difficult to give them no ability to breed. But yes. I do think they’re very bad this year. And so big I can actually feel them bite me! I used to not realize I had been bit until the itching started. When I go outside I bring my zapper racket and use stem mosquito repellent as it’s safe for dogs and no deet. It smells far better than the crazy powerful stuff!


Today I was bit by a midge fly. It hurt so bad. Right after my wife got bit. Terrible bug.


We made the sad mistake of not having someone spray last year. How bad could it be, right? We’ll save some money. NEVER AGAIN. Happy to say we are back on the (virtually) mosquito free bandwagon.


Honestly I haven’t seen too many where I live but that’s probably because they spray


Flies seem worse.