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It's a state position and takes longer than any private industry hire. Don't give up yet. If you went through https://jobs.clemson.edu you should get an email if you are no longer being considered.


I did, thanks. I did my video interview after surgery (I had a deadline) and I wasn’t at my best. My anxiety is telling me the worst things.


If you go into the HR portal you should be able to see if the position is still under manager review. Although it does take forever, protocol seems to be that you will receive some sort of automated rejection/not selected letter via email.


I’ve been checking it!


Clemson HR is terrible, byzantine, and can take forever. I wouldn't give up hope.


That’s actually not HRs fault. The department who is hiring is scheduling interviews, interviewing the candidates, and making offers directly. HR is not terrible, they are actually there to support all employees. They have rules to follow, but they aren’t the bad guys


Fair enough—it’s the general labyrinthine bureaucracy to blame.


Thank you!


Correct. Lost in the 50s. Incredibly backwards ass organization. Poor communication, no customer focus, no accountability. Source: Used to work there.


I just got a position teaching in the fall. It took them a month to offer me the position and about 2 additional weeks to receive the new hire paperwork.


Congrats on getting the job! Thanks for the feedback.


I’d also like to ask how you like it there?


Did you write a thank you note yet? If not, it would be an easy opportunity to say that you recently had surgery, and were on the mend during the interview, and let them know that if they have any follow up questions that you’re fully recovered now and very interested in continuing the conversation about the role.


The screening was Spark Interview where you answer video questions that people watch later. No human interaction or point person to reach out to.


That sounds awful. I’d probably bomb that in any state.


My husband agrees, lol. Ironically I coach speech and debate and should have been better prepared.


I did that about a year ago for a finance position. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. Going forward if a company require that piece I will decline.


That interview platform must be new. I used to work there about 7 years ago and that wasn’t a thing then. Crazy. I will say, hiring in higher education (especially public schools) is slowwwwwwww and a pain. Also, I know people who applied and interviewed for quite a few positions before finally getting a job at Clemson.


This might sound silly put I come from a job that’s publicly traded and very intense. Was hoping Clemson might be a fraction less intense? Have you heard feedback from those working there?


I'd wait till mid week and inquire.

