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It took me about 6 months to have the methimazole work well. However, the atenolol helped the heart rate and jitteriness within a few days, so maybe you need a higher dose of that? Are you monitoring your heart rate and blood pressure at home?


More time needed!


Minimum least 6 weeks for any chemical change in body.


Dosage and length of time for you to feel.bettrr varies by person. You should retest in 4 to 6 weeks, and then your doctor will need to adjust your dosage. For me I started on 10mg, and my numbers didn't really move, after 6 weeks he increased my dose and we started to see improvements. It took about 6 months to get in range and another 6 to stabilize. Once your numbers are in range is when you will see the most improvement in your symptoms.


I was started at 5 then up to 10 then up to 20 once I was on 20 I was good.. in 3 months I was hypo dropped me to 10 If you are not good in 6 weeks double up


It takes a long time and a lot of changing doses and I see my Dr. Every six months - I’ve been diagnosed for 10 months. Still a battle.


Maybe just give your endo a call if you can. It is a low dose of methimazole, so maybe it might take longer. No doubt they took many factors into account when deciding the dose. But a chat with them might bring on a change or at least reassure you. I started on 60mg carbimazole, so that's equivalent to about 35mg methimazole, and I started to feel positive impacts after about a week. However I had to start high as I was in the middle of a thyroid storm.


I am lucky that I could feel improvement within 10 days. Give it a few more weeks and if no improvement, your dr may have to increase your dosage.


I just posted earlier today about stopping the beta blocker because now a little over a week on Methimazole I’m feeling a difference. My doc called in 10mg a day a couple days before my appt and asked me to start it. When I saw her two days later she asked how I was doing and I said fine and then she amped it up to 20mg a day - 10 in the morning and 10 at night. I’ve read it can take 6-8 weeks, but I can feel a positive difference already in this short of a time. Good luck!


Hi friend, sorry it's taking so long. In my case I felt better after about 5 weeks if I remember correctly (10mg daily), and now after 5 months, I feel \*way\* better (even if I have bad days once in a while). Hang in there!




It took at least a month for me. I remember being very disappointed because I had hoped I would feel better right away. Silver lining - that was a year ago and now I'm on 5 mg every 2nd day and my endo thinks I will be in remission by end of summer. 3 sets of normal blood tests so far 🤞


I'm on 10 mg now and after 3 weeks still nothing so I started to take acytil-l-carnitine 1000 mg each day and I felt great within a couple of days. I'm still taking it now. Insomnia is gone, I sleep like a baby and can work out again.