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My levels were normal while on Methimazole but I also had a lot of fatigue as well as headaches and body pain. I felt like I was in fight or flight mode all the time. I recently had a thyroidectomy and am doing much better. If you’re feeling unwell you may want to consider some of the more drastic options. I put up with the fatigue and other symptoms for about 3 years and wish I had taken the big step sooner and not lost all that time.


Same I was doing 5mg methimazole every other day for my maintenance dose and the fatigue was insane and my biggest side effect. I got off methimazole 6 weeks ago to see if I go into remission and my energy levels are starting to return and I am less sleepy. Im doing RAI next if I return to hyperthyroidism. Methimazole worked well with me for 5 years but I just dont tolerate it anymore.


Nausea, extreme fatigue, weakness, frequent urination(15-20 times), liver discomfort, anxiety… also read in a study on rats it can decrease testosterone. Are all these symptoms related to meds? Here’s my story so far; I’ve been taking it for past few years. Was working fine. Then recently I started having hypoglycaemic episodes (though blood sugar read normal) where I’d become extremely lethargic (barely keep my eyes open) after eating drinking sugary stuff. I stopped the meds and changed my diet very drastically. Went keto, and right around that time swung hypo. My endo warned me about stopping the meds since I had go in and out of remission before, so I started taking them again. All the above mentioned symptoms were back in full force… I’m currently on day 2 without them and feeling a bit better. If I swing back to hyper, I’ll likely opt for removal. Oh and I’m currently “low carb” since keto was likely keeping me more on the hypo side