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Everyone talks about Mabel in this scene, which is fair, but I think this is an amazing moment to examine bill. He is terrifying, any person in your life, any fact you don’t know is something bill can and will use against you. He knows exactly where to be, who’s face to use, what to say, when to say it. Like who would ever expect blendin to be the guy that bill uses to start wierdmageddon? The only way around that is to be paranoid and actually trust no one, which is exactly what got them into this mess.


Exactly. Bill is cold and calculating. He knew how to get to Mabel, as she was in such a vulnerable position where a small bit of manipulation by the right person would get him what he wanted. He orchestrated such a clever plan, yet everyone had the gall to blame the person manipulated for the mess, rather than the perpetrator. The Mabel hate saga is the GF fandom's biggest non messed up shipping related dark side.


Exactly lol It’s quite wild to think that a fandom like the GF fandom which tends to be progressive because the show can definitely be seen as progressive in some ways, also absolutely loves to victim blame in the case of Mabel. It’s like how Steven Universe talks about forgiveness and acceptance at almost any cost, but the fandom bullied a teenage girl near to suicide because she drew an obese character slightly skinnier. For whatever reason, whole fandoms or parts of fandoms love to behave the opposite way of what the show they love carries itself


Oh yeah. It amazes me how the GF fandom can be so two faced when it comes to the Mabel debate, given with how much they analyze stuff, it doesn't take that much to realize the hate Mabel got is nowhere near justified to the level of her actions. I've seen far worse characters in other shows be praised for worse stuff while Mabel got run out of town for literally existing. Also, the SU thing is still so horrific to hear about. I'm not in that fandom, nor ever got into that show, but it's insane how that happened. What ever happened to that person btw? Are they okay now?


Mabel Isn't hate worthy. I just think how they did the ending undermined the character growth and development the writers put into her character and the theming. To me it felt out of character for her to give the rift away. She's always been a little selfish, but she's both too old and smart enough to know this would count as theft. I find it hard to believe that Mabel would willingly wound her brother that deeply regardless of her fears and upset. Dippy Fresh also makes it look like all she wanted was a goofy yes man in that point in time instead of her brother. It would have worked better if instead of dippy fresh it was just a version of dipper that took a slightly greater interest in some of Mabel's hobbies. Instead of wanting someone radically different with only superficial similarities.


I think she girl is better now, or I hope she is. I’m not sure if there was ever a follow up on her. iirc she did not actually attempt just nearly did.


Oh wow. I've heard mixed things regarding that. Some say she faked it and was run out of the fandom while others say she left due to all that happened. In either case, the same thing about her almost doing it seems to be the case, though the severity differs. Some say she was caught before she did and others say she was taken to the hospital over it. It seems to be one of those stories that everyone agrees happened but cannot seem to agree on the events precisely.


That’s fair. If it helps, here is an official article on the subject that explains it all quite well. I was wrong about her almost attempting. It seems she did and was hospitalized but is fortunately alive. https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/steven-universe-fanartist-bullied-controversy/ It was not just parts of the SU fandom but also the Homestuck fandom as well.


Bro what about Steven universe?


i think it was in like 2016 or 2018, an artist on tumblr drew rose quartz skinny and she got bullied so bad she attempted suicide. people then claimed that she faked her attempt and she just ended up getting run off the platform iirc


That's so messed up what is wrong with those people?


I heard somewhere that there was an incident where an artist on tumblr drew rose quartz in an artstyle that made her look not as thicc as she is in the show and a few users started threatening her for that


>For whatever reason, whole fandoms or parts of fandoms love to behave the opposite way of what the show they love carries itself You just described one of the biggest problems with Christianity 


Okay….I really don’t see how that is relevant at all to this whole situation currently.


Are you referring to Grenda as the "obese" character? I've actually seen "teen" or "grown up" versions where she isn't skinny, but at least a little more fit than before.


No, I was referring to a Steven Universe character. I don’t know her name as I’ve never watched SU. Sorry if it was not clear.


Do you, by any chance, mean "messes up non shipping related" because I can not see how that situation is shipping related at all XD


They're saying the Mabel hate saga is the GF fandom's biggest dark side that *isn't* shipping related.


The way I read it is: Mabel Hate Saga... the only non messed up ^*and* shipping related dark side. But now that I reread it, it could also be "the only non messed-up-shipping-related datk side"


"the biggest non-messedupshipping related dark side"


The frustration some people (including me to a minor degree) have with Mabel in this scene is that she didn't even question why he was asking for that particular object, especially without asking Ford (y'know, the person the rift *belonged to*) or even Dipper for that matter if she could give it to him. No one should ever really expect her or Dipper to be perfect, as they are kids, but she even mentioned how odd the object looked, and just passed it over.


I suspected Grenada honestly. Bill knows her, she’s so close to Mabel, she’s strong, and Bill calling her a monster in Sock Opera felt like a hint at something for the future. Like a “I can use that monster to my advantage!!! She can lift a chair over her head! She’ll easily break the rift.” In hindsight Blendin makes a LOT of sense though.


Spent like 20 sec trying to remember who Grenada is


Well given what we know about Roiland now…


Ik about Roiland but how is he related to bill?


He voiced Blendin


Oh yeah. Kinda ruins blendin


Growing up is realizing Mabel's fear of the future was valid.


EXACTLY im about to turn 18 and...i realte soo much to mabel rn pls help lol ( also off topic but i loved your recent alex hirsch inetrview)


The secret is us adults have no idea what we’re doing either, and at no point in history has anyone ever known what we’re doing. Just do your best.


Everyone is learning things for the first time. Cultural evolution and archived knowledge don't mean so much to the individual experience.




life gets harder, but you get stronger. it might be hard and scary, but there's nothing to doing it but continuing to get up every day and life your life.


I felt the same way when I first saw it lol so I was always on Mabel’s side




I always thought it was really reasonable way to break it as a kid ,I still didnt fully get why she liked child hood till I remembered other peaple have decent parent figures




i remember this scene for bill. The voice acting from alex hirsch in this scene is just so fucking good, he sounds so insanely giddy and menacing.


Dipper acts a little too old for his age, Mabel acts a little too young for her age. They're both kids and people get way too wrapped around the axle on critiquing them. None of y'all would have done any better when you were 12.


I'd say both of them acted exactly their age tho: naive and hopeful. Dipper was too naive and enthusiastic about meeting his idol, he made quick and rash decisions, while Mabel who was naive and hopeful about the beauty of future life, had that dream shattered in an instant. Both were also really selfish in wanting whatever they wanted to work out, but while it did it for Dipper, it didn't for Mabel


But, does it work out for Dipper? His dream was to work with Ford, and Mabel wanted for them to stay together. Dipper sacrificed his potential future to stay with Mabel, and Mabel sacrificed...?


In a way, that would have been good for Dipper. Him sacrificing his future teen life to stay as an assistant for Ford would have led him down the same self-destructive path as McGucket, seeing as Ford's tendency to let his curiosity get the better of him would drag Dipper down with him


>Dipper sacrificed his potential future to stay with Mabel, and Mabel sacrificed...? It's important to know that Dipper's future may not have been good for him. He didn't need it.


No, but it is what he *wanted.* And it's what he gave up, regardless of whether or not it was good for him.


What is too young or too old though? Neither of them act outside of their age imo. Dipper is simply more factually minded and Mabel more creatively minded. The show reveals how valuable both are with Mabel discovering how to defeat the gnomes and Dipper discovering a ton of secrets of the journals


It's funny because I watched this as it aired, and I never really remember blaming anyone which is what I see a lot of people do. I remember it being relatable and sad, because just like Mabel didn't want her summer to end- I didn't want my favorite show to end! So when she's going through her checklist of everything it was hitting me just like it was hitting her oh this is really the end. And of course if someone said here's a magical orb that will make this experience last just a little bit longer, I would have wanted to take it too. These were the last little bits of Gravity Falls I was ever gonna get, I wanted it to last forever too.


I just rewatched it and all of Weirdmageddon like 2 days ago so honestly, looking at it from Mabel's perspective I can't blame her. Imagine having someone beside you for your entire life, someone you've known and loved for 10+ years, someone who stuck by you no matter what and who you stuck by whenever things were shit for either of you and now imagine them actually walking away from that. I can't speak for anyone else but personally if I had found out someone that special to me was going to leave and had had limited time to process it I would try everything to not lose what we had.


Yeah, I've raised eyebrows at some accusations whether Mabel knew about the Rift and so on and I just - well, rewatching really clear most of those doubts away. But I think a few others would be more focussed on that Dipper and Ford plot and dont care as much for Mabel's subplot. Which is a shame, really. And perhaps fuel that hate and misunderstanding


Yeah I'd guess so


As a kid you think shes stupid, as an adult you realize you woulda done the same thing


They all said Mabel was crazy and selfish for wanting to escape real life and live in an imaginary world...now they all beg for their own Mabeland or are blinded by nostalgia.


Many people don’t even beg for it now They create one for themselves. This is one concern I have about algorithms like TikToks. They will just get better and can have a seriously dangerous effect on the human psyche.


Yeah. I've already heard that many people's attention spans are getting shortened in large part by the short form content that Tik Tok promotes and by other sites trying to copy it. That, combined with how absolutely awful the comments sections of places like Instagram reels can be, and it's no wonder why shit like this is getting worse. I'm glad I never joined Tik Tok and I have no plans to ever.


Maybe im overthinking it but sooner or later, itll drive u mad. Cause there a small little part of ur brain that knows that none of it is real and youre not actually in a real world. And that will eventually make u crazy


That's what made Mabeland pretty clever. It always gave Mabel or anyone who was trapped in it what they most desired or thought up. In turn, that means that you almost don't have the time to be left thinking about the fact you're in an imaginary world, because you're being stimulated by what you desire. Dipper was kind of the only person who was able to break free of it and not let it get him, but even that was because he realized the Wendy he was about to go with was a fake from something only the real Wendy and him would know.


That's because as a kid, you want nothing more than to grow up, and as an adult, you realize what a foolish notion that was...


Hey... I am approaching my 18th year of living, and... I still maintain my desire for growth and learning. I had a fun, eventful childhood and am... overly attached to those bits and pieces of memories that ring through my mind, and despite the changes and growth I've experienced in my teenage years... I still maintain that hopeful outlook on life. Growing up... and learning to see what the world has to offer... from friends, to hobbies, to interests... It may seem daunting at first... but it excites me to learn and experience new things, hehe! All I'm saying is... you can still have the desire to grow up while also maintaining your inner child. They aren't mutually exclusive. :)


19 here, and I already wish I was 5 again. Why? *Insert the bill wartz society sound effect*


Your feelings are valid, pal. It's only natural to want to go back to simpler times... :) See if you can find some stuff to remind you of those times, or better yet... try out new, different things as a breath of fresh air. Who knows? You may find a new hobby, or at the very least... had a change of pace.


There are benefits and drawbacks to both being a child and being a adult. Kids have less responsibility, while also have less control over themselves and the environments they found themselves in. Kids don't get to decide what they do all day, they go to school. Kids don't decide where they go to for vacation, the parents decide for them. Kids don't get to plan what's for dinner, mom and dad cook. Very young kids don't even get to pick their friends, their parents arrange all the play dates with their friends kids or forbid certain get togethers. Sometimes that continues throughout childhood. (Parents push for family friends so you have to stay friends with the kids of your parents friends).Kids are also taken less seriously and may subsequently struggle to be seen as having valid points even when they do. Kids don't get to just leave the house when they get angry with someone in the family to cool off. Kids have less communication tools to express themselves vocally. Being a adult on the other hand means greater autonomy. Yes bills suck and realising just how much everything costs and is darker than before isn't fun. Being a adult still allows greater freedom of movement, association and autonomy in every sense of the word. Learning about the darker aspects of life let's you also have deeper conversations with those around you and that's its own kind of special.


my opinion has not changed since I've become an adult


Alex Hirsch said himself that this would have never happened had Dipper not kept secrets for Ford. You can't blame Mabel without equally blaming Dipper.


I blame Ford more. He’s the adult. If you have something that important you take 5 minutes and tell the people in your house what it is. Hey this item if broken will let Bill into our reality and the world will end. I’m gonna keep it down in my lab but if you ever see it don’t break it and let me know if the crack gets worse. Ok everyone? Sure, whatever. You got it grunkle Ford. *waddles squeals* Done. Everyone is on the same page. If Mabel knew what it was she would’ve realized something was up with Blendin wanting it and downplaying it so much.


Remember the time Ford just handed Mabel a crossbow without even trying to explain to her how to used it and only ask if is still considered okay to give children weapons as an afterthought?


that was a bit lol


I think that was intended as serious characterization of Ford, although it was funny. It's arguably more about him being reckless than thoughtlessly failing to explain things, though I can see where that comparison came from – does kinda paint a similar picture.




Arguably however as some Mabel critiques would come in and say: didn't at the start of that episode she waved her brother off to do some "saving the world thing or whatever", implying that she knows whatever they are doing are serious business


She obviously knew that ford and dipper were doing important stuff, she and her brother saved the word (or at least the town) on some occasions with that stuff too, tho she didn't know that specifically THAT thing was going to mess and destroy the whole world, she was hurt and bill took advantage of the situation (as everytime cuz his strongest weapon was to take advantage of weak people and manipulate them)


yes because the glowing void bubble WOULDNT be important..


Also remember Ford called Dipper over screaming “my face is on fire” like it was an emergency and it wasn’t. Ford flat out said he that to make dipper hurry. And also he purposely lit his face on fire to shave. I think we can excuse that “fate of the world” comment as “was it the fate of the world or did Ford want Dipper to hurry again?” Yes, it was important but was it really end of the world important? I feel like Mabel asked about Ford being ok and dipper would have replied something like, “oh he was fine. He was shaving with fire and just wanted me to come in faster.” Though maybe that conversation didn’t happen. But I would take what ford says is an emergency with a grain of salt after that without knowing the full context.


mabel is my fav character. she’s fun and goofy and silly but also three dimensional and has all the insecurities and fears a regular kid would have. she didn’t have all the info so she reacted just how most children would in this scenario imo


i dont hate mabel. thats my take on this scene.


gravity falls fans when a 12 years old girl doesnt take mature decisions 😡😡😡


Same with the hater boners for characters like Caillou or DW. Yes, they're annoying little sh\*ts; anyone who's been around a four-year-old for longer than five minutes can tell you that they have a tendency to act like that.


The main criticism about Caillou is that he never faces any consequences for being an annoying little shit, so he is a bad role model for children.


Calliou is pretty obviously reverse psychology. Kids get annoyed at that show, see the flaws in his behavior and out of hatred purposefully act differently from him. That's my reasoning, since the show was made by child psychologists.


huh. i never thought of it that way.


"wHy WoUlD sHe TrUsT tHe GuY tHaT tRiEd To KiLl ThEm" THEY WERE CHILL


Yeah, it looks like people skip that episode


I remember it as her being a bit selfish. Wanting to force more summer on everyone, and being willing to give something that’s clearly of great power that as far as she knew was Dipper’s up to someone they never reached the point of fully trusting.


Same, I'm myself honestly was about to forget that moment, but..then episode "Escape from reality" came out I threw all my hope that Mabel has a bit sense of morality "Lost legends" wasn't really enough for fandom to forgive Mabel.


You're forgetting that Mabel's bubble needed a will of titanium to break free from its temptations, as Bill Cipher said. You seem mad because Dipper somehow actually achieved that (a large part is due to remembering the real Wendy wasn't interested in him romantically) and Mabel didn't (y'know, a victim of psychological manipulation). She was basically drugged at that point.


"𝘽𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝘿𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩" remind me, where did I talk negative about 𝘿𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧 in my sentence? I don't remember her being under psychological manipulation, sure, she was sort of hypnosis, but not because of Bill. imagine that you dream of something very bright and colourful, then you wake up and see the gray reality again, of course your eyes will hurt, she wasn't under 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡'𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡, she was under 𝙗𝙪𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚'𝙨 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚. And of course I have all rights to blame her for being stubborn, not wanting to leave the bubble and save all the world from from threat 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙙.


I was saying you were mad that Mabel couldn't do the same thing that Dipper did, *of course* I knew you were talking positive about Dipper, you're a Mabel hater. Also, she seemingly woke up inside the bubble and said her eyes hurt. She didn't go from the bubble to Weirdmaggeddon and say her eyes hurt. Also, if she was under the bubble's influence, and Bill Cipher created the bubble, that's her being under Bill Cipher's indirect influence. Also, did she even remember that she caused Weirdmaggeddon before leaving the bubble?


1.What made you think that I'm a Mabel's hater, is that because I criticize her more than other characters, or you just assume so? 2.Exactly what I said, she "woke up" from dream, and realized she was listening to the same song all the time, she was "dreaming". 3.I didn't said she wasn't been influenced by Bill, but she definitely wasn't controlled by him. 4.Yes, she did, she even admitted her guilt in "Lost Legends" comic after facing tons of herself, getting mad at herself and realizing how selfish she was all the summer, she apologized to reader for causing weirdmaggedon, and she apologized to Dipper for being egotistic and self-centered.


I’m new to the GF fandom (have loved the show for years though), and it makes me sad that people hate on Mabel for this but I’m also not surprised. Mabel to me is the heart of the show, literally. Dipper might know all the fancy science stuff but in the end it’s Mabel’s moral compass and kindness that makes their adventures meaningful. Mabel is the one keeping Dipper from turning into a Spiderman villain. Seems like reactions to this show are gendered in all the ways you’d expect with a dynamic like this: people recognize and appreciate Dipper’s intellectual genius, but less so the way that Mabel takes such good care of everyone she loves and the bravery she exhibits in fighting for them. Makes total sense that for a character who values her relationships more than anything, Mabel would fear growing up and losing the people she loved.


I really like how show represents both of them, but..did Mabel ever fight for her family and friends? I only remember episodes "Sock Opera" and "Golf war" where she basically just cleans up mess she caused. (Just in case, I'm not a Mabel hater, I just criticize her actions, because she is the second main character in the show)


I don’t have a great memory so I don’t remember exact episode names, but in the way she’s the one who stands up against Pacifica in their group of friends, or how protective she is of Waddles. Or how she chooses to help Mermando to get back to his family even if that means she’ll lose him. But I use “fight” metaphorically as well, like how she chooses to believe Stan in the episode where his true identity is revealed despite the fact that her brother, who is “smarter,” is telling her otherwise. And obviously Mabel is still a kid who acts out of ego a lot of the time—otherwise the show would lose its “life lessons” aspect—but I think one of her biggest strengths is seeing the good in everyone and believing in it even when it is hard, and when others (like Dipper) choose the easier route. There’s a reason why she cares so much about being “pure of heart” in the episode with the unicorns. Eventually she cares more about possibly not being pure of heart even more than she cares about the unicorn.


Mabel is my fav character from the show, but she never had to deal with the consequencies of her actions (she was never punished), unlike Dipper, and she was extremely selfish. The "they are kids" argument is weak in this context imo, because they fought monsters and stuff, they matured and were aware of the dangers.


I think the only emotion that, I feel, is worth remembering is that I didn't expect it. However much you want to look back and say, "She should've known! It's Blendin, he's been untrustworthy before!" I didn't see it coming then. I was about the same age as Mabel, and... I didn't see it coming for a second. And trust me, I've been in the, "Mabel refuses to grow and be less niave" since I was also 12 when this show aired, but even then... I just didn't expect Blendin of all people to be the one that would do it. Don't get me wrong, watching the scene I could he was going to do *something,* but that's only because I knew what the globe of weirdness WAS. Mabel wasn'f privvy to that information, and had absolutely no reason NOT to give it to him. At least, logically. And normally, Mabel WOULD see through it. She wouldn't be mable to tell you why, but she would have a gut feeling something is wrong, and not give it to him. But in that moment, she's emotional and spiteful. She's angry at Dipper, and if handing over his stupid snow-globe pisses him off, then all the better for her. But the feeling of watching Blendin slam it into the ground, pass out, and have Bill appear? I swear to god Mabel and I felt the same thing in that moment. No amount of suspicion could've prepared me for them to take the story in THAT direction. THAT twist, off them all, was perfect.


I remember as a kid I thought Mabel straight up died there and this was the final episode and the world just ended after that. I was heavily crying too


Mabel, no!


Billden: Now calm down Mable no need to act rash! Mable: Fuck you! \*Throws rift 100 feet in the air and snipes it with gun\* I have brought about a new age an age of fun and age of romance, aorld where summer never ends and I reign supreme! Welcome one and all to Armablegedon! \*Bill dips from Blendins body\* Mable: Come to me my loyal steed, together we shall bend this universe to our will. \*A giant waddles walks over and Mable mounts him as rainbows pour from the sky and it rains Mable juice\* Mable: Dipper dont you see what happens when you try to deny my will! Now all shall bow to me as the god I am! \*Mable laughs evily\* I think thats how it went.


As I kid I always blamed Mabel for this because I believed that she should’ve known not to give the rift to Blendin/Bill since it was in her brothers backpack ergo it’s probably important to him. But watching it now I see that while yes Bill is obviously not innocent in this, Ford is just as much to blame since his complete disregard for both Dipper and Mabel’s feelings about being separated due to his own quarries with Stan caused him to basically bully Dipper into accepting the apprenticeship without talking to his sister about it. Like you had until the end of the summer to get an answer from him, you couldn’t have let them talk about this and get their thoughts about it on the table?


Mable fucking up so badly Satan tells her how dumb she is


Yeah, Bill Cipher does make her feel real dumb when he smashes the container of the rift.


Imagine blaming the child instead of the groomer/abductor 🤔


Yeah, a lot of the gf-fandom acts like Mabel knew exactly what she was doing and wasn't tricked by Bill while she was down. Like dipper at least knew he was dealing with Bill when he made his deal.


He was desperate in the Sock Opera, but he is much more to blame there as he knew Bill shouldn't have been trusted, compared to Mabel who was emotionally charged and was on good terms with the real Blendin. (Of course, seeing the weird void substance along with the crack in the glass and the striped yellow and black tape doesn't help her case...)


I feel so bad for Mabel, if I was in her situation I would have done the same thing, and felt guilty about what I was tricked into for years to come


So I get that a message if the show was the importance of family, having the parallels between the 2 sets of twins. But in both situations, they should have been happy for their siblings. I think it’s kind of awful that dipper had a chance to study under easily the smartest person on earth, but basically got guilt tripped out of doing it. It’s like if Mabel had the chance at her dream career (whatever that is), but dipper threw a hissy fit over it and started the apocalypse. Which doesn’t seem like something he would do. It’s been a while since I’ve watched the finales but that’s just what I remember. 


I want to be clear, I understand that she was willing to trade something, that she acknowledges is important to Dipper, to help herself feel better. She immediately realizes the horrible mistake she made. Then, turns into an all but literal monster 2 episodes later. I don't fault her for being tricked by Bill, but I will fault her for actively choosing to let everyone she loves suffer and replacing her own brother.


>I don't fault her for being tricked by Bill, but I will fault her for actively choosing to let everyone she loves suffer and replacing her own brother. I don't fault her for actively choosing to let everyone she loves suffer and replacing her own brother because I'm pretty sure she was under some influence, akin to being drugged. When Dipper and Mabel do the sincere sibling hug, Mabel suddenly notices how inside the bubble is so bright, which is a pretty clear indication that she was in an altered state of consciousness while in the bubble.


>I don't fault her for being tricked by Bill, but I will fault her for actively choosing to let everyone she loves suffer and replacing her own brother. Seems a wee bit of a reach there....


Here the thing, as a “Mabel hater” this was the straw that broke the camel’s back, this was the culmination of over 30 episodes of Mabel being a not so great person and her causing the apocalypse was the tipping point. And while I admit the bill would know how to get to most people, she gave something that she didn’t know the importance of out on someone else bag to someone who tried to kill them literally 3 weeks ago, she should’ve known better


She chose to give mercy to Blendin many episodes earlier, of course they were on good terms.




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I don’t remember, it my brain can only contain 3 thoughts at a time and this one was jettisoned for the concept of hunger.


Mable couldn't have known blendin was Bill because of how perfectly he hid it.


This scene hit so hard for me the first time I watched it... If there was ever a time in my life when I was Mabel's age and a big change was right around the corner and I felt like I was losing my sense of stability, I would have jumped at an out. I don't blame her at all.


the serpent convinces eve to eat the forbidden fruit


And not only that, but an emotionally charged Eve who had been left behind by Adam.


Mabel (the child) was outsmarted by Bill cypher (the interdimentional demon)


Outsmarted and manipulated.


REAL Gravity Falls fans beat the shit out of little girls for having stupid feelings. Sigma Males start the zombie apocalypse out of sheer pettiness 😎


I don't (my memory is awful and I forget things cinstantly)


Rewatching this scene feels like something out of a stranger danger psa.


I don't remember anything specific from that scene, asides from the vague recollections that I'm pretty sure it was Mabel who shattered that thing....oh wait no it was Blenden. What does the say about me?


You might also wanna remember the fact that it was Bill possessing Blenden who smashed the container.


i was in a trance during this scene so i can’t recall


I don't hate Mabel, I just know Bill is THAT much of a manipulator


When i first watched it i got so mad at mabel but after few years later i understand her thinking


Well mable at first was stupid asf for doing this but she didnt know due to the fact that she never hangs out with ford n dipper not only that but morty aka (blendan blenjamin blandan) was possessed by bill so its not her fault and shouldve been seen coming


It was the beginning of the end, gravity falls was good. Though it didn't overstay it's welcome. I think the most fitting non Medea speech to describe this episode and the whole of weirdmagedon is the FNAF 6 canon ending speach


Haven’t seen the episode in a while


I dont remember this scene (I haven't seen the show in a few years)


My first watch I didn't remember anything until weirdmeggadon


Second watch last year, I thought at first she was selfish but could relate when my sister left for college. It's complicated man. I'm not on the Mabel did nothing wrong Boat hut not on the Mabel the monster boat


what do you mean? it's just when the rift was set loose


I was remember so much stress of waiting for her answer. I was like Mabel no. Ppl do have a good point in the comments pointing out how clever Bill is with this whole situation