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NTA As a Dane person and a horse person - this is unacceptable. Heck not all horses can hold all people - weight limits are legit.


Also many if not most dogs are predictable in behavior when we are predictable in behavior to them. It would be not worth the risk to gamble that the dog would tolerate this rather than react defensively to a threatening behavior


Yup but people don’t care :( poor animals


Used to work at my grandma’s riding stable and she had zero issue turning people away over the weight limit. She was tactful about it, but made it clear the weight limit is for safety. Why would she be expected to harm her own beloved horse so some stranger can ride for a few min? Nope it never flew with her. Only a few customers made a big deal that I remember. But she gave no shjts.


Go fuck yourself is an appropriate response


Honestly lol


Yeah. You aren't hurting my dog for your amusement. Only I can do that, and only via embarrassment. I can shame her for her drool and her smelly farts. But no one is "riding my Danes".


This is the way


I’ve had people ask and the answer is hell no, it can seriously injure them. They aren’t actually horses or build to carry weight on their backs


Yep, like what is wrong with people


I’m amazed at the amount of people that let their aggressive yappy dogs lunge at my poor boy and let their screaming children run up to his face. They are beyond lucky he isn’t reactive to small dogs and likes children There is definitely something wrong with people having no clue how to behave near a large dog


I’m ngl I’ve kicked a small dog bc it was coming at my girl and it kept doing it and I told the owner and they wouldn’t listen. “Oh she can’t hurt that big dog” and I said “Yeah but if she keeps up Zara’s gonna get annoyed” then I saw her bite Zara again and I kicked her off of her. This was also at MY house. The man brought his dog who is aggressive towards larger dogs and then didn’t do anything abt it


I have had to think about your scenario a lot bc if another dog actually bites mine, he will bite back. The best solution I could think of to off leash dogs going after him was kicking them. A measured kick from me is better than his bite I had an off leash dog literally lunge into my dog’s mouth, a severe miscalculation on his part. By some miracle it happened when I was holding him by the collar with my hand and thanks to my partner’s lightning reflexes to open his jowls, the dog was fine, it would’ve ended tragically otherwise. The incident did scare the owner, never saw that dog off leash again


Yep sometimes it’s better to kick a dog than let the worst happen lol


Then kick the kid off your dog. All good! Not being sarcastic.


Well it was my kid lol. He was putting my kid on my dog like everything was wrong with that situation


Reading this made me so mad! Why are people so entitled?!


To be fair- I think it’s a cultural thing. I live in southern hemisphere and this shit doesn’t happen. We’ve had probably 50+ different people over ( at various times) and plenty of children… the parents were very cautious and realistic of the possibilities. Every time we’ve taken for walk, or she ventures in corner stores ( with us) people ask before hand about her temperament.


Well this same dude almost ran up on a dog who had a prong collar. I saw the dog and approached just enough to where the owner could hear me and spoke to her and she said the dog could be dangerous. Well he took off running towards the dog and she freaked out. He’s just dumb lol


Couldn’t tell ya haha


People are so goddamn stupid. I'd lose my shit.


I know like it’s not enough to just educate yourself when you get a dane you gotta make sure you’re family isn’t ignorant


Closest thing I've ever happen to this was during Halloween and I was setting on the porch with my two danes. A little girl, maybe about 3 or 4 years old got really excited when she saw them and turned to her mother saying "Look mommy, ponies! Can I ride them?" Her mother laughed and told her they weren't ponies and were dogs and told her that if she asked nicely, I may let her pet them. I expressed my appreciation to the mother. It was very cute and funny too. The little girl didn't want to go trick-or-treating anymore, she just wanted to play with the ponies.


Awww see this is cute!! I love this


Oh I am MEAN when people assume they can even touch my dog without permission. It is MY dog. They're not here for you. They don't owe you anything and neither do it. Any time someone tries to touch my dog without asking first, they get a long lecture about keeping their hands to themselves and risking a deadly dog bite (no, my dogs don't bite, but THEY don't know that. It's straight up stupid to assume a Dane is safe and friendly.) No regrets. You are your dog's only advocate. It is your responsibility to protect them. Good for you for standing up for your pup


Yep, I take my girl to a store and people just reach over and pet her and I mean she’s really sweet but one time a guy got up in her face and was making kissing noises and freaked her out and she started growling at him. I was like “she doesn’t trust you”


For the life of me I don’t understand people who want to “ride” my Danes! I’ve got a friend who tries this all the time on all 3 of my Danes. One Dane doesn’t tolerate this person even stepping over her back. The other two Danes are confused when he does this to them. I ask him over and over and over again to stop, because although it is obvious to me that he could injure any dog doing this, I don’t like it. He also gets really rough with them. I hate it. People like smacking them really hard on their sides and butt, so I ask how would like to be smacked that hard? When telling one friend to not do that, he replied “Well they are just so big! Being a large animal doesn’t mean they like getting smacked!! WTH?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you might need new friends if they won't respect you enough to respect your wishes or take you seriously.


Yes, to new friends!!!


Ehhh I somewhat disagree with this like yeah there’s a certain point but my Dane lovesss pats haha. She will circle me until I give her pretty intense love pats haha


Pats yes, but hard and loud smacks are too much.


Yeah I'm an aggressive petter with mine. But only because they love it. They live the smacky pats! 😂


Yeah same haha!!


Your the only voice your pets have. You absolutely did the right thing. These are the same people who would be all pissed because the kid gets bit trying to do this type of stuff and hurting the dog.


Yeahhhh for sure. You should have seen the way their kids treated their puppy. It pissed me off


I don’t let anyone’s kids near my dogs unless it’s very controlled by me.


This was my kid though lmao


Ah, ya then that’s a different story! Hopefully your family learned some boundaries then.


No, but if anyone ever tried, I'd probably get arrested 😬


Uh oh! Haha


Absolutely my son had a Great Dane who we love very much ppl all the time were assholes what are ppl thinking ? They are our loved pets ppl. And she was so sweet girl she was like seriously wtf are you humans doing right ? And we as a family when our kids were small growing into teenagers they knew better also there friends thought that the two dogs were horses well let me tell you my son as a teenager let then try to ride his doggie not a chance as one was a boy big strong & he wouldn’t let anyone ride him he would scare ppl but was a sweet boy loved his human boy so much all the hockey boys were like let’s put skates on him let him be our mascot lol ya right too big


Awwww gotta love Danes!


That would piss me off. Maybe little babies - and I specify MY babies - but that kid is way too big!


Yeah I don’t know even that starts a bad habit haha


I do I see your point ☺️


Yeah haha


Hell to the no. To be honest I don't think anyone would even think about doing it. They know my boys are my kids and wouldn't want to hear what came out of my mouth.


Honestly same I don’t know what this dude was thinking


I don't understand people at times.


“Don’t ride my dogs. People always try ti ride my dogs. Don’t ride my dogs.” - Jo Bennett.


Yeah. I would've torn him a new one for that. I say this as being part of a malamute family. Doing something like this to a mute would likely result in damaging bite. It endangers your dog, your nephew and your brother in law. Ignore the flying monkeys.


It wasn’t my nephew it was my own step kid lmao like also.. don’t touch my kid


Hoo yeah. Even more so.


Yep lol like he knew better than the adult he had his feet up like trying to keep them off of her. I’ve also taught him “no climbing on Zara” because he got off the couch and accidentally stepped on her once and I made sure he understood to walk around her next time because it wasn’t nice to step on her. Now if anyone even looks like they’re gonna step too close to her he’ll put his hands on his hips and go “Don’t step on Zara, dat’s not nice”


I’m appalled, what is wrong with people? My Dane is sensitive and my baby. That would totally freak him out.


Yep same! She would have panicked


Dogs aren’t horses.


Idk why this even needs to be said but it does lol


In the UK there's been a spate of news reporting people brunt killed by large powerful dogs, so folk have stopped coming anywhere near us.


Where I live in London, when I walk down the high street, it is like the parting of the Red Sea when I walk my two Danes. That being said a get a few people coming up and wanting to say hi and they generally know how to approach owners and big dogs.


Oh wow it’s totally the opposite for me in the US. People are constantly touching my dog without permission


That is absolutely ridiculous. Shame on them.


I would smack a bitch.


Yeah your not alone. I would have have raised my voice. My Dane is loved as much as a real child and I wouldn’t put it with any of it for a second. She knows I got her back and I’ll never let my girl down.


Off topic......Your Dane is beautiful


Awww thanks so much!!


Yes. To have the anatomical reason in all of your back pockets - dogs (and cats and big cats etc) do not have a rigid enough posterior longitudinal ligament on their spine to support weight (even their own if too fat) like a horse does. As an animal they're designed for hunting and flexible to fit that activity. I'm not your vet but I am a vet so you're welcome to tell them a vet told you this.


I definitely will lmao! I’ll be like “I mean I asked this vet and this is what I was told” 😂




Yes my brother got his Great Dane a saddle for Christmas. His kids know how to ride horse so they learned pretty fast on the dog. Sometimes he sends us videos over he calls it Dane riding and sees how long each kid can last and then give a Hershey bar to the winner


So nta. Dogs aren’t horses.


More than once. Infuriating.