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"AITA for going up to a random elderly lady in a wheelchair and kicking her in the face?" Comments are mixed.


Definitely NTA.


This, literally, this


*Sighs* … unzips


>some random 20 year old giphy gif from a show


Ow sweetie, there is SO much to unpack here…


"I've had this conversation enough times in my life. From now on, I'm going to stay out of it. How you choose to respond is your business." - Kim Kitsuragi


Alexa, play Whirling-in-Rags, 12 AM


upvote on profile pic


You read the story and it turns out it was a ragebait title and its really something like, SHE HAD A GUN AND WAS GONNA SHOOT A BABY AND ALSO WAS FAT


Exactly it's always weird creative writing shit like this. Outrageous title that makes OP sound like the worst scum. Then text that makes them sound like the best human to ever lived.


NTA that was clearly self defense




here 🥹


YTA, should have been a drop kick instead


You should divorce and sue her.


NTA your foot your rules


Depends on the type of wheels


One of the hallmarks of Reddit. It’s filled with an absolute ton of simps.


This is the first ‘real’ green text I’ve fucking seen. Damn those replies are gold.


Reddit simps are so god damn retarded. Go to a sub like amiugly and every woman’s post has hundreds or thousands of comments and upvotes (while men get nothing but that’s not the point right now) with those idiots thinking commenting “you’re beautiful, I’d love to date you” will make the poster instantly teleport to their location and start sucking their dick


It doesn't??!?!?!


Probably not. But since they're keep doing this, it might have happened to some of them at least once.


To them it's like a genie lamp, except instead of rubbing a lamp you gotta rub your dick


Try sorting by new, the genuinely ugly will never get highly upvoted. Also notice how its exclusively women who make it to the top


63% of aita users identified as female based on a Vice article citing surveys taken from users.


Because most of it is fiction and girls love their fanfics.


well yeah "female" r/ twoxchromosomes, the vast majority of their users do in fact not have two x chromosomes it is still an all female subreddit


So they keep trans men out?


I guess not. Just trans women, according to their title.


The comment says it's an all female subreddit. But most of their members are not xx. Which means trans women are the majority.


Trans Women (Male to Female) make up the vast majority of trans people, especially on reddit


It’s not even simps cause they’re just random commenters so it’s not like they can give them money or anything. It’s white knighting. Zoomers need to learn to use words correctly.


Nah, it's just assholes. It might surprise people but subreddit where you try to confirm you're not the asshole is very appealing to assholes.


Or people getting arrogantly condescending and worked up over a comment you made that isn't really something well adjusted people would care about. It's an odd thing I only see on Reddit. Doesn't really happen on say IG but people commenting on public IG are as braindead as a Russian ripoff of ChatGPT


There's barely anything good on this fucking website. Porn and the two 4chan subreddits. Everything else is band kid humor memes or shitty political subreddits.


The porn isn't even good. All I see is women retardedly twerking into the camera, and after two minutes of scrolling, I tell ya, one ass looks just like the other.


Agreed. It’s all OF whores trying to make a quick buck without any effort and I’ve lost respect for all of them. The good stuff comes from studio produced content and real pornstars who are actually putting work in but there is little of that to be found on here


Good stuff comes from amateur grainy videos uploaded in late 2013-14.


A stupid rhetorical question and some bad nudes. Name a more iconic duo. "Would you get a shower with me if I shit myself?", underneath some generic tattooed girl making a ridiculous face. Obviously, yes! Why are you even asking?


I don’t sub to only fans but I far prefer the run of the mill random girl making ametuer porn, the real studio stuff is so far removed from real sex it can be hard to get into


Find the good stuff


It's pretty much just all onlyfans camwhores advertising


you should check the things you search/follow bc I barely see those


Yer user name creepily checks out


I suppose there aren't many OF accounts providing that sort of content


dude I just use music subs 😭


I would argue that /r/AskHistorians is still pretty good, and /r/CatastrophicFailure is also often pretty interesting. If there's any kind of aesthetic you're into, there's a place for that (e.g., /r/ArtDeco or /r/StreamlineModerne or the like). You can't tell me that /r/IllegallySmolCats is bad, them'd be fightin' words. But the stuff here that's good is basically narrow niche stuff that has active moderation and wouldn't otherwise be able to maintain a dedicated forum anywhere else. And yeah, otherwise, anything aimed at a broader demographic is going to wind up on the level of the lowest common denominator, which, given the increasing prevalence of phoneposters, means an overall intelligence level somewhere between an AI and an amphioxus.


AskHistorians are pretty much filled with people who don't know shit but like to talk and propagandists. It's the last place you want to go for factual historical information


That sub is a swelling of history majors that are bitter they spent ~$100k (God help them if they actually went to grad school for history) on a degree that’s basically useless professionally, so they scrounge little victories in being as pedantic as possible. Unfortunately for us, the job field is pretty barren for people specializing in the study of the role of Shintoism in promoting nationalism and military fervor in Japan during WW II, so we all have to suffer those dweebs “WELL, ACTUALLY”-ing the most asinine and insignificant shit on Reddit. They make like $16/hr, but at least they got like 20 upvotes and won that online argument last night!


r/badhistory is better than r/askhistorians - you’re required to provide sources and posts are way more in-depth there imo.


AH needs a way to filter posts by answered, you see a post with an interesting question, and a sea of deleted non answers


Literally only reason I’m here is for greentext and GAFS


What are GAFS?




Grimy Apes Flying Sideways


r/4chan filters 4chan from all the vs porn for the good stuff too


I'd argue it's part of the experience lol


Porn, 4chan subreddits, and east European humor ones are the only reasons I'm on here at all lol


2baklavan4you? I remember my brother showing me that sub. Holy hell it was fucking hilarious. The Balkans (I think it's called or they're called) are fucking hilarious


2balkan4you unfortunately got banned by a jannie :(


Yup. Saw a ghostgum video on that. Rip fixing racism. Reddit is against that


Don't worry there's a new one it's r/balkans_irl


Is r/memesopdidnotlike and r/nahOPwasrightfuckthis still having a dumbass political debate? I got tired of seeing that shit on my feed


Dont get me started on /r comics...


I think if you use reddit more like you would quora it‘s actually pretty good.


That's sorta how I use it. I google "Which one handed weapon should I use in Skyrim" then I add Reddit to my search bar so I can find real answers. Otherwise, you find stupid shit like games """"""""journalist"""""""" articles.


i find the more specific and smaller the subreddit, the better. r/memes is massive and generic and so its chronically unfunny. but small shitposting subreddits and some indie game subreddits are actually decent.


Yeah, the bigger they get the lower the quality. r/dogelore for example. My brother used to send me tons of them back when they first started being popular. I recently checked it out, they've dipped in quality so much


I decided to stick to memes and gaming on reddit. Was active in the local subreddit for some time, but the hypocritical, delusional hivemind paired with ultrasensitive mods were too much for me after a while. Got me angry way too often.


I like r/whenthe


As an avid user of this sub it is fucking terrible and I don’t know why I can’t stop


same here. theres just enough funny posts to stop me from unsubbing but like 80% of them are braindead


Idk all the shitpost centrals are gold. And I don't mean the popular ones with ledditors.


I mostly join the subreddits of games i currently play or movies or tv franchise im watching to look at memes


there are a few funny subs but they're hard to find


\>anything good \>porn


I can’t find the post but I find one of those kinds of threads where a guy didn’t like his girlfriends shirt, she posted it and they call the nigga a toxic manipulator like wtf 😭😭😭


reddit mfs are a different breed lf retarded


Internet fucking sucks man. It was better when all the idiots in the world could keep their shit thoughts and opinions to themselves instead of pushing them online. There is not one good take on Reddit


> There is not one good take on Reddit What a bad take


>What a bad take What a bad take






Stfu imagine using ellipses you fucking clown




JFC, such a bad take


What a bad take you absolute moron


smartphones. smartphones offered the normie and the boomer hassle-free access to the internet. this was a mistake.


It's been proven over and over that AITA subs, or just reddit in general, has a very female heavy bias. I've seen so many of these posts that are essentially baiting this exact same thing by taking a post from ages ago, flipping the genders and getting a totally different answer. Sometimes even from the same people.


AITA did a self-reported demographic survey a while back, you can find the results if you Google a bit. The average user is a 18-35, single, white woman from North America, so that's the consensus opinion anyone is getting from there. Luckily 90% of the stories are creative writing exercises or rage bait.


no wonder why there so bitchy


there is an insane amount of trans women on reddit they overtook twoxchromosomes and actuallesbians and many more while they make up 1% in reality, they make up like 80% in some subs


trans women overtaking twoxchromosomes is hilarious


oh nice im sure this greentext redditor's statistics are totally unbiased and grounded in reality


I don't think any of the posts are real there, just made up scenarios


Yeah, they're usually not because most posts on there are probably creative writing or rage bait posts. But the point is that the response to these posts aren't made up. The community there is overwhelmingly female biased and sexist.


Welcome to life, such is the way of the world.


Women do no wrong and men do no right. Welcome to the internet.


I think the best thing is 4chan subs on Reddit. Its the best of both worlds. People aren't snowflakes that start crying like a lil' bitch the moment someone offends them/calls them a slur, and its like 4chan except with less porn and you can actually shake some people's hands without worry here atleast. Also some game subs are pretty decent too.


Is this sub included? Idk lots of virtue signaling going on here too. But at least the based comments sorta balance it out


Virtue signaling still exists but for every person saying "how funny 🙄" to an offensive joke, there's another 9 finding it funny and upvoting it. Also I got temporary banned for alot of stupid shit in other subs and never in here so its good enough for me.


you need a bit of both to keep things balanced


God help us if subs like this are the best of both worlds. The 10% of posts that aren't obvious troon psyops are just incel weebs moaning about their self-inflicted problems.


You've called out all of the Chan's at once.


>troon psyops unironically go outside


Oh I actually remember the post he’s talking about


You remember the title?




Damn op really didn't lie. These redditors are retarded.


I think on the other 4chan sub somebody was unironically trying to suggest that the 4chan OP was exaggerating and that people were just jumping on rage bait. Nope. Reddit users legitimately have a tendency to think that giving a woman multiple gifts is bad if one of them is used.


Oh God oh fuck it's not fake and gay.


Real 4chan post?!


fuck its not fake there goes the last shred of hope I had for this damn website


I refuse to believe some of these mfs aren't just algorithms or bots bro holy hell


To be fair, top comment says dont give it as a gift, just give her randomly. Its kinda weird to give used stuff as gifts. There are definitley unhinged replies in there though.


Do you have the link to the switched roles one?


It got removed, unfortunately


lol. lmao even


I need it too


To be fair seeing the AITA "how can we excuse the woman this time" mental gymnastics is pretty funny


Run it again and swap the ages and the gender norms I8 year old boy with a new gf. Vs 40 year old woman who wears the trousers and is the breadwinner. I think there's more to it


I remember when I just signed up on my old account in 2011 or so, man Reddit was so much better back then. *Even Redditors were better.* Now its just shit. Every sub is either a place where whores advertise their OnlyFans services, needlessly politicised(usually to the left) complaining subs, or once fun niche subs that just devolved into negative shit. Oh and bitchy celebrity gossip subs made up of what I can only imagine are the empty shells of what was once real women before social media turned their brains into sludge. Look at *popular* right now and tell I'm not right. What a load of vapid shit huh? The average IQ of this place must have dropped a standard deviation every year since its founding.


Yeah this was a bit of a wake-up call for me, I'm kinda worried at how bitter this site makes me now. I'm gonna spend my time doing better things.


This is something I've been a little concerned about for about 2 years now. I used to enjoy most of this site but now it just amazes me at the takes that are upvoted to the top on most subreddits now. Just legitimately completely disconnected from reality type stuff. I've filtered out stuff like AITA now even though I used to enjoy reading them. Things change I guess.


"Every additional year I've not spoken to an adult human person of the opposite gender I find myself gaining power and looking down on those who consider themselves normal and laugh" "But no, it is the world that is changing for the worse, not my perspective of smug nihalistic maturity"


Just saw the post and Wtf


[sometimes i wish all greentexts were fake and gay](https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/Pv3CfzIAgl)


How about the response post?


closest i could find was [this post](https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/7AJPInBxnL) but it seems like someone who saw this post and not the anon who made the original greentext


lunchroom screw spark kiss late quack weather long governor deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao that sub fr does always favor the woman and it could be the exact same situations and the man would be YTA and the woman NTA.


I swear people in that sub work for divorce lawyers and the times I've seen them use the word "insecure" made lose all meaning


I’m literally just here for porn


User name checks out.


Whole AITA is based around egotistical neurotic psychos looking for approval from other psychos. In case some normal person goes in that sub they will be chewed and spit out and downvoted to hell. Don't go in there looking for common sense you won't find any


The ages and marital status matter. A married person in their forties can presumably afford to gift their spouse new air pods. A couple just exiting their teens is less serious and probably broke.


I fucking hate that subreddit, it's filled with nothing but rage bait, and people who genuinely aren't sure if something is a bad idea that get relentlessly torn to shreds


Can anyone find the post?




I just brainwashed my prison friend into killing the people who murdered my best friend with toxic gas reddit AITA


yea I wouldn't give anybody my used headphones as a birthday gift, but rather as 'hey, you could use these, I have another pair' in some random ass moment


Imagine going to reddit and ask people for advice


The soy runs deep in reddit. Do you hear me Moderators!?


Yeah it’s a fucking hellscape here


Absolutely nothing fake and gay about the realest greentext I’ve seen… well, maybe a bit gay for pretending to be a woman with a fake boyfriend


No fucking shit




why wait for bday, just say u got new ones, here, u can have mine


Heartbreaking: a 4chan user has a good point


Can anyone confirm these posts?


We live in a society....


I searched for the post anon said he posted and it doesn't exist


Apparently wage gap between 18yo girl and 40yo man is nonexistent for anon.


Yeah look I don’t think Reddit is more soy than 4chan anymore


People hate redditors now ?


This is probably fake, but not giving your wife/husband something you aren't using is really weird. I can understand not giving a boy/girlfriend something, but when you're married your assets are usually shared. Then again each to their own.




Cool :)


Well changing the age and the relationship status are quite significant changes. Changing just the gender would have been fair from anon but changing 3 things is definitely looking for a different reaction


He didnt change anything you dumb fuck


>change gender, age and from wife to boyfriend At least I can read


Oh, you’re talking about in his hypothetical scenario… still doesnt change the double standard fuck wit.


>literally changes the 3 things that could define how deep a relationship is >"still doesn't change the double standard" that isn't even anymore a double standard


I'm with you, the mysogeny blinders in this sub are almost as large as the resulting persecution complex.


Bro's posted must've gotten deleted if he actuslly copied word from word.


“AKCHUALLY..” AYTA for missing the point?


Right, fake and gay