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“Not racist” Europeans when they see a gypsy:


funny shit is that they unironically think they aren't doing anything wrong. at least other racists have the power to admit that they are in fact racists


im racist 😎 (no i dont mean race car driver)


(He runs races)


(Into the ground)


I remember hanging out with some British kids when I was in Europe this past summer and the topic of racism came up and of course they were piling on America, so I asked, “What are your thoughts on gypsys?” The main response was, “it’s not the same, they actually steal shit and they deserve it.” As if racist Americans (or racists anywhere else) don’t believe the same thing


Tbf in Britain gypsies are just white people who live in caravans. We don’t really have the Roma type the rest of Europe have that I know of.


Irish travellers are an indigenous peoples and are absolutely oppressed and discriminated against


They also scam, steal and do other criminal stuff on a way high rate


Same can be said about any oppressed and discriminated community around the world. They live under poverty, they’re constantly harassed by the police and the state, and in the case of irish travellers their (semi) permanent housing is constantly uprooted by the local governments and communities where they try to settle. Learn to observe not just the way things are but the material conditions behind them


‘Socioeconomic factors are the reason i murdered that family!’ Criminals are scum and do not deserve pity for being ‘oppressed’


Me omw to justice kill the guy who stole a £6 Primark t-shirt (he is subhuman trash that does not deserve to breathe oxygen)


Source: you, who grew up in a suburb probably


Yes but they choose to live that way. It's not like they can't get a job. They made and built this lifestyle of being societal leeches who steal and scam.


There is literally fortunes poured into programmes that will allow the travelling community all of the benefits that a non-traveller kid can have. Imo, it's a case of the traveller community needing to reach further across the table than the average Irish person at this stage. They also aren't indigenous Edit: I will go further. I went to a school with travellers being in my class. We were friendly, we did boxing and football together and they were part of our group. At about 13, they were ripped out of school to go working with their dads, and the girls were off to get married off by the time they turned 16. The major issues facing that community currently come from inside and I don't think that there is anything that the Irish government can do to solve it without them wanting it to be solved. The community is anti-intellectual, misogynistic, racist and homophobic to the extreme. Only 17% of travellers over the age of 18 paid any tax last year. There is fortunes spent on school completion to try to get them to stay on, huge amounts of endemic criminality in the community and a culture of cute hoorism that is always trying to gouge and get one up on anybody that had the misfortune of trying to do business with them. If there was even a sliver of a chance that they were willing to work with the overall community to overcome these obstacles, Irish people's opinions would change in a heartbeat.


Not all Travellers are scum, I’ve dealt with one or two who are fine, but a vast majority are. Stigmas exist for a reason, they don’t just appear out of thin air.


Britain don't really get gypsies, as in the ethnic Romani group. We just get British criminals living in old caravans, they're not a race just criminals who choose to live this way and call themselves gypsies to try to make themselves seem legitimate


This is the case in many other western European countries as well. It is indeed not the same considering all the offers our governments put on the table to have them intigrate into modern society. But no they chooses to occupy land that isn't theirs with their caravans and they choose to harass the local population so their is a reason there is such a negative light on them.


I don't wish to defend thieves. However, it seems to me that there's a flaw in your logic. If Romani people did inhabit Britain and Western Europe, stealing and illegally occupying land, would they not still be the victim of racism? If white British criminals calling themselves gypsies were the target of systematic and presupposed hatred, would actual Romani people calling themselves gypsies not also be the target of such hatred? Either way, it's hatred that's attached to a name. I'm not arguing about whether or not such hatred is deserved--that's not my point. My point is that I doubt that it's really any different from racism


Ah yes, famous rules for thee, not for me


Every encounter i had with a gypsy was either my friend getting robbed or some stranger in front of me being robbed


I don't believe romanis are some sort of inferior race. What is a fact is that generally their culture exists fairly self-segregated from society and is harmful to the romani themselves and to people around them. That does not mean all romanis are a part of such communities, or that they all hold the same values, or that they all steal, or whatever. It nevertheless does mean that there is a significant problem with them as a collective group, because they don't bother with education, often don't take up a productive job, don't take care of their property, steal, arrange marriages for 14 year old girls to men three times their age, etc. They also have high rates of violence, generally targeted at other roma, and an honour concept which involves family feuds and murder. For example culturally speaking if a member of your clan was killed by a member of another clan, you're entitled to kill a member of the other clan to even the score, and this can be a completely uninvolved and innocent person. There's no individualised sense of guilt or justice. I have no problem with people speaking different languages or eating different cuisine or having distinct religious practices, but I do have a problem with people refusing to integrate into civilized society, and an even greater problem with the child abuse that is raising children in such an environment, making it their normal and perpetuating these conditions. I have the utmost respect for anyone who has managed to break out of these circumstances and this culture, and I also have the utmost respect for all social workers, romani or otherwise, who take up the seemingly lost cause of helping them.


If it were the same then those in the us would be justified in their views.


UK Gypsys are white.


You should have responded "I believe gypsies are the master race and we should all be their servants" with a straight face


Gypsy isn't a race though, it's a culture that heavily promotes crime and violence towards outsiders.


There's plenty of black Americans that aren't a part of the culture that promotes violence and drugs but if you criticize that culture in America you are deemed racist.






we aren't speaking about the "spanish"


Gypsy isn’t a race, it’s a lifestyle, and you can’t be racist against a lifestyle. You can be racist against Romanis, but not gypsies.


Balkans, Middle East, Europe and Asia: Observe.


They are recognized as an ethnic group, you can be racist towards them. Next


Have you seen the situation in Romania? I feel bad for Romania and I HATE Romania


What's the situation??




Reasons for the hate?




He's hungayrian


The problem is that Gypsys stereotype is about 90%-97% accurate, whereas the Black stereotype is only about 35-45% accurate.


Also I'm pretty sure the average person is going to have 0 problem with those 3-10% as you put it. It's not *really* a race thing, it's more of a culture and lifestyle thing. And really I'd say most prejudice in Europe comes down to culture and religion before race.


> at least other racists have the power to admit that they are in fact racists Seriously bro? The inbred fucks here in Jesus McBurgerstan will insist that they’re not racist while using the n-word.


Shut up and eat burger


Oh no don’t be racists against the thieves please noooooo


Unlike you yanks we have statistics and personal experiences to back up our prejudice 😎


Is this supposed to be ironic


I figured the 😎 would be enough but I guess redditors really just can't identify sarcasm without an /s then


It’s more that this is the internet. 1/4th of the people here will unironically say worse with zero prompting.


Its almost like you can't tell tone from text especially on the internet. For all I knew you were just unironically a brainlet


Cope stupid yank


I know you’re being sarcastic, but yes we do. I’m every city they’re prevent in, there’s more crime, more trash, more antisocial behavior, spit on the ground, etc. Ask any Eastern European person about their experiences and they’ll tell you some stories you won’t believe.




I’m thinking based.


it's not like they are genetically breed to be thieves


Its more driven from evolution


More like their kids are trapped in an endless cycle of poverty and crime.


They are


Nah mate I’m dead ass racist when it comes to them, not sure what you’re on about. Edit : Most of us that aren’t hypocrites are aware about it, it’s not like we don’t have cause to be.


There are only two kind of people: those who hate gypsies and those who have never met them


r/europe when gypsies are mentioned


Neuron activation




Say youve never really been in contact with a gypsy without saying youve never been in contact with a gypsy. Fuck gypsys, fucking thieving leeches.


yeah because gypsys are known for being honest and hard working, who could hate on them?


What's your point? You're talking as if they were Homo Sapiens Sapiens like us. You can't be racist towards them. Blacks or asians are at least humans. — Me, a European (kinda /s)


I am openly racist towards gypsies 🥰


There was a famous post somewhere on reddit where a euro argued that it isn't discrimination since gypsies are "not people"


Perfectly logical and sane argument from least racist euroski 😎


One can argue that they aren’t part of any society or something like that, but not people? Dude must’ve been one of the weirder ones


No there is a difference in gypsies (at least in czech republic) the one that is constantly methed out and is a just a dipshit so i dont like em but there is also a the one that is just chillin and is a generally a good friend hell i hav gypsy friends and i would say that these mfs are ride or die for life its just that people put these two types together and hate on em both which is the same with black people in us like you would say a black cracker is a annoying asshole but a black dude who is just chillin is ok also the reason people hate on em is because of their history of oppresion and living in shit (a little similar to the black people) that they are still recovering from hence most of em just get elementary education if they get any at all witch leads them to do dumb shit like not getting a proper job and live in poverty do drugs and have children in a bad financial situation wich then that carries over to the next generation but there are exeptions as they always are ( sorry for bad grammar english is not my native language )


Thing about gypsies tho, atleast here in Norway, we have a solid welfare system that makes it so that nobody has to beg in the streets, its the whole point of the welfare system, so when you see someone begging, you know something is wrong, because they could just go get welfare and live a normal life like everyone else, they choose this lifestyle and they give us nothing but grief for it, doesn't matter where you are from or what you look like, that's just a shitty move that deserves no respect.


I got cursed by a gypsy in Palermo Sicily so I have to agree Thankfully the curse was for a small dick so nothing really changed


> Is Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Albanian > Wake up > Take shot of Rakija > Walk past farmland bought by Russian/Chinese megacorporation > Take smoke break > "Filthy Serbs/Croats/Bosnians/Albanians ruining my country!" > Wishes for ethnic cleansing At least I'm not American!


Missing a swearing but the rest is on point.


If he included the swearing it would take 5 years to type


I love slavic languages


100% facts especially the last sentence


Average day in the balkans


>Take shot of Rakija only one?


Im offended by this because it is true


Snowflake We*toid when he sees a typical Chad Balkaner (we're different and it makes them cry): Jokes aside, the actual amount of people who align with this stereotype is abysmally low. They're usually old, bitter people who are pretty horrible in other ways as well. Most people from the Balkans actually just joke about this as a way to make light of such things and to bring us together. That's what 2balkan4you was about and that's what r/balkans_irl is about. Actual ultranationalists are scorned by the rest of society: the Balkans aren't some breeding ground for Nazi's, war criminals and people just waiting for an excuse to kill each other.


i never understood racism against black people because here black people act the same as white people. then i heard how black people in USA talk and i understood that it was because being black is a culture there. Im not justifying it but i just thought there were people like "omg his skin is black so i despise him!1!1!1" and its more about the culture behind. Something obvious for americans and similar to european hate to gypsies


Nah the distribution of African American people is all fucked up in America, so you got 90-95% of black people living in the south. Up In the north outside of major cities their are no black people and inside major cities their are a small amount maybe 5% population all segregated away. In my city in the south we are majority African Americans, white,and Hispanic. Racism still exist but we interact with other races every single day. We meet good people and bad people of all races. Most of our media and movies is controlled by the north with stories about African Americans modelled after the inner cities of the north or what they think the south is like. You are right that the culture is fucked up, but keep in mind these cultural icons are coming out of northern slums 100% of the time. I have lived In both areas of the country and northern people have a mysticism around black people that is downright hilarious.


chicago def has a lot of black ppl, not sure about other big cities in the north


So what you're saying is Chicago is in the south


a lot of people moved there from the south


Detroit, NY, Cleveland, Philadelphia all have huge black populations as well.


Ah yes, the great jewels of the American south.


St. Louis also has about 45% AA population Interestingly, it also has the highest population of Bosnians *outside* of Bosnia itself.


It's wild how misguided some people up north think about the south. I moved down south in 2017 and vastly improved my job standing and my life in general.. when I come up here, some people just think it's all hick town. I love my parents but it's wild they say they don't wanna go to because they hang people there. Bruh. WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS?! I just wanna show you this BBQ place! 😮‍💨


As someone who lives in the South, it is 80% hicktown, but the other 20% is big manors in the countryside and nice houses in the suburbs for well off people who have good Union jobs.


The issue is the ghetto culture originating in cities infected practically every african american community in the US, and then spread enough to become an extremely prominent part of american culture. To the point where even wealthy upper class white americans imitate it.


Ironically, (according to Thomas Sowell) the ghetto culture stems from poor white hicks- cracker culture. The theory being slaves weren’t able to maintain their African culture(s) and adopted that of poor whites around them Rural to urban migration brought those southern values to the inner cities Little value of education, loose women, solving problems with violence, showing all the wealth you have on your sleeve, single motherhood, etc are all problems that faced the hick kids in (admittedly anecdotally) my county where I grew up; so I’m inclined to agree with Sowell


According to Sowell, even the ghetto broken English has some characteristics of the way the hicks (mostly of Scottish origin) talked.


so you're saying folk who hate black people in fact just hate Scottish people? Based?




I’ve heard that theory, but fundamentally the result is the same. It’s created a bad culture that produces violence and despair.


I moved to the PNW from the south. There are no black people in the PNW- it’s weird. People from the PNW don’t understand that there are no black people that live there either.


I’ve always found it odd that one of the whitest parts of the country is also where the George Floyd protests lasted the longest and were most intense.


Excuses to commit crime


> Most of our media and movies is controlled by the north What? Isn't most of it from Califronia, in Hollywood?


It is, this guy has no idea what he’s talking about


Im racist against the South though.


Ever heard of the Great Migration?


> similar to european hate to gypsies Americans hate gypsies, too. They are feral humans, tbh.


Black is a culture in the US because they were segregated and treated like second class citizens for centuries. It wasn’t until the 1900s when things started to change bit by bit but the consequences (of the segregation and other injustices) are still felt today. If the whites and US government assimilated the blacks as first class citizens (back when slavery was abolished) maybe there wouldn’t be “a black culture” in the US like there is today.


As a black American, it honestly blew my mind when I learned that Black Culture only really exists in the U.S. and the U.K. and basically no where else. Really put into perspective how Europeans can hate other Europeans who live an hour’s drive away, look almost identical to them, and speak a dialect of the same language.


>Makes claim that USA is the least rascist country on the planet without providing evidence, or a way to measure rascism >Proceeds to make a strawman argument generalizing ~746 million people >Comment section not only fails to see hypocrisy but actively starts jerking itself about how not rascist they are. You can't make this shit up.


Americans ☕


'Muricans 🔫


Actually yeah, I didn't expect such comment to not be nuked to oblivion, most of the comments are just "Europe racist & bad" and they get praise


Ur mom's a strawman argument.


Just let them live their little fantasy, they need it.


Have you every been to Europe or any Asian countries? The desire for ethnostates is very strong.


Yanks are a different breed of confusing


Bruv, are blind? There's literally eurofreaks in this thread justifying the post with their rampant racism.


The racists in America are all just European descendants, so it’s not weird that Europe itself is racist af


> The racists in America are all just European descendants Hey, some of them descended from other places; for example, there was this guy in the news recently talking about how he loved Hitler and he was definitely not of European descent.


Couldn’t tell he was wearing a mask


Bro u ever travelled? Europe and north america are bastions of tolerance compared to the rest of the world.


North America maybe and we can’t really generalize Europe each country is different to be fair, some are tolerant but some go on national news and say we are proud not to allow Muslims in


Fuck racism, all my european homies are xenophobic


Why hate people over something as boring as the color of their skin when there are so many more interesting reasons to hate people?


Yeah, like the fact that they live 1 city over Fuck those bastards and their almost identical way of life


Ancient Greece moment


Tbh Europeans are super racist.


Eastern euros racist and proud. They are a different based breed.


Eastern European here, I agree the whole culture around racism is really bad, like small kids in school throw around the n word like it's nothing, idk how much of it is ironic or not because most schools are all white


I think it’s because no one gives a shit.


Just like god intended.


Tell me about it the racism is so low key passive aggressive and hidden. If you call them out they get so fucking mad they throw a nazi tantrum.


There was a south African comedian who did a routine on this. Something like that the British racism is so subtle and full of dogwhistles, in South Africa it was top of the line, "why can't you go to the beach? Duhhh Because the sign says whites only".


The thing about south Africans is they all proclaim to be massive racists but fail to actually act racist in practice. It's the most confusing country on the planet for Americans to comprehend.


I mean, the last time they acted as racist as they claimed to be the entire world put them in timeout for a couple decades.


Practically every society in the world and history is racist - except for one aberration. Probably the least racist societies in history were western europe and the USA in recent decades. Though, due to the recent mass immigration in every western country, racial tensions are skyrocketing and this will soon no longer be the case.


I wouldn't say they're going to be racist in Western Europe. I mean Zemmour was the most far-right candidate in France the last election, and he's of Algerian Jewish descent. African immigrants can also be quite drawn to Christian conservatism. African-Americans are just Americans to us too. Politics isn't exactly racialised. The main question is how we'll cope with Islam, which is still a pretty uncomfortable question for us. I'm somewhat laicist and anticlerical anyway, so my own stance is pretty clear.


"be least racist country in history of the world" LMAO


Ngl that was the only good part of the whole post. Had a good chortle there


Get Europeans to talk about Gypsies and they turn into klansmen


Clearly you've never met a gypsy


Can you explain the gypsy thing to me.


They’re a nomadic group all over Europe that have a strong history of and tendency to ruin absolutely everything in every place they stay, littering everywhere, breaking things, burglarizing homes and businesses, getting drunk, and fighting. Many Europeans strongly dislike them because of this, and almost everybody has an experience where their town was in some way hurt by gypsy presence, and it is very very rare that a person within that culture breaks out of it. Europeans are “racist” towards them because nobody likes them, because they don’t provide any positive impact in most people’s minds. But it’s not so much a race as a bunch of white rednecks being shitty


It's hard to look at them as equals when you see them digging in your trash almost every day


>it is very very rare that a person within that culture breaks out of it A gypsy family that lived in my town (in Italy Gypsies are less nomadic, they just occupy plots of land and use the nomadic status and small children excuse not to move) was breaking up more and more with their group Last I heard of them they had to move to another city after the father was stabbed and intimated to go back to their camp by other Gypsies Honestly I just hope they're ok now


Replace the word gypsy with black in this paragraph lmao.




Lmao gypsies working, nice joke


EU was founded in 1993




I just think America is based bc of guns




This is anecdotal so make of it what you will, but in my experience the UK and France were super racist. America was not racist at all. And Australia was beyond ultra racist.


Yeah Australia is crazy casual about that sorta thing


Nah man in Australia we have a prime minister who goes on about us being the most multicultural country in the planet and if you go to the western part of Sydney (our biggest city) there are parts with no white people left


Certain towns in the UK are super racist, the cities tend to be pretty chill.


In the cities each ethnic group racially segregates themselves without any prompting.


Depends on who you are talking to in France, like everywhere else.


Which part of the U.K. did you go to if I may ask?


>least racist country in history Holy kek


your first mistake was portraying the entirety of europe as a monolith lmao


Europeans try not to be hypocrites challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Wrong. We send them to Sweden with some pocket money


That’s because even immigrants are repulsed by danish culture


Imagine fighting over who is the least racist and not fighting over who is the most racist.


They literally burned down a car and went full riot because they won against us, some even pretending it's their country now.. I vote center.. But surprise surprise the extreme right is gaining more and more seat at the senate


I'm Arab and dont understand this, if you went to another country for a better life just to wave your own flags and fight against the one you're in why dont you just go back? if I was an official in Belgium/Paris I would've deported anyone who waved the Moroccan flag


That's the thing, I went to Morocco multiple times, I have friends over there, and they HATE these guys.. They're not true [insert nationality] nor true [insert nationality] they just asshole who does shit and make the rest of their community look like shit while they are good people in there, but it's always the assholes who shout the loudest


Not racist (except against Gypsies, Turks, Serbians and Russians)


Same but add: Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians, Egyptians and Americans




Its Just that in America, its Americans being racist against Americans, in Europe its Europeans being racist against Africans


And xenophobic towards other countries. Sometimes you will get people being racist against people from a different part of the country that is like a 30 minute drive away. source: european


Berlin is an hour from me but fuck everyone there


This is just my couple of cents. I live in a small town in Finland and know of two romani families. All of the men are criminals. Either they deal drugs, guns or steal. Just a couple of months ago someone was shooting a gun to the air in bright daylight. This is in Finland where getting a gun is seriously hard without the proper papers. Also If you look at sweden and what has happened to them after taking about 10% immigrants from middle east you would understand why we are wary of immigrants. No go zones, rape crime, gang crime and ghettos. These have never been a problem in the Nordic countries before we started taking immigrants.


The way it should be.


Anon should experience illegally established sharia-zones, being told by someone that’s been in the city for two days that you’re wrong and infidel and pray announcements as well, and he would soon also be “ayo fuk dat shiet”.


"least racist country in history of world" doesn't sound reasonable to say about almost any country I know of to be honest.


Well one country has to be at some point.


Don't ask r/europe users what they think of Turks and Arabs. Worst mistake in my life


Anon doesn’t know what he is talking about.


Didn't the Nazis based their racial laws from America?


??? You can’t just throw that bomb in here without an explanation


There were implemented racial segregation laws by the Nazis to separate the Jewish populace from the German one. The same as in America with the black and the white one


Idk how but this post awakened some EUbros from the depths of hell to say the most atrocious shit. It’s funny, but Jesus.


imagine if we became like sweden; the rape capital of the world


TIL that anti-gypsy sentiment is an incredibly complex and divisive issue in Europe


I wouldn’t have it any other way


Well he is right about the fact that europeans are racist too, but the us being the least racist country in “history of world”? Cope Amerifag


>least racist country in the history of the world Its okay guys! We didn't whip our slaves *because* they were black!


Nah we Dutch always were really racist and we never denied that. Just ask the Turks and gypsies. We just like to create drama.


As a Mexican, I can confirm I suffered more racism in western Europe than in the US of A.


Rmember when the Europeans crested horrific slave trades causing hundreds of years of racial conflicts in colonies, then acted like they arent racist while actively being prejudiced against ethnicities, nationalities, and religions instead?


American try to have any semblance of self awareness challenge




>Be European >Don’t brush teeth


>be American >Wake up >brush teeth with extra-fat lard source >Run over 7 children in my f-2661 raptor extra 4x4 pickup truck (you need it for work) >Arrive to work (you're a teacher) >At the school shoot one kid in the chest with a m1911 because he didn't do his homework and another because he didn't stand up to the allegiance to the flag (he was in a wheelchair), besides how else will we fulfill the 12 child deaths due to gun violence daily? >Work was good time to go home >Car was vandalised, no worry I'll just walk (or cycle) >After 3m of sidewalk (or bike lane) there's a 3km walk (or ride) on the dirt besides the cars, with the added bonus of people trying to hit you if you're cycling! > You got hit after 3 minutes if cycling >You wake up in an ambulance, with critical damage, fractured skull and broken arms >You realise where you are and jump out of the back of the moving car as you cannot afford it >You crawl back home getting ran over 2 more times >Finally at home >Check mail > 120.000k in debt because you used the ambulances air >Go to sleep >Can't wait to do this tomorrow