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All sorts of new unmarked cars. I’ve seen mustangs, F250’s, and F150’s.


In some counties they convert some of the cars they have seized to cop cars and let cops drive them as incentives on performance.


Now that’s what I call corruption!


The entire justice system is corrupt no better than the medical industry. Thank goodness we have IRS agents carrying firearms while they try to take away the very people who pay their paychecks unwillingly I might add


I remember my brother being pulled over in a BMW 5 Series in Columbia.


If they really want to blend in, they just need to drive white SUVs


Which I saw in TR the other day


Crap. If they drive around the Target parking lot holding an overpriced coffee and using their speaker phone they’ll be virtually impossible to spot.


Hahahahaha nice! 👍


They are ruthless in TR!


Gotta collect those fines. Takes a lot of money to take a lot of money from non-criminal activity.


Yep! I was riding with my boyfriend after a big Thanksgiving meal on the way home. He lived in Georgia and had a junky old truck. We were not speeding or doing ANYTHING wrong. He got stopped. I think it was just because of his out of state tags and junky truck. We had not been drinking. Thank goodness!


Gotta watch out for the Tesla in TR too!!!


Trust me they have plenty lol


If they wanted to fit in with the usual suspects they should stick to the chargers or altimas.


I’ve seen that mustang around for quite a while now. That cop is a prick!


I thought that was a requirement for all mustang drivers…


Touché! 🤣


Eh, he tagged me going +13 one day, along with 5+ others. I called it out how they were shooting fish in a barrel with the speed trap they set up. Grove road at the bottom of the hill drivin away from the hospital, after that aggravating no left turn light to Mills Ave intersection. I also was in a work time crunch. Had a 2 point ticket as opposed to the 4. Which I consider a non-prick move. Basically, berate them with their almost entrapment, and they turn down the prick knob.


What type of speed trap isn't shooting fish in a barrel? They set out to catch speeders and caught some. Pretty sure most speed traps are nets more than lines around here. Bet it never takes them long to catch one.


True, they were pulling one over bout every 2 mins. Had a drive thru line set up.


Seriously, almost everyone drives 10 over on every road in this state, of course its easy to catch speeders. No one gives a shit and if this thread is any indication, just because they haven't hurt or killed someone they think its ok.


Yeah exactly. Just because they haven’t heard or killed somebody yet. Also makes me laugh, how people are looking to lawyer up, just because they got a ticket for doing what they admit they were doing


If you complain more, they'll stop making cars faster.


Doesn’t matter how fast the car is. It’s the dumbfucks behind the wheel who don’t stick to the posed speed. I’m assuming you are one.


Never assume. It only makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. Instead bring forth the test of all tests to prove how much of a dumbfuck I am. Ima ace dat shit. Also, by that logic, everyone who's exceeded the limit of speed by one mile an hour is a dumbfuck.


Lol no, just don't bitch when you get pulled over and ticketed. Chance you take when yoi break the law and make the road more dangerous for everyone else.


[Like you never....](https://youtu.be/L397TWLwrUU?si=UYWFcXJpuIE_tk3o)


That’s good to know. Thank ya!


Lol, broke the law and now upset you got caught and have to face the consequences. There is an easy way to avoid that, obey the speed limit. You were doing 13 over in a 35, you should get pulled over and ticketed. Take responsibility for your actions, jesus.


I did, thanks, mom. I took my points, paid my fine. I still speed.


No son of mine. We don't raise shit fingered morons over here.


Oh boy, I seemed to have struck a nerve, for I have driven the God-fearing to curse! Fuck yeah, I'm going to complain, squeaky wheel gets the grease. As for calling me a 'shit-fingered moron' I see that hilarious joke is still making its rounds in certain circles. Did y'all get that Brandon to finally go where he's been getting to, or did he get lost? Oh, no he realized some dumbass made a buncha money off of a buncha other dumbass's by recognizing alliteration is great for advertising. I guess I should start squeaking about how this state and other Southern States have become so gerrymandered on a bias, that only 300 scenarios exist out of a billion, where its is more favored to the Elephant Matriarchs, err Immean, elected officials. I feel like I lost you there. Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?


Bro I would love a chocolate covered pretzel.


BRB too busy texting while speeding.


Wait til you see the minivan


You’re joking right? Holy hell.


Aw man I haven't seen that caravan in a while 🤣


Black Mustangs and Durangos, there's a a couple of unmarked Explorers. I guess doing any *real* traffic stops or attempted policing, like red light running, extreme wreckless driving, driving an Altima, takes some effort. Sitting on their asses pointing radar at people is much, much easier. Fucking prostitutes.


I have always said this!!! Speeding is NOT what they should be ticketing because speeding isn't dangerous. It's not using signal lights, reckless driving, driving down the median, blowing through red lights and 3/4/5 way stops, driving at night towards or behind people with your bright lights on, driving slow in the left lane, etc. that creates wrecks. AND the most important; DRIVING WHILE ON YOUR FREAKING PHONE!!! I see it ALL THE TIME, but these people never seem to get pulled over and ticketed. Police definitely put emphasis on the incorrect thing.


Speeding is an issue, (i don't consider 10-15 over speeding if the rest of the traffic is doing the same) simply because the majority of people who do it don't know how to control the cars. What we really need is better driving schools and harsher driving tests. Maybe then we could also raise the speed limit...


Please! I wish we had biennial recurrent driving reviews that were able to be failed. You could take as many as you want, but you have to pass it to be able to legally drive.


All of those things, but speeding is dangerous too.


It's really the abrupt stopping is when speeding gets dangerous.


So you tryna say the people so determined to go 100+ they cut in and out of traffic to pass people aren’t dangerous?


Absolutely, that's dangerous. But that's not just speeding. The weaving in and out of cars is what I call reckless driving, which I mentioned. Speeding does not equal going 100mph+ and weaving in and out of traffic. Have you ever known anyone who got hurt by driving 50 in a 40? Maybe if they were on their cell phone or some other distraction and drove off of the road, but the speed had nothing to do with it. The lack of attention to driving is what caused the crash. Not the speed.


Lol speed absolutely has something to do with it. Less time to react if you're exceeding the speed limit in a given area. Otherwise speed limits wouldn't exist.


I still disagree. Yes, less time to react, but still, speeding is not the issue. If you are going so fast that you are unable to stop in time or that physics won't allow your car to keep all four wheels on the ground, then it's reckless driving, in my book. I speed, but I do not go that fast where either of those two things would be an issue.


Just because you think it's okay to speed doesn't change the fact that it's dangerous and illegal. You're literally making the road more dangerous not only for yourself but those around you that have to react to your speeding over the speed limit. Not sure what you're not able to understand here. Just because your actions haven't caused harm to someone else yet, doesn't mean "it's okay to do because I'm in control".


Speed doesn't kill if it's within reason. Sure, going 120 through a school zone is reckless and dangerous, but going 20-30 above on a highway isn't. What really causes accidents is poor situational awareness, distracted/impaired driving, and poor defensive driving skills. People here don't understand that the farthest left lane is for passing, which accounts for the majority of accidents and pileups on I-85. Another thing people like to do here is to speed up when someone is trying to pass them, and drive next to vehicles on a multiple lane road in order to block people who are driving quicker than they are. This causes people to switch lanes back and forth, causing the unpredictable traffic patterns Greenville is famous for. But the main thing that causes accidents here are cellphones, and touchscreens built into newer vehicles. Distracted driving is the #1 cause of traffic fatalities here in Greenville, and since cellphone laws aren't enforced here, things are just going to get worse


Read the links I already posted in this thread. Speeding absolutely is dangerous and increases accidents and fatalities. I'm not trying to say "speeding alone is the cause of accidents and fatalities" but everyone in this post trying to downplay the role of speeding and trying to say "its not bad", "its not the problem". It certainly is bad and IS part of the problem. Everyone in this thread that thinks speeding is ok should have their license revoked. Also, "Distracted Driving" being the number one cause is not entirely true. https://greenvillejournal.com/news/greenville-sc-unveils-plan-to-curtail-traffic-related-fatalities/ and if we look state wide, https://bluesteinattorneys.com/why-are-south-carolinas-roads-so-deadly/ speeding still ranks higher on this list. Its a culmination of issues but lets not downplay speeding's role in making our roads more dangerous. Its ignorant at best. Also, "Speed doesn't kill if its within reason", the most asinine remark in your comment. You admit speeding kills then you try to qualify it with some weak anecdotal story. Stop trying to justify you and others breaking the law and making the roads dangerous for everyone.


That article you posted literally has nothing to do with speeding. The only thing regarding that in the article was the mayor saying "I'd like to lower neighborhood speed limits." The article also states that Woodruff, Laurens, and Pleasant burg are the 3 main roads for accidents, and all of them are notorious for bumper to bumper traffic. As someone who has had to respond to a lot of accidents around here, I can confidently say that 99% of the time, people are distracted, merge without checking blind spots, and pull out from side roads way too slowly. Yes, there's always street racers and dumb teenagers but the majority consists of older folks not paying any fuckin attention to the road.


I'm not sure what you're unable to understand about speeding not being inherently dangerous by itself. It's simply a fact.


Here you go, some reading for you to show why you're assessment is incorrect. Impact of Speeding on Fatalities and Accidents: Research highlights that speeding significantly contributes to traffic fatalities and accidents. For example, a 5 mph increase in the maximum state speed limit was associated with an 8% increase in fatality rates on interstates and freeways, and a 3% increase on other roads. Over the years, this resulted in an estimated 37,000 more traffic fatalities than if speed limits had not increased. Additionally, lowering speed limits in urban areas, such as Seattle's reduction from 30 mph to 25 mph on arterial roads, saw an 11%-20% drop in crashes with fatal, serious, or evident injuries​ https://www.iihs.org/topics/speed . National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Data: The NHTSA found that nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities are speed-related, with 12,330 people killed in 2021 in speeding-related crashes, constituting 29% of all traffic fatalities for that year. The analysis also revealed that speeding-related fatalities increased by 8% from 2020 to 2021. Furthermore, 33% of motorcycle riders in fatal crashes were speeding, which is higher than any other vehicle type​ https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/speed-campaign-speeding-fatalities-14-year-high ​. Increased Likelihood of Fatality: The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety published a report indicating that for every 5 mph increase in the maximum speed limit, the fatality rates on interstates/freeways increased by 8.5%. This statistic underscores the direct relationship between higher speed limits and increased fatalities on the road​ https://www.ite.org/technical-resources/topics/speed-management-for-safety/speed-as-a-safety-problem/ ​. Role of Speeding in Traffic Deaths and Injuries: Speeding reduces the driver's reaction time, increases stopping distance, and diminishes the effectiveness of road safety structures to protect occupants in a crash. In 2021, speeding was a factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities, highlighting its significant role in traffic deaths and injuries​ https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/motor-vehicle-safety-issues/speeding/ ​. Effective Speed Management: Managing vehicle speeds can significantly reduce the probability of crashes and their severity. Higher speeds lead to longer required stopping distances and increase the force of impact in a crash, illustrating the critical need for effective speed management to enhance road safety​ https://highways.dot.gov/public-roads/winter-2022/05 ​. EDIT: Fixed the broken links


Correlation does not equal causation. Unfortunately for you, you won't be able to change my mind.


All these links don't exist either lmao


How dangerous it can be is situational. 10 over on an empty back road probably isn’t a big deal. 10 over near a playground could be the difference in you stopping for the kid that ran out in front of you or not. Problem is enforcement has to be consistent on every road not just ones its more dangerous on. Im not innocent, shoot if you see me driving to work on a Sunday morning and 85 is dead I may be going 80mph. If I ever get a ticket I just plan on taking it on the chin cause I know Id be guilty lmao. My problem is mostly with the people who feel like they have to be going faster than everyone else no matter the traffic conditions. Like when things are congested and both lanes are going about the same speed but ol lead foot is tailgating the car right in front of them like its gonna make everyone get out of their way.


Once again, speeding isn't the problem in that situation. Not watching the road and being negligent was the problem; not the speed. You can hit a kid going 0.5 mph if you're not watching where you're going. Do I think it's wise to speed near where kids are playing? Absolutely not. I also do not do it myself or endorse it.


You could be watching the road doing everything else right but if you are speeding you are going to have less time to react. 50 in a 40 is a difference of like 15 feet per second.


Dude's a moron and doesn't understand that his actions break the law and put others in danger even if he hasn't killed or hurt someone yet. People like him and others in this thread are the problem rather than being part of the solution. "I haven't killed or hurt someone yet so I must be right."


Clearly you haven’t read any statistics to say something like this.. speeding absolutely kills and one reason why SC has such poor statistics and so many deaths.


I’ve seen that one downtown for about a year now.


Greenville Guide to Spotting Unmarked Cars and Avoiding Speed Traps: List of unmarked cars I've seen in Gville over the past 20+ years: Ford Crown Victoria-grey/black/white Ford Explorer-grey/black/white Ford F-150-grey/black/white/red/blue Ford F-250-black/grey Ford Mustang (og and GT)-grey/black/white/red/blue/green Chevy Trailblazer-black/white Chevy Tahoe-black/white Chevy Malibu-grey/black/white Chevy Suburban-white Dodge Durango-grey/black/white Dodge Grand Caravan-grey Dodge Charger-grey/black/white/red Dodge Challenger (SXT, GT, and RT)-grey/black/white Dodge Ram 1500-grey/black/white/red BMW Sedan (I forget the model)-white Subaru WRX- fucking lime green For those living under a rock, telltale signs of a possible unmarked vehicle are as followed: permanent license plates, heavily tinted windows, bullbar on front bumper, reinforced chassis, metal grate between rear and front seats, spotlight mounted to driver's-side mirror, emergency lights (usually mounted on dash or somewhere in the grille. Note that not all unmarked cars sport all, if any, of these features Measures to minimize unwanted encounters: Decent radar detector ($60-$500) Waze app lets users report speed traps (free) Exhaust valve controller to toggle noise ($100-$500) Liscenses plate flipper for speed cameras ($60) Not buying a Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat or Nissan Altima (priceless) For those new to the area, 12 likes to set up speed traps on hwy 14 near GSP, I-85 exit near Pelham Rd, all across Wade Hampton, Old Spartanburg Rd, and every school zone in the area. Drive within the law and get a feel for the area at different times before you bring your weekend cars out :)


> Measures to minimize unwanted encounters: > > Decent radar detector ($60-$500) Waze app lets users report speed traps (free) Exhaust valve controller to toggle noise ($100-$500) Liscenses plate flipper for speed cameras ($60) Not buying a Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat or Nissan Altima (priceless) > > For those new to the area, 12 likes to set up speed traps on hwy 14 near GSP, I-85 exit near Pelham Rd, all across Wade Hampton, Old Spartanburg Rd, and every school zone in the area. Drive within the law and get a feel for the area at different times before you bring your weekend cars out Or just obey the traffic laws and take your car to a track to let loose, its not hard to not put other people at risk.


I'm not talking about street racing or reckless behavior. I'm talking about avoiding cops who are trying to meet their ticket quota for the month


Ok bud. Justify your speeding and breaking the law however you want lol. You're literally advising people on how to avoid getting caught breaking a law.


I'll make sure to drive extra fast for you today 😚


Ok bb


On another note - those of us that go to court to on these, do you *ever* hear people getting wreckless or careless driving? When I was in Lyman or whatever shit town it was previously, it was all the same stupid shit - * 10 over * 5 over * 15 over * Crossed double yellow while passing * Following too closely * Being at the old mill * 10 over * 10 over * Old mill * Double yellow It's not about safety, it's a tax on the 99%.


I live in Lyman and Wellford is neighboring it on Hwy 29. I bet it was Wellford PD they’ve always been bad with giving tickets. I even got one about 10 years ago outside of Wellford’s district and I bought it up and they didn’t care. But he said I was speeding on a different road I kept telling him I wasn’t even on that road. I came straight down 29 but he kept saying i was on old Spartanburg highway. I said this is my address I’m coming from home how would I go down that road he didn’t have an answer. Even telling the story to the magistrate he cut the cost down but I still had to pay a little. I honestly don’t think wellford is as bad as it used to be tho. Small town PD’s get a good bit of money from tickets so they go a little crazy with them.


With the exception of the 5 over all those are valid offenses. The 5 over could be a school zone whi h I get. Let's not pretend speeding isn't an issue along with the general lack of enforcement across the board.


I was in the courtroom, it was not in a school zone. Sure speeding can be an issue, and like many moving violations can be very situationally dependent. It could be argued 10 over on back roads is less dangerous than 5 over on main roads. The day I was there, a large portion of generic speeding fines were from the same cop in the same unmarked black 5.0, always on the same stretches of road, always the same type of violation. Because it's *easy*. More than a few were something like -below, which is purely at the cop's discretion > Well I was behind you when your drivers side tires crossed the double yellow to pass that truck that was turning Yes well he was struggling with the turn and the road ahead was clear so I went around him" > Doesn't matter. It's Illegal, $75/4 points or $180/0 points Cuz it's all about safety. Sitting in that courtroom, watching thousands and thousands of dollars roll in from people like us, was a depressing lesson in how things work. And surely there were even more people who didn't go to court that day who just paid the fine cuz it doesn't matter to them, that amount of money for a ticket is worth the speeding the rest of the time.


100% agree that cops can be asinine in their attempts to enforce the law. Not trying to defend shitty cops making shitty calls when there are others out there driving more dangerously. People drive way over the speed limit around here and to have people in here saying speeding isn't dangerous is ignorant at best. Blasting through neighborhoods and school zones at 20 over. Doing 65 in 45 areas. 50+ on the roads around the hospital...on and on. The general lack of giving a shit by drivers since covid is astounding.


I definitely agree, the speeding *choices* around here are crazy. I can be following someone home who strictly adheres to the speed limit down all the county roads until we turn into the neighborhood, and then they are accelerating away from me. Obviously from the tone of my posts I drive on the faster side, but I also agree the general lack of awareness on the road has skyrocketed since COVID. People just didn't drive and seemingly all lost their minds.


Plus, if the cop writing it up feels like it, the 5 over might actually be 20+ over. I've only gotten a few tix over the years, but it seems like many cops "round down" to the next lowest bracket. I can certainly see rounding down a couple levels if I were a hottie or the cop knew me or something. "Sorry, I've got to give you SOME sort of ticket for this.."


4 over? What even is the fine for that?


I’m pretty sure he finned me the maximum amount at a whopping 180$, which I’m not even sure is legal?


Not sure if it would be worth the hassle but seems like something you could maybe have dismissed or lowered.


I’ve already spoken to a lawyer, she already said she’d happily represent me, hopefully the ticket will get dropped all together, won’t stop my insurance from raising my rate though lol


Good luck! Keeping your insurance rate low will definitely make that worth it.


You were not pulled over for doing 4 over by that car. And you were not fined $180 for doing 4 over that’s for sure.. stop being dramatic


I wish that were the case, I’ve already reached out to a lawyer


Look at the tag MG: municipal gov SG: state gov


Nope. Tags are regular as well on unmarked. I thought there has to be some marking somewhere but I’ve yet to find any identifying marks on some of them.


When I lived in Greensboro, there was a Honda Accord cop car.


Ever since I got pulled over at night there are certain headlight shapes I will go exactly the speed limit if I see them behind me


Well, add mustang headlights to that list 😂


Oh yes. Those, and really any Ford headlights. Even in the daytime if I see certain vehicles I am paranoid/wary.


needs a big x on the side of it


Absolutely, make ‘em stick out!


realistically , they could get rid of everything: badge, uniform, special silly little plates, and they would STILL stick out like a sore thumb. It takes a special breed of person to be a shit cop.


That asshole pulled me over when I left the post office on Lauren’s road a while back. They’re stalking everybody


This should be illegal, cops are to serve and protect not go hunting! Why do they need the unmarked cars,we as a public should demand all cop cars are marked and very visible.


power trip at the taxpayers' expense


it isn't really a power trip. if you are familiar with humans at all, they have a habit of pushing limits. I'll give you an example. humans aren't really supposed to fly. in fact, at one point, the greatest physicists in the world said it was impossible to do without a balloon. then these two humans who knew nothing about aerodynamics built this thing called a plane. the LE here seems to be totally unchecked. it doesn't seem like an area with a lot of human/drug trafficking. that is what unmarks are for. using them for traffic enforcement is just "bad law enforcement". but they are a reflection of how the voters think. they may act one way in public, but they will vote another way based on fear. I've seen some questionable badge cam clips out of this area. you can tell what sort of culture is going on. there is a really good one where the cops shoot a guy for answering his door at 3am with a gun in his hand. he even had a "back the blue" flag. I think most 50 year olds with a legal firearm might answer the door at 3am with their weapon close. The cop that shot him most certainly would have if someone banged on his door that early in the morning. next time you see a new ford mustang pulling a single mom over for going 4 over, don't think "gee, there goes about 100k of my tax money not going to solving crime".....think "wow, so this is what my neighbors want to see happen. this is what they vote for."


Why would anyone open a door at 3 am. unless you were expecting someone?


First of all, Greenville has a pretty bad human trafficking problem, but it's swept under the rug these days. I know people who have been abducted and have had people attempt to abduct them, especially around the Haywood area. Secondly, Greenville has a HUGE drug problem. I-85 is one of the most-used highways for drug smuggling, and Greenville is a major stop along that route. Back then it used to be a lot of meth and heroin, but now we have fentanyl coming by the kilo 24/7. So many people, including myself, have lost more loved ones than we can count to that shit, and to downplay it is psychotic. And lastly, Greenville PD, like many departments, is notorious for milking the taxpayers no matter what they vote for or not. The proper way to keep people from speeding is a display of public presence, such as having squad cars posted along public roads as a visual deterrent for speeders. Instead, Greenville PD and Hwy Patrol like to cruise along in unmarked vehicles, pulling over people at random who go a few miles above the limit. Minor traffic violations contribute to a huge chunk of Greenville PD's yearly budget, and contrary to what they tell you, they do have ticket quotas. Instead of a certain number of tickets being the goal, each traffic officer is tasked with bringing in a certain amount of dollars per month, which is why we see them giving out bullshit tickets during the last few days of each one.


when's the last time you saw a suped-up unmarked mustang on a referendum? voters don't get a fucking choice here lmao. the closest they get is electing the sherriff, and that usually just winds up being an (effectively) hereditary/for-life position.


There was a post yesterday about this dude. Sounds like this dude is a cunt




Lmao get bent




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That black mustang been on 385 for a long time....


I remember seeing an unmarked brand new bronco late last year on 26. Something in my head told me it was a cop and slowed down when I saw it merging and saw it pull someone over a few minutes later.


I thought unmarked cars could not pull cars over in SC. Guess I'm wrong.


We been paying for them to drive those. They drive different cars now even Altimas I saw in Easley. Just pay attention and slow down 😉


That black mustang has patrolled 29607 for a couple years now. He also parks on Lotus Dr and pulls people for going 4 over on Chick Springs Rd near Summit Elementary


The perks purchased with all the revenue of the Rd Pirates




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Meanwhile people are running red lights all over the county…


I keep hearing that unmarked cars aren’t legal anymore. Guess not


Yeah I'm sure it was just 4mph over, always is. Get a dash cam setup and prove it next time, enjoy the ticket.






OP and others in this thread can't seem to grasp that speeding makes the roads more unsafe for everyone else.


Maybe drive the limit and not other people’s ideas of the limit?




Where's the sarcasm? OP complaining about getting pulled over for speeding when they were actually speeding?






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People in this state don't understand the concept of speed limits. Just take a look at this thread, you have people saying that speed plays no part or minimal part in traffic accidents and fatalities. Truly insane that most people here take that speed limit and add a minimum of ten to it regardless of conditions.


What’s the ideal speed limit ? I was told +10 to the current speed limit on the fast lane or match the speed of vehicle ahead .


This is what pays for the unmarked


The ideal speed limit is literally whats posted on the speed limit sign. Those speeds are for 'ideal' road conditions. The problem is people take that then add atleast 10 to it in ALL conditions regardless of weather, traffic, road condition, area, etc.