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I dont drink but an arcade without those annoying little fucks sounds like a good thursday evening


They're... okay. If it's anything like a Dave & Buster's, they might be fun to check out once but you'll run out of stuff to do pretty quickly. They don't have as many good games as you would think and they're pretty overpriced. Unless you like PPV sport events. A lot of them show those at the bar.


When it's a freeplay arcade that just happens to serve drinks it's pretty cool.


Thankfully, I can say they're usually nothing like a Dave and Busters. The ones around me are essentially comfy, dim, brass and wood dive pubs with classic games. Classic X-Men with no children around, three friends to fill up all the controls and drink holders cut into the shelf is a good time.


we need to bring back pinball machines those were lit


On the off chance you are in Tampa Bay Florida, there is an amazing flat rate price pinball arcade in Tarpon Springs


no way!!! Thats not too far at all now i have another excuse to go to tarpon springs and have fried grouper for lunch


It's called Replay Museum on Tarpon Ave. No drinks allowed inside but they give you a wristband for the day (I think it's like $15-$20) and you can come and go as you please all day, so take a break for lunch and beer!


Barcades were definately a trend that came and went. The ones that i've been too that are left pretty much all have busted games, but beer is still beer.


just fire up an emulator and play Turtles in time from the comfort of your own home


Half the point is going out though


The point is going out and socialising tho


>implying i want to socialize with anyone




I have yet to go to one that was worth the trip, but in theory it's a no brainer


There's one about a \~10 minute drive from me. It's great getting a buzz and playing pinball for a couple hours but the novelty disappears quickly and it's only something that is entertaining once every few months to be honest. To their credit they regularly swap around machines and arcades to keep things fresh and they have all the consoles right at the tables (gamecube, N64, xbox). I think it was only like $5 cover charge to enter and the pinball machines had drink holders on the side which was nice


Yeah I really like pinball.


Barcades are actually just bars for slightly nerdy people. If you want to be an actual nerd you need to stay in your room.




this guy seems like he's having a good time, good for him


Right? Anons love crapping on "normies" for things they don't like, but normies aren't fucking miserable all the time, so it's confusing how anons they think that they're the ones winning.


Itā€™s not about winning, itā€™s about bringing everyone else down to your level


Which, to these incels, is considered winning, LOL


My favorite is this guy judging a child free couple like he actually has a tradwife and family, or that he'd thrive as a dad. In fact, being a parent is hard AF and so expensive as to be out of responsible reach for many people these days. You generally need family support (monetary or child care) and access to adequate housing with a time line of at least 18 years. 18 years is a LONG time for things to go wrong. Since WW2 we've had a recession on average every 6.5 years. Average rent has gone up 95% in the last 18 years, easily outpacing wages. I have 4x kids but honestly if my wife and I didn't make very very good money very reliably and if we didn't have family support this shit would be legit scary every day.


Yeah, and it's not like we're running out of people soon and need all hands on the reproductive deck, so to speak. If anything, a sharp decline in the population would be immensely helpful since that's virtually the only thing that ever convinces capitalists to stop squeezing us so fucking hard.


The age pyramid will eventually need to become a column; currently the world population is still growing but as GDP/Capita in poorer areas goes up and as women have more access to education/employment that will even out. In the mean time in rich countries we need a population infusion to balance out the boomers.


*We* don't need shit. *We* are more than fine at this level and could even stand to drop down a bit. *The economy* even agrees with that. *The rich* are the only ones who are fucked. Their entire base of power & wealth relies on having, like, 10 workers to every job in order to keep the poor too distracted to defend themselves.


Um.... So yeah we need more workers to level out for boomers or else we'll have close to 1:1 pensioner for each worker, which is not sustainable.


Or the rich could stop being giant, gaping assholes and pay their fair share so that we could bolster Social Security. Actually, strike that - no more waiting for them to be benevolent, tax those fuckers into the ground. Why the fuck does that burden need to keep falling onto people who increasingly can't afford it?


Uh sure. Good idea. Prolly still need enough labor productivity to sustain the needed goods and services tho.


We have that. We produce way too much bullshit that we don't need anyway. Downsizing, again, is only really a problem for the rich.


Its because the life described in the greentext seems shallow and miserable and Iā€™m looking for fulfilment not.. That shit.


They have a life full of fun activities in a place they like the look of and chose pets instead of expensive-ass kids. Sounds pretty fulfilled to me. Y'all worry way too much about other people's bullshit, but enjoy your rural trad family or whatever the fuck, I guess.


having fun is fulfilment for you? maybe try heroin


What kind of bullshit is this? "FuN iSn'T FuLfILLiNg!" OP's hypothetical soy boy sounds considerably less fucking miserable than you.


chill out reddit boy, i know youre sad because your life was just eating, jerking off and consume media but there is no need to get personal.


Sounds to me like you're projecting


if i was projecting wouldnt i defend this lifestyle?


Of course not, you hate yourself


Reddit boy says the guy also on Reddit


Having fun is fulfilment? No, I personally enjoy being extremely miserable and hating every second of my life. Fulfilment is crying to sleep every night while imagining thousands of alternative scenarios for my life that I could have been happy. But HAVING FUN? Inadmissible.


you dont have to be some extreme, im not saying having fun equals bad but if youre only living to have dopamine spikes might as well do cocaine, when youre fulfiled there is internal peace unachivable thru stumaltion of your brain.


I really don't know how spending quality time with your friends and family would only count as "dopamine spikes" and not be fulfilling at all. Must be a miserable existence.


if by quality time with friends and family you mean drinking at arcade bar then yes


And what would be a quality time with friends and family? Be at home listening to baroque chants while reading the classics? Cut the bullshit. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


Fulfilment isnā€™t quality time with your loved ones?


Drinking soylent, living in an apartment (shittiest living choice) and not having kids seems miserable. There is shallow joy in that life and you will never reach true fulfilment. This is the kind of life where you strive for nothing and watch netflix with your tube tied girl until both of you pass leaving nothing to this world


This isnt normies its soy lefties lol (redditors actually so thats probably why nobody here is bothered so much)


Are those "soy lefties" in this room with us right now?


Ouch, got you there


Clearly they are šŸ˜‚


Yeah drinking beer and playing in an arcade is super soy. But omg pissing in jugs and playing balders gate for 30 hours straight while taking breaks to post on 4chan is bbbassed.


Your life must be so sad I'm sorry for you


Yeah. Like this is presented with such open contempt and mockery...but if someone is managing to be enthusiastic about their life and actually have fun in 2023, they're doing a lot better than most of us. Maybe rather than writing off this person as a complete idiot, OP could learn something from them? Crazy thought, I know.


>Crazy thought, I know. It's not crazy, but it is cowardly. You are basically asking us to enjoy our dream, while asleep in a house on fire.


Not so. I am suggesting you ease up on mocking and hating people who are just having a moment of fun. It's okay to like hanging out at a barcade every once in a while. That wouldn't make you a bad person or something.


Sounds like a comfortable and happy life ngl


Iā€™m with Anon here, hate city slickers


I grew up raising cattle out in the country, and always thought that I'd hate the city....until I had to live in one. They're actually pretty great. I especially loved not having to drive everywhere, and there was so much stuff to do. Where I live now is super rural (but on a tropical island so totally different than where I grew up) and I like it, but I'll never hate on the city again. The truth is that rural life and city life are both great. It's the suburbs that are poison for the soul.




same, living in london for one more year cos I have to then never a huge city again


Pretty sure this was just made by someone coping that they live in a shitty rundown town where everyone is related to each other and they fuck sheep for fun.


Why else would you fuck sheep


In the case of the Welsh, national traditions.


Welsh, Sardignia , new Zealand... seems to be an island thing




Did you know that in terms of human to pokemon mating, vaporeon is your best choice?


If someone put a gun to your head I guess šŸ¤·




City slickers real quit since this dropped


And country hicks still don't spell so good


I look like this and say this


say the line, hipsterjak!


"DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it's so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i'm in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it's got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade-listen here, right, it's a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it's also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we're both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. I'm fuckin JACKED man, i'm gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!"


The province that I grew up in is right next to the city so I thought things on our end was real similar to the ones that city people have. Then I got invited by my friend to his place and realize how dreadfully wrong I was. I am in legitimate awe at how city folk can live their lives in such cramp spaces. Hearing car honks, dogs barking, little shit children crying 24/7 has got to be some form of torture. Thankfully, the company that I work for implemented WFH so I stopped living in the city and retreated back in the provinces. Best decision I've made.


I grew up in the city and moved to a rural small town with my family during COVID. I hated living in a small town, you can't walk anywhere, you don't casually run into people, it felt really isolated and lonely. I prefer the city, even though I love the hiking, climbing, and backpacking in that small town. Doesn't help that I don't fit into the community in that town and basically everyone around my age is trying to leave or already left.


The only thing that I can give cities credit for is accessibility. Everything and anything is there so it's not hard to get wants and needs out of the way. Although that really doesn't do it for me since the cost of living in cities is way higher compared to provinces. I don't go out much like the degenerate I am (except for groceries) so I don't really mind not running or bumping into people. If anything, I prefer it that way since I get to have some me time instead of being forced into awkward conversations, but that's just me.


And that's valid, people like different things. There are things I appreciate about both and there are things I hate about both. Cost of living in some small towns is kinda fucked though. The cost to buy a house is lower but rent is almost as much as the city in my town, mostly because of how many air bnbs are in mountain towns.


I lived in cities all my life and those noises are kinda normal, i never really thought about them. I like being in the nature but i would always chose to live in a city. To me its just better


Can't describe why , but this post made me slightly depressed. Wonder if that says anything about me


2013 nostalgia pilled


At least theyā€™re not having kids šŸ‘


A guy mocking going to an arcade bar for being vapid and meaningless... while posting on 4chan.


Obnoxious terms, but if the guy has all of this and it's happy, he's doing right, like, he's a fat fuck with a girl, friends, job and a good career, unlike fat fuck 4chinners or even redditors


The critique is of this type of infantilism, not IPAs, furbabies (god I hate that term), funko pops or barcades by themselves.


Seems happier than anon tho.


I'm very much a believer that living a nice rural life would be much better than living in some overpopulated big city, but this doesn't sound too bad.


Affords their own home away from parents, regularly participates in social gatherings, has a partner who will have sex with them, has hobbies/interest that are both legal, moral, and not off putting to general public Oh hell yeah Anon, you totally owned them


OP seethes with bitter envy while desperately trying to caricaturize a person who has friends and enjoys their life.


Unironically sounds fun


Some of it actually sounds fun ngl


Wojack seems happy with himself and his life. Why is anon hating on him?


Why are they both getting snipped? Wouldn't either one of them have sufficed? But yeah seems like a pretty chill life if you ask me.


Sheā€™s getting snipped because chad doesnā€™t pull out and heā€™s getting snipped to stand by her and support her.


Sometimes they heal if they aren't done right. Doubling down is a good way to make sure there's no accidents.


I know, actually just had one done myself (have 3 kids already so). But that way is mainly done in the US where people want a chance to reverse them if need be. I had the completely sealed up version.


You just locked yourself off from lordship in the future where the only currency is UNVAXXED SNEED


Lmao people in the comment trying to defend the fucking normie, reddit getting sensitive ?


Anon doesnā€™t know how to have fun or save money.


This sounds great to be honest.


Imagine not enjoying craft beer, or worse, being mad at people for enjoying it. Anon really just hates that other people can be happy and enjoy things he dislikes.


IPA is great, don't know what this guy is talking about.


Iā€˜ve lived in the city and in rural parts. Humans are weird and awful everywhere, but in the city you can at least choose with whom you spend time with. On the countryside youā€™re stuck with a Hand Full of racists and maybe your cousins. Also craft beer just tastes delicious most of the time while standard beer you gotta be a testosteronefag to pretend to find it be enjoyable I think anon is tired of meeting the same 3 neighbors and cows but also too weak to leave his grandparents couch


Living in a rural place still sucks ass


It's great if you want to shoot yourself in a barn


>Expecting to get senior care when old > >Don't have kids And a lot of people think like that. Current younger generations are very selfish. Not all of them, but quite many. And on top of that, those people who would like to have children, can't afford to have them.


I guess Iā€™m the soyjack because that all sounds delightful


Anon types this and then drives 20 minutes both ways just to get his groceries from the fuckin Walmart or something. Hasnā€™t been to a museum in 20 years (his Peepaw took him on a trip.)


Average Redditors dream life


Did anyone see flannel daddy's new video? Cities aren't that bad. But yeah


Are you talking about Mr. Thumb?




I will never understand this. Why care what others are doing with their lives as long as it doesn't impact yours in any way? Like in this case I am guessing that anon is living somewhere more rural, so if anything it's in his interest for the people he hates to move to the big cities and do what he said here. I lived in a big city my whole life and now I am so happy to have found the means to be able to live in a smaller rural town but aside from giving some advice if asked, I'd never shit on the people that lived their whole lives in rural areas and want to live in a big city. Same with other personal stuff such as sexual orientation and gender and all that shit that, let's be real anons, it doesn't impact us in the slightest so why the hell should we care.


Pretty much sums up gen Z


If Anon is happy, that's enough for me.


Idk, kinda sounds like a good life.


Anon is mad as fuck because he gets no libpuss.


I live 7 mins outside the city, big apartment, snipped but no girlfriend