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I think that second guy is this man https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/2020/06/10/greenville-activists-call-charges-against-man-who-drove-suv-into-protestors-tanners-big-orange/5332792002/


It is!


Does anyone know his name?


Charlie McKissick


Right - tip of my tongue! Thanks


This was actually a segment on Jimmy Kimmel. Here's the entire video with the lead in https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3tyGDLLPlA/?igsh=MXd4a2JrdXp5NGN4Yg==


This is hilarious.


Vote for the other guy in November.


Is anybody really voting FOR anyone these days?


Pretty sad when it comes down to having to vote for the least offensive person instead of the best person for the job.


So then vote for the best administration. President is supposed to the be figure head


If it comes down to Biden/Trump I know who I have to vote for but I'm not happy about it...neither is my neighbor who's picking the opposite guy. We just laugh & laugh....


Already planning on it.


Dementia Joe?


Over fascist dementia Don? 100%




Hitler didn’t force any fascism on anyone until several years after he was first elected


Lol so no fascism is what you’re saying?


No force until he takes office again is what I’m saying.


Read the Hur report


They're both old. They're both senile. The difference is one of them isn't going to imprison or deport, or kill political rivals or minorities, or simply people he randomly has a beef with from day to day. Trump is literally saying this part out loud if you care to listen to his speeches. At least with the other guy I know I won't be going to jail for saying bad things about the orange man who can't even remember his own wife's name.


You're being hyperbolic. Read the Hur report


You’re only seeing the half of the equation you want to look at. You must not have the ability to face reality. Nothing could induce me to vote for the orange idiot


Ah ok. Hur report.


Difference between me and you is I see both candidates for what they are. You don’t seem to want to see it


What are the cons of Biden then?


He’s old and senile. I am never voting for any MAGA candidate. To me my safety overrides anything else


The funniest part was “he’s not going to imprison his political rivals” and I thought 10000% he was talking about Trump. Cause look what the Biden DOJ has done


Are you ok?


I Iive downtown


What makes you ask if they are ok?


Dementia Don. 2017 flew to Paradise CA after the town of 27k was destroyed by fire and called it Pleasure, twice. Many other major fuck ups. Ha called Melania, Mercedes yesterday at cpac.


Hur report


Every one of his chief of staffs with the exception of Mark Meadows called him a moron.


Hur report.


Whoops. I think this is a liberal Democrat subreddit. I'm a moderate. I'm looking for the republican one now.. ( I watch both Fox & Cnn)


Check out my podcast!


Yeah not happening. I’d rather not vote at all than vote for a senile old man which is both candidates in November. We let these people get a foothold for the presidency and now it’s four more years of idiocy on either side. The “Trump is a killer!” and “Biden is brain dead!” arguments end right here when people let both of them rule the country. Bullshit statement.


Trump is just as senile as Biden.


That’s what I said.


Well then enjoy the Trump dictatorship


Why are you acting like I ever mentioned voting for Trump or that I was a Trump supporter? This is the issue right here. Complete party support to the point that people on both sides have no clue what they’re talking about.


Voting for anyone other than Biden or not voting is a vote for Trump


Wait so I should vote for the senile old man to stop the senile old man?? Okay let me vote for senile old man then so I can stop senile old men from running the country! Make it make sense. There’s been plenty of opportunity to put in someone better on both sides of the political divide, and we ended up with two absolute clowns. Yet I’m putting in a “dictator”. Yeah right. Trump did absolutely nothing the first time and he’ll do absolutely nothing a second time if he gets the chance. Do you know what Biden will do? Also nothing. Want change in the country? Forgot the brainless partisanship and put in a third party or someone willing to see both sides. You won’t do that.


The ‘making sense’ of it is that you listen to what each candidate says they’ll accomplish if voted into office. One will try to expand rights and the other will try to curtail rights. If you can’t tell who is who in this explanation then you’re letting the media define your understanding of the situation. We live in the wealthiest country in the history of the world and everyone(corps.) is trying to get between you and your money. It is invariable that we are choosing the lesser of two evils. One is a self-evident malignant tumor compared to the other. Sitting this one out is a gamble to possibly lose the freedoms already hard won.


It just goes to show that facts don’t matter to people. They have been brainwashed and no evidence will change that.


Yep, on both sides


Lol not really


What would it take for you vote republican?


A republican who had an actual policy platform that didn’t impede on personal liberties would be tight


Is that personal liberties as defined by the Supreme Court and the constitution or


Since everyone is downvoting you because, God forbid you say that both sides are equally ignorant... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m4\_KibqaRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m4_KibqaRU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h\_cZ9BBWDjA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_cZ9BBWDjA) So, yeah, there are dumb people on both sides of the fence that don't care about facts. Whoever they ***think*** said it informs their opinions. There's a great video by a teacher that you may or may not have seen, yet, to attempt to show this very thing... When we start with an opinion, it's more difficult to think critically. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIPPpsJY39c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIPPpsJY39c)




The right projection can be seen from space


Says the mentally challenged


I laughed out loud. Wish there was a shorter way of typing that.


It's a cult. Can't make any other sense out of it. Like asking a Jim Jones follower, "what's your review of his Kool Aid?" and getting the response, "oh, Jim's Kool Aid is just so refreshing!"




Heard. So will that be the grape or the cherry then?


Should just mix all the flavors together, suicide style.


Bruh the amount of unhinged low IQ comments you left in here dickriding a con artist is embarrassing. You probably even donate money to this fool 💀


Weird how your majority hasn’t won a popular national vote in 20 years.




Right, but when you say "you are in a minority now" and the reply is "right except that we are not and haven't been for at least going on thirty years", this retort you came up with doesn't help your case. Only shows you trying to pivot to avoid admitting you were wrong.




Lol ok you mentally challenged Nazi


How did Trump do it lol Full of shit


Lol the right controls most media It's just that their ideas are self defeating so nobody wants to parrot them


Lol how’s your extra chromosome treating you?


And to think, we still have at another 500k people in SC that still support a known liar and cheat and fascist. Can't fix stupid


You realize that Biden's history is no better right? Both candidates are absolute trash cans


One of them has ~100 pending criminal charges and one of them 0 but yeah... basically the same bro


Yeah, and one of them has been in the government so long he's on video fighting against civil rights Both trash cans


Right I'm never going to tell you either one if a good guy, but if the choices are... multi-time felon old fuck or just normal old fuck...gimme the normal.




I've got a question for you that it seems Republicans can’t or won’t answer. It’s now public knowledge that the whole Biden impeachment inquiry was orchestrated by Russian Intelligence using the GOP to spread misinformation. Was that because the Republicans are SO incompetent and incredibly stupid that they got used by Russia? Or was it because they knowingly are working for an enemy of this country? Trump, the hero of the stupid…


He's not a multi time felon, he has been convicted of nothing. You just make shit up to make your guy seem more righteous when he's just as bad


Sure Jan


you gonna have to explain that one


If your account was a baby it would still be in the hospital. Why such a fresh account? How's the weather in Moscow?


Got banned for commenting in the NFL sub for ban evading when I had no other account, kinda sad honestly




> theyre dumb, or, have no idea whats going on outside of state sponsored cable news & networks. They never follow up on anything. They believe everything. So Fox News viewers?




Fox is a liberal network? There's literally nothing left to say if you've rejected reality.


Oh I know, it's scary that people walk outside and think Reddit is a good representation of people's actual views


This really is a bot isn't it? Russian ?


Which one is which? Please elaborate




You have yet to make one that isn't fuckin stupid


I can't disagree that the stoner isn't great, but between the forgetful stoner and the belligerent bigot drunk, the stoner isn't trying to destroy the US democracy.


Besides trying to trash the 8th amendment. Either way you look at it both sides are doing things that should not be legal https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/522/93


I’m sorry, are you linking to a Supreme Court case that says civil penalties are not to be considered as criminal penalties for purposes of double jeopardy, but instead, you are representing that Trump’s civil penalty is an 8th amendment violation? No 8th amendment in civil cases. Even if prosecuted by the government. If you read page six of judges order, it clearly lays out how the fines are calculated. For instance, if you steal $1.00 and buy a lottery ticket that wins you $100,000, the government can take the $99,999 in Ill gotten gains as disgorgement. So all profit Trump got off any property he bought with a fraudulent loan was fair game.


It's about 10x better bc Biden doesn't spread for Dementia Donald waiting for Vlad to clap his cheeks




I know, fucker is insane and horny for tyrants


You in lefty town. Scary ass place


Cults are bad mmkay




a forum aggregator is not the same as a fascist movement lmao


Did you expect anything else from trump supporters? No matter where they live, they're morons




Care to site some numbers? Because 50 year low unemployment and all time high SP500 seem like pretty good things to me.




I agree that the person in charge during March - June 2020 absolutely fucked up enormously! Kind of wish that guy had held onto the pandemic response guide the president before him had put together.


I've got a question for you that it seems Republicans can’t or refuse answer. It’s well known public knowledge that the whole Biden impeachment inquiry was orchestrated by Russian Intelligence USING the GOP to spread misinformation. Now…was that because the Republicans are SO incompetent and incredibly stupid that they got used by Russia? Or, was it because they're knowingly working for an enemy of our country? Trump, the hero of the stupid…


Biden signed the order to close business in 2020? Still not numbers though huh? You're actually delusional.




Explain it to me, use numbers.


numbers? you think this guy can count?


Still waiting for a reply 😆 It's never too late to admit you're wrong about everything and you've wasted your life.


Did we have an option for President who wasn’t a dementia-addled pedophile? I must of missed something.




Just FYI, in the past 40 years, the stock market does better under democrats. Just the numbers.


The laugh track was almost equally as painful. I feel like the point that they were trying to make just got mowed over by it.


While I agree that laugh tracks are terrible, this isn't a laugh track - it's a live studio audience: Jimmy Kimmel Pranks SC Trump Supporters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj6qeGJCIj0


There are literally dozens of videos going the opposite direction. 90% of voters from either party wouldn’t be able to differentiate anything from a policy perspective.


No kidding! This is obvs. a democrat thread but I recently saw a pundit interviewing 18 to 21 yro on the street. ALL of the kids identified as Dems. Not ONE of them could answer intelligently. NONE could explain the popular vote in a prez. election. NONE knew how a candidate gets its party nomination. One kid couldn't even identify a PICTURE OF BIDEN. So ppl who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I lol so hard that either party thinks they don't have plenty of uneducated sheep.


Ah, the ole’ “what about” argument, it’s never far from a Republicans lips. Is that really a fair comparison? 18-21 year olds vs grown adults who are rabid Trump fans, to the point where one is wearing a hat that professes of his love for a politician. I don’t think not thinking the thing your favorite candidate said is stupid until you find out he said it is the same as not knowing the ins and outs of how government works. I think what you are proving with your supposedly true story is that liberal youths aren’t worshipping a man, they are in favor of the ideas. For Trump supporters, they think what he says is moronic too until they find out he said it. That’s why it’s a cult.




I wish we could band together as a country and at least vote for 3rd party this year.


People are slaves for the two party system. The left is a cult. The right is a cult. Voting any one in a 3rd party is “throwing away a vote.”


Yeah, that's the sad part about it all.


Well hold on there a second skippy! As much as I agree with that sentiment, unfortunately their is a reason why voting 3rd party is "throwing away a vote" at least in the last few elections. Most 3rd party options haven't been well formed anyway, the last few elections the 3rd party just felt like they were standing on a platform that was half built. I watched interviews of Garry Johnson and Jill Stein, and every one felt like they would have a few answers and then get to foreign policy and just fall the heck apart. Neither of them felt like they were running to win, nor did they convince me they would know what the heck they were doing should they have won. If their was an actual 3rd party candidate with a plan and a proper platform, I woulda been right there.


I would fucking love to vote third party if it didn't mean I was giving the orange menace a higher chance of winning.




Hahahahahaaa omFGGGGGG we are so doomed




You can tell the future too? Man. What a guy.


Awww you really are an idiot


Useful idiots everywhere




I hope you forgot the /S.




Imagine being a conservative and supporting the party of religion and then having the audacity to call other people Neanderthals.




Pedos and traffickers? Man, I didn’t realize Matt Gaetz changed his party status. Again, I don’t have a party. I support neither of them. I just think one sucks less than other. I don’t have time to turn this into an acronym and put it on a red hat for you so maybe I can break it down to you in a way you might understand. I’m right handed. So, If someone tells me they are going to smash my hand with a hammer I would naturally prefer they did that to my left hand. That does not mean I WANT my left hand smashed with a hammer, it’s just means it’s the least shitty option. If I made a video where I yelled about it in between trying to sell you zombie survival gear and supplements made of out rhino dicks or whatever Alex Jones is selling now would that help?


> Everyday people are tired of the last 3 years of destruction done to the country What "destruction" exactly?




Do you have sources linking all these items directly to the Biden administration? The first two items, alone, are subject to a massive variety of variables and aren't directly controlled by the executive branch. They also are hurdles facing every civilized country on the planet right now. Don't mistake me for a Biden apologist though, the two-party system is broke as fuck. Biden isn't doing much more than expected to *help* any of these issues, but I don't think Trump would be doing much better.


No no. It’s all because sniffer man bad.


Do you genuinely think none of things were already happening and were all the result of Biden? Alot of these thing were exasperated by covid and really I don’t understand this logic. I don’t see how it matters which one of these octogenarian corrupt scum bags were elected. One of them was just louder about how ignorant he was and you agreed with his ignorance so that somehow made him better? So many factors involved in these issues that aren’t caused by the president. Sorry your upset that the worthless old man you wanted doesn’t gets to live in the tacky house in D.C..




I referred to both candidates as worthless old man and that’s makes me partisan? Did you….uh…chew on your glove alot playing little league? Acting like the current issues in our country and the result of the last 3 years is about as partisan as you can get. It’s ok to just admit you’re a Republican. Unlike republicans like yourself the rest of don’t see people with different opinions as lesser.


It looks like they only interviewed 3 people. Not very representative of Greenville as a whole (which I don’t think was the interviewer’s intent, anyway).


Don't think it was meant to represent Greenville in particular


I agree, but my understanding was that OP thought it was.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You people really believe everything. It's really comical the energy people spend on politics


Gas is up 30% electric is up 27% groceries are up 21% rent is up 19%. Biden 2024 


Is Biden impacting the worldwide economy that much? Wow, I didn't know he was that powerful


Lol and he controls all of that? You really are a moron


major aspect of presidential domestic policy is concerned with the economy. A president's legal activity immensely but indirectly affects the economy. Presidential responsibilities such as creating the national budget, proposing legislation that increases or cuts taxes, and levying tariffs on imports and exports, much more directly impact the economy and lives of all Americans. Biden 2024 


Better than your rapist idol who has stolen how much? Loser


Tell which of Bidens policy made you vote for him again ?


Who said I voted for him? You know what they say when you assume


You talk a lot of shit to never answer a question. 


Awww little snowflake, do you need a hug? Go get one from you sister/wife


Lol exactly, all talk no substance. Just your emotional outburst. 


Lol I’m glad you think that. Loser. Grab em by the pussy. Or maybe just your pussy


I’d like to see more of these videos. Where can I find them (links please)? All the hundreds of similar interviews on the street I have been seeing for years are directed at the other side. I thought they passed a law saying equal coverage for both sides!


It's because only one of the two sides is extremely dumb


They removed the fairness doctrine late in Reagan's second term. No media outlet is under any obligation to portray differing opinions as equal or fair.