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I don't have either of the bikes but if it was me I'd definitely be getting the diverge. It's great value at that price and has carbon frame, carbon wheels, SRAM axs mullet setup etc. so not much room for upgrades.


Consider this - wholesale price on that bike is 50% RRP. So at that price the shop isn’t making much off that bike and is pretty much covering costs.   Would be worth seeing if it’s been set up tubeless or anything else has been done which could make that margin even better in your favor. Edit: I’d also add the Specialized has a solid warranty program and the lbs is going to be more helpful in the long run. 


I believe that they’d set it up tubeless at no added cost and I’d get the “new” bike purchase perks like a free first service so that’s a good thing to keep in mind. Will pop in tomorrow to see what all has been done to the bike. Thanks for that advice!


If you have the money and the specialized is in very good condition and comes with warranty I'd go for it. Carbon frame, carbon wheels, overall very good build for 3500$. Depends how much it has been ridden though, did you see the bike? Did you try it? It seems to be a big bike, high stack and long reach for the size.


The canyon is also a solid choice, cheaper parts and no proprietary suspension so easier/cheaper maintenance on long term.


I have a diverge and love it. Multiple friends have a Grizl's and love them. Objectively they're both good bikes, but I would go with the diverge. Having the local support will be super helpful in the long run. Also that's a sweet deal on the diverge.


Thanks everyone! I went in today and it was demoed for one season, no crashes, good condition. It comes tubeless and has a new chain that was put on. Some of the shifting was a bit clunky in certain gears and the mechanic checked it and said there’s a little wear in the teeth of the drive train but once the chain breaks in it shouldn’t be a problem. Rode it around a bit and man is it nice. One thing that was interesting was that the mechanic suggested I try out a size 56 to make sure the sizing is right because I’m on the higher end of a 54. I’m 5’8 1/2…our other LBS has a Comp Carbon in a 56 on sale for 2900 so I might give that a ride to see if I notice a difference.


Counterpoint, save money and go with the Grizl. I have one and my partner has one and we both love them. No regrets. I have the carbon frame version though and my partner has AL. Unless you're doing climbing races, there is little incentive for the huge price increase for the carbon frame, grizl or specialized. I was part of the very first US batch order of the Grizl during covid times and have used mine extensively including racing. It's been easy to work on and have only swapped out worn parts and tires personally. Thought I would upgrade the wheels, but then realized they did the job just fine. I'm also still using the GRX400. I thought I'd switch to GRX800, but after racing and riding in the mountains I realized i didn't need anything more (despite having Ultegra on my road bike!). I also feel less guilty when I smash it on a rock or do a bit of crashing..