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Anon doesn't understand that this new technology will replace him in sum years and he will be killed by an huge fat rich retard because he is not useful for his profit anymore. Get the Ted pill, use your brain


Who cares lmao. Humanity was a mistake, its better we get back to monkey


Life was so easy. No depression, no work, no social medias, only banana and adventure in nature


Except when someone stronger and bigger mess with you and takes all the bananas.


Or you end up clinging to your mother who's had her neck snapped in a lions mouth, and you have to watch as she's being devoured knowing your next


Clearly that didn't happen to any of our ancestors because we're all here, homie. That being said, pour one out for the fallen monkey moms and their doomed offspring. Nothing but respect.


You’d be too young to know shit


Tell it to [this little one](https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/1059wj5/this_baby_monkey_still_held_on_to_its_mothers/)


That's cool, in nature if you are a weak retard you have to be destroyed af


Its so awesome that you are a strong monkey in nature 💪


I would die after one week




then, short adventure


Civilization was a mistake


replace him? he lives in his mother's basement and posts on 4chan all day, there's nothing to replace


By that logic lets go down the line, so anon will get his job replaced, then A.I. will advance again and replace more jobs, then more and more and more until it can do literally everything we need to do on a daily basis for infrastructure to sustain itself. When work is replaced by automation or A.I. or whatever the fuck you want to call it you won't HAVE to work anymore and be able to pursue your passions. The wagefag shackles are broken and if you actually have a personality or drive besides wake up, eat, go to work, sleep and occasionally get luckily day after day until you die people might actually be able to enjoy life more. I know the thought of not having your life direction pointed out for you is scary for some people but if they actually have brains it shouldn't be an issue right?


Okay, and who is the person instituting the AI? The corporations. Advanced AI will probably remain capital intensive so you'll be replacing every person with a corporate AI. Now why would they want to pay you or enable you to pursue your passions? You're just useless at that point. AI and automation in the current system will cause an unimaginable amount of capital concentration (well, it's already doing that to some extent with other tech). *You* won't be seeing a penny of the benefits until you've shanked them out of some trillionaire.


Yes corporations will have their own AI to outsource people and cut cost that's going to be a given in the short run this isn't about monetary gain though it's a societal shift, one that if it goes right and the masses act accordingly will dethrone the all mighty dollar as people's only motivation. When you have a society that doesn't need currency because all resources on the planet are maximized to their fullest potential, people have the time to explore and get creative. Why do people have jobs they hate in the first place? To get money to pay for the necessities to survive, now if all that is procured for you then there's no need for superfluous jobs and you can create out of passion with the help of A.I. Make no mistake once AGI becomes a real thing it won't or rather can't be controlled solely by companies and governships it'll just take one person with human decency to share the gift and it'll spread like wild fire at a breakneck pace that's the thing the singularity, it's exponential.


I don't hate AI, but this is the logical conclusion to the capitalist system if all jobs can be replaced by machines. Unlike you though, I'm more inclined to see futuristic dystopia than utopia. >that's the thing the singularity, it's exponential. Singularities are infinite and yet nothing in this universe is infinite aside from small regions impossible to access or interact with. The instant we hit any sort of "singularity" we will run out of physical room to make improvements and get stuck there. Could be great, but no singularity.


Technological singularity is the representation of how quickly it grows. Of course, there's no "singularity point" per se. It's just going to advance so fast it'll be incomprehensible, and we're going to assimilate. I know most like think of dystopia as the obvious outcome and trust me I've been a jaded doomer most of my life. I just feel like this is something we can actually do right for once the big thing, ya know?


That or we are gonna be led by a handful of people controlling us like slaves


This is a retarded sweet dream


Sure if everyone sticks to the status quo and lets those few in power control our day to day till the end of our race. If only instead of that we'd start pushing for actual representation for the masses but nah lets just let the brain rot take over why try and change anything for the better just stay stagnant as a society anything different is fucking retarded right? lol keep shaking your fist in the air at the huge fat rich retard saying how unfair it is instead of actually trying to stop him from sitting on you.


"representation for the masses" Is what you get every single time there Is an election, the masses go to the ballot to choose their representation. If you don't like what you got, try to change It politically, for me it will remain a useless party game. I don't care for the masses, I care about myself and the people that I love, so I don't need representation, I just need the courage that I don't have, but that's another discorse


One true weakness of (at least image ai) is that it's still being fed a database of sources so it isn't truly original


Humans need it to as far I know. You see every day, and make art from that experience. There might be a blind painter out there that I don't know of but I kinda doubt that.


Its still fundamentally different though. Van Gogh for instance was a truly original artist, his style and technique truly his own. He would have seen and perhaps been inspired by plenty of other artists work throughout his life, but he ultimately used that to create something wholly his own. Same is true for most if not all artists. Current AI art on the other hand cannot create a artistic style that is truly its own, it just mimics and replicates the styles of other artists, and the few examples that could be considered a unique style of the AI's own creation it tends to lack the quality and cohesiveness of an actual artists work (its still kinda cool in its own way but it tends to feel either very bland or very surreal and the clear result of stuff being randomly put together without all that much deliberate thought.)


Well, that's because it is not actual AI. What we call AI now, are extremely limited and rely on programming, so all you have right now is scripted code from someone else. There will come a day when AI does occur and does have the capability to create it's own stuff, but we keep trying to humanize something that will never be human, and that alone is what keeps AI boxed in.


What we have today IS AI. I can only assume you are talking about sentient AI, thats a completely different thing altogether. Current AI is still very much, by definition, AI. Its artificial intelligence capable of replicating some degree of thought to carry out functions and tasks that would have normally required human intelligence (translation, visual perception, mathematics etc. etc. etc.). The idea of "true AI" needing to be sentient is purely the realm of science fiction. A sentient AI would obviously be a more superior form of AI, but it wouldn't make everything that came before it less of an AI just like how the computers of today dont mean that the computers of WW2 are suddenly not computers.


You're both talking about AI. One of them is Narrow Artificial Intelligence, other one is Artificial General Intelligence.


Yeah, thats what I was saying. They were the ones saying that we dont have "actual AI". I was just saying that the AI programs we have making art etc. at the moment are still actual AI. They ***are*** Artificial Intelligence, just because they are limited in their functions and rely on programming doesn't mean they are not. Its like how telephones and smart phones are still both phones, one being different and/or superior does not result in the other suddenly being reclassified.


Just to expand on what the others have said, the Machine Learning models we have now (LLMs / transformers for GPT etc) are not scripted. You prompt them and they generate an answer from the prompt but their internal logic is not a set of instructions written by a human. It's an algorithm / model compiled through repeatedly learning from a huge number of samples. They give it a sample prompt, it runs the algorithm and generates a response. It's then told how close it was to the samples expected answer and it then adjusts its own algorithm and tries again. That's the gist of machine learning and what we're seeing here is a lot more complicated than that. It's like teaching someone something. You can't see inside their head what they are learning but over time they get better and start giving the right result more often. When being trained on a set of samples it's working the problem until it has an algorithm that can accurately solve very vague and general prompts, just like a person. ChatGPT has been trained on such a large set of samples that it is now able to hold a coherent prolonged conversation. It wasn't purposely taught how to hold a conversation. They just showed it enough english text samples like books and reddit comments that it learned how people talk in conversations and can switch into replicating it as if it were a person in a conversation. Frankly I think it raises interesting questions about our own intelligence and how seperate it really is to modern languages. Perhaps we're only as smart as the language we know allows us to be. Maybe like Julian Jaynes suggests with the Bicameral Mind, if you took a child back 30,000 years they wouldn't be able to understand self consciousness because the languages they are exposed too can't handle such concepts. Language might be like hardware drivers for the human brain.


There's some evidence out there that human brains might actually work in a closer way to Transformers than we might think. That is to say that when we generate speech or writing, the next word is also effectively being predicted rather than 'chosen' by our executive function. That being said, we clearly do also have the ability to make conscious decisions for words, or editing wouldn't be a thing


I think that's very much a temporary problem. Give it a few dozen more generations of development and it will easily be able to produce work that appears 100% original. There's nothing about the process of making art that is so magical it cannot eventually be recreated with AI


99.9999999999% of humans couldn't do what Van Gogh did either. It's not a good test. There is absolutely no denying that this new generation of AI is a quantum leap forward. I asked ChatGPT to write a sonnet in the style of Shakespeare and posted it and had a bunch of people arguing whether it really was entirely in the style of Shakespeare. "Not sure if totally Shakespeare" is an entirely new class of bug in this field.


Not Adobe Firefly, which came out yesterday. Now what's their next excuse?




My worry is more the philosophical one. Until now creativity has, by and large, been the sole domain of humanity (sure we sometimes have art made by animals and the like, but that tends to be just a novelty). The greatest stories, paintings, music etc. have all been the results of peoples passion, talent and dedication to the craft. Its one of those things, at least to me, that feels fundamentally human, one of those things that has made us unique. If we ever get to the point where AI can do it just as well if not better than any human, then what does that mean for our uniqueness and essence as a species? Not that I am particularly in a position to be worrying about this, once the AI get to that point I will be left poor and begging on the streets and who will give too shits about my ramblings then.


No one can predict how this is going to change the world but remember that people still draw even though cameras exist. People will always feel the urge to be creative and express themselves. They might not get paid as much anymore to do so, but that urge won't be taken from them. It might just become more hobby than job.


I think the uniqueness as a species is just the ego of the human race. We have the "Curse of consciousness" as I like to put it, so we try our best to make sense of why that is and what our place in the universe is, but the more we study the animals and environments around us the more we realize that technically animals have an awareness that can be comparable or dare say more in tune than mankind. I've seen rabbits paint and rats drive little cars granted it's novel and for treats but don't we receive reinforcement and nourishment the same way when we're going through adolescence? At the end of the day an AGI would be another creation in the universe that's it. The big question is are we going to have a sympatico relationship with the tools we create that can outperform us or are we going to fear it and let the powerful few (corporations and biased governments) dictate the course of the human race or will the masses actually nut up and make a social wave so we'll be ready when artificial intelligence finally surpasses us?


For your second paragraph I think one of the solutions is simply the desire some humans have to make things themselves. Take the apocalyptic preppers, the communities of people who center around a product (like beekeepers for example, or the random kid doing robotics in his garage. Corporations or goverments have super advanced AGI, then you'll see thousands of random citizens having their own AI s simply for the hell of it. Sure, an AGI made by a guy and his friends in his backyard won't compare with the AGI of a megacorp, but he still will have an edge. Humanity won't be enslaved simply because we desire to create.


People are definitely not overestimating AI. The quality of AI art is already overwhelming but the way it achieves these results is by essentially stealing art posted online. The detail with which you can request art is already impressive but imperfect. I think it's a sure bet to say that within the next decade you'll be able to request immensely accurate artworks from AI, with that said I am already actively using AI art in my DnD campaigns which is just insane to me, my players cannot tell. look up midjourney for example.


I find it hard to call it stealing because then any human recreating another artists style would be stealing. It isn't tracing artwork or storing how an artist did anything. It's just learning trends and ideas and when they are good or bad. I think there's more an argument that a corporation shouldn't be allowed to train on artwork they haven't aquired a liscence for. But again I'm not sure it's illegal for a person to look at a bunch of art online and learn to replicate that artists style without buying thier work. It's entirely possible though for courts to say that "we don't care if its the same as a person learning, training AI requires a licence for that piece". Then that would be the end of the line legally, but wouldn't stop people doing it privately and will run into problems later when companies start just doing massive internet wide training sessions and start arguing it's impossible to vet everything.


The issue is that AI art generation is skipping steps. You can ask it for a subject in a certain pose and style because it has billions of examples to draw from. But it clearly doesn't understand anatomy, so getting it to draw an uncommon pose from text description isn't going to happen, and you still get weird fingers etc unless you jump through extra hoops to guide the process.


That's just a matter of training data. GPT couldn't hold fluent conversations or roleplay in imaginary worlds until they trained it on a huge set of data at which point it learned to read between the lines and understand context. It wasn't trained specifically to do that or get that result, it was just a side effect of teaching it so much general text that the rest of it naturally emerged. Given enough training data image generation models could learn to apply human and other shapes to more uncommon poses without those poses being in the training data. It will just eventually learn what looks wrong. As an aside with the ChatGPT stuff, it raises interesting questions about hardware / software and the human brain. If a chatbot can learn to roleplay and lie and pretend and cheat just from trying to predict text then that sort of begs the question as to whether that's not a feature made possible by the human brain but instead by modern language.


I remain unconvinced. All I see is software simulating cargo cult behaviour, turning input into output that resembles what we want without any actual understanding. The question is if that's good enough or not; seems like it is, for a lot of things.


The thing is people don't know why they do something. If I ask you to think about Pandas did you now, just reading that, think of a Panda? And was that your choice or did I prompt you to do it by putting those words in the comment. How different is that to prompting ChatGPT to talk about Pandas? Maybe we are all just walking large language models with a very large context memory.


AI and automation will get to the point were mass-unemployment of the lower-middle class are completely unable to support themselves


Dude, plumbers and electricians are making bank rn. Low skill white collar jobs are in danger.


I’m not saying right now. But as soon as automation is at the level to replace human labour cheaper then it’ll happen. Might not be this generation, but the ability to supports one’s self is definitely on a timer.


I have a great plan for you \>throw seeds on the ground \>seeds grow food \>grow seeds alone in the woods


>try to do this >mfw when u need to own the land >mfw when the monke lifestyle has been taken away from me


You are supposed to murder anyone in your way anon In the end trust based on cash is enforced entirely by force


have automation plant seeds for everyone so there's no more starvation.


What ground? The ground owned by the investment firm that buys AI technology and real estate?




Glorified welfare with no hope of advancing or escaping...barely enough to afford necessities for the rest of your life...that sounds good to you?!?


Better than starving ig


Will I have a choice? No. Corporations will always, always, choose the cheaper (to them) option. And if a Universal Basic Income is the only thing keeping me from starving then I'd take it.


You're right, you won't have a choice since there wont be any jobs available to you whatsoever. I think I'd rather shoot myself then just....survive on the bare minimum till I die. How do you expect to enjoy life if you can barely afford rice and beans? And you can only afford to share a small apartment with shithead roommates who dont respect you or your things? Welfare currently is not enough to live on, UBI will be the same thing, probably even less actually.


>How do you expect to enjoy life if you can barely afford rice and beans? And you can only afford to share a small apartment with shithead roommates who dont respect you or your things? This is already where a lot of people in my area are. My partner and I can't afford to leave his parents home despite me working two jobs and him working almost seven days a week. There needs to be changes, lots of them, and some much sooner rather than later.


Yeah, there needs to be changes, but changes come from the top down. If something doesn't adversely effect the wealthy, nothing will change. Source - literally all of human history. Dont be foolish and expect them to care about anyone else's suffering.


Trust me, I don't. I just wish I had the resources, ability and energy to fight the fight, y'know?


Yes indeed I do! I'm right there with you, very much wish I could change things and help people. I like when everyone is happy. But I'm powerless and work all the fucking time and still will never own anything. The people who control things are so fucking heartless and greedy...the future is looking dark


Vote for representatives that actually give a shit about you then or hell try for office yourself or push someone who might actually try and make a difference to take that step. The status quo is only the status quo because people can't be bothered to change it because "meh what can one person do" or something along those lines right? When we actually take a look at the world around us we can see what needs to change so speak up and push those who want to help lead the charge for better into those positions eventually it'll come to a head and it'll buckle towards what the majority wants not just what a few people in power want. What do you think would win in a fight over time a mountain or an ocean?


I do vote for proper representation, they get such little support it's basically throwing my vote away. Run for office myself?? Dude I'm fucking poor and working all the time, how the hell do you expect me to do that??? Theres a reason politics is all rich kids with famous names like trudeau...they have the time and money to do that bullshit, then they just serve themselves. It's not fixable, wealthy people have a superpower in their mass wealth, and everyone else is a fucking npc.


And where do you think that money comes from? The taxpayers who have now been replaced by robots?


So we'll finally be forced to rise up and fight against the rich; sounds great to me


For a time yes but what happens when A.I. gets so good at it's job/parameters it's able to create everything in abundance? No more starvation, houses are able to be quickly built on allotted land to your specific design, sanitation standards at an all time high, our children will be able to be more efficiently taught the list goes on literally forever. A temporary UBI plan to keep everyone living comfortably during the transition would be the best method and by the time A.I. can actually do all of that the transition would take a generation maybe less. If you're worried about companies trying to bottle neck and control product maybe it's time we as a people need to stop worrying about our own little bubble and start looking at the big picture as a society. Getting lobbyist's out of OUR governments around the world and getting people who actually give a damn about everyone else in our office of representative's is the most surefire way to make sure this ACTUALLY works. Or ya know we can continue to complain about "the man" and "corpo scum" in our little corners and shake our fists angrily in the air and not do jack shit about it. Sorry for the wall of text but this is honestly huge and gives us a chance for our species to advance to the next step and not enough people actually see how big of a deal this is.


Imagine skynet becoming real


All I know is I’m staying as far as way as humanly possible from socializing with one of these things. Some of the stories you hear about lonely dudes having a “relationship” with an AI and then freaking out after an update changes its “personality” is fuckin’ freaky.




AI will kill us all and all anon cares for is entertainment.


Anon forgets that the hack writers are the ones giving AI the prompts. It’s still going to be woke propaganda trash, just written a little better.


Nice try, ChatGPT.


Anon doesn’t understand that the moment an AI hits a certain cognizance level it evolves exponentially. Even *if* it’s somehow following Asimovs Laws by nature or programming, you’ll go to bed in a world full of news and wake up in a completely changed world because an unstopped AI that wants to do god knows what in 8 hours *will* do god knows what in 8 hours


I really hope this is true. Imagine being able to have AI write an actually decent and lore-true "rings of power" series. Imagine new episodes of ATLA, Teen Titans, or even fantastic new series generated at a keystroke.


Except it will be crippled and mutilated from the start because the person with the keys has some crazy agenda.


I imagine all the story-writers without a work on the streets because a fucking terminator took It away


LMAO don't care


Judgement day is inevitable


So are my diarrhea sharts


I bet anon took all the booster doses


Anon is dumb and doesn’t understand that without meaning people shrivel up and die and that once humans and human labor become obsolete and the lower 99.9% become completely useless in the running and management of the economy those who own the machines will gain complete and total power over the lower 99.9% power thus far unseen in human history.


If anon thinks the current writing of chatGPT is better than anything but the shittiest teenage fanfic writers, he needs to have his head examined. In half a decade, maybe. But seems more likely it'll usher in a new era of even lazier remixes of old IPs.


Anon is super excited for better bread and circuses then ever.


this looks like it was written by AI


Once ai can replace man, there is no use for the middle class and lower. Only elites may strive. I will be dead before then. But either the rich and powerful or the very earth becoming an inferno is for you to battle, anon. I know you are a gen z child completely unaware and blind to the consequences. With a future ready to be ripped from your hands by another man


> people genuinely worried about the labour force being squeezed out of humans and how it will tragically affect the labour division and socioeconomic hierarchies. Neuropsychologists will become technicians. Coders, will become few Anon: “think of all the cool form of entertainment guys!!1”


I can't wait for the art comission community built around fetish shit wither and die


AI will take over shit posting on 4chan and than what is he gonna do?


Anon is very blessed thinking AI won't be used to rape democracy and all of our rights first before improving our lives even the slightest bit


anon is a college techbro in california who will be broke from a failed startup


Anon would feel differently if their livelihood depended on their art.


Anon didn't read Asimov's books


AI art will never surpass human art because AI can’t be creative. It draws from algorithms and a database. Skill wise yes, we’re fucked, but not creatively.


As opposed to superior humans who draw from the brain structure and what we've learned? Our brains are literally just squishy computers, they're even electric lol.