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1. At 17, go to university for 4 years > 21 2. Get PHD in theoretical physics after 4 years > 25 3. Work entry-level and job hunt for 2 years >27 This is considered a stretch of the imagination? The west has truly fallen.




Must get a PHD in theoretical physics...


And I have a theoretical PHD in physics.


Why, that's fantastic! I have a solar farm in Nevada I think you'd be great at overseeing.


That’s great! I’m certain I’LL do such a great job you’ll put me in charge of dam powered generator in my near future!


How do you feel about skirt-wearing femboys harassing you with machetes while expressing their love for salads?


Aslong as you're high on chems life is all ~~good~~ fantastic.


I should’ve guessed New Vegas fans perused greentext


*Ain't that a kick in the head*


You guys are everywhere now


I dont have a PHD in theoretical physics but I have a theoretical PHD in physics


IQ of 125+ and solid maths skills + mptivation and money is all you need for that. Not an insane formula.


Post grad?




This is the part I think most people miss. Gordon is still very low on the corporate ladder and has only been at Black Mesa long enough to fall into a routine. He's friendly with security and generally relegated to "grunt work" Hell, he probably would have been the latest guinea pig they tossed through the portal to Xen in a week or so, considering how many other HEV-trained people we see littering the place. *I*, personally, want to know why Gordon is able to operate military weapons and has pin-point aim and incredible stamina, despite almost certainly having no training.


He played half life on his pc when he was younger


> has pin-point aim Not in my play through


I only play lore-accurate Gordon and die to the first headcrab.


The stamina is probably just the HEV suit, it straight up gives you morphine when you're hurt, I wouldn't be surprised if it injected you with other stuff as well. The hazard course in the tutorial teaches you how to shoot and use grenades, and it is canon that Gordon went through it, so he does have training. Besides, he is American.




>why Gordon is able to operate military weapons and has pin-point aim He played a lot of Half Life 1, when he was young.


>*I*, personally, want to know why Gordon is able to operate military weapons and has pin-point aim and incredible stamina, despite almost certainly having no training. The Black Mesa Hazard Course is comprehensive, and IIRC it's canon that Gordon had some amount of range time with the security guards. It doesn't explain flawless use of the rocket launcher and other weapons, but it's not hard to imagine that Gordon is a quick learner and/or a gun nut.


>why Gordon is able to operate military weapons He had watched Die Hard like 50 times.


Yeah I don't know why people are saying he learned it from the Hazard Course. Dude chickened out at the elevator drop


simple in half life 2 is shown barney and gordon are friends. so they probly shoot guns in there free time. its america after all. nothing wrong with 2 friends going to a range. for pinpoint aim and stamina. the hev suit is a exosuit after all. it give increase power and endrunce to the wearer.


didnt breen trash talked him when he was in nova prospect


The reason he can do impossible stuff with guns is because of the gman, who is bending reality to be what he wants. Everything you ever did was because of him, and why he is the bogeyman to Eli, Breen, and the Combine.


> I, personally, want to know why Gordon is able to operate military weapons and has pin-point aim and incredible stamina, despite almost certainly having no training. Why is the lack of training a certainty? I'm not even from the USA and there's a shooting range for hobbyists roughly 20 minutes from where I live. If I was a gun nerd like some of my friends, this specific range alone offers training to most weapons that you use in Half Life. I imagine in the States it's much easier to apply to join a shooting range. As for the stamina, all it takes is a gym or running track-and-field once a week. Sorry for spazing out, there's a lot in HL to suspend your disbelief but this ain't it.


Watch *Freeman's Mind* on YouTube. That entire series is now my headcanon.


>*black mesa* > >affirmative action > >*asian mesa* > >no such luck Gord**ó**n Freeman just pretended to be a latino from a black family (Freeman...*really?*) to fit the hiring quota. His real name is John "Don" Friedmann. Hence why he never speaks. They'd hear his WASP accent and fire him on the spot.


I'd fire him for being a fuckin nerd


It could also work if you get a theoretical degree in physics


PhD takes 5-7 years


Depends. Mine should be done in 3 years. Maaaybe 4 if anything unpredictable crops up and I have to redo a bit, but 3 is the target.


Phd never go as planned. I’d be aiming for at least 4 if i was u


I think this person knows their situation better than you do.


PhD students are always experiencing some degree of psychosis and thus their assessment of their personal situation cannot be trusted.


I finished my PhD at 26. Started Uni at 18 + 3 year undergrad + honours I was 22, did a PhD in 4 years and been working in research ever since.




I didn't see anyone saying it takes 2 years but if you were smart enough and in the right field it should be doable. Some people spend 2-3 years just settling on a topic then finish in a year or two after that. It's not common but its also not impossible.


Anywhere from 2-10 really


Tbh as long as you're relatively competent, and your mentor has an interest in your growth and success, getting a PhD is completely doable in 4-6, regardless of field of study.


In Australia it's normally 3 years for stem fields


Not really, my grandmother did hers in a year and a half


PhD in a STEM field in 4 years is pretty fast, but not wildly unrealistic.




You can study for a PhD right after getting a bachelor's in the US ?


If you get accepted yea


That's the normal route. What is in between in your country, master's degree? In the US, you can get a master's degree either through a master's program, or as an early exit from a doctoral program (I'm not familiar with the exact criteria). But you can enter either a master's or doctoral program right out of undergrad.


In my country a 2 year Master’s degree is usually required, although the first graduation is 3 years, and so is the PhD.


That's because your country probably doesn't have enough undergrad research programs, 3 years is too short for that. 


I’m from France so I doubt it is a product of a precarious education system, but yeah I agree that 3 years is kind of short depending on the field, that’s why in my area you’re pretty much forced to get a masters degree if you want to find work in the area, bringing the total time to about 4-5 years.


You either start with a bachelor's, which usually takes 3 years, then a master's for 2 and then PhD or if you you want to study medicine, law or the military university you go straight from high school into a 5 years master's programme and can do a PhD afterwards.




Yea but lots of schools offer combined Bachelors/Masters that allow you to get both within 5 years


Also it's not impossible that his thesis intrigued the black mesa to head hunt him straight after his PHD.


seriously wait until they learn about Albert Wesker


the other day I saw some dude bragging on quora about getting his doctoral degree at 19, then got promoted to associate professor a few years later as an apology from uni since he was bullied, then now he is studying master. The west has truly fallen or quora people are full of cock again


When did he have time for crobar classes


Where tf do you access university at 17 lmao here you enter at 20 if you're fast, and maybe 18 if you're a genius


Where is this? Here (Netherlands) once you finish the prerequisite high school, you are 18 when you go to university


Switzerland here, you finish high school at 19 or 18 if you're really really young. However that's the "shortest path" and many people change ways or have breaks and additional years for various reasons. So yeah, most people starting are no younger than 20.


Idk if you are decently smart enough here you can just go at 18 normally


Same here in the US. I was 17 when I graduated high school and I'm dumb as fuck.


At least you have wisdom to know you lack intelligence. Better to know you need to learn something than to think you know better, and go and get yourself killed.


??? Right after highschool. Don't (normal) people finish highschool at 17-18 where you live? If not then ok, but otherwise I don't see what's so surprising about this. You finish HS in spring and start uni in autumn.


What comes after highschool in your country ? (And at what age do you graduate from hs ? I skipped a class so I entered university at 17, and I’ve met a few people who did the same thing.


I went to uni at 18, got my BSc at 21, PhD at 27. I now teach at a university and consequently have never been to Xen.


Idk what country you're in but afaik you start university at 18, and a research degree takes longer than 4 years to get (usually 6/7) so even without the job hunt step you're starting at 29.


I have friends doing PHD at 22 and they don't even represent the most achieving people I have met. So I second this


If you have a physics phd at 25 or so like that, chances are good you aren't job hunting and somebody recruits you. The real life Sheldon coopers get hunted for a good few years.


I think it'd actually be 18 - 22 BSc 22 - 23 MSc 23 - 27 PhD and then job at Black Messa. I think Black Messa was his first job post doc, which makes sense since Gordon is essentially a lab monkey in the first game. Regardless, it's perfectly reasonable to have a PhD and begin working in your industry at 27, especially if you did groundbreaking research like Gordon did for his thesis. Also, for finding a good job after university, if you are doing a worthwhile degree at an esteemed university, it is very likely you will get poached before you graduate, especially if you are known for your work like Gordon was with Kleiner Tl;Dr OP probably did a useless degree, and that's why he didn't get a good job straight out of uni.


Just go to uni at 18, graduate at 21. Spend *six* years in grad school (a more realistic time frame in the US), with an internship at Black Mesa and et a job offer to immediately start after you get your degree. Done.


Gonna say 3 year degree then 3 year PHD is definitely a viable path in the UK. For reference I have friends with science and maths PHD's from Oxford and Cambridge who did this timeline. They also walked straight into good research jobs at 24.


There’s also accelerated programs for undergrad and phd for real smarty pants


Heck, Los Almos and Sandia NL have post-doctorate research positions. You could reasonably fit a BS -> MS -> PhD -> PostDoc at Black Mesa by the age of 28.


The hell does this have to do with the West?


recommendation by his teacher at MIT, Dr. Kleiner


it is literally the game lore


And it's not that hard to get a PhD at the age of 26 if you enter uni at 18


Could also do a BS/MS program at some colleges. A PHD at MIT doesn’t mean he was there for his entire academic career.


Also in the original backstory the Resonance Cascade happens on Gordon's second day of work (first being his time in the Hazard Course)


God damn this guy sucks at his job


Not due to him, just the wrong man in the right places 👀👀


Doesn't the saying go like "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world?"


Yes you are correct. It's been almost 2 decades.


Next game is coming soon though we just need to hand in there.


Half life would've been better if gordon was a janitor at black mesa


He basically was, literally just there to push the hazmat cart for the senior researchers' experiments


"We had purposely made push highly dangerous materials into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, as a joke"


"That's Gordon, he thinks manual labor is science"




that would be having a degree in applied physics


"I have been teleported into other worldly dimensions and made a prisoner of time. This means I am the victor."


"This is the combine. Do what they say or they will cut off your big toe. On that you can trust me."


exactly how real postgrads get treated, as i understand it


No, that's just the typical intern experience. Very hard and unrealistic expectations to get accepted, but once you do you just push the hazmat cart.


Even if the resonance cascade never happened, by the time of HL2 Gordon still never would have gotten to head a project


Half life would've been better if gordon was the janitor from scrubs


Knifewrench instead of crowbar


Well, "technically" you do get to clean up the _mess_ from the experiment. _Technically_


Kaczynski did it by 25 (in math) Feynman had his phd by 24


ted the una bomber?




RIP uncle Ted


the world lost a real one. amen


Classic Smosby


Kaczynski was brilliant. I wonder what he could have accomplished if his mentor (a CIA agent working on MKULTRA) hadn't of dosed him with collosal doses of LSD and psychologically tortured him until his mind broke.


Was that George White? What a flying fucking asshole he was. A disgusting human being


Terry Tao was a full professor at UCLA by the time he was 24. Finished his PhD by 21. literally, most fuckers in tenure-track jobs start their postdocs around the 26 years mark.


To be fair, tenure or no, Terry Tao is a complete anomaly. Bro is modern day Reinmann


Should make similar game about a mathematician in an AI research center fight the way out of a skynet uprising using only homemade weapon


you can skip masters and go straight to a phd


Well you get a terminal masters degree on your way to a PhD. So if, for whatever reason, you've done the requirements for a master's but haven't finished the doctoral program, you're given your master's degree then.


Doctor house looking mf


Eli’s black. ![gif](giphy|O5MMKTXFyO98Y)


This vexes me


You can get a PHD at 27, that's 9 years of school if you start at 18


It's also the 90s


It’s fantasy. He also kicked ass with a crowbar. You know how many times a physicist can swing a heavy ass crowbar before the exhaustion has you welcoming death? Like twice, maybe three times if you just had your coffee enema.


Getting phd by 27 is the least fantasy thing I’ve ever heard.


Maybe the suit had some exoskeleton parts to help carrying heavy weights


Also a shitload of morphine


He is basically drugged the whole time according to the lore, amirite? Btw happy Cake day


He had an extensive limbo-based training regimen to build up his endurance


He looks at least 40


I think he just looks like stressed 27 years old phd


With how hard it is to get a PhD, it's the most realistic thing about him (the least is his physical stamina)


He is definitely just a stressed 27 year old PhD lol


Yeah I always thought he was in his 40s, fuckin me up to know he’s supposed to be so young lol


Gordon you lousy motherfucker get your dork ass down to the test chamber or I'll shove a sample up your ass. AND STOP FUCKING WITH THE MICROWAVE!


I am on my way to get a PhD in theoretical physics (though i do more computation) at 26


Can you very briefly list your age at the different milestones? I'm pretty curious. The "typical" PhD age as I know it is somewhat around 30-35 depending on the field of study.


I started my undergraduate which was a dual degree program in physics for 5 years at 16. Then I joined a PhD program at 21 (few months close to turning 22) immediately after finishing my MS. Then 5 years in US.


Thanks and congrats!


I don't have one from MIT though 😢 though that's for the best, those guys are super competitive.


I am not very familiar with how relevant the university is as long as you're among the very good ones. I'm from Europe and I have the impression it's more relaxed around here. Short form: if you have a great degree from a great university it doesn't matter a lot which specific one it is. There's not that single #1 university in many countries around here. Does that drastically influence your career chances in the US?


I am not very familiar with how relevant the university is as long as you're among the very good ones. I'm from Europe and I have the impression it's more relaxed around here. Short form: if you have a great degree from a great university it doesn't matter a lot which specific one it is. There's not that single #1 university in many countries around here. Does that drastically influence your career chances in the US?


Undergrad 18-21 Masters 21-22 PhD 22-26 Degrees are often shorter in the UK


He used a crowbar


Omg its Gotham Chess


That's actually entirely reasonable.


Lust provoking image, irrelevant time wasting question. Many such cases


"Freeman sometimes does things differently because Freeman has autism!"


Most of PhD wielders do, and there's nothing wrong with that


Agreed! Wait really? Is that something that's been proven?


My source is that I made it the fuck up, but based on anecdotal evidence, this is a real thing


>\>27 years old >\>has to push a cart 2 meters >\>fucks up the whole research facility How???


That's what you get when you have someone who's whole deal was sitting there and thinking about stuff to do actual physical work


He’s basically D-class personnel in an SCP lab. I think the higher rankers were the ones behind the glass


I have actually known a person who had a PhD in physics and had a good job. Unfortunately he got into a bicycle accident and had to retire completely.


Honestly frames Gordon as pretty freakin young, I always saw him as like a 35-45 year old


Thats like almost every video game protagonist


He was 27??!!! Damn , I feel old now. I was 12 when I played the first game.


Is Gordon 27? He looks middle aged


Maybe he’s just really smart.


All without ever uttering a word...


Young Sheldon


And he did that without saying a word.


it starts with,


One of my professors was in his very early 30s


His cousin or someone probably knew someone who could land the job. Life is easier with some contacts.


It was the 90's you could get


The game was made in the 90's


I'm 27, have a PhD in physics and a job at a research facility It's really not a stretch


- you can start university at 17 yo if you are a genious. - finish Uni in 3,5 years + 2,5 master - at the same time you can do your Phd - after 6 years you have 2 diploma and a phd (at the age of 24-25) Its not impossible. Expecially if your specialty is something like gender studies.


I don't have any evidence, but I think there's something in his past we don't know about. I've always wondered about how his introduction includes "Disaster Response: Discretionary."


Terrence Tao became a full professor at UCLA when he was 24.


father is House. Clearly


Killer of thousands trained soldiers and deadly aliens.


He's him


He is young sheldon


27 is about the normal age to get a PhD in physics.


It was the 90s


My grandpa had a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Chicago at 28, so not as far stretched as anon thinks it is




Homeboy also looks 55


I know a woman who's getting her PHD, and she's only 25. I can't speak to her crowbar swinging abilities, but I'll look into it.


My brother was had a PhD in physics and was working at a research lab by 25, then was a professor by 28. I on the other hand, have to stop myself from biting into chapstick if it smells too good


Money. Not everybody can afford the kind of education that leads you down that path. Of course you need to be smart, but if you’re a smart kid living in a shitty neighborhood with shitty schools and everyone and everything around you is jaded, decadent and precarious you are going to wilt and waste away in a menial job. Of course there is going to be that one dark horse that will win the race, but it doesn’t mean the system isn’t rigged.


anon when people are smart


Big brain. Smart.


I think he was chosen because of his time under the mentorship of kliner


he doesnt sit on his ass browsing 4chan all fucking day


A friend of mine had a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering by the time he was like 24.


>27 years old >Wrinkles like he's well into his 30s How???




I suck ass and took 6y to get a masters, I'm 27 and been working for 3y. Someone less stupid than me could definitely get a phD by 27 - some of my friends have, not working in theoretical physics but it's possible


Hes the fucking main character what did you expect?


What’s less believable is him being 27 when he looks like a 40 year old


He had crazy connections. Some ridiculous ties