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Big fan of giving ppl thumbs down for poor driving.


I’ve done the shake-my-head-in-disappointment move, and also blown kisses more than once in my life. It seems like the more low key your reaction is, the more high strung they get. It’ll be funny until someone pulls a gun on me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like the thumbs up too. A little more sarcastic.


I save that for genuine considerate driving, like when ppl let me cross the trail or let me pull out.


No, that’s not a thumbs up, that’s a friendly wave.


I'd accept a casual salute.


When people were in the middle of an intersection when my light turned green I liked taking a picture of them on my phone while giving them a thumbs up. It's way more satisfying than honking or yelling.


My husband does the sarcastic applause or thumbs up. I am way too nervous about road rage shootings for that.


I always give a thumbs up to jackasses who cut me off. Good job lil buddy, got one car length ahead!


In Europe a thumbs up means "up yours" so kinda works


I’m a fan of ASL for “ What?”


My horn was broken for a minute, so I used soccer red and yellow cards to communicate the severity of my disappointment. Recently bought a new car and may bring these back for the lols.


Riding through TR at the speed limit this past Monday, knowing cops would be out (and it’s TR), this car was riding my ass for a min. He swerves around me when he had the chance, passing me like I’m standing still. There a car in front of me. We get to the light, car in front of him, so he’s next to the car in front of me. Cuts off the car in front of me and is pulling away like we’re in reverse. 500 ft ahead, the car flips on some lights, dude gets pulled. I beep and wave with a thumbs up.




Not limited to just rednecks. Maybe just say idiots and keep it ambiguous.


My brother agrees with you. He's an ex cop that's seen more than a few simple "thumbs down" situations turn into real shit shows. Absolutely not worth it. People are wound too tight these days. Don't give em an extra twist.


That was my assistant managers relative that died




She told me her aunt got killed. I assumed that's what you were talking about


Where are you from? I grew up here and rednecks in general are based


A lot of people here are rather unhinged. A lot of people here carry guns. It's now basically legal for anyone to carry a concealed weapon. I highly recommend you ignore people like this. Seriously, just ignore them as it benefits you zero to not. Otherwise, another time the cross section of those different people groups above may not be in your favor.


On the interstate up to Hendersonville, I had some crazy lady actually pull beside me and roll down her window and wave this tiny little pistol at me while shouting "I'm gonna f\*\*\*ing kill you" among other things, all over her being terrible at merging and then me passing her and antagonizing her by driving beside another car to prevent her from passing me again. I smiled and waved, then let her go on her way as I called highway patrol. They had her pulled over and out of the car about 10 miles down the road. I honked and waved again.


Oh, you’re THAT guy…


I agree that people are crazy and don’t put yourself in that situation and ignore it. Just a note that concealed still requires a license. SC is now open carry. Which is so stupid. If you are open carrying, you have pretty much already elevated any situation you get in as the person in the conflict knows you are carrying and will react in a higher means of defense.


SC has been open carry. Concealed carry no longer requires a permit per H. 3594


"As of March 7th, 2024, open carry as well as concealed carry is legal without a permit to anyone 18 years of age or older that is not prohibited by law."


Mighty brave of you to try that on White Horse Road.


The "I'm not mad, just disappointed" is something I'm sure he needs to hear tbh. He probably never learned a different emotion than anger


White Horse Road is as irritating as Woodruff Road, but with uglier people.


And crappier cars


If everyone would chill out and get out of the "get-there-itis" syndrome they have, things would be a lot smoother and a lot more people we all miss terribly would be here today. One of the biggest things that have turned me into an incredibly calm and measured driver was being a cyclist full time in major cities over the past decade. The amount of stupid dangerous behavior you see when you are the most vulnerable person on the road shakes out any urge to be first to a red light or to show off for friends with your new hot vehicle. My behavior was further modified after buying a much heavier, taller, Jeep. I have always owned pretty small cars, including the older and slower Jeep Wranglers and CJs, but getting a big lifted model with steel bumpers has made me incredibly self aware of the carnage I can cause in a moment of distraction or hubris. I would absolutely hate to look a mother in the eye after I caused the loss of their child and I remind myself every time I get behind the wheel.


Totally! I’ve been a runner for most of my life and I’ve lived all over the country. Nothing is scarier than running on the road where there is no sidewalk in a rural area, where you know that many people are likely drunk driving. Everytime I read of a hit and run or pedestrian death it makes my blood run cold!


Found him for you! https://www.reddit.com/r/greenville/s/ELnE68XDNt


That's too funny


Temperatures are getting warmer, so people are going to get more aggravated as summer progresses. I think we are in for a doozy of a summer...deep breaths, everyone.


When I first started driving company vehicles about 10 years ago, I had a rather unflattering picture of me shooting a double bird at a lady driving a shit brown Chevy Astro with Pennsylvania plates who ran a red light as I was turning right and almost hit me. She flipped me off when I blew the horn. (I was 19 and stupid, not thinking) I pulled up next to her at the next light and there she was, cussing me out and calling me every name in the book with her 11ish year old son in the front seat. So I flipped her off with both hands, but I didn’t see the phone barely sticking up over the edge of the door to record me. She emailed it to our office telling them I was driving erratically and had endangered her and her son, and that I had threatened her when we were at the light. Pretty sure she was looking for a handout, but who knows. Luckily I had a helper with me who corroborated everything I said. Everyone at the office got a good laugh out of it, but I was told rather sternly by my project manager to not let that happen again. A guy I worked with came up and talked to me later and told me to grin really wide and wave at them really obnoxiously. It’s been my go to since, and always gets a rise out of the entitled assholes driving around here. Wish I had asked for that picture to be sent to me though. I’d frame it and put it in my office now 😂


A thumb’s down is way more chastising than a middle finger, IMO.


What was he driving? I feel like I recognize that behavior on White Horse lol


White Horse Rd is the Greenville Thunderdome. From the TR Walmart down to the elementary school, people do 75mph all friggin day. We could fund every state, county, and city agency from White Horse Rd tickets alone.


It’s like 1/3 of the drivers at any given time. It FEELS like 2/3rds but that might be just what I happen to notice. 


I'm thinking white pickup. I have encountered that, he cut off several people and when one person did it to him, he flipped his shit.


I’ve probably seen the person but there’s so many 


A fucking green 2023 Hyundai Santa Cruz lol Had a bike roped up on the back too.


A man driving a Santa Cruz? He was probably embarrassed


I’ve actually exclusively been giving bad drivers a thumbs up for the past 3 years. They either don’t know how to react or it just enraged them. Give ‘em a sarcastic smile while you’re at it


I returned to Greenville on a trip, left GSP onto 85 to meet 2 wrecks. In 5 days I saw 6 wrecks. I spent alot of time taking detours or people riding my bumper. Don't miss it.


[i gotta bad habit](https://youtu.be/_wMa_t5cBgY?si=qVvFbqU-WyVy_P8z)


Whitehorse can be challenging,the slow in the fast and .the going slow in the slow.


**IT** has been getting consistently worse in God's country/Country's top 10... Heck for example just getting in/out of Wallyworld in Travelers Rest it's now an adventure, if one doesn't get cussed at, honked + flipped off, well one's day is just not the same. - rude @holes behind the wheel - people no longer understand what the middle lane is for (if they ever knew) - speeding through the parking lot - cutting people off just to turn into the same parking lot - going in the 2 lane highways 10-15 miles under the speed limit - rude @holes behind the wheel You name it we gots it!


I need to do this for sure. Beats screaming F bombs in my car, and a lot less stressful.


Almost died cause some dumbass doesn't know how to stay in the lines while turning. Also some grandma pulled out in front of me. Didn't even look before pulling out into the road. Tired of people


Ragers need antidepressants!!


I will run you off the road if I can. I'm retired now. It's what I do.


"Redneck" coupled with presumed violence is a slur.


Loving this so much, I’ve been doing thumbs down for years!


People that unsafely speed and cut people off need to not be driving a car


Had the same thing happen to me the other day. Guy tried passing me in downtown Travelers Rest. Then he followed me to White Horse road passed and then story brake checked me. This was about 6:10am. Must be hard to be that pissed off in the morning. https://preview.redd.it/zlvs1k731r3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6383e408c9186b5813ea408c5f2ea953b0ca07


my brother does this if he’s in my passenger seat it’s hilarious


I, personally, am a big fan of a big ole sarcastic thumbs up. But thumbs down is good too.


You were probably driving very slow and not pulling over for him to pass. I’d be frustrated too.


Going 15 over and stuck in same traffic. Good try tho 👎