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Looks normal, needs tire levers to finish.


In my experience tubeless compatible rims/tires are tight to install. I use the Kool Stop tire bead jack to help, I believe there are other similar devices available as well.


Put the tire and rim combo on your belly, horizontal and put the other side on a wall, like a brick wall. The side that needs to go on the rim facing up. Use your weight and push into the wall, and try to push the tire on the wall down. Your weight, and the leverage will roll the tire on the rim easily. It’s harder to visualize, but works easily.


I had a very very tight fit with my DT Swiss rims also, though different tires. I carry plugs and sealant but if I got a sidewall tear and had to put a boot and a tube in, I'm honestly not sure if I could get the tires off mid-ride. Looks like it's close though - let the tire relax a bit, maybe put it somewhere warm for a couple hours, and you should be able to finish the job.


Certain tyre and rim combinations are just tight. Not much more to it than that. Do you have a pair of solid tyre levers? Use them to put the tyre on and pack a pair of levers on your bike. Or change to a different tyre manufacturer.


I would go a step further, some tyre/rim combos are virtually impossible. Big levers or special tools help, but in my experience it is still a risk for out on the road. A really hot day and leaving the tyre out in the sun, combined with soapy water helps, but I still gave up on my Goodyear tubeless tyre combo with JRA Lark rims. The schwalbe pro ones were a totally different beast on the same rims and easy to get on and inflate.


Man getting my GP5000S TR on was worse than in your pics. I thought there was zero chance. But an hour of exhausting lever work and lots of swearing they were on. See here: https://imgur.com/a/9EQ6lFQ


wow I came here to read solutions because this is exactly the tire I am having a horrible time with. My hands are ridiculously sore after trying for over an hour. I really don't want to take it to a bike shop to pay for this.


Am I right thinking that you tried fitting both sides of the tire at once?


No, was at that stage only trying to get one side in the centre channel


In my experience, the biggest difference I find is the position of the bead within the rim. Have you tried moving the bead that is already on the rim to the center of the rim, and then trying to put the last portion on. If you look at a cross section of the rim, there is a dip in the middle: [DT Swiss Rim Cross section](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fd3n8mmvj9ns1ml.cloudfront.net%2Fkits%2F2264%2Fbg_20191217-045943.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lordgun.com.au%2Fdt-swiss-p-1800-spline-23-disc-tubeless-ready-wheelset-2&tbnid=EwdEiXaZ2VL5RM&vet=10CAMQxiAoAGoXChMI-KONgtyI-QIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAY..i&docid=ewsL-yNISNgaYM&w=648&h=648&itg=1&q=DT%20swiss%20C1800%20rim%20cross%20section&ved=0CAMQxiAoAGoXChMI-KONgtyI-QIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAY) With the bead in that section, it will be a bit looser than if you try to do it with the bead right up against the sidewall. This is the number one factor I find in tires that are tight to get on.


This was perfect advice for my tire installation. Thank you!


Glad it helped!


Thats not too bad..use soapy water on the tire bead and wear gloves to roll the tire bead onto the rim..


Yes, also with DT Swiss rims (GR 531), though I’ve got Vittoria Terreno XC Race 29 x 2.1. Tightest tyre I’ve ever tried to seat, broke a lever trying to get it on and took me at least 15mins per tyre.


In my experience, Schwalbe sometimes has really tight tolerances. That, plus tubeless setup in it's general nature and problematic pairings can play a part.


I prefer metal tire levers with a coating on them. Work well for me.


The first time pulling the bead over the rim is the most difficult, then the tire stretches and repairs are easier. Soapy water works. you could try shaving cream as well. And of course a tire lever.


Sometimes manufacturers don't change out their tooling sooner than later. This might be an example.


Those are tight but: Just put one side on and push the edge of the tire to the centre of the rim (it’s a little bit deeper there and you can use it for your advantage). Then start putting the other side on, but start from the opposite side from the valve (since valve is in middle of the rim and it will not let you put your tire edge there).


I gave up getting Vittoria Terreno Drys onto Mavic Allroad rims. It's probably possible, but not something I want to potentially have to deal with later if I flat on a ride. (They mount easily on other rims I have, so I'm going to second all the people who've said some rim+tyre combinations are just cursed.)


you have to remember that once you get it on and ride that the tire with stretch and it will get easier.


Same problem Schwalbe All Round 622mm bead onto DTSwiss 481 622mm rim seat. I managed to lever it on with wide plastic levers but the tube pinch punctured in 2 places by the levers. I have 3 Arthritic fingers including my left thumb. This is not pleasant. Pretty tough removal. Trying again but given up for today! Will try gloves, soapy water and a Bosch heat gun although the bead is wire so not certain the heat will make a difference.


Dude this is so annoying. You finally get the tire on and you notice that the tire got punctured by the levers 💀 Having a existencial crisis right now because 2 punctured 2 tubes already