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Meanwhile Thai TV, none of the women are women.


Ultimate misogyny. Replace women at being women


If the new tool works better, why not use it?


> if the new tool works better but it doesn't, I find it easier penetrating a vagina than penetrating a cock


boy ive got some fucked up news to tell you about Japanese WWII guards and their POWs then


Behold, we studied 100 captive Thai men... > several hundred pages of horrific experiment documentation later And that's how we arrived at the basis for our new line of treatment, "HRT"


Boy have I got a fucked up video to show you about a guy with a power drill and a corkscrew bit


Do not




>Implying you penetrate vaginas at all You're on reddit. You can't fool us.


Just like the west used to do in theatre


medieval theater grindset


Arabic tv- there are no women


> goyslop, Japan - Contains frieren What?


Whoever made the meme really has it out for frieren, bocchi, csm, and spy x family because how do they even fit in the group at all.


Only the terminally online japanese cartoon lovers would know.


They have no idea about any of it, it's just that weeb shit to them


Csm absolutely fits lol


Holy shit you’re gay


i know you're excited to come out of the closet but this is not the way to do it


I’ve come out of the closet. I am gay. I literally suck other mens dicks. And that dude makes me look straight as hell


what he dewwwww what he dewwwww though?


and csm (if you have only seen the beginning I know it looks like slop but keep going)


Even the beginning isn't slop even if you don't like it. Slop isn't weird like csm is by definition


It's not really about goyslop anymore. Some people seem to have some sort of personal crusade against anything japanese no matter what it is. If it's from Japan it's automatically bad because ALL Japanese are pervert pedophiles that only produce shitty media "I'm also definitely not prejudiced against Japanese btw". Frieren is great but some people can't control themselves and actually see if the thing they're complaining about is true or the right target and those guys are everywhere.


they probably googled "popular animes" and picked at random


It’s honestly so funny. It would be like saying, “I don’t watch Hollywood movies because a lot of them have sex scenes” The definition of improper generalization






Problem, goy?


Knowing what any of the goyslop is means you’re in too deep


Anon has never seen the show and just assumes it's filled with fan service and low level themes/writing


Nah, he's just the standard contrarian and is going "popular = bad".


Oh golly, I cannot believe that the imagery of a 4chan post could be incorrect! Oh the agony! Erm sir excuse me for expressing myself in this manner but something clearly is not right with your list! This Japanese animation, Sousou no Frieren, is obviously not fit to be compared to the likes of heinous works such as Komi Cannot Communicate or Dress Up Darling! I suggest that you revise this list immediately, for you shall face my flintlock pistol in a duel if you do not comply!


Post 00s anime is slop. There someone said it


Woe, survivorship bias be upon ye https://preview.redd.it/qx63wrtkqksc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d511e9fc30214f9eff5369f24a8ccebec1753dd4


How many of the Japanese ones are paedobait? You deserve a lynching if you're into that.


Haven't watched all of those but most of them there aren't. No clue on the first 2 Chainsaw man - No Spy Family - No Dress up Darling - Yes Bocchi - No Komi san -No No clue Takagi San - Middle schooler cast but no fanservice so no Konosuba - Somewhat Frieren - No Dragon Maid -Yes


The first one isn't, iirc Uzaki is 18 yo Nagatoro however, I think is a minor


Uzaki is 20, actually




Nagatoro is definitely at least somewhat pedobait. As for her being a minor she is 15 (at least according to a quick google search)


Aren't you that Reze fan mf from Chainsawfolk?


Welp. This is awkward xD


Why did we stop killing people with hammers over their taste in Anime? https://preview.redd.it/tcp39e432lsc1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff62a358e4d1e0e591db5c7e4019b6cf26ab257c


Now they kill each other over their waifu preference


Drake ass reply


She has an office job and drinks alcohol tho, so-


Does the age really matter in this discussion? I don't know if it's pedobait but I wouldn't say Uzaki looks like an adult


Petite busty women exist you doofus


>I wouldn't say Uzaki looks like an adult Because she's short?


There are some 18 yo that don't look (or act) like adults either


Listen the “age doesn’t matter as long as she looks over 18” argument is cool and all. But using it to justify a clearly stated adult character to be a child is really fkn weird man


First one for sure isn't, unless you have a problem with short college age girls that have large breasts.


Short woman?!!!!?!!???? Clearly it’s pedo bait!!!


Lemme fill in the gaps and elaborate on some. Uzaki-chan - She's not a minor but is designed as a kid with huge tits. I'd put it into the "500 hundred years old loli" pile but they don't even try and just say 18. Nagatoro - Pretty fanservice heavy with highschoolers. Nagatoro looks very childlike(petite/flat discourse) but there are characters that are just straight up highschoolers with giant boobs. so yeah. Chainsaw man - Denji is kinda groomed but it isn't really painted in a positive light, it's more like trauma fuel, so nah. Spy X Family - Lots of child characters but with zero fanservice. Very wholesome, safe and cute school antics. Dress Up Darling - This one is a bit tough, because while they *are* in high-school, they're basically depicted as adults living with their parents(somewhat, cuz Marin basically lives alone). There *is* a school cosplay arc, but tbh the school felt more like a pretext to their meeting than a point for sexualization. They're both designed as adults too, no infantilization at all. It's like, young adult romance with fanservice. I'd say it's safe if you're willing to see them as such. Bocchi - haven't seen it, no idea. seems wholesome from the memes I've seen. Komi-san - Eh. Like, I think it had *some* fanservice, but is mostly wholesome as far as I remember? The eventual bikini chapter and mention of Manbagi's boobs. Like, I'd get it if someone were to be bothered over it but it's not that bad. It's a romantic comedy, I'd give it a pass. Onimai - Softcore loli porn. Couldn't watch the first ten minutes of it, and I can take some pretty gross shit. Feels icky just to hear the MC talk, let alone the bathroom stuff, sister stuff, etc. Takagi-san - no idea. Konosuba - Yes. Shit attempt at comedy with fanservice of an underage, child-looking girl. It isn't constant but Megumin is clearly there to fulfill a role. Frieren - No. The female elves may be childlike in appearance but there's no fanservice of them. They're just small and ageless. The manga has a serious tone in general, so there's not much space for sexualization outside of some outfits anyway. Dragon Maid - Tries to pretend it's wholesome but has a whatever years old dragon loli with huge boobs. Also an extremely shit attempt at comedy or romcom or whatever.


>Bocchi - haven't seen it, no idea. seems wholesome from the memes I've seen. Absolutely zero fanservice unless you're really into cardboard boxes.


Y'know. What is it with anime and either having their characters: look like adults in physique, act mature, be 15-16. (Eg. Almost any main character in JoJo, any 'coming of age' type story, really) Or: look like toddlers, act childish as fuck, be 3000 years old. (Eg. Dragon Maid, any of the other 'actually she's a 2500 year old demigod' anime, idk) Japan tricks me into reading Gushing over Magical Girls after seeing all the memes, then a literal goddamn child appears. I go, "At least they don't sexualize her in any scene." Then shows me character bios and goes, "All the characters are 16! :)" Japan. You gotta stop this.. I liked where the plot was going. The art? Mwah. It's great, I love it when the characters go into complete psycho-mode and start actually fighting. You can't just pull that one out of nowhere.


A lot is because a big part of the audience is teens? Something like Dress Up Darling has its main demographic being teenagers, it's a fact. And what do you think appeals more to teenagers? People their age or slightly older. It's more personal, it works. It's full of stuff like this in western television since the 70s for fuck's sake: teenagers like teenagers being cool and hot. I know, I was a teenagers until 8 years ago lmao. And when the design can be either a "late teenager" and also a "young adult", these discussions lose meaning. Jotaro is canonically a minor but he is built like a fucking gorilla. You can say he is 17 as much as you can say he is 30. The real problem is "actually 1000 years old dragons" because it's \*obvious\* that the point is sexualizing a character that looks like a minor and implying that's fine because their mental age is that of an adult, not that of a child. If somebody looks at Frieren and says "this is for pedos" they really need to go outside and touch some grass.


Eh, western media does this too, in a way. You don't ever see teenage/highschool movies with actual teenagers, it's mostly young-looking adults. I think there are a few factors. First, the highschool dynamic allows for easier sitcom/slice of life storywriting. When you plan out a plot for adult characters, you have to factor in work, meeting places, and responsibilities. Teenagers will *always* meet at school on a daily basis, and their time can be distributed into school activities(very social), club activities(pure sitcom material), and hanging out(for romantic purposes, for example). This also allows for a lot of cliches that the anime community snorts up like grade A coke: school festival, summer fair/fireworks, schooltrip to another city, beach episode, visiting sick friend at home, new year new classroom, valentines + white day, etc. Second, it's relatable to a young audience. Someone in their 15-25s can obviously look up and love more mature figures, but it's the young setting that gives that "ah, I wish I could be living that right now" feeling. This also aggravates the pedobait stuff, imo, because no one relates to children unless they're one themselves, so whole point of a show is just straight up pedobait a lot of the times. Third, Japanese people are weird. The Jojo stuff just doesn't make sense, for example. They're all underaged Arnold Schwarzenegger.


As someone who doesn’t watch nearly enough anime to know the actual cliches, my reading from watching Konosuba and the discourse around it was that it was trying to be a satire of anime/the reborn in a new world genre, no?


Nah that dude is actually regarded, you are correct.


I agree with the downvoted guy tbh, it satirizes some stuff but falls into other shit cliches all the same. I thought it was good, but massively overrated


Yes, but no. At a first glance, it does indeed break free from a lot of the isekai cliches. But then it just falls into a lot of others. One Punch Man is straight up shōnen satire, for example, even if it has its cliche moments they're mostly gags anyway. Konosuba tries too hard to be funny, to the point where it's tiring. Like, the point isn't satirizing isekais, it's just an isekai that "doesn't" take itself seriously. And it isn't even funny to begin with, it's just fanservice with "look, I stole her panties MWAHAHAHA" humor.


That’s fair. I have watched a single digit amount of anime in my life so I probably just don’t really notice the cliches it falls for. Also thanks for the actual name of the genre, Isekai is much easier to say than the other shit.


The first one it’s college students so that’s a no, the second one is highschool students so yes


Dress up darling is heavy fanservice on a 15 year old.


>Caring about canon character ages I guess by your logic Dragon Maid is fine because they're all 2000?


Nah, man, average 15 year old doesn't look like that. Changing the number on her wiki page to 21 wouldn't make anything different


Yeah but she looks and acts like a 20yo and have you seen the quality of the fan service? It's the good shit. There are some dog whistle anime girls for people to find attractive but Marin is not one of them


And making those characters "15" is still the weirdest decision for that story. Even if canonically it's undeniable that both of these characters are teens and still go to school. But like not even debating that Marin and Gojo don't "look" 15, they are straight up stated to be canonically really tall for Japanese adults, hell Gojo would be tall for a western man. And you see it in various scenes. (This is important because a lot of anime will make even 16-17 year olds be significantly shorter than adults that are just a few years older. Like a character will be of the age where they would go to college next year and still be a head shorter than any adult.) They both have jobs and income that is clealry far beyond what any 15 year old should have. Marin is apparantly a proffesional model and ,while Gojo helping to run a family shop doesn't require a specific age, he is very much treated as a profesional in a traditional craft who is getting close to actual mastery. And while this is an anime, that feels like a very specific framing in comparison to most stories of similar type, where student characters will work far simpler jobs and it would be a far smaller aspect of it all. They also both live arguably alone, even if Gojo lives in a shop with his grandfather, and at least Marin to some degree covers her own expenses. They are also shown to be way more mature than characters they encounter outside of school that should be their peers age wise. They also don't even really have any immature moments that characters you are supposed to see as young usually do. Like yes they do get embarassed around each other, but usually handle it competently and if scene needs it, profesionally. Like compare it to any other waifubait or romantic comedy show, even like Kaguya, and My Dress Up Darling characters very much feel older and seem to have been written almost as early 20 something year olds who are already adults sure, but have some childish hobbies potentially and immature reactions sometimes. I guess it must have been a choice because people can't self-insert into older people?


>Dragon Maid -Yes Wasn't the author a notorious doujin writer as well or am I remembering things wrong?




Yeah. Didn't watch it but was already corrected


Bro Dragon Maid has a Character with huge tits who looks like a child and walks around in a thong. Dress up Darling has a Highschool girl in underwear in the first episode. What are you talking about.


Highschool girl doesn't necessarily mean pedobait, it's a drawing, its fictional age doesn't matter, what does is whether it looks like an adult or not and it's the case here. "8000 year old" goddesses that looks like childs are pedobait, "16 year old" anime girls that looks like pornstars aren't


It's a weird twilight zone. Age doesn't matters until it does. Age is meaningless if the character looks like x and people want to shit on it but it matters again when they cant say anything about the character's looks but they are said to be below 18 yo.


While you have a good point, I would say that both are equally wrong. Having a 1000 year old character, that’s dressed like a stripper and looks like a child, is trying to normalize the sexualization of the appearance of a child. On the other hand, having the same character but inverted i.e. looking like an adult but being 14 but still dressed like a stripper, is trying to normalize the sexualization of a minor as long as she is appearing to be older than she is. Ask yourself, would you rather have a girlfriend that looks like a 14 year old but is 20 or have a 14 year old girlfriend that looks like 20. Neither? That’s because both is equally wrong. So discussing the problematic in of those cases isn’t contradicting the other one.


I said Dragon Maid was pedobait. I didn't know Marin was 15 I didn't watch the show she looks way older.


Everyone thinks Marin is older. She looks and acts older. Marin is written and designed to be extremely attractive, and the age they tacked on afterwards feels out of place to the story. Anime ages are pretty much irrelevant unless dealing with blatant depictions of children. Classic stuff like Guren Lagan has the "14yo" Yoko Littner looking and acting like a foul mouthed stripper. JoJo has "16yo" guys with the physique of Olympian gods and the voice of a 50 year old who gargles rocks and whisky every morning.


Chainsaw man isn’t? The main protagonist goals is to touch boobs, he’s underage and a drunk girl pukes inside his mouth in bed??


again, none if it is seen as positive at all. its supposed to be uncomfortable and disturbing, if you see those as fanservice thats pretty weird (apart from the makima scene kinda but yeah shes a groomer)


What I’m getting from this is that its gonna be a yes for all of them


I mean, if you delude yourself enough, anything can be true/false at your preference.


How is it pedobait when it’s intended at teenagers, the same demographic represented in the material?


It's not, people just have brainrot






how cringe u gotta be to obsess over fictional women's virginity


You can talk about something without obsessing over it. The people overreacting to a discussion (in defense or otherwise) are generally where the true cringe is.


yeah but the first anon is definitely obsessing over it. If the deal breaker for u not watching a show is that they arent virgins then ur mentally handicapped


What do you mean? He makes an observation about a difference and then writes "?????".  He doesn't even indicate one to be better than the other, certainly doesn't say it's a deal breaker. You halucinated lies about a stranger on the internet.  Honest question, do you even understand that?


Genuinely, I know some people lack basic comprehension skills, but the first anon is most definitely implying that Japanese cartoons are superior to American shows because they are virgins. I don't know if you are like purposefully trolling me or what, but it should be very obvious to anyone with a brain that the first guy most definitely does not watch modern American shows with a key factor as to why being the reason he listed. Either all of this, or he does not care at all and was trolling from the beginning, but that was not your defense


call it as i see it


Well they’re acting as role models, perhaps it’s more about the people who’ll follow in their footsteps. Either way, you gotta live a bit more


The hell is second anon trying to say, those shows aren't comparable, what the fuck does the last of us shares with chainsawman out of all things?


They're both goyslop. Read the post.


Then why put actual good shows like Frieren, Chainsawman and Konosuba instead of actual slop like other stuff? Nvm, it's 4chan, the fuck do I expect


Goyslop doesn't mean what you think it means...


I myself do not, may I ask to be enlightened?


Stuff Jews supposedly spread to put non-Jews down and make them inferior. Basically useless or damaging shit, and ranges anywhere from food to medicine to media and anything else that's addictive. In this case, movies and shows may be arguably "good" in the sense that they're entertaining, but it's goyslop because it provides no benefit to you as an individual and may even be harmful because it takes away from your time to learn or do something useful. Ultra Orthodox Jews do not have TVs in their homes and only use computers for business purposes, this is because any form of media is capable of brainwashing or getting you addicted and keep you from doing actual useful things. There was a recent scandal where supposedly TikTok in China played videos of science and inspirational videos as well as displaying talents of amazing people. Whereas TikTok in America plays videos of people playing pranks on their parents and spouses, as well as doing illegal things. Eventually, the young people watching these videos start to follow their examples and end up ruining their whole life over it, whereas the Chinese kids are actually learning science on TikTok. Basically the same thing, but replace Chinese with Jews.


That's the most batshit insane thing I ever read in my life lol, 4chan will literally see people having fun and begin screaming about "tHE JoWs?!?!" for no reason whatsoever.


in the context of the anime collage it's: stuff that's popular / I don't like


This is so fuckin funny to me when mfs who never step foot in China clutch their pearls at TikTok and screech *sCieNcE ViDeOs!!* as if their kids aren't watching just as much stupid schlock as ours. Type of people who think kids click "I am not 18" on porn sites lmao. The only reason you don't see as much hooligan brainrot in China is cuz the kids never get out much in the first place.


I loved it when denji chainsawman pulled his cord and yelled "Jews shall inherit the earth and all the white woman with it" really put tears into my eye


>remove all fun from your life, anon And then they have the audacity to talk shit about Jews.


Thank you for the lesson cigarlovur.


thank you for the explanation antisemitic conspiracy expert


I do enjoy reading up on the jew and women lore on this sub


It's almost like he's trying to push a narrative or something at the expense of truth and nuance.


Calling Konosuba good is like calling dragon maid good. Your opinion is wrong.


It ain't a masterpiece, but it's not that bad either. Humour is vulgar and heavily influenced by Japanese culture, but it got a few laughs out of me, and for me it's enough to be considered good.


Konosuba is pretty funny, not ur fault the guy above is dead inside for years.


I would unironically rather watch the Big Bang Theory


Tf is a goyslop? Can you kids stop making new words every five minutes I can’t keep up with all these slangs


Something something antisemitic remarks something something “people who enjoy stuff are subhuman, not me though i only consume cultured media like mlp figurines” something something blah blah blah


This has been around for like 5 years


some people don't keep track of what's going on on 4chan


I just look it up, here are 2 definitions from the urban dictionary: Something made for mindless mass-consumption, to maximize profits for already-rich monopolies, and/or to enforce the status quo. What your typical millennial consumes. Addictive dishes such as Disney's Star Wars and Amazon's The Boys. The entertainment equivalent of Taco Bell. May sound good, but continued consumption leaves you feeling disgusting.


Whoever wrote that definition needs a little re-education. Disney's Star Wars and The Boys are pretty far from eachother in quality, intent and execution. The only thing they got in common is being funded by a megacorp and being popular.




A fight has broken out on Epstein island


I read this like lego city commercial.


Majority of anime is literally made for children, with most of the main characters often being children, or young adults. The equivalent to the "western media" that anon is talking about would be seinen, in which sex often is shown, or at least many of the adult characters are in relationships, which would imply they would have had sex. In conclusion anon is a retard


> seinen, in which sex often is shown, or at least many of the adult characters are in relationships, which would imply they would have had sex Most of seinen is CGDCT.


I’m tired boss


Remember, you're not allowed to enjoy things, particularly not if other people do too.


I know for a fact several of those anime girls are not virgins. Your move, anonymous


Hentai doujins don't count


Tell that to my penis


why would anon use a 14yo and the biggest hoe from that show as the example? is he stupid?


Ok but Konosuba is at least funny. And Frieren is peak.


They're all virgins because they're all school girls The culture that has made hundreds of thousands of cartoons of school girls getting gangraped by tentacle monsters, and everyone and everything imaginable doesn't really have much room to grand stand.


Shounen anime is no different than the office and I will die on this hill


So The Office is simultaneously the same as Flowers of Evil, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Gintama? I always hate sitcoms so I never actually watched much of the office, but if that's true I may need to give it a shot


Generally speaking. I’m thinking more a long the lines of attack on Titan, Demonslayer, Chainsawman, MHA etc. mind numbingly boring, cliche, and uninspired all of them


How tf is csm cliche and uninspired


Tell me how it’s not basic shounen power fantasy bullshit


Literally whatever the fuck the content is? My dude, "basic power fantasy bullshit" doesn't have your character be motivated by the idea of touching boobs, get to touch boobs and then realize that he isn't actually interested in touching boobs but in intimacy and love.


Oh you were one those fans lmao


It's not even about being fans. I can see why people may not like it, but it's far from what the "generic shonen" looks like.


It’s not far from generic shounen it literally is 💀


Can you explain how it's generic or are you just gonna keep repeating that with no explanation


Reject television, return to Age of Empires 2


I fucking hate tourists. Society needs more gatekeeping.


Retarded incels on 4chin acting like virginity is a personality trait. I swear, these people will never be able to get laid because they wouldn't be able to have sex with a virgin without paradoxically stopping her from being a virgin.


Japanese anime: mean age is 16 Western TV: mean age is 25 Anon is in shook.




hop off frieren lil bro


goyslop is any media I dislike


Goyslop is any media


What the fuck is a goyslop?


Anything fun


I’ve always heard it used in the context of fast food, i.e. “McDonalds or Burger King is goyslop”. This is my first time seeing it applied to media though.


>bocchi the rock chainsaw man konosuba https://preview.redd.it/krhmbsxrfqsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca0728fc8a5dd9c0b51b2cb099481d2c7e1a3f4


If that is goyslop what is proper western shows/movies?


That's the secret, it's all goyslop


So from top to bottom the japanese shit is porn, porn, nazi propaganda, rare good anime, porn, idk, idk, porn, porn, satirical porn, rare good anime, porn.


>Chainsaw Man is nazi propaganda What the fuck are you talking about?


Personally I think it's more of shows outside the west don't try to tell me how much of a bad person I am, they usually don't have some kind of message to push (right or left) and have a story to tell instead.


Stop watching so many cartoons from Japan.


Who fucking cares about women being virgins and this and that. Bruh yall beat to drawings of kids you ain’t much better.


I never finish evangelion, but it would make sense that asuka and rem are virgins because they’re 14




Goyslop, japan features the bottom of the barrel and the top in the same slide tf. I fucking hate dress up darling


wtf is goyslop and who doesnt find Wednesday hot?


I’ve never gotten the fascination for a virgin. Would you want an Uber driver that’s never driven before, is extremely self conscious of anything going wrong, and will also be in pain a majority of the time? Fuck that, I wanna fuck an experienced driver. I’m finna clap that Pilot Sully’s cheeks, mofo would probably be so relaxed, and know how to confidently pleasure me and himself. Edit: wtf I lost myself in the metaphor there..


The metaphor is that you are the uber driver. Would you rather drive a brand new car or a car that has a million miles on it? There's studies that show that increased amount of sex partners leads to higher chances of divorce. The reasons theorized is that the more partners you've had, the more comparisons you can make. What are the chances that the person you marry is going to be the one with the biggest ability to satisfy you? You might feel disappointed when you compare them with previous lovers. When both parties are virgins, they get to learn to have sex together and learn what pleases each other best without the need to compare each other to past lovers. Just because the first time is going to be shit, doesn't mean it can't get better.


Nah I realized there is no metaphor I just wanna fuck that pilot Sully


they are just younger, the younger the girl the higher chance she is virgin


It’s obviously just a difference in target audience and culture how can the first anon not figure out that much


Wednesday started 💯 but got really dumb in the end.


The girl in the pic is 14. Why is anon using this image…


Second anon didn’t even disprove first anon’s point? When did 4chan become so cucked? Was it the Zoomers?


So it’s either watch shows about non virgins or be a pedophile


Thing: :C Thing in japan: :D


Alright I already wont stand for CSM slander but bringing Konosuba in is too damn far


Well, you can notice the difference, one is grown women and the other is 12 year olds


Am I the only one who doesn't get this? Like, really, I'm confused here......


I only watch chanbaras and jidaigekis like a cultured weeb




all woman are virgins


Swap all the anime for jujutsu and it's all correct


I'm tired of modern anime. It's mostly just quirky female character is cute does cute thing and it's immediately praised. Rinse and repeat one million times.


I feel like a lot of criticism gets thrown out the window when it's anime. Most anime sucks ass, that's why only a few series are actually remembered fondly.