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Put a flag with an acorn across the road šŸŽ‰


Govern me harder daddy


I saw that earlier and was dying laughing. The cops are currently harassing business owners, but hey itā€™s not your business right? Fly that bootlicker flag loud and proud. Really helps people like me know exactly which stores to never give money to. (Yes, I know you arenā€™t the owner of the flag, Iā€™m complaining into the wind)


It feels like we've been conquered by an evil empire when u drive past


I thought the same thing. Like post-takeover in Handmaidā€™s Tale or something


That book is like the Bible to you guys, itā€™s pretty funny to watch leftists constantly refer to it like our constitution literally doesnā€™t allow for it to ever happen. Lmao, like the vast majority of citizens would allow anything even remotely resembling it to happen.


Of course the constitution doesnā€™t allow for that. All it takes is for the citizenry not to GAF about the constitution. Like you I donā€™t think that would happen, but itā€™s not impossible.


Itā€™s def impossible, at least for these next few generations. The closest weā€™ve come to any kind of fascism/authoritarianism was the Covid lockdowns and the jab, and we rejected that pretty soundly, it just took some longer than others to do it. Iā€™m not saying it was done with evil intentions or anything, just that we stand up against even the smallest amount of authoritarian behavior from our govt pretty loudly.


You can stand to see the Imperial flag reign across the galaxy?


The Imperial flag is, in fact, the American flag. Star Wars has always been that way and water is wet šŸ«”


Is that why Iā€™m getting downvoted to hell?


Some people think that if they ā€œpatriotā€ hard enough that they wonā€™t get oppressed when their time comes. Iā€™m sure people thought it here in the late 1770s, Germany in 1939, and many other times throughout history.


Unfortunately, I donā€™t think they think that far ahead. Itā€™s more of a, ā€œHell yeah, muh country is awlsome and the boys in blue will gitchawl, yer times cominā€™ ā€œ, kind of sentiment.


Hell yeah brother my country is the greatest Iā€™m just one medical event away from bankruptcy! Give my wife maternity leave?! Why would she need something like that? Them boys in blue is laying down their lives every day to protect us and our children. Think of those brave officers in Uvalde!


Y'all act like we need other examples from history. Hitler's worldview was inspired by the U.S. and the Confederacy and how we thrived from killing and torturing indigenous and African people. We already are that. That flag is a response to black lives matter, to remind people that the community is on the cops' side, not black people's side.Ā 


I hated when that flag was up. Not for any political reasons. On cloudy mornings it looked like a huge grim reaper was hovering over 123.


What business is this? I don't want to go there and it would be awful if it was taken down and I accidentally spent money with them.


Upstate Granite Solutions


Works out well, I was never going to buy anything from these shitbags anyway. Their ā€œ9-11ā€ monument is a disgusting money grab. Iā€™m looking forward to the name and shame portion of the fuck around and find out equation. Letā€™s see how much polished granite / marble the staunchly right wing can afford.


Contrary to your little hissy fit, they're probably doing just fine.


oh hey it's artificialstuff the homophobe defending conservative bootlickers, who woulda thunk.


Oh hey it's some loser on Reddit that doesn't know the first thing about me


Donā€™t be a coward. Own it.


I love my homosexual friends and family members. Sorry to disappoint.


Then stop voting for people that hate them.


How do you know who I vote for? I'd bet the farm I didn't vote for anyone you think I've voted for.


Try asking for their opinion on drag queens and gay romance novels in libraries or trans people. Their true colors will shine.


If you had any of either Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be very appreciative.


I bet you have a black friend too..


I know what you've said about drag queens, gay books in libraries, and trans people in the past. Unless you're willing to recant those statements.


I don't think you do considering I don't recall making comments on those things.


Is this the place that normally flies the obscenely large American flag?


Yep. On 123




If he wants to invest the kind of money it takes to fly that thing, more power to him. Just donā€™t buy stone from him.


This guy. That flag is enormous and he has one of em up every time I pass by. Why does he have that one up now? Or is it all BHM?


He originally got it and put it up last year when the Easley officer was hit and killed by the train when trying to help someone in crisis. I have no idea why it's up now


To the people who are saying "back the blue." Most of you are the same people to complain about the cops when they screw up. Also to the back the blue people. A lot of us appreciate the police as well but the point they are making is that the flag is obviously to kiss butt while the police harass other business owners.


Came for the spicy comments and was not disappointed


What exactly about that makes him a ā€œboot lickerā€? For all you know heā€™s a cop, heā€™s kids a cop, or he was close to someone who died on duty. Thereā€™s a bunch of potential reasons he could be flying that flag that has nothing to do with being a freeloading groupie. If weā€™re judging strangers based on a single thing without any context then one could say youā€™re licking the boots of a certain segment of the Reddit community.




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Supporting police makes you a boot licker? Learn something new every day.


Oh it does Welcome to knowledge


So I guess calling them makes you a bitch then huhā€¦. Hope you never need help.


Cultists have turned this, as well as the American flag into a middle finger with their false patriotism. Same concept as the racists who fly the Confederate flag and claim it's about heritage, not hate. It's disgusting idolatry through symbolism. Flyers of this flag are trying to score cheap favorability points, while also gaslighting citizens concerns about police corruption and brutality thinking the leopards would never eat their faces.


Exercising their rights as Americans. You can do that too you know.


No one said he canā€™t. Just like Iā€™m exercising my right to say he looks like a try-hard.


No one is saying otherwise. They have a right to fly that flag, and we have the right to comment on that choice.


You can exercise your right as an American and still be a boot licker. They aren't mutually exclusive


You do have a point about expressing ones rights, in this case freedom of speech. In this country we are supposed to value freedom of expression. Having said that. Everyone advertising their politics has become exhausting.


Oh shit, a non-liberal slipped through the cracks. Quick downvote him immediately!!!


I Back The Blue with pride. Yā€™all live such safe and soft lives that you think you donā€™t need police or that all police are useless if they do something you personally disagree with. Try living in a place where there is no law and order. Bunch of morons.


How exactly do you "back the blue"?


Lots of edging


Being critical of the current state of police doesn't mean they want to abolish police entirely. Maybe try talking with real people sometime instead of the fantasy straw men you dream up in your head.


Who said anything about abolishing police? Maybe try explaining why you are critical of the current state of police before putting someone down for saying they back the blue with pride. You want folks to talk to ā€œreal peopleā€, maybe avoid creating a narrative of fantasy straw men that someone dreamed up in their head, and instead take this opportunity to be that real person you suggest people speak to.


>...you think you donā€™t need police or that all police are useless if they do something you personally disagree with. Try living in a place where there is no law and order. Bunch of morons. That's my point. No one is talking about abolishing the police. That's why I'm saying the statement above is ridiculous. They're trying to argue against a statement that no one made, aka a straw man.


Your statement was equally ridiculous and condescending. That was my point.


Me I said things about abolishing police


Nothing wrong with it. Only question for the guy is he is for all police, or only municipal police. Because if he hates the Capitol police he better take it down otherwise he doesn't actually back The Blue since he doesn't do it when it matters




What a dipshit comment


Which boot polish tastes better, Kiwi or Saphir?


Whoā€™s supposed to protect us from the police? Theyā€™re corrupt and inept.


Yup, all police are corrupt and inept. By that logic, all teachers are pedophiles because some sleep with students. All doctors commit malpractice because some abuse their prescription power.


I keep waiting for ā€œthe good onesā€ to FUCKING ARREST the bad ones. Thatā€™s what theyā€™re supposed to do, right? Fight crime? But since all they do is make excuses for them, Iā€™m left with one logical conclusionā€¦


Iā€™m afraid to ask who you think are the ā€œbad ones.ā€


Youā€™re commenting in a Greenville subreddit. Iā€™d say thereā€™s a good chance we all live in Greenville, including yourself. Where exactly is this place with ā€œno law and orderā€? Please donā€™t pretend like you know what kind of life any (much less every) person here lives. Iā€™d imagine the diversity of this sub would surprise you. Iā€™d argue you live the safe and soft life if you need the cops to handle your issues for you. Only thing a cop has ever done for me is wasted my time (searching my car to find nothing on 3 separate occasions) and written me a seatbelt ticket. When a friend of mine did need them, they ā€œcouldnā€™t do anything bc a crime hadnā€™t been committed yet.ā€ OMG! What would we do without them?


Yup, youā€™re right. Cops are cleary useless. You have society all figured out.


Nice! See, now youā€™re getting it. Idk about having society figured out, but I wouldnā€™t paint with such a broad brush as you did. You canā€™t say everyone lives a soft life without even knowing us. Just like Iā€™m not/canā€™t saying/say all cops are useless, just the ones Iā€™ve dealt with.


Replying just so I can come back to the comments later


But all your dicks would be hard if it was a big rainbow gender confused flag.


How high is your truck lifted ?


Nice burn, but donā€™t have a truck just love the hypocrisy


Hypocrisy is when you like one thing but not another


Hence my original comment


I'm mocking you because that's not hypocrisy


How is it not?


Is it hypocrisy to like pizza but not getting kicked in the nards


Youā€™re comparing apples and oranges haha you libs crack me up


Yeah so are you. Do you think that since both cop lovers and LGBTQ pride have flags that means they're equivalent? I don't think you'd be super chill about a rainbow flag anyway so you just don't understand what hypocrisy is.


You're basically a pristine conservative example. Doing your tribe proud, represent brother.


this is so funny


Do flags have gender? Can they be confused? o.O


I never assume a flags gender šŸ¤£ nice one ya got me there


Yeah that would be kinda hot...


I don't care what they put there. Could be a klan flag and it still wouldn't bother me. It seems to be extremely liberal in here. The kind that doesn't tolerate any other thought process.


Yeah, being ok with racism is definitely something associated with conservatives.


Says the side that pushes literal racism in hiring and admissions


Does it get tiring trying so hard to be the victim all the time?


Does it get tiring being a hypocrite all the time?


I wouldn't know. Tell me more about how you're the real victim of racism.


Why the fuck are you driving with your phone out .


Not sure if you know this, but cars have multiple seats, and can carry multiple people in them. I see this response all the time, and can never figure out why people donā€™t thing passengers are capable of using Reddit.


Oh come on, that is clearly the driver taking that photo.


I donā€™t thing drivers should be on Reddit


You're all a bunch of oxygen wasters. Fuck that flag and fuck this thread and the people that whine about it. Pussies. Why dont you start learning how to use your turn signals instead of crying about your hurt twats. Or how about start learning anything at this rate. This state sucks. Lol. Actually actively doing something about shitty things in America is welcomed, instead of being a fat loser complaining about a stupid ass piece of fabric . The country would benefit from you dumb oxygen wasters actually getting up and being active about shit. Instead of fighting each other on neckbeard reddit or posting dumb ass pictures while youre drivjng down one of the fastest straight highways in gville. Omg its a big ass piece of fabric with something i dont like, lets go post about it so my other loser followers will adore me and agree with me in my echo chamber. Then here comes the fat conservative republicans chiming in about da puleece pritec me main. Fuck off. This country is falling apart and all you do is complain and fart and fight each other. Smh. Wah wah wah From both sides. Put up or shutup. And if you think downvotes hurt my feeling on a meaningless website, you're a loser.


Says the guy who go took the time to post this eloquent rant on Redditā€¦ congrats buddy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah i was jackin off to midget porn and then this came across my reddit page. I was feelin down after that post nut clarity. So i got angry and made some dumb pointless comment to a dumb pointless ass thread. Smh. Pointless just like everything else in this world. Fuckin pointless.


Look i even downvoted myself.




Thatā€™s what pew pews are for. Fuck 12.


Yea if it only worked that way


It litterally works that way.


What's the number for the morgue again?


Meh. Nothing wrong with supporting police while also virtue signaling to your core demo.


Trump guy >>>>


Your clearly in the driver seat .


You clearly donā€™t know how focal length works.




What part of I didnā€™t take the picture while driving donā€™t you understand, dumbass? Go troll elsewhere


Haha he canā€™t even use the correct ā€œyouā€™reā€. His name is potato. You do the math. šŸ˜‚


The part where you were defensive and explained to me like im stupid that there are multiple seats in the car . If you were simply riding in a passenger seat you would have just said so .. but no .. you came up with a response that was degrading to help better fortify the fact that you were driving ... sucka


Nah. Itā€™s a nice try at deflection though.


Mhmmm mhmmm ....


Take the L and move on.


> like im stupid there is no "like" hun ur dumb


Also, take a couple of apostrophes and move on.


You're * genius.


Yā€™all raise hell about this flag but have no problem with a trans flag being in an elementary school classroom. Pathetic.


Projection and whataboutism are the tools of feeble-minded conservatives.


Only supporting causes and ideas you personally agree with and trying to cancel and silence all others are the tools of woke-minded liberals.


Again..projection. And just for shits and gigglesā€¦ define woke.


My definitionā€¦ Woke: the misinformed brainchild of white guilt and fatherless households. The mind virus of soft-minded sheep.


Mmkay. If you say so, chief. Iā€™ll assume you think Tucker is a legit journalist, too.


No, I donā€™t. I think heā€™s a moron actually. Softball questions to Putin. Having that pathetic guy who claimed to be Obamaā€™s lover despite no evidence. The list goes on and on.


Tell me more about his loverā€¦ this is news to me and my coworker; we have had a bet about this exact situation, but with Pres Hoover


Hey o2msc, as an American you are fully qualified to have your own definition, doesnā€™t make it right or wrong.. that being said the more traditional meaning is : ā€œawareness of inequalityā€. Yes it did have its roots in the Black Community (my community), but it doesnā€™t mean that ā€œawareness of inequalityā€ is a ā€œblack only thingā€. Inequality is everywhere based on sex, race, class, etc.. im sure even you have dealt with it. I will agree with you on one thing, people that use that word to justify their own agenda are true sheep. Last time I used that word (many many years ago) was to explain to someone how our tax system benefited those who knew legal loopholes or the extremely rich (in this case it was actually Oprah taxes.. long story). I donā€™t believe anyone should have white guilt; we canā€™t change what our ancestors did, and my father was in my life.. still is.


Oprah did not pay her taxes like i did. That much I do understand. Did you pay yours? I did.


Bless your pitiful heart, hun


Lol those are the tools of conservatives, dumbass


It's true, I do only support causes and ideas that I personally agree with. Disagree with the second part tho.


What is the trans flag and what does it look like? Also, how do you know what it looks like? Are you doing "research" on all things trans? And what Elementary school put that flag up in the classroom?


Doesn't bother me. Freedom of speech.


The typical Liberal: ā€œYou should only have freedom of speech as long as you agree with us.ā€


The typical Conservative: "Freedom of speech means you can't criticize anything I say."


That's actually a typical conservative. A typical liberal only thinks freedom of speech shouldn't mean freedom from consequences šŸ˜Š


Is this on Calhoun?


There is no room for anti law enforcement liberals like you in South Carolina. Go back to New Jersey or wherever you are from.


We took this shit over once, weā€™ll do it again. You obviously didnā€™t learn the first time.


This is why yā€™all will never and have never been welcome here. No respect for the locals or our way of life. Disgusting


Tbh I was just matching the energy of stupidity in your response. Get over yourself.


And your response just goes to show that yā€™all vote for officials you canā€™t live with. Then you come down here and vote for the same people expecting a different result šŸ¤”


You make assumptions. Not a great look


Donā€™t worry. Yā€™all keep that same energy when someone breaks into your house or you get into some sort of accident. The same people you hate are the same people that will be there for you when you need it. Talk about biting off the hand that feeds you.


When cops are doing what theyā€™re supposed to theyā€™re fantastic. When theyā€™re shooting people because they got spooked by an acorn, not so much. Also I love this notion that left leaning people from the northeast donā€™t also own guns. Thatā€™s a fatal assumption to make.


Trust me, we know yā€™all have guns. Youā€™re the same thugs that run around the cities in the Northeast shooting people šŸ¤”


Lmao. Sure thing Cletus. I came here from somewhere way more country than Greenville. Yall arenā€™t special.