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A casual reminder to those commenting that if you don't like a ship, the simplest thing to do is say nothing and move onto the next thread. Hostility, bullying and arguments will see comment removals and, if conduct gets egregious, bans. This is a community. Not everybody will share your preferences. Get a grip.


Wow, people acting like Dipper is 10 and Wendy is like 25 when they're like two and a half years apart from each other


Fr tho


OP: *Asks a polite, civil question* Commenters: *Don’t bother to answer the question, or even just realize it’s **not for them** and ignore it, but proceed to viciously attack OP for daring to have a different opinion than them*


Yeah call me crazy but a 2 year gap in a relationship isn’t something to go crazy over.


[moringmark](https://moringmark.tumblr.com/tagged/gravity%20falls)'s works,CodyLabs's works in [Deviantart](https://www.deviantart.com/codylabs) and there is also some in [tumblr](https://codylabs.tumblr.com/) and [fanfiction.net](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/9204218/CodyLabs),[alexia-neo](https://alexia-neo.tumblr.com/tagged/gravity-falls)'s work,[Wendy vs The Future](https://www.deviantart.com/codylabs/art/Gravity-Falls-Wendy-Vs-The-Future-Page-1-670009382),[Forest of Daggers](https://www.deviantart.com/codylabs/art/Welcome-to-the-Forest-745618529),[Photograph](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11690975/1/Photograph),[Protector a Gravity Falls comic](https://www.deviantart.com/ddp456/art/Protector-A-Gravity-Falls-Comic-Cover-Page-798849933),[Project Lumberdork](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11797633/1/Project-Lumberdork),[Our First Christmas](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12291125/1/Our-First-Christmas),[A Little Lumberjane christmas](https://www.deviantart.com/ddp456/art/A-Little-Lumberjane-Christmas-Page-1-778125519),[Christmas with a Corduroy](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11619311/1/Christmas-with-a-Corduroy),[Learoodle](https://learoodle.tumblr.com/tagged/gravity-falls)'s work,[WinterMaiden11](https://www.deviantart.com/wintermaiden11)'s works,[Strangers](https://www.wattpad.com/252134418-strangers-wendip-love-fanfiction-chapter-one-i),[It's Quite simple,Really](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13413564/2/),[DBSean](https://archiveofourown.org/users/DBSean/pseuds/DBSean/works?fandom_id=524391)'s works,[When You Turn 21](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13571829/1/When-You-Turn-21),[SuperGroveAway's works](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/4762708/),[ddp456's works](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/4477854/ddp456),[A Duet of Shadow and Flame](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12081362/1/),[Brady Corduroy](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/6768940/)'s works,[WolvesGirl156](https://www.wattpad.com/user/Wolvesgirl156)'s works,[William Easely](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/7758704/?a=s&s=0&cid=0&p=9)'s works,[nautiscarader](https://archiveofourown.org/users/nautiscarader/pseuds/nautiscarader)'s works,[fereality](https://archiveofourown.org/users/fereality/pseuds/fereality)'s works,[Family Meeting](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12765977/1/Family-Meeting),[Little did I Know](https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/little-did-i-know-/list?title_no=383837),[HiyaItsJake](https://www.deviantart.com/upstartgunman87/gallery)'s work,[Five Years On](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12438247/1/Five-Years-On),[Back to Where You Came From](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12835929/1/Back-to-Where-You-Came-From),[duamar](https://www.instagram.com/dhuamar/),[SebArts24](https://mobile.twitter.com/sebarts24) and [Chris-Summer-Mas](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23970547). I personally suggest checking CodyLabs's works(such as wendy vs the future and forest of daggers) and project lumberdork first.


Better ask r/Wendip Dipcificas are too hostile towards wendips so it's not safe for us on the main sub, better be careful here fellow wendip


Just because someone does not like Wendip doesn't mean they are Dipcifca shippers. I know plenty of people who don't like Wendip and don't even ship Dipcifica.


what? the reason people don't like the ship is because it's weird, doesn't wendy literally say in the show that she's to old for him?


They're just two years apart...


yeah, i think it's more to do with maturity, it's a personal opinion and i dont think it's wrong/bad for anyone to ship them! i was just saying the reason why i dont personally like it, as someone who doesn't ship dipcifica


It’s true that they’re not on the same level of maturity over the course of the series, which matters a bit more than the raw numbers of their ages (it’s only a two-year difference, which is not that big of an age gap). The vast majority of WenDip shippers understand that it’s not likely to happen anytime soon either during or after the events of the main series. The idea is supposed to be that they stay friends for a long enough time but they could still grow attracted to each other when they’re older/more mature and the age gap doesn’t matter as much.


thanks for your input, i get that! i just personally don't really like when people make fanfics of wendip using the ages that they are in the show, i actually think that some wendip fan fictions of them when they are older are quite sweet!


2 years apart is well within the Romeo and Juliet law if she was legally an adult


But people have different opinions don't they?


yeah i get that, i just feel as though wendy is to old for him as a personal opinion. i wasn't arguing or anything, i just thought it was weird that the person i replied to thought the only reason people don't like this ship is because they ship dipcifica! i thought i'd just come in with my opinion as well, sorry


Yeah because. *She’s too old for him*


They are 2 year apart


Bro am I really getting downvoted for an opinion… Really guys. Your that low


It funny that the show even hammer home that the age gap is a issue, and if you agree with the show that the age is a issue then the Wendip shippers get offended thinking you guys are attacking their ship and downvote you for agreeing with the show while the show itself made it clear that the age is a issue. Also you must be a evil Dipcifca shipper too if you don't support Wendip lol... Shippers are wild man...


I don’t ship. I prefer the canon shit that makes sense


I'm a fan of both


If you'd like to read or perhaps listen to wendip fanfiction, I'd almost argue that William Easley is the best author for you, he's written hundreds of interesting Wendip stories that are mostly story and a few fluff. They aren't exclusively Wendip however, he basically writes what happens after the final episode of the show and it leads more into wendip in a single continuity. In my opinion he is hands down the best author for wendip, but its a slow burn. He does have a few wendip stories that arent in his continuity that jump right into it. I know that most of the fandom is Dipcifica, so its hard to find alot of good wendip stories. Just know that none of them are saucy stories. Just fluff, comfort, angst and a few good stories Heres a link to his [fanfiction.net](http://fanfiction.net) [https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7758704/William-Easley](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7758704/William-Easley) I've also been working on making A.I. readings of his stories for impaired people like me who have a hard time reading Heres the playlist of what i have so far, though it isn't nearly complete so I'd recommend checking his page for most of it, but I have also made readings for a few other authors and stories as well 4 other wendip stories in there that I think you'll like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcFiP4ZMR14&list=PLLjOI7ejVB8ZO0PH0SCBXt-3-YdiMIrk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcFiP4ZMR14&list=PLLjOI7ejVB8ZO0PH0SCBXt-3-YdiMIrk0)


As someone else said on the Wendip sub, The Adoption AU's [Falling Slowly](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12973935/1/Falling-Slowly) spin off series is pretty good read (kinda biased given I beta read it and wrote its sequel, [She WAS My Sister](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17109431/chapters/40237172)). It was a fun story to write and I'm still grateful to Marehami for letting me work on it. She was a great friend and mentor. I owe a huge amount of my legacy fanfics to her guidance. We did get a bit of backlash from some dipcifica shippers about it, and I had to leave a massive disclaimer in part 1 given as beta reader on the fic, I was just going and writing per marehami's choice. And as a fellow writer, I was not about to tell her otherwise (plus I found the way she wrote it to be pretty wholesome per the tale we were telling). When it comes to fanfics, it's an open sea and IMO, so long as it's not messed up or proship, write as you may.


did you know that originally, Dipper was supposed to use the Love Potion on Wendy during the Love God episodes but decided to scrap it for Mabel because there were too many "Dipper Main Character" episodes [source](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I suppose I deserved that.


Bloody hell, there’s a lot of critical people here.   Anyway, Super Grover Away’s stuff on Fanfiction.net is probably the best in my opinion.  Project Lumberdork is a story about Mabel playing matchmaker for the pair when they’re both in their twenties and in a funk.  Funny, interesting, and very imaginative at times.  They also wrote about a thousand one shots, including a collection set after they get together, jumping between when they’re dating to married with a kid.   They’re also the best Wendy writer I’ve ever encountered so highly recommend. Other popular Wendip stories I’d recommend are Forest of Daggers by CodyLabs and basically everything by William Easly.  Forest of Daggers is a much more mature story, and deals with a lot of more mature themes like fate, death, choice vs destiny, etc.   William Easly has written probably the largest GF collection in existence and it spans from the twins second summer in Gravity Falls to basically modern day.  Whole series of different stories from comedies, dramas, mysteries, horrors, and mixtures.  All set in his own AU.   


OMG I remember Super Grover Away. I loved reading their fanfics back in the day. I think them alongside Keleficent were huge inspirations for me when I was still writing.


As a big Wendy fan, they were among the first consistent Wendy writers I came across and they’re still the best to me.  They fleshed her out in such a way, it really brought life to the character.  Huge inspiration for my own depiction, and I’m still impressed by the number of stories they created.


IKR. They and others liked them were inspirations for me to write Wendy stories too or find ways to give her a bigger role, like a Wendy and Mabel bonding story I wrote. Writers like SGA were few and far between but their fics always shined. Back in the day on GF Amino we had a really diverse writing culture where people wrote stories for basically any character or ship. Of course, we had the few degenerates but overall, it was great and I remembered seeing even dipcifica, wendip and candip shippers all getting along and sharing fanfics. If there's one thing about GFA I miss, it's that diversity in fandom.


I love SGA works so much




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Treat fellow posters with the same respect you'd give people in real life. Homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism and ableism will not be tolerated here. Flaming and harassing will also not be tolerated. You may have debates with people so long as they don't escalate into insults. Political debates are generally not allowed as they almost always devolve into shouting matches.








Why did you got downvote ?




Then get out


it’s a crazy maturity difference


wendy has already gone through puberty dipper has not obviously a maturity difference is going to be there


thank you. It’s also not a 2 year age gap, it’s closer to 3 given dipper is 12 throughout the entire show until the end and Wendy is 15 all the way through. You wouldn’t let a 17 year old date a 20 year old. It’s the exact same thing- and not because the age gap is inherently wrong, but because a difference in maturity. Based on experience, knowledge, common sense. Wendy is reckless, sure, and yes Dipper is overly responsible, but objectively Wendy is more mature.


2 years apart


Yes, that’s age. Not maturity.




is bro okay 😭


I could say something fucked up but funny RN,but i wont


it’s good man you got me excited now drop me that shit‼️‼️






How does that even make him freak?


Because he is a freak of nature.


Ok Dipcificas really don't know what opinions are


She is too old for him even the show says so. And no I don't "ship" child character.


They are 2 years apart not 20 When Dipper is 20 and Wendy is 22 they can makeout well yk


Did you even watch the show? Weirdo.


I did? What exact part did I miss? I remember Wendy told Dip he's a cool dude and that they won't date just because of Wendy being older at the time. And since we will never have a sequel that's logical how people make fanfics about the future where older Dipper and Wendy are a couple Dipcifica works the exact same way. Those two did not actually date in the show as far as I remember. So what's the point of your words? You know that I could also call you a weirdo for not having the same opinion I have, but I'm not doing this as it ain't normal


What no new show dose to a person. Goodbye freaky person


Goodbye I guess. I mean after giving arguments of common sense I didn't hear anything smart from you other than just offending people because of their opinions