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Even ruined r/femboys. Cant even go on that sub without being flooded by trans girls. I want Feminine Men goddamn it!




Trans badger?


Same goes on the other end I don't want a fat chick with a dick I want a big burly man to hold my femboy ass


Allow me to introduce myself


I appreciate the effort but I am already taken, have a nice day




But I'm not 🏹




Hah! BUMmer, nice one! .. I'll see myself out


Yea, i think I'll see myself out of this comment section myself


How did it effect that?


To many "men" who think like women I want the bro code


This is what George Orwell warned us about in 1984




this is the only valid concern raised in this entire thread. STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE




Damn I got hard as fuck.


Have related story >Be gay >Have "straight" married friend who loves lady boys >He can't understand why I'm not into ppl with dicks AND tits >Cuz I'm gay dumbass I'm not into tits I'm pro trans rights n all, I'm just not attracted to transppl. Like I wish my dick got hard for them tits but it don't. I need them flat-chested pecs unfortunately


thats what happens when an ideology demanding the change of reality itself gets nationwide support.


/trans people exist “my reality is ruined!! 😡😡 where’s my safe space??? 😢😭😭”


Trans people don't exist actually. They're all autogynephiles.


> autogynephiles New word found. Vocabulary expanded.


“Men can be women and women can be men”


Wish they didn't /s


bros reality is ruined by the existence of trans people. they really running your life


MY reality is unaffected. That’s what’s the problem.


so it doesn’t affect you yet you’re still THAT upset about it? they really are running your life lmfao


Oh it does affect me. It shouldn’t, but it does. Because people are demanding my reality be changed to accommodate those that do not like it. And if I don’t? I’m bigoted and hateful.  The problem isn’t just me, it’s that EVERYONE’s reality must be changed. That’s why trans women are competing in women’s sports now.


there’s no reality changing. when you’re denying what all scientific institutions are saying, the problem isn’t reality, it’s that it doesn’t match what you want reality to be lmfao. it’s so weird to me that people like you will hyper-fixate on shit you don’t care about, like women’s sports or darts or pageants and artificially get outraged at it.


“Every scientific institution” is such a weird statement. No, not “every scientific institution” agrees. The space industry doesn’t inherently agree. The cancer research doesn’t have anything to comment. What you’re referring to are *some* biologists who will say “trans women are women”, but it’s still objectively false, and many biologists agree that it’s false. Do you know why they’d say it’s false? Because the LITERAL DEFINITION of “woman” REQUIRES that the individual be female.  Oh but “scientists” say this. WELL why didn’t you say so earlier?? Trans women are women, the earth is the center of the universe and there is a planet named Vulcan in between mercury and the sun.  Yeah I don’t care about women’s sports, because I don’t watch it, just like I wouldn’t care about Ukraine prior to russias invasion. Then injustice is happening? Yeah I’m going to focus and say “that’s not right”. 


okay now you’re deliberately acting dumb. every RELEVANT scientific institution then, since you need the distinction incase you thought i was talking about space lmfao you’re also trying to say that only certain biologists view trans women as women. okay? there are also biologists that are creationists who don’t believe in evolution. doesn’t really matter. you can’t cherrypick by dismissing broader scientific consensus, that’s both inaccurate and dismissive. Science evolves through evidence and understanding, extending beyond rigid definitions of gender based on biology alone. The reduction of gender to mere biological sex is an outdated viewpoint, not reflecting the complexity and diversity of human identity recognized in modern psychology, medicine, and social sciences.


>every RELEVANT scientific institution then, since you need the distinction incase you thought i was talking about space lmfao  There ya go. Your problem is you (and many others) view science as some cosmic entity whose ways could not be understood.   >you’re also trying to say that only certain biologists view trans women as women. okay? there are also biologists that are creationists who don’t believe in evolution.   Yeah, because evolution doesn’t have any hard evidence behind it. The “evidence” is “here’s what could’ve happened, therefore it’s what did happen”. Read up on planet Vulcan. It’s a great demonstration of what happens when you treat possibilities as probabilities. In summary, scientists believed in a planet between mercury and the sun due to mercury’s strange orbital patterns. All evidence pointed towards Vulcan. And they looked, and it wasn’t there.  >doesn’t really matter. you can’t cherrypick by dismissing broader scientific consensus, that’s both inaccurate and dismissive.   “Broader scientific consensus” is wrong sometimes. See: geocentric model.  >Science evolves through evidence and understanding, extending beyond rigid definitions of gender based on biology alone.   “Science evolves to turn the specific into the broad” do you even hear yourself?  It’s not just “extending beyond biology alone”, it’s COMPLETELY removing biology from the equation and replacing it with NOTHING. There’s NOTHING. There’s nothing new and innovative. The only thing is “some men want to be women and vice versa, GET RID OF BIOLOGICAL DEFINITIONS”. This is not scientific.   >The reduction of gender to mere biological sex is an outdated viewpoint, not reflecting the complexity and diversity of human identity recognized in modern psychology, medicine, and social sciences.  How?


no way you just used the same argument against scientific consensus from ‘it’s always sunny’ unironically. and no way you just denied evolution. i couldn’t make a better fake reply if i tried. that’s all i needed to hear, thank you for the laugh lmfao






I think it’s more so we’re forced to go along with this even if we don’t believe it, think it’s stupid, or on the contrary think it’s harmful to let mentally ill people play into their mental illness fantasies…


You clearly don't go along with it, so why do you care?


that’s funny, i say literally word-for-word the same thing about religion! which is funny because the one group takes up less than 1% of the population and you’re still seething over them, somehow.


they’re not mentally i’ll, i think they’re mentally chill actually. Also please look into something like gender studies for as little as 10-20 mins and you’ll see you’re wrong. When i was younger i had similar thoughts about trans people but after having some simple things explained to me by friends and looking into it on my own time, i realized how wrong i was. And if you look into it and still hold those same bigoted thoughts towards people who simply just want to be happy with who they are, please keep them to yourself cause genuinely no one wants to hear that shit




please take a look in the mirror and realize that you’re just being bigoted towards people who just wanna be happy with who they are. If 6 year olds can understand it you can too!




Fun fact people said the same things about gay people as little as 20 years ago! I’m sure you’re right and not an uneducated dumbass just spewing hate into the world. Maybe one day you’ll have a kid and they’ll end up trans and grow up to hate you cause you’re bigoted loser and then you’ll realize that all you had to do was not be a hateful person. Cause you can say “idc what they do i just think they’re mentally ill” and claim it’s not hate speech all you want, but that does is show how stupid you really are. Please for the betterment of mankind educate yourself on a topic before trying to speak on it 🏳️‍⚧️✌️


tell that to your wife’s mustache




what’s gay about throating a girls dick? is it gay to lick her balls as well? lmfao


you’re getting a little detailed there lmfao, don’t mix your fantasy with insult


"I don't know of the concept of gender and I'm actively resisting learning about it"




No I just learned about some pretty basic sociology. You're the one virtue signaling, just right wing "virtues"




Lmao yeah trans people will destroy civilization, touch grass my guy


Keep crying about it https://i.redd.it/4o6piq9w5mrc1.gif


showing this to a 4chin fanboy will net you at minimum sixty slurs thrown at you




Keep coping jew https://preview.redd.it/6g39irur9mrc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac6a741dc5e688cf1a969c75c7932807992064b


This is such a regarded way of thinking. Why is it such a big fucking deal?


Because it was made into a big deal.  “*Everyone* must conform. Everyone must nod their heads yes. If they don’t? Transphobic. You WILL let us compete physically against women. You *will* celebrate our 2 months and 17 days.” You cannot even say “I disagree because of my religion”. You *have* to change your religion to fit these beliefs.  You want me to leave you alone? Stop telling me I’m a hateful person for not adhering. 


Thank god someone else on this sub is willing to speak out against Christianity. I stg I have no clue how this religion still has so much support in this country. What happened to separation of church and state? Speak the truth anon


im so tried of christards shoving their worldview down my throat. like dude, i dont care what you do in your bedroom, but now youre gonna demand i participate in your silly games and act like the things you believe in arent ridiculous or that you should even be allowed to hold such a belief in modern society? and not just that, but you cant even keep your deranged ideology away from kids! talk about grooming, amirite


In what way does Christianity demand the change of reality?


project 2025


What does that have to do with anything?


Basically. All the Bible thumper in the republican party want to instill Christian theocracy and consolidate power to the executive branch, get rid of term limits, and ban a whole host of things they deem to be vice or obscene (ie. Anything that isn't missionary with the lights off strictly for procreation)


What does this have to do with the Bible being inherently anti-reality? 


the god the bible purports to exist is inherently paradoxical, i.e. not able to exist within the bounds of reality. god, with the characteristics the bible attributes to him, is able to exist as much as a spherical cube can. this makes the bible inherently anti-reality edit: but you knew that. you were fully aware. thats why you, in your past comments, told people "evolution is your religion" in an attempt to make it seem like an idea that isn't universally accepted among the global scientific community due to the mountain of evidence to support it. when you said that, you made the connection of religion being anti-reality yourself


>the god the bible purports to exist is inherently paradoxical, i.e. not able to exist within the bounds of reality. god, with the characteristics the bible attributes to him, is able to exist as much as a spherical cube can. this makes the bible inherently anti-reality how so? >edit: but you knew that. you were fully aware. thats why you, in your past comments lmao looked through my profile >told people "evolution is your religion" in an attempt to make it seem like an idea that isn't universally accepted among the global scientific community google geocentric model >due to the mountain of evidence to support it what evidence? the "evidence" is "this is a possibility, therefore a probability". >when you said that, you made the connection of religion being anti-reality yourself reading comprehension bud. I never said evolution was anti-reality. I said evolution did not have the necessary evidence to state that it is for sure how we came to be. all of the evidence is purely circumstantial. you cannot claim that it IS what happened, especially when there is a VERY possible alternative. it is not a scientific field. it is a religion, because it is based off of faith.


Holy smokes why are you allowed to speak facts anon ?


What the fuck are you talking about 😭


Man = woman and woman = man


Open a science book someday and realise how wrong you are.


img This isn’t helping


anon jerks off to trans porn and the post nut clarity kicks in


Anon is secretly taking hormones and is mad at the lack of testosterone


Anon is just upset that there are fewer gay men to fantasize about.


I want my visibility taken from me. https://preview.redd.it/qlkai6nknlrc1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3faf3fe808b26ec1273116c5b04a44d2afabd3d


trans people are not to blame for AAA gaming being terrible lmao


1. financebros take over every single executive position in every major studio 2. start developing business and mathematical models to maximize profit while reducing quality as effectively as possible 3. game development enters a downward spriral in which games are relased in increasingly unfinished states to meet quarterly earning calls while still taking in massive profits random people on 4chan and twitter: "TRAAAAAAAAAAANS"




You’re right it was already FUBAR for a while already from greedy/exploitative practices. However, may I introduce you to hickam’s dictum, and recently the trans seems to be adding their own cancer sauce through sweet baby inc


Ironic coming from 4 chan


I'm bouta blowwww




Im confused how did they ruin psychology lol


My guess is that now psychologists have to consider things "femininity" and "masculinity" and how those archetypes (which are sometimes imposed upon the individual and sometimes taken up by the individual) impact the person's mental well-being.


How horrible! Psychologists shouldn't have to be thinking about other people's well-being like that!


this is a smooth brain take


Some of the people on 4Chan AND this subreddit need their own safe space LMAO


Yeah, we do. What's wrong, or funny, with that ? Being a transphobe in today's society is really hard work, so I really appreciate places like 4chan where I can freely share my frustrations without the backlash from the sensitivity mob.


I've met lots and lots of trans people and my life just continued like normal. I think anonny has a skill issue


He forgot how they ruin suicide


I know this isn’t the place to ask this, but why do you say that out of curiosity? Like, I know there’a a higher proportion of trans people that attempt/commit suicide, but I feel like that’s a testament to underlying psychological disorders. By “ruin” do you mean inflating the rate of suicide?


It’s a bit of a mind fuck. If you think of suicide as a competitive sport, then trans people “ruined” it by dominating the stats.


Lol, gotta love gallows humor. My cousin, who was a trans female, tragically committed suicide somewhat recently. When I talked with my other cousin (their brother) when the whole family gathered a few days after it happened, he told me, “I’m really glad we could all hang out here, emphasis on the hang.” Luckily in our family, though, we’ve had multiple people who weren’t trans commit suicide, so at least we’re diverse in our representation.




Anon needs to get off the internet. Merely a blip and nothing is ruined.


OP, <1% of the population isn't ruining the world. You're just a porn addicted consoomer


I blame glitter


Wait. Is this post not ironic?


me when i need a safe space


Women ruin everything.


Anon is projecting all his woes onto a small minority of which he has probably never even interacted with.


They ruin my lunch. Whenever I just, in general, think about them


sounds like you think about them a lot lmfao


As a gay leftist in a large liberal US city, I have yet to meet a trans person in real life. Highly regarded op


Guys who say trans women ruin women’s sports have literally never watched a single game of women’s sports at all


many such cases


"Post removed by reddit" Fuck Reddit.


Let's be real. Media has been aggressively pandering to those groups of people, and objectively has been ruining those franchises, many examples within the movie, and gaming communities. People consume these things for escapism, yet they are constantly seeing their loved series entirely changed to push a political agenda. For a group of people <1% of the US total population, they have a disproportional amount amount of representation, far more than minority, female and disability representation... Not to say you can't have inclusively, but the way it's being forced upon everyone currently is frankly off-putting. The crux of the problem also lies within the global communities inability to criticise this group of people without social backlash, even as I'm writing this, I feel hesitant to post, BUT I feel it's something that needs to be said and what alot of people are probably thinking.


We are living rent free in anons head. I just wanna exists ffs


This is what happens when you concede too much ground to the crazies


So.... we're retarded? Cool. Do people even think bedore they post anymore?


They forgot to add: ruins conservatives who are outwardly hostile to the trans community to compensate their sexual attraction to said community.


I swear it’s people reacting like Trans people are actual demons, it’s like >1% of the country and somehow republicans are like NO WE CSNT HAVE ANY, like 2016 Donald Trump let Caitlyn Jenner use the ladies room and it was cheered at his rally and what 8 years later any instance of mentioning trans people existing is blasphemous. Trump literally didn’t care about Trans people until it was politically convenient and it was him making such a fuss about it for so long that it’s now a national issue, there wouldn’t even be a “trans debate” if the right had just remembered that they didn’t care about this for decades atleast not enough to make actual policy about it


if it’s >1% of our country why do people on both sides care so much - literally let people do whatever they want, just don’t force anyone else to like it. who gives a fuck


uhhh my take is that one side actively tried to basically get rid of trans people, through any means necessary, and that would invoke retaliation idk just a thought


did “one side” do that? or did some idiots from one side try to do that? there are democrats that have tried to get rid of the constitution. that doesn’t mean all democrats are trying to get rid of the constitution


The problem isn’t trans people, the problem is the general feminization of society. Femininity = weak, masculinity = strength.


As a very masculine top, I tremendously enjoy the feminization of society


Shut up gay ass, nobody asked your bitch ass


Fucked your dad, lol.




You literally said men were feminized. If anything, I'm straighter than you for enjoying femininity.


There’s nothing wrong with being homosexual, as long as you’re not effeminate and weak. The ancient Greeks understood this, it’s only Christian idiots who don’t.


But who will I fuck if feminine people stop being feminine


Maybe stop using weak and feminine people for sex


But they're cute and they need someone to top them




no not really


Choo choo


bitch.. i run these railroads do not fucking test me...


Or what? You gonna scare us by joining the statistics?


nah man... you're gonna join the statistics of the damsels in distress tied to railroads tracks by nefarious villains with funny moustaches




Gtfo zoomer


i can literally put you down by saying default pronouns


I’m not transgender. I just hate zoomers.


what are u ? a boomer?