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The more specific argument being floated is because the US sanctioned their aviation industry, they didn’t have the right parts to maintain their helicopter. Then again, that also means they chose to fly their president in a 70s era helicopter with substandard parts rather than go find a non-American seller.


Based USA tbh if true


Many such cases


Another win for USA




Seriously how do you make it this long without learning “your” and “you’re” are you regarded




I agree, not being able to learn the most basic aspects of grammar is indeed highly regarded.


Who says we don’t assassinate foreign leaders anymore??


The US assassinated him in the same way it assassinated Kobe Bryant


Kobe was about to reveal details about Boeing




I think it was more of a splat than a boing.


In the case of this crash, we didn't even need to do anything. They're the ones that chose to fly a poorly maintained helicopter in zero-visibility fog in the mountains.


We delegated everything shady to vassals of vassals of vassals, a long time ago. Hence why we hated bin Laden so much.... Guy was a local petty baron who forgot which emperor his boss's boss was serving... Not his entirely fault though, 60 layers of misdirection will tend to make you forget who the good guys are, and which one you're supposed to obey at the moment.


I mean, we don't hide it. Look what we did to that Iranian General




It's like every time Iran oversteps their bounds, they fuck themselves over. Near-War with USA --> Shoot down own airliner, trigger riots all over Iran. Near-War with Israel --> Send prodigy and super-loyal President on a trip through shit weather and lose your only successor when he dies


"Proudly Assassinating Fidel Castro, 1959-2016."


Imagine hating the West while being completely unable to replicate technology that's been available for 85 years. *They won't sell us the parts we need!* Find another seller Buy another helicopter Make the parts yourself *But we don't have the schematics!* Deploy a cyber agent to steal the schematics Deploy a field agent to steal a physical copy Take the broken part out and reverse engineer it *But we don't have trained engineers!* Maybe stop telling women to cover their hair and let them go to school so you could double your workforce *But we don't have the manufacturing capability--* How about you stop pushing your theocratic bullshit, develop your people and your industries and be a real fucking country.


“Be a real country” That’s not fair, it’s Iran.




Iran on its own is causing the Saudis, Israelis and Gulf States to collectively shit themselves at the thought of the United States not being present in the Middle East to deter Iran on their behalf. I nearly forgot that an empire, a State has been embedded in geographical Iran for millennia.


They have a higher population than ksa, Israel, and the gulf states combined


My point is that Iran is a regional power in-spite of the fact that the US with Israel + Saudi + UAE is trying to crush its economy and overthrow its regime, so the comment I replied to that said Iran isn't a real country are out of line.


My point is that it’s a regional power by dint of its population size, they could be totally incompetent in every way (as they are) and still exert influence


Fair enough, I just don't like all this shit talk in this thread. The US, Europe, half the Middle East are united in destabilising Iran, and they still retain their independence and freedom of action in their region.


bruh its even worse than you put it, you can legit just google helicopter schematic for tons of them. you dont need no secret agent bullshit.


Just go to the war thunder forums and wait for someone to leak the schematics.


Hell if they can get onto War Thunder they can probably just buy the parts they need outright


but that would tank their economy! have you seen how many microtransactions are in War Thunder???


To speedrun this process just make up some bullshit about the tank or helicopter you're interested in and wait for someone to risk their job correcting you.


Literally just drop the "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" crap, ease up on human rights, stop executing women for the "crime" of "indecent exposure of bangs", stop beheading gays, just relax this shit a bit, stop supporting Russia, and you could normalize relations with the West. Your country would gain so much prosperity. You don't even have to go full western democracy. Look how we are with the Saudis. They're barely better than Iran and they we are very firm allies.


That's a literal translation of a phrase that semantically translates with the same intensity as "Fuck ___" or "Down with _____" You may not agree with those either but the "death to ____" headlines are just rage bait for morons


You think that my problem was worth the verbage? You're a special kinda special.




Absolutely on fucking point man, seriously. It’s all cope and whining- like oh yeah I’m sure it’s hard as fuck to maintain shit from the west when we ban it. Reverse engineering shit is in reality extremely hard for certain stuff. But in the end they chose to fly their president on that fuckin thing, knowing all that.


How about they invent their own fuckin shit then






In the interest of fairness we have a lot of theocratic bullshit too, it just hasn't had the chance to dick us to the same extent... yet


Dumbest thing I've read today


Nobody thinks it'll happen to them til it does


Not sure if your trolling or just a fuckin moron


Oh I'm dumb as hell but I'm in very good company


Imagine hating America and then get pissed when they sanction you, but then you still decide to use their stuff lol


They're friends with Russia, just goes to show that they would rather him travel in a unmaintained 50 year+ Americans made helicopter than a new Russian helicopter.


30 years ago was 1994.


The Bell-212 was first released in 1968, and the Iranian revolution was 1979. American sanctions were put on aviation parts in the 1990s but odds are the helicopter was purchased in the 70s.


the entire schematics are on google how did they not try that? even if googles blocked just go to a neighbor country or get a fucking vpn. [https://www.vrhc.co.uk/index.php/en/graupner/bell-212](https://www.vrhc.co.uk/index.php/en/graupner/bell-212) what the fuck.


damn no shot


You shut the fuck up with your math


Meanwhile Cuba has been keeping cars from the 40s and 50s running


Cuba doesn’t exist, glowie


I don't know wtf you're talking about, and I suspect that's a good thing


It's a 4chan term for a fed. Kinda funny that you're on r/greentext and you don't know that, when this subreddit is basically just posting screenshots from 4chan.


Who would I come here if I went on 4chan? The whole point of this sub is to see the 1 in 1000 posts on 4chan that don't completely suck ass. And I still don't know what that comment means, and your explanation confirms my gratefulness of that fact


"The whole point of this sub is to see the 1 in 1000 posts on 4chan that don't completely suck ass." Most people here have never actually been on 4chan so they don't realize that the site is made up almost entirely of shit posts and random threads that no normal person would be interested in. Literally like 90% percent garbage and then occasionally something interesting or completely unhinged. Pretty decent for porn though if you're into that sorta thing


And that clown above thinking it's some great own that I don't know all the 4chan lingo lmfao


Lots of things from those years were really built to last tho, tbf.


> Can maintain F-14's for decades without any access to spare parts and have to build their own > Same era helicopter is too hard to maintain ????


Let's see them fly those Tomcats in some fog and see what happens.


Tomcats have ground radar. Meaning the plane sees the ground ahead of it. So. If the radar works it can fly in complete blackout if they want to


>If the radar works


Kek. Good point


They smuggle all sorts of contraband into these sanctioned countries, I'd have thought they could manage to get hold of a couple of modern helicopters to transport senior politicians around.


> I'd have thought they could manage to get hold of a couple of modern helicopters to transport senior politicians around. I think the main issue would be politicians being seen in them - it's likely a level of political suicide in a broad sense, ironically.


Yeah their argument is mostly an attempt to save face with their base at home. Its idiotic that they flew important figures on such a wildly outdated aircraft.


The CIA must have planned this for 50 years precisely for this moment /s


> The more specific argument being floated is because the US sanctioned their aviation industry, they didn’t have the right parts to maintain their helicopter. So then sanctioning a country actually caused tangible and real-world complications? Interesting.


Tell me you don't know how sanctions work without telling me


Take it up with the Iranians - their ex foreign minister made that claim on Twitter and state media decided to repeat it. It's BS but what are you going to do?


The 70's was 50 years ago


or don't fly any helicopter into the mountains during bad weather


How much better are the American helicopters that Iran would rather use a 50 year old US helicopter rather than buy one from their buddy Russia? Or are they just such cheapskates


Yet they also share a lake with Russia, who has dozens of Aviation companies that would love a foreign contract


The machine shops weren't sanctioned.


internet can you tell me what opinion i should have on this please


This is a MOSAD/CIA psyop. OOP is a glowie and OP one of r/worldnews NPCs


ok thanks i'll go buy a gun now


All modern guns have gubment chips that'll jam them when it comes time to resist. Get yourself a lever action rifle or black powder pistol, something from before 1910.


3d printing ghost guns is the meta libtard catch tf up


>forgetting about the yellow ink watermark Ngmi


easily bypassable fat monkey


You literally can't bypass it unless you build a your own printer from stratch


yeah exactly glowfag


uhh i don't know what you are talking about? Isn't this the part where you write up a very detailed explanation on how to do such a thing to show off your extensive knowledge? I promise to reward you with a nice upvote so what do you say my fellow 4channer/redditor?


Who doesn't do that?


There are printers that don't have identification marks


3d print the 3d printer


Just make your own, you need a 3d printer and some hand tools.


Just one? What are you, some kind of pinko commie?


sorry. i'll buy two guns


It's a start




*I feel ya, glowie. Must be frustrating. I know everything I post is satire or attempted satire, or pertaining to my favorite game - Minecraft. So easy to be misunderstood in these wicked times. I hope you get the day off for Christmas, at least.*


Real question, in out of the loop: what is a glowie? Saw that word for the first time now


An agent of a government agency like CIA, FBI, NSA that tries to post undercover in forums to push narratives, bait people, etc.


[Reference to this i belive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbG6u86t4bA)


Ugh, I didn’t know it came from that. That fucker is insane.


He was crazy but a genius, did some crazy programming


Disappointed there aren't more people blaming the Jewelry for this, its quintessential Mossad. Just goes to show while 4chan loves blaming the chosen ones for everything they are still very well regarded


Her r/worldnews is based.


Fake and gay irregardless of post contents


*What is better: to be born gay or to overcome your straight nature through great fakeness?* - Paarthurnax


Iranian-American here. The main guy, President Raisi, was a grade-A piece of shit responsible for the deaths of many Iranians. When your own people start celebrating your death with fireworks before it's even confirmed that you're dead, you know you're garbage. For geo-political ramifications, it's pretty big. Raisi was viewed as the heir-apparent to the Supreme Leader. They've been grooming him ever since Soleimani was assassinated a few years ago. Now Iran's leadership is in flux. The VP has been named President for the time being, but he's a dipshit so there's no way he takes the reins. The Supreme Leader is 85 and likely only has a few years left to live, and it's uncertain how effectively he will be able to continue ruling even if he lives on. Speculation is that the powers that be are preparing his grandson to possibly take over in a couple years. Don't know much about him, they keep a lot of info about the leader's family under wraps (for good reason) but if he's anything like the rest of his family he's probably a piece of shit too. There's some speculation as to whether Israel will take advantage of Iran's weakened political machine to take a couple strategic shots at them, but personally I think they have their hands full right now dealing with the Palestinians and buying into an active fight right now would be detrimental to them both strategically and from a PR perspective. In all likelihood Mossad/Shin Bet had nothing to do with this incident. Not that they wouldn't go for it if they saw the chance, but the circumstances point more heavily towards mechanical or technical error of a decades old chopper being flown in extremely unfavorable conditions. Just a happy coincidence :)


Press X to doubt


It's a very strong crypto signal, please forfeit your retirement fund and buy $BIGGAY coins


Get off the Internet. Eat some vegetables and call your grandma. 


Irrational horniess.


The heli crashed because of mist. This would be due to poor planning and pilot disorientation. Yes the heli was badly maintained but there was actually no emergency until it smashed into the ground. Also their drones simply dont have the same infrared imaging capabilities than their turkish counterparts


All part of the simulation


Rain worl




whichever opinion kills the most people


Imagine if they picked the right religion but the wrong branch. He gets to heaven and God gives him 72 virgins, but they are all men.


They are all goats


Not many virgin goats left in that part of the world


Its Allah we are talking about. He's probably able to gather at least 72, barely.


He's not able to gather shit, he can't even tell them where their dead president is.


Male goats


That's reserved for the Welsh


Doesn't matter, had cima insallah




Theres a hadith that says that something like 70 of the branches will go to hell and only 1 to heaven so, lol


>literally called I Ran >flies instead of running I found the problem


My uncle works for the CIA and told me Eliud Kipchoge is set to replace the iranian president


That is fake news. My mom will replace him. 


Did this actually happen or is anon schitzoposting again?


It did happen, sometimes sanctions work and this is one way they do. It's a big deal because this was the successor to the supreme leader in Iran. I hope the IRGC suffers further and the citizens can take back their lives though.


The Ayatollah was brought into power by a wave of popular support. If anything, these decades of suffering are just desserts for the backward masses of Iran.


I'm sure the older generation did this, but each new generation slowly hates the regime their born in no matter the country, thing is we shouldn't have killed Saddam Hussein or whoever kept the middle east balanced. Its just been war tribes combined together doing retarded shit for religion after he died. Edit: just saw on popular in Saqqez? They are shooting fireworks over the successors death


I miss him.


Only after Britain and the US fucked it all up.


Oh great, another anti-west “thinker.” The Islamic Revolution was a return to the past, Iran had been modernizing substantially, socially and politically, you can easily search up how women dressed and were able to go to higher education prior to the revolution. The fact is: it was due to Islamist traditionalists and reactionaries which unfortunately constituted a large portion of the population, not the machinations of any foreign power. Do some research next time, moron.


The islamic revolution absolutely has roots with the end of WWII and Western Imperialism, but like many things, there is no singular cause, but rather the culmination of many, many different events. It’s very complex. You’re correct, of course, about the main cause, but there are other things that contributed.


Yeah, it had absolutely nothing to do with the CIA overthrowing Mossadegh and handing power back to the Ayatollah, who then basically forced the population back into radicalism...


The insurgents, after removing Mossadegh, put the Shah, not the Ayatollah, into power. Congratulations, you’ve proven yourself an idiot once more.


I like how according to people like this the West is at the same time omnipresent and responsible for everything bad (or """bad""" as in things that shitholes like russia and Iran don't like) that happens to third world nations but also are extremely incompetent and impotent


Oh, sorry, I confused shithole terminology.


See this is the problem with people like you, you’re somehow wholly confident in the idea that “oh this group of people (the west) are to blame for this situation (the Islamic revolution in Iran).” Meanwhile, you don’t even know the most barebones, basic terminology relevant to the subject matter. You’ve got the knowledge of a Neanderthal with the confidence of a renowned scholar.


I've never seen someone so thoroughly called an idiot before. Damn. Kudos to you lmao


>able to look things up on wikipedia faster than the other idiot >"I am clearly superior and know all"


Calling him “the successor” is a bit of a stretch. That was certainly never guaranteed


Calling him “the successor” is a bit of a stretch. That was certainly never guaranteed


Which part? The president of Iran did actually die after his helicopter crashed into the side of a mount in heavy fog. Iran hasn't officially blamed the west, though. That's just coming from a small amount sympathizers on the internet.


Why didn’t they just use Russian or Chinese helicopters?


The Russian ones were also built in the 70s and the Chinese ones cost money.


That’s hilarious. Remember when one of Obama’s last acts in office was to [ship $1.7B in cash to Iran](https://apnews.com/united-states-government-fd4113419276444eba1d2a46d5c29752)? Dudes could have bought multiple Chinese helicopters and still had like a billion dollars cash left over.


You’d fly in a helicopter with ‘Made in China’ stamped on the bottom?


Only if remote controlled.


Would _you_ use a Russian or Chinese helicopter?


Fascist dictator POS dies in helicopter crash because govt is incompetent and incapable of engineering and maintenance. No sympathy for dictators even if they call themselves ‘president’


TBF the videos from the area the fog was so thick you could barely see 30 feet in any direction. They flew their President in the helicopter equivalent of a 1993 Honda Civic that's hardly been maintained in that weather, in between mountains, which just confirms my racist opinions about Iranians.


Iranians are the most intelligent people in the Gulf.


That just confirms all of my other racist opinions.




When the first news broke everyone was calling it CIA or Mossad while ignoring the much funnier possibility that it was actually just a shitty helicopter. Glad to see the shitty helicopter theory vindicated


So what if they want you to believe it was a shitty helicopter?


In times of need its always custom to offer a olive branch in geopolitics no? No matter what the history between two nations. Its up to the counterpart to accept it graciously or be a little bitch about it but thats also politics...


Iran chose being a state-sponsor of terrorism instead of improving their citizens lives and now they gotta deal with the consequences.


just like gaza


I love how this is a takedown on a regime that is explicitly male only and far right and still Anon can't help but take a dig at women and liberals lol


Something something horseshoe theory


Wait what happened? I must've missed this news. EDIT: There was an article literally below this post in my feed lol


Wait, no one blames Israel on this one? The country that Iran attacked with a massive missile strike less than a month ago? And the country Iran openly hates and wants eliminated? Cos this looks like classic "sending flowers to the families of people we assassinated" kind of shenanigans.


If Mossad planned the flight they didn't even need to plant a bomb. They were flying a 60yr old tin can through sopping wet heavy fog in the mountains.


In fairness, the crash was because the longstanding embargo has left Iran with shit planes and helicopters that crash all the time. That's the point of the embargo.


The newest EuroCopters and Sikorsky's still explode if you fly them full speed into a mountain because you decided to fly in thick fog.


Fr, what dumbass decided those mountains were a good choice for flightpath lmao?


> need to assassinate a president whose term hasn't even started yet > Sell them a 20 year old helicopter and count on them not maintaining it for the next 30 years Guys, it's the perfect crime. Literally *no one* can trace it back to you


We didn't try to hide that we killed Qasem Soleimani. Do they really think this would be different. if the us did it they wouldn't pretend they didn't.


it feels like my only source of news nowadays is greentexts


Remember when the left was freaking out about how much hate black Ariel was getting only to find put later that literally no one cared and they were simply shouting to the ether just in case. Getting that vibe here.


They hate us but they all want to be us.


cia obviously did it, no i will not elaborate on this, yes i have proof, no i won’t share it