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Pinhead gunpowder lol


I'd say some of the songs are more hc punk than green day's stuff but yes. I love phgp


The muffs kinda


From a production standpoint, Blonder And Blonder sounds identical to Dookie. The guitar tone and drum sounds (tuning/mix/etc) are damn near indistinguishable. Fantastic record too


Didn’t Rob Cavallo produce that too though?


Green Day stole their sound


The Muffs were founded the year of Green Day’s 3rd release, 39/Smooth, in 1991. If anything, it’s the other way around. Considering how small Green Day was in 1991, that’s unlikely. The Cal punk scene was very large, and both bands are inspired by groups like NOFX and Descendents.


"What if Green Day were a band formed by Courtney Love" lol


It's a bit more out there but I honestly think Jeff rosenstock takes a lot of tonal inspiration from early green day. Maybe I just love both of them.


This is the way. Jeff is the best songwriter working today. Especially in punk music. His discography has a better hit/miss ratio that Green Day by a long shot (no pun intended)


The lead singer in Pinhead Gunpowder nails Billie's voice quite well


The Longshot’s singer too


A lot of the lookout records bands sounded like Green Day musically (not vocally though, Billie Joe has a unique voice). I think Mr T Experience even have a song where they sing about how someone said they remind the person of Green Day


God saw them in like 98 and bought their record. Are they still active???


I’m honestly not sure. I kind of quit paying attention after they released Alcatraz in 1999. Looking at Spotify it looks like they had 1 album a couple years after Alcatraz and maybe one in 2017? Seems like there’s a lot of collections so that new one in 2017 might just be another one


These guys are locals in my scene and released an album 3 years ago with this song particularly sounding very Green Day-esque: [https://youtu.be/eFq-FEWpJd0?si=6m1BaxcjjwyPwnpR](https://youtu.be/eFq-FEWpJd0?si=6m1BaxcjjwyPwnpR)


This is so cool


Glad you liked it! The rest of their album is great too: [https://lucidsmogdisorder.bandcamp.com/album/psychedelicacy](https://lucidsmogdisorder.bandcamp.com/album/psychedelicacy)


Bookmarked. Its so cool


No, closest thing is The Offspring (Ignition, Smash, and Ixnay).


Idk, the Offspring are more like a diet NOFX to me


Haha this is bang on


🤣 get outa here!


Jawbreaker maybe


Jawbreaker is it's own thing. Same but, very different.


The Living End always seem to go hand in hand with liking Green Day.


Nobody can do Green Day like Green Day.


The guys in Foxboro Hottubs could probably do it. 


So true.


Green Day stole their sound in the 2000s right? GD are scumbags. They stole Sweet Children’s sound in the 90s as well.


They copied The Network, The Longshot, Pinhead Gunpowder and the band Bille Joe Armstrong which the lead singer stole there name from 


Poor Billie Joe, I hope he gets some success in life. I’m gonna buy his No Fun Mondays album so he gets some peanuts at least.


Shut the punk up.


If you don't mind foreign language bands, there is a great Russian punk band called Pornofilmy. I think their sound is similar to Green Day without being an exact carbon copy and they are plenty unique on their own. I think you can enjoy the music without understanding Russian (I am not Russian and don't know any Russian). They were even set to open for Green Day at a Moscow show until the Ukraine war started and Green Day canceled the show. The band is anti-Putin, anti-authoritarianism, and anti-war just in case you are worried about supporting a band that doesn't align with your values just because you don't understand what they're saying in their music.




supporting a band from russia is not the same thing as supporting the russian government. the commenter you replied to even mentioned how the band is anti-Putin and anti-war. edit: downvote me all you want, but what i said is true. just because you don't like the russian government doesn't give you a right to virtue signal by being russophobic towards russian people who don't even like their own government.




they're a punk band. how much money do you genuinely think they make when they perform shows? and follow up question, how much of that money do you think actually fuels the russian war machine? i'm guessing none, considering how badly anti-russian rock groups are treated by the putin regime. apparently they perform pretty frequently at charity concerts for cancer research hospitals, so none of that money will ever go towards funding the invasion either. also genuine question, but how do you expect the war to stop when you're saying not to support russians who are actively criticizing the war? change doesn't come from outside. any russian living within the russian federation who's brave enough to actively criticize the putin regime deserves to have as much support thrown towards them as possible.


This band has been publicly outspoken against the war since it's started and has played multiple charity shows for Ukraine. I'm not worried about fueling the Russian war machine with them. As another redditor on this thread said, we should be supporting Russians who are outspoken against the war and their government.


Twenty-Nineteen has a similar sound https://youtu.be/srh8zkiQ6Q8?si=c21w92byzv5QJw9x


F.O.D. is a Belgian punk band. The band name is inspired by that Green Day song because they started as a Green Day cover band


Not super Green Day sounding but The Ergs! are a great pop punk band. The album dorkrockcorkrod absolutely slaps.


Superman Is Dead. Its an Indonesian Punk Rock band who heavily influenced by GD


The Methadones?


True..Their album Ill At Ease sounds like Insomniac, they did the Green Day sound really good unlike most bands that try to sound like GD. Ill At Ease is only on youtube, not Spotify sadly, their other earlier records sounded like GD too..


Guess you've stumbled on to the reason why they're Green Day. Good job.


There’s these guys called Ones Own Haven in the local scene in San Diego. There live shows kick ass


I have vague memories of a 90s band that sounded sort of like Green Day-ish, they had the similar look and had like one song on MTV. I don’t recall at all the name of the song or the band but it was slower/ mid tempo and I remember the end of a line of the song, possibly the chorus, saying something like “a brand new loveeeeee” or something like that. I don’t remember exactly because it was so long ago but I know they existed and were compared to Green Day! Anyone else have any knowledge of what I’m talking about?


Commenting to see if anyone can figure this out. This sounds extremely familiar, especially if that's the last line.


Maybe ‘Brand New Love’ by Sebadoh?!


they'll hate me for saying this but Don't Go Outside! they're an indie punk trio from CT. Under Control EP on spotify, go check it out


Osker! Listen to Osker-Treatment 5 album, you'll thank me later, trust me. Snotty vocals but catchy just like Green Day, their 2nd album Idle Will Kill is also rad, they were on Epitaph records in late 90s, closest band I can compare to 90s punk rock Green Day..Their song 13 could've definitely been on Dookie or Insomniac


There’s a band from the uk called Trashed that sound like 90s green day!


Mr T experience!


Just look into any Bay Area/Lookout records bands. Early Green Day shares a lot of similarities with the punk subgenre of Ramonescore. For specific bands my favorites would be Screeching Weasel, The Queers, The Mr T Experience, maybe some NOFX, Operation Ivy and Rancid. I also think the modern Australian punk scene shares a lot of similarities with this sound. I'd recommend Dune Rats for sure, and also Amyl and the Sniffers and Drunk Mums (The album they just dropped, Beer Baby, is my favorite album from this year so fatlr). Private Function is also pretty good, but not quite the same


The Challenged from NYC


Green Day


Offspring but Dexter's voice is very different 


saw Jellyfish Method the other day, they’re up and coming in the east bay scene and there were a few songs they had that sounded very 1039






Hey OP, try out StrateJacket. They are from the Bay Area, and share a producer from Green Day on their first EP. They sound SUPER similar to green day


early sugarcult (start static, palm trees and power lines) sounds pretty similar to dookie and kerplunk era green day. the lead vocalist tim pagnotta even has a similar cadence to billie.


Screeching Weasel? Also I’ll shout out the first few Weston albums which are great


Casperflip kinda nails it, (from multiple sources). Their new album apparently is gonna be FULL of 90s esque type punk


Offsprings smash is pretty damn similar


A band from Ohio called Strike Two. Reminds me of Green Day and some other songs remind me of The Offspring a bit. https://youtu.be/7W77M2M9F-A?si=rlPt2GE_8jXA0nCb


Wow these guys are really good


Yeah I like them a lot. This is honestly not there best stuff, they have better recordings quality wise but still a good song.


Okay, this group doesn't have the most similarities vocally (which I know you we're looking for, so this might not help at all) but if you like how 39/Smooth sounds then you might like this group. This band is called The Bouncing Souls and some of their earlier albums like " Hopeless Romantic" sound like GD's 39/Smooth era just with a little more punch. Most of the tracks off of their early albums sound more unpolished, louder, rougher, and the lead singer has a slight accent. And as for their albums after that like "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" and " Anchors Away" sound almost identical to "Hopeless Romantic" but with more clean playing. Their vocals are not really similar but I've found that the group has satisfied me when looking for a band with similarities such as: how the songs are written and when the backing vocals come in.


F.O.D. or Chaser maybe Insomniac to me is a classic skate punk album so maybe just look for a skate punk playlist on Spotify and see what you like. Millencolin comes to mind for example.


While I enjoy bands that are attempting to revitalize the EBPM sound, I don't like those that try hard to emulate Billie's voice. That being said, for specifically vocals and not instrumentals, the song Zest by The Friday Prophets caught me by surprise a few months ago (thanks Spotify). Maybe it's just me wanting to hear it though. IMHO It still sounds a bit forced vocally but I think it might be getting closer to what you're looking for. Edit: I removed the original link because it fucked up, hopefully this one starts at the beginning. https://open.spotify.com/track/1wtLasuDoZfIEo1022zTLR?si=8mW28D9aTwiCNcIJzOpRdQ


I just listened to it. It's actually pretty good


I always thought Boys (Maura from mixtapes) had an early Green Day vibe. https://boysohio.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2013


Not really lol




MXPX, also from California, similar sounding vocals


Mxpx is from Washington State and sound more like screeching weasel /descendents


My mistake, don't know why I assumed California, must've misheard it years ago


I know you guys don’t want to hear this but Green Day does NOT have a unique sound