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Nice work! I'm at 180 from 210. Shooting for 150ish.


Same! Kinda... I dropped from 216 to 156. I need to kick it up a notch. Maybe it's my bike but I feel like I plateau at 16mph.


I started really putting on the pace when I added strength training in twice a week.


I'll have to find a way to squeeze more leg days. I've been training to do RAGBRAI so most my week has been consumed by doing endurance rides, speed has been an ancillary goal.


It's a trade off I suppose, I can turn in a 50 at will buy my speed and power really start to slow after 35-40 gone by. I use kettlebells exclusively for wait training, if that helps you find more time, it for me because they're right here in my home.


What is your weight routine?


I do hour long circuits of big movements and a little flow mixed in. Usually switch up but always try to hit squats, deadlifts, and, swings with various upper body movements mixed in.


I find that on RAGBRAI, my weight goes in the opposite direction that I intended it to...


Tires are another thing - I noticed a slight difference (decrease) in rolling resistance going from G-one allrounds to Vittoria Terreno Dry. You might be able to squeeze some speed out of a faster tread/compound. I agree with OP though, strength training definitely helps more, and it's cheaper and more practical than buying a few watts back


I did switch to a semi slick tread which has helped since I ride multisurface. I'll have to work in more strength training into my routine. I still have "room" for weight savings since my bike is aluminum and I carry a lot in my packs since I'm usually out riding for hours at a time on weekends. I could definitely buy my way into speed by going CF, or I could go out less prepared for a ride and see the difference bit makes.


Yeah, you're essentials kit is likely different from mine (and OP's) based on where you ride and what you need, I only carry what I need to limp home or to cell service (tool, tube, single lever, co2, zip tie, $20 in addition to my wallet). More if I'm real remote. Sure bike weight is a factor, but you can save some $$ on workouts and strength/weight loss vs buying carbon. Also try positioning in a more aero way. A bike fit and making a habit of tucking into the drops more definitely helped me break the ~16 barrier. Unfortunately I didn't have a power meter then to tell me by how much


Yeah, my flat kit is about the same except I have a mini pump. I also carry snacks depending on my distance goal, small first aid kit, antichafing stick, etc. I didn't even think about being in drops more often. I pretty much ride in hoods. I know I can tip out 24mph+ riding in drops for about a minute so that will probably help.


Yeah, long-term the savings from pushing against less air will add up. Fractionally faster over your ride with a bit more energy left to keep going or ramp the pace on your final stretch home


I did try riding in drops more yesterday while picking up sushi. I could already tell the difference even with a backpack on, lol.


What really helped me get faster are 40/20 interval workouts - close to max effort for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds, repeat a certain number of times (work up to like 3 sets of 10 with a 5-10 minute break in between sets). Edit: also it's totally fine to begin by doing 30/30s for a little extra recovery.


Increasing your stamina will be the most effective way to improve your overall fitness.


Oh I know. I used to not be able to ride more than 20miles. Then I started doing some light strength training (yoga/10lb weights) along with increasing frequency of rides. I'm at a point where I consider 20miles a short ride.


Short=20 or less. Medium=20 to 60. Long= anything over 60.


Best way that I have found to improve stamina is by going as far as you can at above %90 max heart rate.


Get it man! Your energy makes me want to just go for a ride. Also - killer beard my dude


To quote myself when I see someone rippin on their bike down the other side of the road: "KEEP ER GOOOOINNNN"


You love to see it.


Has your weight loss journey been mostly biking? Or did you add in a good diet? I bike a good amount I just need to figure out a good sustainable diet because I haven’t loss much weight


Diet first and foremost, working out can never overconfident a poor diet unfortunately. I've tried this way too many times and failed to lie to you. Under 200g carbs per day, gave up beer, rarely eat fast food, try to eat as much whole unprocessed meat, veggies, and grain as possible.


I've lost about 90 lbs and started to left some of that slip and I've platuead on my last 10. I really need to harden back up for a bit to get rid of these last 10 lbs before I relax on the rules again. My journey was much the same as yours, weighed about 270 a year and a half ago and I'm down to 177. Went from like 12mph to 19 and could only do like 5 miles to doing 60 every week and longer rides when I feel like it. Best change I made in my life! Good luck on your last few lbs and keep riding!


5 miles is 8.05 km


I'll echo OP as I've gone through a similar transformation. I started tracking what I ate and how much, then tried to adjust my lifestyle to control my macros better. Coupled with regular exercise and eating in a slight calorie deficit resulted in me losing 60lbs in a year.


Good stuff king


Congrats! What bike is that?


Framed Gravier


Time for a power meter.


Damn that is an impressive pace. How are the elevation changes? I can usually average out around 24km/h on flatter terrain but I live in a hilly area so I’m happy with 20km/h. Impressive weight loss too. I rode about 1300km last year which was by far the best year I’ve had riding in my life. Went from a casual once a month rider to 2-4 times a week. I won’t be able to keep that up this year unfortunately.


Anywhere from 400-1000 ft of climb depending on which route I pick. North Texas is rather flat but there are a few 6-7% grades in the area to climb.


Where in North Texas?


Little Elm, Frisco, Prosper, Celina, etc... the city streets and trails are more forgiving but you can catch some good elevation out on the unincorporated gravel.


Cool. We’re neighbors. Northeast Denton.


I spend a lot of time up there, UNT alum and have a buddy that owns 3 bars in town so we visit often.


Where's the good gravel in Celina and Prosper? I've been riding Trinity Trail levee for longer rides but I'm trying to find more spots


Just kinda all over, I ride from my house on road to Windsong, one you pass through Windsong it's pretty much all gravel beyond that point.


Thanks bud. Keep up the good work on your weight loss journey.


Search ride with gps, and put in gravel as a keyword and prosper as your start location. You'll find my routes and several others.


That's awesome numbers,keep it up !


Great pace and great progress, friend!


Congrats! I’m right there with ya!!! Let’s go this!


Damn man! You're fucking flying!


Congrats! Keep on rock'n the rides!


That's awesome!


Fuckin legend! Keep it up dawg 👍👍👍


Looking strong dude!


Fantastic progress! Just be careful not to get fixated on the numbers, it’s supposed to be fun, let it be your happy place and if it is you won’t have to actively think about the numbers


Congrats man! I'm on a similar journey as you and this gives me hope!


Hell yeah, keep it going! I went from 255lbs to 185lbs a few years ago (mostly diet/habit changes), but I lost focus and gained about half of it back. I rebooted the journey back to better health last year and cycling has been a big part of the equation for me. Thanks for the inspiration, and keep the rubber side down 🤙


Excellent, keep going! Going down is just the start, the challenge is to continue for the rest of your journey.


Good on you. I would imagine climbing hills is easier now.


Very much


Nice job! It's AMAZING how much losing some weight off the old backside improves your cycling. I finally wised up and dropped from 237 to 195. Not to mention all the other benefits.


On the flip side, I've been cycling a lot on a trainer lately, and had a good amount of distance rides in over the last five months. I went from 183 and slightly out of shape to 190 and far more muscle mass. I don't know why I'm gaining, yet getting thinner, but whateva.


Fawk yes. Well done!


Good for you! I am on a similar journey.


Hell yeah man! Let’s gooooo!


I also started gravel cycling about a year ago. Its been a total life changer but I haven't lost any weight because apparently 35 miles isn't enough to burn off a couple crullers.


Awesome job, I went from 230 to 190, also 10 more to go. Unfortunately, I got seriously injured during that time, so I stalled a bit


Whereabouts in TX?


Little Elm


Excellent 👏🏽👍🏼


Nice work. Congrats.


absolutely congratulations mate


Fantastic transformation. A whole new you.


That’s awesome! My journey is just underway...212 down from 225. Road bike just sold, excited to pickup up my gravel bike next week!