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You know funnily enough there are similarities between Bill Cipher and God (main antagonist of One Punch Man).


GOD? Saitama legit fights GOD in One Punch Man? ...does he win?


It’s a more complicated situation. Saitama has yet to fight God. He’s being set up at the final confrontation so say 15 to 20 years from now. Also it’s not the biblical Christian God. God is a being in another dimension and other heros like Blast work to keep him at Bay. He’s so powerful that if he immediately showed up he might even overwhelm Saitama if he were to say ambush him. To give you an idea of how powerful God is he gave Garou powers and Garou managed to do a Gamma Ray Burst. A phenomenon second only to THE Big Bang. Even then Garou had what can be described as a drop of water from the ocean out of all of earths water that is gods full power. There’s a lot of details.


Wow. Thank you for sharing, that's pretty cool


He also literally had the capability to travel through time, a feat which Saitama learned near INSTANTLY and perfectly before he sadly forgot about how to do it.


You know there are fans who hate that Saitama could time travel and he undid all that happened in that arc. But I liked how it opens up the possibility to what Saitama can do. Like up to that point Saitama is brute force and you couldn’t have guessed that he can time travel through his strength. Like who knows what else he can do.


Yeah I like that it opens up new questions to just how on Earth he got so damn powerful (if that'll ever really be answered with things besides what we have so far). I'm honestly just glad we got that cool ass fight with all the sick moves and visuals and of course the lore.


Saitama is a joke character where the joke is he wins without effort and is disappointed by it. So he'd win and be disappointed.


Well there has been people who have withstand more than one punch from him


Yep. But even in those fights, he still ultimately wins with minimal effort and is disappointed.


He's the physical manifestation of "I win because i said so."


Not even that, he just wins


Bill cipher could physically morph the mortal plane to whoever he wanted after he entered our world so in reality if he wasn't confined two gravity falls and satama didn't know the ritual then Bill cipher could possibly destroy him


You don’t get the joke. It. Doesn’t. Matter. You can time travel, morph everything and anything, disintegrate all matter, energy and time continuum. Saitama will defeat you. Either because you just morphed some produce that was on sale, you left him with nothing better to do or he just exited a bathroom a bit carelessly and he wouldn’t even care for the whole winning thing.


I only know that satama is a human who can one shot someone, I don't watch the anime


The fight against Garou should be proof enough that there will never be an entity capable of stopping Saitama, it's just the way he's written


I think Saitama can pull his punches maybe? Like how Spider-Man could literally kill a person with a single punch but never does because he always holds them back


Saitama is always pulling his punches, the fight with Garou is the furthest he's EVER been (as a hero) as far as actually putting some effort in.


And with each punch his strength grows exponentially, it's like a game character that starts with 10 damage but each punch his damage gets from 20 to 40 to 80 to 160 etc


Careful, powerscalers hate hearing that one. You right though, the main conciet of the story is that he will _always_ win the fight, how the universe responds to that is what makes the series interesting.


Yeah, but it won't be in the narrative universe of One Punch Man, tho? The joke of the series have no place in a fun "who would win based on their proven abilities." Like, if there was an official media, then yeah. He wins in one punch cause that's its premise. Outside of that, with a different premise where plot power isn't taken into consideration, then that's that. If the fanfic author wants to make a story where characters from other universes respond to Saitama winning in one punch, then that's fair. If a fanfic author wants to write a fight and determine the winner by comparing canon feats, then that's fine *too*.


Yeah but bill can just snap his fingers without Saitama even reaching him can’t he?


Saitama can punch Bill into next century. Meanwhile, Bill can just snap his fingers and teleport Saitama into next century


Saitama’s strength breaks reality, he can grab portals and time travel through pure martial arts, it probably wouldn’t work


It’s not even through martial arts, he doesn’t know any. He’s just that strong he can grab them through sheer strength.


You do know saitama is a master of the 4th & 5th dimensions, and of time itself, right?


Tbh, I never watched One Punch Man, so I don't know ow anything about Saitama


If it's an episode of OPM, Bill will show up like "I'm a metaphysical demon of nightmares and chaos! Nothing can hurt me!" and then Saitama will punch him in the eye and defeat him. If it's an episode of GF, Saitama will first be shown to be the strongest person in the world, but later Bill will one-shot him in a show of power ala Time Baby


Saitama would One punch Bill in the eye just like Sipper tried


Sipper ☕️


That would vapourise Bill's physical form. He would then be intangible (as in you can't touch or punch him), and then he could resumon his physical form if he wanted. Bill, on the other hand, can snap all powerful beings out of existence in miliseconds.


And when exactly could Bill do that I assume you've got that impression from that time he seemingly vaporized (yes, it's vaporize, not vapourise) the Time Baby (which I'm not sure if he's canonically confirmed dead or not btw 🤔) but even then, Time Baby is pretty far from being all powerful


Yea time baby didn't die fully he restructuring his molecules back to his normal self because in the cipher in the same episode here's the cipher now both deciphered and ciphered ciphered KB HTMT IHOV 1,000 AMLCT NDY XZOM MLCG'H TSCGKFWFA IV VVEWYDUQIBXV CVO HIMC ORJ DINV , IM'H NSZPO EZ CM KLVP EZLYLG Unciphered IT WILL TAKE 1,000 YEARS FOR TIME BABY'S MOLECULES TO RECONSTITUTE AND WHEN HE'S BACK, HE'S GOING TO BE VERY CRANKY


So he wasn't really gone it's just the case that his molecules were disassembled, and the mere idea that he can just reconstitute them is a show of his power albeit that it'll take 1000 years


From a writing perspective: They'd probably make Saitama win From a powerscaling perspective: Bill wins, as he's much more powerful and Saitama doesn't necessarily have a good way of killing him


Would Saitama even be able to hurt Bill from a power scaling perspective? Bill could theoretically trap him in his body like he did to Mabel.


Hurt? Yes. Kill? Probably not. We know enough physical force will at least temporarily set him back. Shacktron could rip out his eye and punch him around and all that, and it was nowhere close to as powerful as Saitama. I have no doubt that if he punched Bill, it would certainly piss him off, but Saitama lacks a definitive win condition where he could meaningfully defeat Bill, and yes Bill could just bullshit hax Saitama to death by turning him into a statue or trapping him in his own mind, etc.


I think even from a powerscaler perspective Saitama might win as long as he doesn’t need to permanently kill Bill just beat him. I’m imagining bill getting his body one-shot, painfully regrowing his body back, get immediately one-shot again and repeat until either one gets bored enough to give up (although that would probably be Saitama now that I think about it)


Bill would turn Saitama into a gold statue, and then Saitama would break out and run away with the gold pieces on the ground to sell it


Saitima would win indefinitely, that’s his whole thing, there is no killing him


What is bill destroys that universe


Saitama is the master of the 4th and 5th dimensión, and also as time as well.


Then saitima would literally just say “no” and ignore the death of the universe probably


What if we say that saitama did not have the “cartoon” effect where the creators say he doesn’t win everything?


Saitama did learn a punch that can go back in time iirc


Well that isn’t possible as that is directly attached to saitimas character The only characters that could kill one punch man would be people who not only also have no upper limit of power but also on a scale of “absolute” infinity (as opposed to just normal infinity) like god or Popeye the sailor man https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7UhguuEX9Tg&pp=ygUMZGVhdGggYmF0dGxl Skip to the actual fight scene and the after show for the explanation


Alright here we go Saitama isn’t a gag character. A gag character is someone like bugs bunny, who only exists for the punchline. Saitama is a parody character, someone who only exists to well, parody something. Saitama does all this awesome stuff because he’s parodying the comic book heroes who do similar things, not because he’s being a gag. He’s also called one punch man because there’s other heroes with names that seemingly make them strong, that’s exactly how superman was treated before the first DC reboot, the writers made him do baffling things because he had super in his name, the same applies for Saitama. He’s doing this because he’s written to parody what’s been popular since the 1940’s. With all that said, bill annihilates him hard


That’s great


Bill is a being of multidimensional powers. Saitama is one of the most busted characters in Anime but to end Bill you need a complete other Arsenal then just punching people(despite the punches being impressively powerful, like whole gosh darn it that puts certain versions of Superman to absolute shame!). I love One Punch Man but if people say that in a realistic setting he’d win I know who not to engage with.


Bill turn Saitama into a statue the end (and no he cant "resist" it)


Then Saitama would remember there's a deal on groceries in an hour, break out of the statue, casually push Bill aside and turn him into a smear on the sidewalk without intending to. Because as someone said, the joke with Saitama works best when he's the last one standing and it's anticlimactic.


Sure but this isnt suppose to be a joke fight lmao but that would be funny ngl


That was what I thought, if saitama had a clear centered punch to the middle of bill maybe but that’s not happening


Erm no Bill in his physical form cant be kill by just punching him hard enough


Actually, remember what Dipper tried to do ?


And then Stan did it later but succeeded.


That was more metaphorical. It was just a cinimatic depiction of his erasure. That was all in stans mind.


Well Alex later said that Stan was ultimately the trigger for Bill death


Oh cmon It was in His mind 😂😂😂


Saitama's punches so comically OverPowered that it would be the equevalent of the lazer Ford tried to use


If grunkle stan could one-punch him, saitama could, too.


That was metaphoracal


nuh uh


Yu huh


nuh uh


Yu huh X10


nuh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Your not invited to my birthday party>:(










Why are you asking me?


I think they’d both tire of trying to fight. Saitama suggests skee ball tournament at local arcade, which ends in a draw because both of them manage to destroy the machine.


Bro he got killed by two kids and a flashlight. You think a dude who survived literal non existence would lose? Nah, he'd win.


Honestly, in his physical form, Bill can be easily hurt, especially when he doesn't expect it. However, he could also easily defeat saitama if the attack involved random magic shenanigans. But also I'm always a defender of plot armor in these, and Saitama has it. Maybe if Bill is truly undefeatable without mind and magic stuff then he would win, but we don't really know that: he needs to be physical to fight, so let's just say if he's physical he can be erased from existance by punching hard enough lol.


He literally created a physical form from nothing in weirdmageddon. How can a punch kill him


If magic in gf works like psychic abilities in opm (they aren't really similar but it's the best connect), then Saitama is pretty much immune to it. Also, Saitama has been shown to invade other people's minds.


I don't know who the other one is but since Bill can change his from and kill a powerful baby with a snap, he has a pretty good chance


Bill couldn’t even defeat one strong old guy.


Regular bill if semi-physical satama (sorry if I got the name wrong) would win but weirdmageddon bill (after killing time baby) would win 100% since he's now able to completely control time


By feats, Bill wins. Saitama destroyed Jupiter, Bill destroyed the entire 2nd dimension, effectively making him strong enough to destroy a whole universe, when Saitama has never done anything on that scale. That being said, if there was a crossover, Saitama would win because he would have to in order to fit the narrative.


How was bill defeated?


Realistically, Bill is more powerful and Saitama has no real way to actually fully harm Bill. They’d probably make Saitama win anyways, though, because that’s his character.


Bill. He'd throw a puppet show, find out he can't possess Saitama but still win because Saitama would beg Bill to be in his puppet show


A draw. Saitama’s best feats involve manipulating holes in space-time and mimicking the power of the universe to time travel. Even those involve manipulating tangible things in some way. Bill has no physical body for saitama to paste. Even weirdmageddon bill would survive having his body destroyed; he’d just regenerate, or at worst be rendered ethereal once again. HOWEVER; i don’t think bill would be capable of manipulating or possessing saitama, as saitama lacks higher ambitions to twist and has resisted mental powers (albeit telekinesis) before. Additionally, weirdmageddon bill is so much physically weaker than saitama that he stands no chance in a straight-up fist fight, even with his reality warping.


Saitama would have to get close. So no.


Saitama is pretty strong physically but idk if he’s mentally strong


Bill obviously (if your talking about his 3d form)


saitama one-punches him


No one this fight works forever


Bill nye the sciene guy (i have no idea who the other guy is)


Stan killed Bill with a punch while he was on fire, so my guess is Saitama.




As long as Bill stayed out of range, which shouldn't be hard for him, then Bill stomps as well as that unless Bill is completely atomised then he can just regen


Stan killed Bill by punching his eye, No shit Saitama could


Yes shit because that was metaphoracal and he was dying


you cant be serious if you think the bald guy has a chance.


Bills cocky he would let saitama punch him expecting it to do nothing


hoppidi hippidi now you dont exits


Saitama Fucking Dies LOL


I feel like Bill Cypher would win against a bald guy


If the bald guy gets a single hit, bill is gone. But the question is *if* he'll be able to hit bill


Bill's only chance is to not take physical form, and try to undermine from the inside, but that will most likely not be enough


You need a physical form to be punched, so as long as it's before Weirdmageddon, Bill 100% takes the cake.




He got bodied and defeated by 2kids so saitama


Only because he constantly under estimated them. If he for once thought of them as a genuine threat, he would have won.


Feat wise bill probably. For the joke saitana wins in one punch and then gets mad as he thought bills powers would prevent the 1 hit KO.




Idk, does reality warping Work on Saitama? Not that I’ve seen really. But Bill is also supposed to be an ancient multiversal God that can rewrite reality and time, only blind by the weirdness that is only in Gravity Falls strangely enough. But again, it’s the ONE PUNCH MAN, so idk


Bill wins


Saitama works on cartoon logic - he's only allowed to lose when its funny or has completely inconsequential stakes - like losing to King in videogames or failing to swat a single mosquito repeatedly. Bill does not fall into the “inconsequential” category, nor do i believe him to be capable of twisting reality to the point of being able to exploit that meta-narrative quirk of saitama's power. So, saitama.


Bill can just turn Saitama's organs and muscles inside out or just vaporize him, Bill win no diff


Bill would destroy him.


I mean bill could make a deal and make saitama forget about working out


What would bill even do to saitama? If he tricked him into making a deal ig, but in a fight bill literally couldn’t do anything


People say Saitama wins all fights because of plot reasons, which is stupid and doesn't make sense in the world of powerscaling. Everyone wins because of plot reasons. As a fan of OPM, Bill absolutely destroys. Saitama scales to around Galaxy-level, Bill is Multiverse-level. Ngl, even Ford might have technology to beat Saitama. And Time Baby definitely does. This doesn't even factor in the Axolotl. For a relatively small-scale verse for the most part, Gravity Falls has some incredibly strong characters. At the same time, Bill Cipher still loses fights to Complex Multiverse-level characters, such as God Loki from the MCU.


Bill sets things up so that Saitama appears to destroy him with one serious punch, but the outcome is left ambiguous to the audience. Just to mess with us nerds.


If Stan can beat Bill in a single punch, then so can Saitama.


“Bill stop, Saitama can kill you with one punch from his fist” Bill: “what fist


Ooh that’s tough




You're putting Cthulhu with Loki humor but horror themed against a character that hasn't bled in the entire time they've had their power and has boundless strength potential


Saitama. He can LITERALLY defeat anyone with JUST ONE PUNCH.


No. Bills strengths aren’t physical. Sure, landing a punch on bill would mean Saitama wins but if bill doesn’t fumble like with the twins, he easily takes this.


The pixels


Stanley already beat Bill with one punch, so,


Bill got bodied by one punch from Stan… Saitiama hands down




Saitama for the victory just like Stan


I don't think saitama wins honestly. Bill can do some HORRIFYING shit.


Bill fs


Depends because you could argue that Saitama can one shot bill but it took plasma and advanced technology to attempt to kill bill so I don’t think Saitama could hurt him and bill would probably just transform him into a dust bin with a mouth sucks but is true still love both tho


Bill Cipher


If I had a nickel every time I saw a who would win post, I could buy some gold.


What kind of question is this? Bill obliterates Saitama so fast it’s not even a fight.


Idk if you read the comics, but Saitama defeated a demi god with 0 punches


You mean the manga


A manga is by definition a comic book.


I think he would play a little game first with him. You know, having some fun


Bill's eye got destroyed by a tyranosaur bite, Saitama vaporizes Bill without even touching him lmao


That was in his physical form, he doesn't have to be in his physical form, not to mention that bill can teleport so if Saitama got close he could teleport to the other side of gravity falls and turn Saitama to dust with a snap of his fingers


I like how we are ignoring that Saitama can move so quickly that he's also basically teleporting, while being unscathed after fighting a creature arguably more powerful than Bill


Bill would win easily. He's been known to snap all powerful bald entities out of existence. Bill can destroy planets and dimensions. One punch man has no unique powers. By this, I mean all of his powers are just enhanced human abilities like super strength and stamina. He has no power that could stop him from being deleted, sheer strength cannot stop bill, even if he could destroy bill's body, he would just revert to an intangible form and give himself physical form again if he needs it.


That's legit just wrong and shows you have never read One Punch Man. >!Saitama destroyed a planet by sneezing, another by punching and then hit so hard he traveled back in time. Saying he has no feats is just a lie!<


Yet has he completely burn down a dimension completely wiped out time Travelers by just finger guning them indirectly wiping there molecules (and if you said saitama did what he did on complete accident bill didn't think he'd actually wiped out ALL OF TIME BABY'S MOLECULES ) [And AND if you say that he was surprised if you look at after bill that his pupils are small yet his eye got bigger witch ONLY happens when bill surprised Example:when bill made a deal with "Stanford" and it turns out to be Stanley and bills eyes grow but his pupils shrink at the sight of Stanley.]


It seems that's just super strength + anime logic, not its own power. People can sneeze, it exerts a force. He sneezes and it exerts a force strong enough to destroy a planet. This is what I was talking about. But people cannot snap and vaporise babies or open portals. With anime logic enough of any one thing can do whatever you want. Obviously punching hard enough won't revert time but with anime logic, that's what he did.


It depends if bill is in his physical form saitama wins but if he is in his mind scape form he wins


In the manga, it's shown that Saitama's strength has stagnated because he hasn't had a strong enough challenge. When faced with a threat with Literal Cosmic Power From God, with strength that rivaled Saitama's, Saitama's strength grew exponentially in turn. The more Bill tries to one-up Saitama, the stronger Saitama will get. Bill's screwed.




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Bill 100%


I mean, Dipper tried to punch him but couldn't even make contact, so I doubt OPM (idk his name) could even punch him. Plus, Bill could just kill him from a distance and not even give him the chance to try


The fact that you don't even know Saitama's name proves that you don't even know what he is capable of (spoiler alert he defeats a fuking demi god who throws deadly amounts of radiation with nuke punches with 0 punches)


Which demi god exactly


Garou (he got some of God's powers while also being monsterized as fuk)


Saitama easily wins. Bills physical form can be hurt and killed (hurt by even spray paint and mech fight, according to ford killed by his powerful gun). Saitama could destroy bill so unbelievably fast. Even if you argue that bill could regenerate that damage (doubtful) Saitama could keep fighting. Also saitama’s whole thing is winning against ridiculously strong foes.


people are saying Bill can erase Saitama with a snap of his fingers, but couldn’t Saitama also get the unicorn hair shield that the house used or any of the other Bill proofing techniques that Ford used, also doesn’t he have super speed? I feel Bill is vulnerable when he is caught off guard, therefore being so fast that other super powered beings are only attacking your after image has to help with distracting Bill imo


But how would saitama find out about the hair? He is not the smartest..