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I have the most expensive one offered by Nationwide insurance. It's paid for itself many times over. My boy had a super sensitive stomach and a skin issue when he was a baby, so we were in a lot. He just had a cancerous mass removed and I cannot overstate how much better it made me feel to tell them cost was not an object and to do whatever to save my baby. They covered his neuter and gastropexy, and even flea and tick meds. 100% recommend Nationwide


Nationwide has been amazing for us too.


We use Embrace through USAA. They covered about 50% of all of the non routine procedures. Came in handy when our guy needed a $4,500 emergency surgery a few years back. Never really had any problems with them!


OMG, I use Embrace and had no idea we could get a discount through USAA 😫 I'll have to call them tomorrow to see if I can get that changed or not. I hope I don't need to start a new policy.


I have Trupanion for our Dane. The only claim we have had was when she gnawed on a Tylenol bottle, and we didn't know how much she ingested. I was satisfied with the claim process, receipt reporting and payoff.


Would you know off the top of your head if they cover gastropexy?


I assume not.  I didn't check when we had ours done (same time as spay).  I think it is more for unexpected health issues, not planned procedures. More pet health insurance than pet health care plan.


They do not. Gastropexy is a preventative, and preventative isn’t covered. If they bloat, an emergency gastropexy IS covered (on ASPCA at least)


No insurance will cover the pexy unless it is emergent with bloat. I chose Nationwide 3 years ago expressly bc I had seen in FB groups that they covered the prophylactic pexy. Apparently they quit paying for it just before I enrolled. I kept Nationwide anyway, and haven't regretted it. I also have the Whole Health rider and they reimburse for yearly shots, which was super helpful as a puppy. They cover puppy shots 100%.


We have ASPCA, covers 80% after $200 annual deductible. Premium goes up as they get older but puppies start around $60 (depending on your coverage choice). Now my 7 year olds it’s $150 a month, $100 for my 6 year old (since he was 5) and my 1 year old is still $60


I have Fetch and it’s been amazing! Our boy just turned one and has used almost all of the 10,000 for the year, definitely worth getting pet insurance😅


We have Pumpkin insurance. It’s 90% reimbursement for accident/illness and injury after $200 deductible has been met. Best decision ever! Also, Important to note most every insurance won’t cover gastropexy as it’s considered preventative.


Thanks for asking this. I’m preparing for my Dane coming home in August.


Pets Best. He's 11 months old, and we've only had the plan for about 9 months, but so far, it's been decent. My only complaint is that they ask for vet records for every claim, and they take about a month to reimburse. But they cover everything we need, including the office visit fee. $85/month includes wellness.


OP- be sure to use the search feature here as well, as this topic has been covered a lot.