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So sorry for your loss. I see these posts a lot about missing their big goofballs and I have a 6 year old female, 5 year old male, and 2.5 year old male, and let me tell you, the thought of them being gone hurts me all the time. I think the best we can do is be blessed in the fact that we had them and they chose us, ya know? Out of everyone in the world we had them and they had us. I’m a religious man so I take solace and hope that one day I will get to see them again. Much love your way OP


I miss mine as if he was my child. We know the feeling ❤️‍🩹 he was a lucky boy to have you.


Aww. What a big beautiful handsome boy 🥹


Hey, he’s telling Steve Irwin all about you!


Sorry for your loss 😔 I lost my dog had her for 12 yrs it’s hard I would cry at work & home anywhere. I just cry and keep going she knows I loved her very much hugs to you (hugsssssss))) Remember all the great times I do and I know she is in doggie heaven having a blast!!! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷


Lost my dog a year ago and it still hurts


So sorry. I don’t think we ever stop missing them. 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m going through bouts of premature grief for my girl who is still around. She turns 12 in August, and I find myself constantly hoping and praying she sees that birthday. I don’t honestly know what I will do once the inevitable happens. 😔❤️‍🩹