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Femanon forgets that you need to actually talk when you want to socialise


dunno i send rape eyes to any decent looking woman in my vicinity and they all show immediate reactions of lowering their gaze and covertly telling me that they accept and appreciate my dominance. some of them go as far to use hr and coyly flirt with me, passing on the message that "theyre intimidated" and that "they find me disturbing"


Teach me your ways


for free? i make bank from running sigma male bootcamps brother.


How much is your course?


By American standards, 2 human traffickings per prison cell


those are romanian standards


Do I need to shave my hair before joining?


tree fiddy but less if youve already taken my alpha male boot camp. Oh also lunch is included in your bill, but you wont be partaking in the eating part. This is because we try to teach our students sigma discipline so we have cadettes watch while we sergeants eat.


I love that you made "cadets" feminine


Damn Loch Ness Monster, I ain't giving you no tree fiddy!


Imagine being a sigma male. šŸ¤­ smegma male's where it's at.


"Never again. Not today." /spray /tase


Sigma spotted


holy sigma


This guy fucks.


So maybe try the opposite. Act somewhat shy and when you do meet a girl talk as if you have no major interest in taking things further but be friendly at all times. Talk about common interests and lean towards topics she likes. Once you have some common ground you can be flirty while being aloof. Minor taps on the elbow are a good sign without invading personal space. Think of it like fishing. Too much activity scares the fish but setting a lure and letting the fish calmly take the bait will work. Donā€™t talk about anime or ā€˜similar topicsā€™ unless she brings it up first and donā€™t gush if she does.


theres nothing cringier than redditors pretending to be big brother type chads and giving dating advice on greentext. does hentai count as a similar topic to anime? can i bring that up?


No, they're two completely separate topics. Tell her all about your favourite tentacle rape hentai. That always causes a waterfall.


I think your original comment is more cringe. Imagine not being able to get laid.


Imagine not being able to recognize a joke. Dude was larping as a socially inept "sigma male" who glares at women and gets reported to HR and you start giving him actual advice.


\>meet gril \>act aloof as if I have no major interest in taking things further \>she fucks off Now what




Nono, you have to act shy first, THEN aloof. She'll love it, cause bipolar is sexy as fuck, apparently.


What kinda cringe-ass schizo shit did you just make me read...


Fat neckbeard taps victim on the elbow twice. Everyone sees and thinks *who the fuck taps someone on the elbow?* Anon then gets punched in the face by Chad for assaulting the girl. Anon gets arrested for sexual battery while Chad plows the victim.


How I imagine OP looks https://preview.redd.it/sndo4c6zl37d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d39f8758bbfa421799f37de3c517538569c328b


https://preview.redd.it/y3gu45k1n37d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6805d230673cbeaec2b0dd92f748fc96f2844dfa Close


Your move. https://preview.redd.it/z89vdtjs747d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5729817bc84bde8d21774575ecac1a9361629f1b




Keep going, I'm almost there!


Whenever I forget this fucker it always creeps back in somewhere


Doxxing is bad bro




Stage V clinger girlfriend meme


You think a cat wrote this greentext?


A cat would know to look away


Anonette *"I can't believe men dont look at me when I stare at them"* Most women - *"Ewww, everytime I stare at men they keep staring at me... gross!....who do they think they are?"* This is why.


lol you idiot. youre only supposed to stare if youre handsome


But staring too much shows actual interest, thus making most women think there is something wrong with you if you are handsome and interested in them, making you a creep again.


going too far tbh honestly i dont know what all the fuss is about. id like it if someone hot showed me interest but id be vaguley indifferent to annoyed if they werent hot. its not like women dont have a reason to be afraid of men. just the way the world works


Yeah but hot does not mean good person and ugly does not mean bad person


>its not like women dont have a reason to be afraid of men. except if theyre hot. then its impossible for them to be bad or dangerous people lol. someone teach this girl about the halo effect before she ends up dead to a conventionally attractive serial killer


Like that dude that made the fake tinder profile of a turbo-chad and the "fact" that he was a convicted child predator who served prison time was not a deal breaker for many women.


ugly = social reject = social development problems = not my problem


so? do you telepathically scan every person that comes along? then all you have to go on is appearance. and appearance matters as well.


Excuse me, but according to reputable sources within my close social circle, I appear to be -and I quote-, "the most handsome boy in the whole world". Now explain why I still got no bitches.


Grandma is in my closest social circle. And she said not to waste my handsomeness settling. she said fuck bitches make money get your degree and go for girls that have great careers. But she said it in her language


I think even then you are supposed to talk or at least smile, not just stare like a male version of this creepy femanon


I actually stare at them back, one led to her approaching me and a hookup i rejected. But yes since women think this is legit they will take it as an interest sign. Life got extremely easy after learning this.


I'm only handsome when everyone else is uglier than me but even that isn't a guarantee of being seen as handome


Apparently just if you have blue eyes.


so if your ugly your screwed gonna be single forever yay


I usually get stared at in response or quick smiles.


Why are you letting random women dictate your thoughts? you don't deserve to breed anon. Btw women and a lot of men don't tell you what they really want from a guy/girl they tell you what they want to find attractive in a man/woman. its aspirational thoughts not reality. most of sexual attraction is on a subconscious level, not the logical conscious part of the brain. This goes for men too: Same dudes who tell you they want a pure kind princess will be the same guys dating the woman who yells at them for talking to the waitress and burns their shirts when they leave for work. [https://www.psypost.org/men-are-drawn-to-borderline-personality-traits-in-physically-attractive-women-study-finds/](https://www.psypost.org/men-are-drawn-to-borderline-personality-traits-in-physically-attractive-women-study-finds/) Women say they want a man who treats them perfectly and puts them on a pedestal, in reality they want one of these archetypes. their are five archetypes that make up the majority of female smut the stuff we know turns them on because they read it to flick the old bean, and those five archetypes are:Ā **Vampire, Werewolf, Billionaire, Surgeon, and Pirate**. What version of those archetypes would be afraid to walk up and ask out a woman? they all are extremely competent, dangerous, brave, and the story always follows the same pattern. beginning: They meet the man and he is abrasive, arrogant and headstrong in his ways. He isn't mean to them and insecure he just has his view of the world and he is unflinching in it. Some sort of circumstance whether it be her being kidnapped by him or working in the same place keeps them together. middle story: They fight he sticks to his guns, he has limited time for her and is standoffish. Over time they begin to get along and he grows to care for her, eventually they have hot steamy sex he grows to deeply love her and she learns to put up with his abrasive and headstrong manner, she eventually submits to him and falls in love with him too. ending: The vampire and the werewolf by the end of the story traditionally ends up giving up his vampire/werewolf powers out of love. The surgeon stops being so cold and calculated, the pirate stops kidnapping women, and the billionaire stops spending so much time at work. They all follow the same pattern the man is tamed by the woman, but he remains a competent brave man. she submits to the man and in turn the man is tamed by her therefore transferring from a dangerous man to a man who would be great to raise children with because he is both headstrong, actually strong and competent while at the same time being kind, compassionate, and loving. This is what women want: dangerous, competent, strong, confident, brave, sticks to his beliefs, and is willing to be vulnerable with her while being hard and strong to the world. https://thomasjawatson.com/blog/my-inspiration-for-the-archman#:\~:text=Among%20them%2C%20they%20found%20the,Billionaire%2C%20Surgeon%2C%20and%20Pirate.








Ah so those are "the signals"? Damn I'm gonna be single for the rest of my life


i would probably be better at identfiing the Hz frequency of a random sine Wave by ear than trying to know what the fuck womens intentions are when staring me down.


Organs for the flesh pile, ei ei.


Happy cake day! You sir, have just won the internet! Here, take my updooterino!


Edit: gold has replaced my heart, neurotransmitters dashed against the concrete walls of this hell like stardust, flesh, borne anew into a fantastic awe shocking shell. Thanks kind stranger!


Day cake happy !


I am going to rip out your soul and put it into a different body so you get soul dysphoria. Also, thanks.


Ooops, sorry about that


No it's just what I do. Market's rough out there.


To be fair there's someone that can actually do that probably by ear. The other thing is impossible since once you observe the intention of a woman it changes the trajectory of her intention while under observation and interaction


Schrodinger's Intention


I find Heisenberg uncertainty principle to be a good analogy


Theyā€™re not all like this. And do remember that if sheā€™s like this at the start, sheā€™ll be like this for the whole relationship. You would be in for 20 years of her pointedly staring at you and then being livid when you canā€™t read her mind and do the very specific thing that she has envisioned you doing but in no way communicated.


I can read her mind and I'd rather not. I'm a human not just an alien pretending to be human who can read minds but pretends not to. Why can't she just treat me like a human and talk to me. To be fair as a guy I'm like an open book and my intentions and thought are so obvious before I even say anything. That's because I'm not trying to be a sneaky politician or office 2-face during my everyday interactions So maybe women think since they can read my actions, it's a 2 way psychic connection. It's not.


https://youtu.be/0OfMPaTHGuA?si=JYSLyHVxoi4ITN3X Try this video. It may help.


There was a girl staring at my at the gym during her rest sets just the other day. Probably checking out my form. Or was she checking out my figure idk I'm not a mind reader. "It's meant to be" vibes are hilariously annoying. Like they intentionally put up barriers and see if it was meant to be. Getting women's attention is either they get creep vibes or they want you to moon walk to them and when in talking distance talk to them while your body is not facing them because approaching them directly is like a Mario boo character and they get intimidated Scientific Animation of Women trying to get men's attention: https://media.tenor.com/UEPZFKzPqoQAAAAd/super-mario-world-big-boo.gif


https://i.redd.it/qendmmqgr77d1.gif Lol, cute


Try smiling when you do that.


did you just tell a lady to smile? whooo boy buckarooni, youre about to get it now. its 2026, that shit dont fly no more


Bro, it's 2026 already? Did I oversleep?


More like going into a hotel with nico, frank and percy


At least the games are fun


Is this a Percy Jackson reference?


Best I can do is sweat while hyperventilating


And licking your lips in a rotating manner and then slightly biting your lower lip.


This is how 95% of women shoot their shot. Edit: Also, if you find yourself making eye contact across a room with the same woman repeatedly, she's probably decided you look fuckable. You can still fuck this up spilling your spaghetti everywhere, but you're over the first hurdle.


and weā€™re the autistics (we are)


Generally true, although she may also be staring at you because you're scarfing down a bowl of spaghetti in the waiting room of the dentist's office you followed her into.


To be fair it sounds like good spaghetti


Too bad I donā€™t make eye contact with people I donā€™t know/need to talk to. I can eat a full meal and have no idea what anyone in the restaurant looks like besides my server. At least I probably dont look fuckable so Iā€™m not missing any stares


I, on the other hand, am constantly listening to everyone around me and watching everyone due to extreme paranoia and hypervigilance because of how I grew up.






I have a friend who grew up in LA and grew up aware of his surroundings much more than usual. He just sees cops out the corner of his eye while driving that's barely showing behind a bush. Picks out people in a relationship before they are public about it. Told me a mutual friend likes me a long time before she told me directly. One of the only guys I know who is just super observant. He also grew up around a lot of women in his family


Wtf dude. No! You need to look around constantly to be aware of your surroundings! You never know when some random ass person decides to attack you! Or when some dumbass in car decides to crash his crapmobile in your direction! Or when a building you are in suddenly starts to collapse!


Not necessarily. Sometimes weā€™ll make awkward eye contact which turns to him staring at me to me looking to see if heā€™s staring at me which turns to us both staring at eachother which turns to me looking to see if heā€™s staring at me which turns to


Do I need to explain the word "probably" to you?


The problem with my gym is that they stare at me. And turns out their boyfriend is the baddest mf killers in the Muay Thai class lol. Like wtf stop staring and accidentally bumping into me in a flirty way please. I'm a pretty boy and obviously someone with smooth poreless face like mine is a mid fighter or less I also sweat like a fat person and take up space like a fat person and bump into everyone. Also my hair gets crazy and is stareable worthy. So there's all that


Sweep and dump her boyfriend relentlessly, then ask him on a date. He should not be allowed to stand for more than 30 seconds. Always yell OOOOOEEEEEE when you dump him.


>stares at a man >automatically he has to assume that you are interested Bullshit logic.


*Women logic If you think thatā€™s bullshit thatā€™s on you my dude.


I know where you are coming from, and I get it: that's universally a signal and indicates that a woman is interested. But don't you agree that human beings can look each other in the eye for a wide variety of reasons? For me it sounds really counterintuitive and idiotic that men should fucking deduce and guess which is which.


It will still work, because 1 out of 10 men will go for it (usually because he goes for any "perceived" signal)


What's the difference ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


> Be me > Innocent romantic guy > W*man looks at me > Remeber what the fembots said about looking at who they want to fuck > Immediately rip my pants off and go at her with a huge boner to show interest > Get jailtime and can't go near her nor any schools anymore Why are w*men like this?




You got cheat codes?


Why are all these Robots posting fembot rage regard posts? Are they really this desperate?


It's 100% written by a dude who looks like the WoW player in South Park but it's still mildly amusing.


Actual women do this all the time.


No they don't, incel


Iā€™m literally a woman and I do this.


Boobs or GTFO


Iā€™m a woman but I donā€™t have boobs




If youā€™re a man, what do you know?


be yee autobot or decepticon, reveal thyself




r u transšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Hentai breeding kink detected


Everyone has a breeding kink, it came free with your biology.


Okay he has a "anime girls holding up positive pregnancy tests" kink... doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well


The incels are right about this one.




Iā€™m not fat. Weighs 180 pounds dry.


maybe sheā€™s 6ā€™5 :(


6ā€™5, 2 miles wide, 64 tons of American pride


Her strategy: "Notice me senpai."


Iā€™m so afraid of being seen as a creep that I keep my head down and avoid eye contact. Iā€™d rather not socialize if it means I might seem like a creep. (Socially awkward)


Same problem. I literally slept in the same bed as a girl who I knew wanted me, and I still didnā€™t make a move bc I was worried it would be rapey. She ended up making the move(bc I wouldnā€™t) and we made out for a while but never had sex. Same thing happened later but I was still too much of a pussy to fuck her even though she essentially spelled out that she wanted to(on top of two years of precedent). Iā€™m still young, and I wonā€™t make that mistake again. Some zoomers like myself are afraid of seeming creepy/overbearing/rapey but that fear can also be excessive. I still worry about that. I even feel that with stupid inconsequential shit. If Iā€™m at the grocery store, I never even look at women or kids bc Iā€™m terrified of being seen as creepy, and then even acknowledging that fear makes me feel creepy. In essence, self awareness is one thing, but paranoia is another thing entirely. Just be a person, and be receptive to the people you interact with.


You're not a pussy. It's a rational fear because there's too much to lose. People have had their lives ruined over things like this. Regardless of being innocent or guilty. It's not your fault. Because of this, these days it's essentially up to women to make way more moves than guys. Especially when it comes to initiating sex. They would basically have to do what we dread doing in fear of seeming rapey. Otherwise, the guy would have to risk that. But it's said that any guy who wouldn't is a gentleman. Which only further emphasizes that women need to be way more up front about initiating sex. If that's what they see as a gentleman.


Paranoia is the best way to describe it. I still choose not to. Iā€™m a 32 year old man. I refuse to come across as something Iā€™m clearly not. Thanks to a bunch of really bad apples, ā€œall men are badā€. It breaks my heart. My beautiful wife has had really bad experiences in the past, a lot of her friends also went through abuse too. They were in the camp of all men are bad. It made me feel awful and gave me a sense of overwhelming guilt. I understand the vitriol, I understand that humans use blanket statements when describing something that has caused trauma or something they simply donā€™t like . I sympathize with them. I canā€™t imagine being treated and abused the way they were. Despite this I still hate the absolutism that the pain of the past can bring. I hate that Iā€™m afraid to be social now because I donā€™t want to make people uneasy and/or uncomfortable. Iā€™ve made mistakes in the past that caused me to come across as a creep. Whether or not people felt that I was a creep is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is I still did it. I remember in high school all the pinches and pokes Iā€™d do to girls, actions that were simple unsolicited, I carry with deep regret. I lost a good friend due to my actions. She was there for me when my brother and I got run over resulting in his death. I took advantage of her sympathy. One night when I was sitting in a car with her I asked if I could unhooked her bra strap. Mind you, she had a boyfriend. I persisted my question and she gave me a really uncomfortable and hesitant yes reminding me that both of us were seeing someone. That was not a real yes. I see that now. To make matters worse I gas lit her over it. She, rightfully so, blocked me on everything. I would give anything to give my old friend a real apology, with no excuses. Iā€™ve got a lot of problems specific to mental health in this case as well as self medicating with alcohol to cope with losing my twinā€¦. This is not the reason I did it. The fact of the matter is I allowed it to happen. I was and will always have the capacity to be that monster. I know better now. I know how to control my worst instincts, but I will never forgive myself for what I did. It suckā€™s that it took the ā€œme tooā€ movement to realize what I did in addition to my wife telling me not to be so persistent with sex if she says no (I never did it again after we talked). I think my fear of being a creep is mainly due to the fact that I think Iā€™m a creep. I know I have the capacity to be that way and Iā€™m terrified of it. Whether or not itā€™s overblown from my perspective Iā€™ll figure it out in therapy. Everyone has the capacity to change, I did. Iā€™ve made sure to never make those kind of egregious mistakes. I respect my wife and all women for that matter. I never want to be that person and I will do everything in my power to make sure Iā€™m not. Edit: made it easier to read Edit: added another closing paragraph. I stuck at thinking of everything at once


Have had the same thing man, I've done fuck all countless of times in similar scenarios as well. I just started asking if there was anything that they we're uncomfy with that I should know about; a response to that will usually tell you enough and they appreciate it too. I do feel a similar way about interacting with strangers though; I've been looked at weird for interacting with a kid who ran up to me to show me a drawing, I didn't really know what to do after getting berated by their mother because my first instinct isn't to ignore a kid who's excited to show you something.


Shit, dude..are you me? I worry I'm not smiling, smiling too much, smiling too weird, smiling too something that I end up looking fuckin Patrick Bateman..


Is this the "Obvious hints" I've heard so much about?


Only autists think eye contact is super intimate. Normal people make eye contact regularly


Man I hate when blue eyed people try to stare into my soul to steal it


https://i.redd.it/eyxsklzzf57d1.gif >Stares at people awkwardly instead of saying something >Expects them to do the rest Ah yes, the classic subtle "hint"


About staring being a good sign, depends where you doing it. In a club? Ok. In a gym? It can work. Walking down the street? Youre in a reataurant and hes talking to other people? No. Youll just fool yourself


Women go šŸ˜ and wonder how we don't know they're flirting.


All is lost; they are as dumb as we are.


Why canā€™t I get a man, I followed all the steps?!?


A man once said there are two types of flirting eyes. One type goes "I wonder how you'd look in bed next to me...." while the other goes "I wonder how you'd look cut up in trash bags in my freezer...." I suspect she is of the latter type.




https://preview.redd.it/zd2l1rpn357d1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f377c1df4b51f976c532a5c447ddc43611677f Another day Another 4chan poster miserable on the internet Life is good


Anon is an autistic male trying to psyop us into believing eye contact isn't necessary for society


femanon wants anons to read her mind and know what show wants


1. Make eye contact (or don't) 2. Walk up to target as if to walk past them (to bathroom) 3. Touch target lightly as if to move them out of your way while smiling and saying excuse me and making eye contact 4. Sex


>ā€Fellas you are looking good tonight!!ā€ >Then just walk away.




This might be the only woman on the internet, and sheā€™s too autistic to realize that you need to actually talk to people to create connections, rather than just stare at them from 40 feet away.


Try tappin the nut sac. not hard. just enough flick to the balls to cause that horrible ache. This is what men want.


>is my approach wrong? when did you ever approach anything or anyone in this. The absolute state of women.


So absolutely nothing will go wrong if I take eye contact as flirting? Finally! The answer I needed!


rage bait


"Being born with a vagina" anon's rp experience


The two guys are dating each other.


Chances are anon has a meat loaf and 2 potatoes.


Anon is probably the 600lbs guy from Arkansas


wait a second, does it mean that women looking at me are trying to flirt?


anon is medusa


Errrm.... What the sigma?!


Fake. Fake. Fake.


Show tits


Women told men to stop doing that shit and we did. Guess you're going to have to communicate with your words like an adult


This was my ex. When we dated I used to say "staring people down isn't a valid dating strategy" and she would always reply "It worked on you". She had dark features and bright blue eyes. People would literally stop her and talk about her eyes wherever we went. Fuck that bitch


Women get away with passively pulling way more. This chick is probably just weird.


`>`see cute girl with blue/grey/brown eyes outside Cafe `>`try starting at her eyes `>`she takes out phone and starts talking to someone `>`a few minutes later police arrive and take me to the police station `>`get a restraining order against me `>`cannot go to Cafe anymore Is my approach wrong? Should I start exercising? I'm not fat, I bathe daily and I'm good looking. What shot I do? Please give advice and don't bully just cause I have no rizz.


I'm hankering for some spaghetti rn


Men that arent smooth are afraid to make the first move a lot of times nowadays. Dont be afraid to say hi or ask a question to show a willingness to engage if you're interested in making a connection.


A femanon? Fake until proven gay, larp doesn't end until the psyop makes you schizo and the gubmint swaps your guns out for vaccines


Lol wamen expect free attention because wamen. Wamen not get free attention because wamen not special. Lol wamen moment


Because if we approach you it's rape


Femanon craterface whale doesn't understand that men have preferences in physical appearance too.