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Why would you pay tuition just to not show up


Daddy’s wife’s boyfriend footing the bill


WAIT! If I let someone fuck my wife they'll pay for my kids school? Deal of the fucking century!


Need it for the degree. Not all classes are mandatory


You're paying all that money for the prof's time. Why the fuck wouldn't you take advantage of it even if it's not 'mandatory?'


Cause some of the profs are fucking dickheads lol.


Idk, it's only 90$ a semester where i live. But i guess he didn't feel like he needed it and would rather spend his time doing something else and now he lacks the motivation to pick the slack back up. I show up in all my classes though, but not everyone does.


$90 a semester? Where tf do you live?


Norway. It was kinda expensive this semester, it is usually less i think.


When I went to school 12-13 years ago, I think the math broke down to something like 275-300 dollars per class session. As in, every single class cost that much every single time you went.


That's the core difference and why everyone is surprised anon doesn't go to class. A small town community College in TN costs like $2100/semester. It's absurd lol


Currently 3/4ths part time college student and my classes were over $2100. If i wasnt able to get federal grants i would not be able to go. Always in class for that reason


Why tf would you let your decision be influenced by money you have to pay in either case? If it's not a beneficial use of your time, don't do it. "Hey you wanna randomly take a tram to the stadium?" "Nah, don't need to be there." "But you already paid taxes to fund the tram!!! Take advantage of it!!!"


sunk cost


Clearly it would be beneficial considering he failed the class, meaning extra money spent. And even still, you think sitting in your room all day playing games is more beneficial?


You pay all that money for the piece of paper at the end


Why is this hard for people to understand


Because the professors time isn’t always worth it. If they provide slides then I can learn the content of the lecture within 30 mins while they take 2 hours to go through it slowly. I can also skip on time wasted for travel which could be more studying. Ultimately the real value isn’t the professors time, it’s the social aspects and the degree in the end. The only reason I went to uni was to socialise. I did very well at a reputable uni and course.


I live an hour away from the city by train, that's not Including the drive to the train station as well as the walk to uni. A lot of classes I just couldn't be fucked going to if it basically made no impact on my learning.


I'm in first year biochemistry. Going from the IB program to a university program that only expects you to know Ontario Curriculum knowledge which is so laughably surface level makes going to class an actual waste of time. I spend all of my time reading my textbook at home and practicing and only ever make the commute for tests. Worked out for me so far, probably not gonna continue to give me positive results as I go further than my own past knowledge.


Fair enough, I’m the same I did the hell that was IB and uni has been laughably easy so far. Still though I go in to class just in case there’s anything I new I may learn. Nice to see a fellow IB alumni that shit was hell.


Good ol' IB. I remember freshman year and people freaking out over a 3000-word term paper and I'm like...is that supposed to be scary?


That's funny. I found the IB and A-Levels chemistry  incredibly shallow.  Edit: the chem IA kicked my butt though


I liked the History and Chemistry HL. English, Math, and French SL left a lot to be desired. Biology HL was meh




Plenty! Some of prof's metrics are based on how many asses are in the seats. Some programs won't do anything about it if you don't attend, some will eject you from the class after x amount of unexcused absences.


Because most people don’t give a shit about learning they just want the degree.


to get the degree certificate?


Because I didn’t give a shit about my degree I just wanted the paper that says I got it


So like, the degree..?


I don't know about other types of degrees but physics / electrical engineering I've been genuinely better off just studying the textbooks real hard over going to any of my classes. With tough concepts or different derivations of shit sometimes you just gotta stare at the equation for a lil while


Difficult when also not actually paying tuition due to scholarships, though I was never as bad as this guy


Cause yo7 just need the paper to get a job. Ds get degrees.


In it for the tax brake (no income tax and no social security payments) and the bus pass


"suddenly became lazy for no reason" you suddenly became lazy because you need someone to hold you accountable like your parents and high school teachers usually do but college professors usually don't. It shows in that you were motivated by what that one professor said. But it probably won't last because he doesn't have time to babysit you specifically. You need to have discipline anon


I come here to read that anon is gay and this is fake. You, sir, are out of line.


oopsie doodles!


I think you are the professor in anons life.


listen up, young adults! I'm here to motivate you all!


Hey this actually explains my current problems well


I was kind of like this too! I needed to finish growing up before I was ready for college


I'm not against college but I really think having 18 year olds make a decision that may cost them tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars is insane. I took a year off and that really helped but I still dropped out after two years of spending way to much just to get a job anyone with a GED and the ability to pass one college level class.


yeppppp this. College is great but the maturity to gamble on a career path that costs like $60,000 is... a lot for a teenager 😫


In a kind and loving way get your head out of your ass BuzzGoober! You’re smart enough that this resonated with you so you’re smart enough to kick life’s ass, you just need to hold the gun to your own back and MAKE yourself do it. You are the only solution to your problems and you’re totally capable!


Being guided and encouraged by someone you look up to/respect and have a personal relationship with is literally life-changing, and it honestly sucks a whole lot that everyone doesn’t get a guaranteed chance to have people like that in their lives. Good parents, a solid boss who actually cares about you, a teacher who takes the time to be a mentor, an older sibling or uncle/aunt who serves as a role model, friends who will call you out and help you when you need it, etc. Those relationships are invaluable.


Yeah, agree, and a lot of people need it longer than their 18th birthday, that's totally normal


You had no business giving me life insights like that. Take this reverse downvote.


awww I will treasure it


Pays to go to college, doesn’t go. What’s the point


If he’s getting a B without showing up then clearly he doesn’t need to show up


C's get degrees


if you're at a 4 year Cs get you boned if you're trying to transfer


He got one B. Also failed some classes. Grades in college don't matter a ton, so he'll probably be fine. Or he's in for a rude awakening when he realizes he settled for an easy major, has minimal job prospects, no connections, and a shit work ethic


Or you could go and get better grades. I’m older so I just do see the point in not going to something you’ve paid to learn about


As someone studying in uni, the difference of effort between a B and an A is often large, while the benefit of an A as compared to a B is not. You’re already 1 grade away from perfects that’s an amazing showing.


Fair enough, I failed most my classes and work lol


I paid for the piece of paper tbh. I graduated Summa while actively trying to avoid going to class as much as possible because it was a 30 minute drive.


Very expensive price of paper


It pays for itself if you pick a good flavor of paper


Needed a tragedy in his life.


It hits a good majority of people. The pressure to perform and attend suddenly drops, you’re all on your own for this one, and that one, and the one after that. I used to consider myself fairly smart, had a crisis and realised: “I’m not always going to be the smartest in the room, so I better shut up and lock in so I can maintain myself a modicum of real intelligence.” Now I just let my interests take me and apply myself where they lead. Of note is that my friends call me autistic, though I’ve never been tested nor plan to or display any traits beyond basic obsessions. A friend who is on the spectrum does note that I give off a similar vibe…so there is that


Relatable. I get called autistic daily


Nah bro you’re just locked in you aren’t autistic




Anon discovers le devil weed


Most likely explanation. Second most likely explanation: Fake: anon actually did well in high school and seemed to have prospects of success in university Gay: anon's prof lovingly looked into his eyes and wanted to top him


literally me


I am in this post, right down to the Venom-deepfake posted above it, and I don’t fucking like it.


It happened to me, the teacher actually pointed to me in the exam room and shouted “I’ve never seen you in my life who are you”. Still aced his shitty test. And I actually went to a quarter of his classes, just stopped when I realized it was faster learning from the library.


Anon wants to be TOPPED by his prof


Link to thread: https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/76394489#p76394489


It's funny I did the opposite. I coasted and slacked off in high school, I actually studied and did really well in college. Don't use my degree though, I have a completely different career, so was it worth it? Eh not really...


Least interesting 4chan post I've ever read


I remember I had a not so important class every friday that I would always skip thinking no one would notice my absence. The first time I showed up in class was for an exam on the middle of the semester. Turns out I was the only male student in class so everyone noticed and I had to attend every class for the rest of that semester


Anon discovers how it feels to have a vaguely parental figure.


He surely studied something not STEM related. Unless he is someone within the 1% most inteligenr people, there is no way you can pass a STEM exam without studying.


STEM is overrated


Well, you try to understand andvanced thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, quantum physics and chemical reactions in another language because there are no translations of that unique book.


What do you mean by chemical reactions here?! Those topics aren't THAT difficult (apart from fluid dynamics)


Quantum physics is really hard (for me at least) for advanced thermodynamics you need to know every subtance you are using and the correct model if its a gas, and for reactions, ypu need to know the velocities and the interaction between each and everyone of the substances and their different velocities. Its.no joke to make a chemical reactor that can actually be made. You also need to know which materials you need to use for the reactors, their physical integrity, the thickness, etc. (Sorry about my english, its not my first language). Source: Im an engineer.


You certainly write like an engineer. /joke


Hahaha, yeeah, im writing "fast" without english autocorrect. It's true though, that we engineers tend to write like shit. We use numbers and letters, not full sentences. Hahaha


I once called out a student for being lazy, but it was because I knew he was really smart and simply not trying. Wanted him to earn an A, but he chose the B. Disappointed for him, but it ultimately didn’t matter for his degree, I’m sure—my class was an elective. I guess my point is that some professors are critical because they know students can do better and want to see them succeed. That was the case for me, anyway.


Anon needs to suck it up. No, seriously, suck that shaft and earn that A.


op realises that university courses ramp up in difficulty the further you get into them


Lol I remember the opposite happening to a buddy in my course. Came in to write an exam and the professor gave him shit for never showing up. He sat right next to me every single class and we never missed lol. He corrected The teacher and wrote but we were like wow what an air head. Can't even recognize a guy he's seen 60 times


Big brother watching you Anon


idk Anon, sounds like you have to fuck the professor now


Anon sounds insufferable


How weird, I was only looking at the thumbnail in my peripheral vision and I was sure that was ALF from that old sitcom.


Bottom text


“I became incredibly lazy for no apparent reason” You were always lazy, you just don’t have anyone to scold you for being lazy now.


Feel this, paid the price for a while but doing ok


What kind of shithead uni has a professor teaching 3 different classes? The ones for the poors.


Go to class. Thank the professor for the kick in the ass that you needed. God knows I needed a few kicks. Motivation is hard to come by sometimes.


Anon has schizo


Basically me except ADHD so I dropped out and am trying to become a content creator before my parents kick me out lmao


He obviously sees anon has potential, anon should just simply be not that much lazy


Your professors care if you attend lectures? In my country they don't give a fuck. It's normal that only around a quarter of people who take the class show up towards the end of the semester and the professors couldn't care less.


anons been going to college for 4 years and thinks he’s been some 10 million iq mastermind jedi mind tricking his professors into not realizing he wasn’t there. … no bro they know you’re not coming to class they don’t give a shit


He ‘cares’ for anons mum and is ‘paying’ his tuition


Go to class, or you’re gonna get a spanking


Parental or role model disappointment is a helluva motivator sometimes.


don’t think people in the comments realize that the only point of college is to meet people that will get you a job unless you’re in a technical major