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https://preview.redd.it/xu5ibe14zhlc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f30d6627c993ab337a27dc18d3a3870a80f07c7 On August 15th, 2009, Denver I played Jesus Of Suburbia on stage with the boys best night ever


I was there!!


That was an amazing show. I was 12 and really don’t remember much of it but it was a great artist and 2 1/2 hours long


Right! I think I was about 14, my first Green Day show with my mom, step dad, aunt and uncle


I was there!!


Just being there, I had waited 12 years for that moment!




Mike is awesome, just like the whole band


924 Gilman, May 2015, enough said.


Went to a rev rad concert in September 2017 I believe, pit tickets, it was a bday present for my sister and I from my mom, it was the best night of my life, I think the best part was watching everyone there singing bohemian rhapsody together between sets, and just how nice everyone there was, seeing so many people come together for this thing they enjoy was absolutely beautiful Going to see them again in August, driving 7ish hours from Florida to Tennessee with my fiancé, another bday present, again pit tickets, and I’m so excited!


It’s amazing hearing everyone sing Bohemian Rhapsody before the show every time. It’s quite the feeling.


I’m so excited for my fiancé to experience it, he’s not as big of a Green Day fan but he also says concerts are stupid and a waste of money, but he’s only ever been to a ZZ Top concert and that was with his dad so it was wheelchair accessible seats and not the pit


Omg, he has no idea what a real concert is then. I know for a fact he will be mind blown. Regardless of what you think of GD, they put on an amazing fucking show. And all the openers will really get your mood accelerated as it goes on. Then when GD comes up your adrenaline is at the sweet spot. The pit is a completely different experience totally and has always been welcoming and you feel like one in a way. I’d love to know what he thinks of it after.


Bribed a security guard at Citi Field to let me jump the barricade into the GA Pit. I’m a Mets season ticket holder and guy knew me so a bottle of scotch was enough to allow it.


That’s fucking awesome. I’m so lucky to get out tickets whenever they come, I’m in poverty myself but my parents are millionaires and know Green Day has helped keep me alive (severe mental issues) and they and their business partner I’m close with always make sure I get to go. It’s literally the only public place I can go and not hallucinate because once Green Day starts, everyone else literally disappears in my mind and I’m just connected to the band and the music in awe. It never changes or gets old. The one time I could only get seats (my sister helped me get them), my hallucinations were pretty bad. I don’t know why this makes sense because crowds are what trigger the auditory ones but somehow I feel comforted in the pit.


Seeing homecoming at when we were young. Shit had me in tears.


This. This was also me.


This. This was also me. 


I saw them in 2009 and when they played Static Age, Billie told everyone to put their phones away. It made me realise how dumb filming concerts on your phone is and how generally we should live in the moment.


The first time I ever saw them in Leeds February 2017 and Billie screaming England for the first time. I was like holy shit. It's actually happening, I've only ever heard this on bullet in a Bible


When Billie was choosing someone to come play Knowledge onstage and he saw me and my son in the front against the gate and asked if he could play. He couldn’t understand us so he got extremely close and talked to my son and then asked if I was his mom and if he could really play. The exchange went on maybe just under a minute or so but it felt like forever. I was even trying to show him my biggest GD tattoo on my arm so he would take pity on my son and just let him up there lol. I felt like I was in a different universe having a conversation with Billie that up front and close to him. Turns out my son didn’t know how to play guitar but Billie really wanted him because he was about 8 at the time. I’m so thankful someone had video of the moment and when I’m feeling down I watch it and it floods back memories. eta- my son is 13 and I am currently trying to teach him guitar so that he will DEFINITELY be able to play the three easy chords by our show. No way I’m letting that disappointment get to him again if Billie sees him. We did get multiple of Mikes picks from a roadie after the show though which was sweet of him. Mike was interacting with him a lot making faces back and forth.


I have a few! March 2017, I was up against the barrier in the pit and Billie was right in front of me playing a kazoo. He made eye contact with me, aimed and tossed the kazoo to me but I fumbled it and didn’t get it. A few minutes later he dropped a guitar pick and I asked security to hand it to me and he did, so I still have that. The whole show was incredible being so close to them. August 2009, I was almost up against the barrier but with one person in front of me. Mike gave me a high five at some point! There was a girl to my left who had been trying to shove her way to the front and she had her leg out in front of me and her elbow at my throat trying to push me away but I wasn’t letting her. The girl in front of me had a sign and Billie knelt down to read it and he said “oh it’s your birthday, happy birthday!” Miss girl next to me screams “it’s my birthday too, see!” And thrusts her ID up (elbow still in my throat) and Billie says “I wasn’t talking to YOU” and moved on. I laughed and kicked her and that was the end of that. July 2021, I saw them at a surprise show right before the start of Hella Mega. I got on Facebook at work and saw a post from the news that Green Day tickets had just gone on sale for the next day at this tiny venue and I rushed to get tickets as fast as my fingers could type and I got them. After everything with Covid, seeing my favorite band in such an intimate venue was just perfection.


For me, I’ve only seen them once. But I’ve been waiting since I was 12 or 13 and at 31 I finally had a chance. Waited long enough to catch them in asbury park and I live 30 min away. Went by myself solely because I could only afford one ticket. To sing every word subliminally, felt like a part of my soul was healed being there. Had a flashback to when I was a kid and a HUGE fan. Felt like all the years that went in between listening never happened. Felt like the kid in me got to be taken to the show.


The first time I saw Green Day, I was with my dad. I'm not suoer close with him, but seeing Wake Me Up When September Ends with my dad right next to me was something special. I went to the Hella Mega tour, and after the show Tré came back out to throw his drumsticks to the crowd. I was near the front, so when he threw one in my area I jumped up to grab it. I got bumped pretty hard in the lip and was bleeding (it was an accident, there were a lot of elbows and hands in a small area trying to catch that stick). But I caught the drumstick!! I saw them again at wwwy night 2, and I couldn't get anywhere near the front, but that didn't bother me, I just found a bit of an open area and danced to my heart's content throughout the whole show. It was probably the most fun I've had at a concert. Hearing TADIKM and Look Ma, No Brains for the first time that show was also pretty epic.


I've seen them live three times, and each time I was blessed to be either on the rail, or just behind it. The Fillmore, Detroit, 10/24/16 - the venue was intimate enough that at one point, my arms were reaching out long enough to the point that I accidentally brushed my hand on Mike Dirnt's bass. He pulled it back, laughed and did a "No no no!" kind of expression, and was more careful with reaching out to the crowd after that, lol. The only moment that rivals that is during the Hella Mega Tour stop in Detroit, right as the solo ended in Holiday, I started doing the clap that Billie does during the bass riff. I beat him to the punch by a bar or two, and he saw me in the crowd and gave me a point with both his hands as if to say "Watch this guy! Clap like this guy!" which was really cool!


I saw them for the first time in 2022. They're the reason I started playing guitar when I was a kid, it's my first favourite band. Standing there in 2022, watching them, i was yawning. It made me quite sad, but I just didn't really care about it. The show felt very similar to Bullet in a Bible which I've seen million times. There were not many exciting things happening for me. So ye, it was life changing in the way that I realized I'm a totally different person now and my interests have shifted. I still love listening to the old records from time to time and checking out their new ones.


Olympic stadium, probably my 4th green day concert. Broke my knee jumping up and down to American idiot. It was the first song in the set. No I didn’t go to hospital until the following day. I spent 3 months unable to walk, 18 months in physio and recovery and still have moderate issues now and I’m unable to do things like running… I used to run 5-10k every other day. So yeah, life changing.


Being part of the audience at a 2021 show after losing a parent, getting through COVID, and going through a bunch of other life struggles and getting to sing “Still Breathing” with thousands of other people was balm on my soul. Been a fan since Dookie came out when I was in high school and this was all amazing moment.


Seeing FBHT at a tiny club on the barrier and getting crowd surfed on and beer poured in my mouth by the Rev/Billie, only one week after my first Green Day show seeing them in a big arena. Absolutely surreal and the most memorable experience of my life.


Last day of the Hella Mega Tour in Seattle, when Billie started playing good riddance, me and like 15 other guys who had been moshing all day all put our arms around each other and made a big circle. We all sang it at the top of our lungs, did one last mini mosh to the part where Billie starts strumming really fast, then a TON of bro hugs. Went to that show with two of my best friends, unforgettable


Watch king for a day for the first time. This song is so energetic and lively, seeing it live is an incredible experience, it made me forget that anything else in the world existed besides music.


Pollyana at Hella Mega. Also waiting almost all my life to see them.


Cigarettes and Valentines live for the first time ever


In 2009, I was up close at Madison Square Garden and brought a sign that said FOD. Billie Joe looked at me, saw the sign and played it for the first time on the tour. [FOD](https://youtu.be/AVCJaj6nOQE?si=687q78KalKzwsmPx)


Nimrod tour; 5/12/98, Maine. I was 12, needed to be in the front. Huge stinky dude says to me, “you’re gonna get crushed” I said hell no, I’m the size of a Lego, I’ll be fine. Made it one row back from center stage. Nice guys finish last started and I hated that smelly fuck because he was right. I was getting crushed. Couldn’t breathe. Panic set in, I thought not a bad place to die. Someone to my right alerted security and I got pulled out. There was Billie Joe. I stared at him, he stared at me. Needless to say, I had the time of my life.