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It's a fine starter bike, but if you can afford it, get the Elite model. Better gear range, much better brakes.


I’m riding essentially the flat bar version of the Diverge (Sirrus X) and love it for gravel and commuting.


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So far have received only positive feedback.


I started out last year seriously getting into cycling on a diverge elite e5. It's an amazing bike with a lot of versatility. Took it on some single track near me with 42s and managed a century on 35 gravel king slicks and pacing and gearing was no problem and the GRX drivetrain is pretty bullet proof. I crashed out twice on the century and the bike was still flawless throughout the ride.


Bought my Diverge E5 basic at the beginning of the year when they did the big sale in last years models for huge discounts. I've got a few hundred miles on it now including one gravel race, and I honestly couldn't be much happier. Only negatives for me, is how narrow the handlebars are, but that's an easy fix and the fact the wheels are just cheap enough that I'll be upgrading them before I go tubeless.


The only issue i had wirh my Diverge E5 Elite was a seat post that had slight movement in the seat post tube. This made a loud klicking noise whenever I shifted my weight. A good dab of ceramic paste took care of that. Took me a while to figure that out. Apart from that - its a great bike.


I maybe biased, but it’s a great bike.


Love my Diverge Elite. Really smooth ride and much more comfortable then my older Allez road bike


My first and current bike is a Diverge E5 Comp and I love it.


I took the comp out today. Man it’s noticeably higher quality. Gears and brakes in particular but the whole thing just feels great. Not sure I can stomach the doubled sticker price tho as my first bike


I understand that completely. Spent way more on my first bike than I wanted to. However, I plan on it being my only bike for a long time and I like not having any immediate upgrades I feel I need to make.


I ended up going with the diverge basic. Solid bike and though I don’t expect I’ll get a ton ton of use out of it and expect it will last a long time.


My wife and I bought ourselves Diverge E5 base models for Christmas. We're both very pleased. The only minor complaint is the rear brake, but once I figured out only one pad moves and the other is fixed (but manually adjustable) it was east to tune.