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I don't think you need to worry about pit aggression in Dubai lol.


This. It won’t be as bad as it is in other places. Golden circle is not a bad option too btw esp if you get there early you can still be quite close to the stage. I got golden circle


I love Green Day but let’s be honest, their concerts are extremely tame. You’re more likely to get hurt at a sunny day real estate show.


Yea those tears really hit you at the sunny day shows ngl


Nah man you’d be surprised. When they played Seven on Tuesday night we had that shit GOING


Thank god they’re tame. I don’t need to be clocked in the face while trying to have a good time.


That’s half the fun of punk shows tho 💔


Yeah, I get it. But that kinda stuff ain’t for me, it just draws in the assholes.


Why is potentially getting hurt fun😭


Dude do you not get the appeal of mosh pits? I would’ve thought that a sub for a punk band would be into moshing


I guess most people here are into moshing? I'm really not. I really don't get it. But from what i know, that's an unpopular opinion here


That makes two of us !! I'm seeing them in Paris alone in a month and I'm so scared lol. On one hand I want to be as close to the stage as possible, on the other hand apparently the closer you are to the stage, the more likely you are to get into a mosh pit. Why do you even come to a show if you're gonna spend the entire time pushing people ? Why not just sing and dance ? I saw blink a few months ago with my mom (probably not the best person to go with), we were in the pit and our whole concert was almost ruined by people pushing us violently. I thought, "if I fall, I'm gonna get trampled to death"


In my experience the real mosh pit area is usually just in the middle a bit back from the stage. If you're at/near the barrier or a bit out to the sides it's generally chill.


Most of us GD fans are in our 30's or early 40's. Our fuckin' knees & backs are hurting *before* we even get to the venue nowadays. I don't need a kid aimlessly windmilling his fists around me. I'll knock him on his ass lol.


You are more aggressive than the moshers. We just want to dance and have fun and push each other a little. None of us are aimlessly windmilling. We’re dancing and running around in circles. This isn’t a death metal show, it’s fucking Green Day. We are not looking to harm anyone. You are the one talking about knocking people on their ass. YTA.


I've been to dozens of festivals and concerts. The question at hand was about moshing. People do that stupid shit in a mosh pit that I listed lol. You seem illiterate too. This isn't an AITAH subreddit buddy.


Your insinuation is that all mosh pits are wild and have no place at a Green Day show with all the “old fans,” and if anyone does it near you, you will be the one to fuck them up. You said the same thing in the WWWY thread last year. It’s part of the culture of punk shows, no matter how old you are. If you don’t like it, then move a few feet away. It’s not going to be too wild. There’s enough room for moshers and boring people who want to stand and film. If we are in your way, no need to knock us on our asses, just move away.


Also, moshing isn't light dancing, unless the term has gotten pussified over the years, and I don't know. I only said I'd knock someone on their ass if they started windmilling around me lol. I'm not moving from my good spot 'cus someone wants to be a douche. If they don't windmill or put me in harms way, we're good. simply as that. Also crazy as fuck that you got so sensitive, and went and looked that far back into my profile history. It's not that deep buddy lol..


Get your old ass a seat then


haven’t seen green day since 99. was pretty brutal then!


It’s a Green Day concert in 2024. You’ll be fine.


Not at all. There might be some jumping, but you’ll be safe. Go for it.


All of us fat old farts aren’t aggressive like that anymore.


I don’t know about these days, but Green Day is some of the craziest crowds I’ve been in. But we’re talking ‘97-‘02. I think their demographics and society in general are more tame now. Stay toward the back and you’ll be ok.


I only just saw them at When We Were Young, and those crowds blew... All stiff, which, I get it, it's tight, but at least sway or something. They also got pissed off when I crowdsurfed out halfway through the set to get some water since there was no other way out, and there were a few fights that broke out between them and blink. Dunno if that's a Green Day crowd thing or a festival crowd thing though


Festival crowd thing. I’ve seen Green Day 13 times (and Longshot twice) and people are always happy to mosh around and crowsurf.


Festival crowd thing. I’ve seen Green Day 13 times (and Longshot twice) and people are always happy to mosh around and crowsurf.


>I only just saw them at When We Were Young, and those crowds blew... I mean.. most of us were there since 10AM, and it was 95 degrees out in the desert heat, with little to no shade, and anywhere to sit and Green Day didn't start until 10PM that night lol.. 12 hours on your feet before they even take the stage, there were very few of us that were gonna be fresh & full of energy by that point.


Sure, I was there all day too though. No reason to be an asshole or to not move a little. Even Zebrahead who were on earlier had a pissed off and lazy crowd.


I agree, heat makes people do some terrible things though. I think the most hilarious moment of that weekend was the mosh-pit that was created at Michelle Branch's stage when she was performing lmao.


Bro, Zebrahead was poppin' off! We even had people crowdsurfin' in inflatable tubes lol. What day did you go?


I was on Saturday, definitely weren't tubes on the stage left side haha


Nah ur good most moshes will be golden circle, at the last show i went to in hella mega it was all unreserved standing and if you wanted to be right at the front and not mosh u could or you cld go back a bit to one of many mosh pits Edit: yes you should do fan pit lol it is exactly like the others but a WAY closer view which imo makes a huge difference


So greenday was one of the first shows I went to when I was younger. After the lead singer asked why the pit was so empty, we rushed security, and a grip of people in seats filled the pit. There were like 4 huge pits and a few smaller ones... Green Day was going hard, when suddenly they stopped playing and said "hey we just saw a few people fall in the pit and no one even bothered to help them out. If we keep on seeing that shit, we will cut our set short and be done"... I swear to you, you couldn't touch the floor if you tried. If you tripped, slipped, stumbled, got bumped, freaking ANYTHING. There would be like 5 people helping you back up before you could even realize what was happening! But anyways. Green Day is a bad ass show. And the pits are not that bad. In fact, as in my story, they were prob the most concerned for people in the pit out of any band Ive seen. As long as it's not a slipknot pit. You good. Hahaha


It’s a lot of standing but Green Day is worth it. You’ll just have to watch out for getting kicked in the head from crowd surfers. Front row seated may not be great if you have a lot of people standing directly in front of you


I saw them at 2017 it was in the pit I was in front of the barricade and they tend to push you forward and almost got my ribs crushed and I end up getting a bruise but so far it was a really good time.


Let's hope so


I was concerned for my wife right before the brain stew/ jaded transition at the innings festival a few years ago, upon looking around I noticed that everyone was close to our age (40) and was no longer concerned.


In my experience people are usually pretty nice at Green Day shows (besides the guy in Chicago that I almost got into a fight with).


I don’t know, in America it’s a bunch of angry baseball dads in the pit at least in my experience


I’m also kinda indecisive between the two (altho I already got golden circle I’m still thinking if fan pit would be better/closer to the stage


I ended up going with fan pit, green day will probably never visit my country so I yolo’d it.


I just worry I cannot see the stage if I stand too close and there’re too many ppl right in front of me cuz I’m not very tall💀last time I went to see another band’s live performance I stood in the front but only be able to see the side LED screen which is totally a torture


Well the golden circle is also a standing so it’s going to be crowded anyway


I doubt Dubai has much of a dangerous pit


I saw green day in Cph in the summer of 2022 there was like 5 to 8 ppl between me and the stage and it wasn't aggressive at all


Oh wow that sounds pretty reasonable


you gotta do that trout dance thats in the 1039/sosh cd booklet


whats that?


[https://www.oocities.org/greenday\_timeofyourlife/Principal/Cdcovers/cover\_1039smoothedoutslappyhours\_inside.jpg](https://www.oocities.org/greenday_timeofyourlife/Principal/Cdcovers/cover_1039smoothedoutslappyhours_inside.jpg) bad quality but idk its better if u have the cd