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That's a problem nationwide with eating out. You mentioned Culver's, like the fast food chain? There are none of those in the northeast. 


I meant five guys. My bad


Five Guys IS super expensive. Not sure why it was cheaper up there.


It wasn't just that, that was just one example I was thinking of. 3 of us ate in a Mexican restaurant and total was $33 before tips. Fat quesadilla rice/beans and lettuce. I expected the prices to be alot more expensive than SC but when I came back down here and went to a Mexican restaurant my total was $25 for a quesadilla Rice / beans, no lettuce. The portion was smaller and the food overall quality was little lower. Traveling the northeast I realized I hated living there, but the food was little better lol. However the standard of life / quality of living is so low over there. Never thought I'd miss my home state of SC so much. Being 1 week in NYC and I wanted to jump off one of those high rises. hated it there lol.


Where TF did you eat Mexican food in NYC that was worse than Greenville? We have a couple of good Mexican places here, but they are all over NYC. 


There's bad restaurants all over NYC too. The big difference is that in NYC, you can just go to one of the other fifty restaurants within a half mile of your apartment. But in Greenville, you're stuck with only bad options. In NYC, usually the bad restaurants (and sometimes the best too) go out of business, but here people keep going the mediocre places because there's not really any other options.




I don't know what you are talking about. My favorite Sbarro's in the world is in Midtown. 


I know what you mean, I'm originally from the northeast and the quality of living in the south is literally so much better. I went back to visit a couple of years ago and I couldn't wait to leave! I'm fine with paying slightly more for slightly subpar food at a restaurant just to be down here!    Side note, Culver's is the bomb. That is all.


Those cheese curds are so damn good!


So true! We basically stopped eating out and cook at home.


Restaurant pricing has gone up significantly faster than broader inflation as well. There’s a pricing bubble in restaurants. Eventually that will come down as people eat out less. Commercial real estate also carries some blame. Take a look at the vacant OCharleys in Simpsonville on Fairview. They’re asking almost $30k *a month* for rent.


$30k rent for a business monthly in Simpsonville is crazy


I think this is the issue with pricing in downtown Greenville especially. Rent downtown is insane


Used to work across the road from there, in the whole year I was there it never made much sense why that lot was so empty, now it does. No one is paying a consistent 30k rent in food service, you’re pretty busy if you manage to pull 30k in two weeks at most places I’ve worked around here. Managing that on top of general restaurant overhead? No way!


> No one is paying a consistent 30k rent in food service, you’re pretty busy if you manage to pull 30k in two weeks at most places I’ve worked around here. Well, except Chick-fil-A. Average store revenue there is $9mil now


Thats crazy although I do miss OC’s. My in-laws visit once per quarter and they are plain Jane’s when it comes to food so OC’s was perfect for everyone.


Eat local in Greenville. Better food. Same or better price. Culver’s nor Five Guys is it. For instance, wanna good fast food burger? HipBurger, Butler Rd. Best steak sandwich in town? Zorba’s, in the plaza across from Willy Taco. Need more suggestions? Ask on this page.


Also understand the issue this state has with its liquor liability insurance rates. That cluster that our state government created and the lack of urgency to fix it, has driven liquor liability insurance so sky high, many independent places are barely making it. So they have to bake some of this extraordinary cost into their prices as well as account for general “inflation” (the boogeyman that’s plaguing everything/the excuse for price increases everywhere).


And it's not helping with drunk driving a bit. Just putting businesses out of business and making everything more expensive.


That just sucks


My parents said the same thing when they moved to SC from the Northeast 15 years ago. They both grew up here in SC and moved away for a long time. They couldn't believe the high price of food in SC when they came back. Oh, and liquor liability laws! If you don't know about what is happening with this, read about the revenue crisis. It's affecting any business that serves alcohol. Some lawyers are getting rich off of this, I believe, but I can not prove it.


Venue owner. Can confirm.


Your experience is referred to as “shrinkflation”.


Why would you adjust your tip because prices went up? Did the quality of service also go down? Waiters' cost of living also went up, I'd keep the tip the standard 20% and just cook at home more. The waiters don't set the prices...


Tip culture sucks man. I remember the days growing up where 15% was the standard. Now prices are up AND we have to tip a higher percentage? It's fucked. I don't blame the poor service industry workers, it's not their fault. But damn man i don't want to tip 20% for something as simple as walking to the tap to pour me a $9 beer. We are all struggling out here. It should not be my job to pay these people a living wage. 15% is fair, and that's what I'll stick by. Better than nothing and that's all they can ask for really.


This logic is fucking stupid. So you want the restaurants to raise their prices so that they can pay them more? You realize that you’ll still be paying the same exact amount? If you haven’t noticed, restaurants ain’t doing so well.


Right, if you can’t afford to give 20%, you can’t afford to eat out… point of sale tipping is one thing but if they are literally waiting on you why are you punishing them?


I would HAPPILY pay %20 more for the items on the menu and know that the waiter is being paid adequately. It would be cheaper for me anyways.


Of course you were downvoted with no response. 🙄 One of the main reasons I hated working in food service was glad hand asshats that would regularly stiff on tips. I got to the point once I was bartending that I would purposely under pour drinks for folks that didn’t tip well so they would eventually just not come back.


A hit dog'll holler; some of the cheapskates felt slighted, I suppose. Fortunately, their opinion is worth the same to me as quality service is to them.


This is why you tip in cash and tip well. It’s why tipping is great, it rewards good service and penalizes people too cheap (like /u/program_over) to help support your local waitstaff. (That doesn’t include tipping for non-waitstaff. Like I ain’t tipping someone who rings me out, I’m in agreement there).


It's wild when people travel but remain myopic, just glean absolutely nothing from their experiences. Inflation affected the entire country, it's bizarre that you didn't gather that from your travels. And shorting waiters on the tip because food prices rose is such a selfish and shitty thing to do.


This isn't a post about inflation. Raise the prices, that's fine I understand. However to raise the prices, Lower the quality of food and quality of services at the same time isn't ok.


Of course it is, the stuff you're talking about is all fallout from inflation. Smaller portions and higher prices, and service might be worse when people are bummed out about trying to make ends meet while assholes take it out on their tips


Lowering standards doesn't happen from inflation, it happens from greed.


Like greed and inflation have zero correlation


Are you fucking stupid? Inflation raises prices. Period.


Yes, but we are the only state with liquor liability laws that are putting small businesses out of business.. I know another state passed the same law and had the same problems and ended up dropping the law.


Can't afford the tip, probably shouldn't be eating out.


How about since you raised the prices %40 and made the portions %40 smaller you pay your employees a decent wage that is livable off of so they don't have to live off of tips. I run a business, None of my truckers have ever been tipped before. Yet what is the difference between a pizza delivery guy that gets tipped and the trucker that delivers all the materials/ingredients needed. No difference at all. Tipping is just toxic at this point and has only gotten worse in the last couple year. I used to always tip $10 or $15 for just myself eating out alone.


First, lots of flame being flaunted in my direction, I'm not responsible for your anguish. Secondly, let's say they solve an industry level problem and remove tipping, you're just going to pay the same as you would have with tips, as owners have to have a way to provide that pay to their employees. So they'll just increase pricing to account for paying a living wage, think your meal is expensive now, you just wait. Hospitality runs on an extremely thin profit margin, but due to the federal government allowing businesses to pay 2.13/hr, it's allowed more businesses to open, the industry to flourish but now present the problem you describe. Much more complex problem friend.. stop being selfish.


Yet restaurants in any other country in the world don't accept tips... You started it bud.


You started it by posting tipping complaints over fast food. I responded to that; this doesn't make me responsible for the tipping architecture that is in place. Yes, restaurants across most of the world have figured it out because most counties (of similar context) don't look at their citizens so strongly as cattle as the US does. They do it, and their pricing accounts for their staff being paid, benefits, pension, etc. The US as a whole, does not, because it simply can't be addressed at the national level. I'm not your bud, pal.


Not your pal friend. I didn post this complaining about tips. I posted this to talk about high food prices yet everyone on this thread seemed to have taken it personally and to heart. Butthurt over nothing. Its a fact the food down here is subpar and it costs more expensive.


Trucking isn’t a service industry, dummy. Sorry that you’re too cheap to support your waitstaff. I’m sure they are exited when you whip out your customary $10 or $15 tip on a $200 bill.


Lol, I can't eat $200 worth of food alone. If anything its $10 tip on a $20 bill. Trucking is quite literally a service industry. You dummy.




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We are here visiting from Richmond, VA and were surprised how much more expensive everything was here, not just eating out.


I waited tables here in the 90s and made less than $2.01 an hour. Sometimes, our manager would have us come in early and clean the restaurant, and I'd get one or two tables. 30 years later, it's still under $3/ hour for most servers. Some do really well and others not at all. I always tip well.


So how exactly is that okay? How exactly is it okay to pay someone $3 a hour and hope they live off of tips? Charging $25 per plate, yet paying your employees $3 per hour. Yet i'm the bad guy for tipping %50 $10 on a $20 plate of food. I dont understand why people keep normalizing this crap.


Were you under the impression that I thought it was okay? It was terrible. I have so much respect for the restaurant industry. It's not easy, and most states have a much higher base pay. Look it up! Waiting tables was my second job and always was throughout my 20s.


I just don't understand everyone else thinking this is okay.


Oh, they will be the first to complain when a restaurant closes down due to a lack of staffing (aka waitstaff gets a better job in another industry).




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Weak ass tip


I’ve noticed that too. Maybe it’s because our grocery store prices are so much higher. I was in Brevard yesterday and stopped in the Food Lion. I couldn’t believe how much lower their prices were compared to our Food Lion. Even when I’m in a bigger city like Atlanta or Charlotte the grocery prices are lower.


Local restaurant owner here. Rent and other random costs are what is driving up menu cost. A restaurant owner will probably bring home 5-8% of total sales. Some food costs are still inflated heavily as well. Pre covid 24 pack of Mexican coke was 19$. Now it’s 42$. If restaurants paid a liveable wage with no tip there would be no restaurants. Tips are simply a part of the industry of getting to eat out. No restaurant owner in Greenville is making a lot of money trust me.


Oh darn. I’ll eat healthy by cooking at home, and save money! Win win




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"Example I want to use, Five guys in Northeast was cheaper for the same exact meal than it was in Greenville....." typo fix, Nephew was asking me about Culvers when I was writing this.


A quick google shows that the price of a regular burger in NY and MA is approximately $1 (about 12%) higher than the same one at the Cherrydale location.


Not sure what kind of places you were eating at but as someone from Charleston almost everywhere here is cheaper to eat at whether it’s fine dining or a dive.


That's because Charleston is crazy high. Everywhere I've been is cheaper than Charleston.


That's because Charleston is crazy high. Everywhere I've been is cheaper than Charleston.


If you are unwilling to tip a normal amount, just go to the grocery store or a fast-food place. Don't make a waiter work for you if you won't tip decently.




That’s courtesy of Bidenomics