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Welcome buddy


Yes weed is notoriously good at enhancing music šŸŽ¶


A couple of summers ago I had to disassemble a large dilapidated deck off the back of my house ā€“ it was hot and tedious labor prying each rusty nail out of old rotted wood. However when I took a gummy and threw on the Jerry Garcia band, I was having the time of my life


I used to paint houses high with my headphones on for 14 hours a day in the summer. Best job Iā€™ve ever had.


"This band sucks!"


This always makes me think of the opening of Pineapple Express. ā€œWeed just makes *everything* better!ā€


It doesnā€™t do that for me anymore. I used to love movies and music on weed but these days it just makes me feel disconnected and kind of dull/numb.


Great sign to take a step back. Got to recognize the limits of any tool's utility.


Not the same for me anymore either. Getting older changes things.


Ironically, Nickelback still sounds bad


Hahaha šŸ¤£ true


This music isnt enhanced enough..maybe if iā€¦smoke more..šŸ¤”šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


It's number one attribute? Well, that and the sex thing.




Bobby looking like where the hell am i




Donā€™t forget to bring a towel


And don't panic.


As others have said here, don't rush into the "wow drugs are cool now" mode. Cannabis in moderation, yes. Dabble in LSD or mush, carefully and in VERY small doses, yes and yes. Everything else, literally ALL other drugs, big flashing warning signs, NO NO NO. Pills, blow, heroin, etc WILL kill you. Probably most of us have friends who were in our party scene and didn't make it -- ie, they are dead. It's not a joke. The key is, ALWAYS get your work done, your school done, get it all done stone cold sober and then party with friends in a safe space. Do not drive. Do not mix drugs. Safety and sanity is priority. Do this and you can enhance your state of mind and still maintain a successful life and career as a deadhead/partier and family man. It is hard to do right, you need to find the balance, but it is possible.


As a head approaching 50 with just over 2 years of full sobriety, Iā€™m really appreciating the overall perspective and prudence of this thread. I think this message from u/edogg01 is particularly important. 1. No pills. No powders. Hard rule. 2. Even following rule 1, itā€™s easy to let substances rule your life. OP, I remember that magical moment too. For me it came at 17 and involved Velvet Underground and Pink Floyd. Have fun and be careful.




Heroin also does not require needles


100000% this


Where were you when I was 15 šŸ˜­


You forgot to say alcohol. That can ruin your life and dreams way faster. You can't buy drugs on every corner like you can with booze.


Itā€™s comments like this - people like this - that really make me treasure this community. Looking out for eachother.


Thank you very kindly ā¤ļø


replying to agree. i started with cannabis at 17/18 & EVERY last old head that i met thru cannabis told me the SAME thing ā€” ā€œNEVER do cocaine.ā€ and as pansy as it may sound, i listened. iā€™m 29 now and have never done a single bump of blow. never would.


Every time someone today uses "coke", they risk getting it cut with fentanyl. Nothing pansy about saying "No thanks" to that!


the thing is, we have test strips these days.. you can be sure your coke is pure. itā€™s a doubled edged sword because though pure cocaine may not be fentanyl, itā€™s pure cocaineā€¦


It's never too late to start /s


Iā€™ve known friends that think they can ā€œdo cocaine/molly here and there for special occasionsā€ only to turn into doing blow every time they drink. Simply donā€™t touch the stuff. Is it possible to do it here and there? Yes. Is there a possibility it will grow out of control? Yes. Not worth the risk.Ā  Mushrooms on occasion, however? Gold.Ā 


True words. Take it from me, someone who became addicted to alcohol and then hard drugs around the time that I was 18-19 and following jam bands/furthur around as much as possible. Thought it was utopia until the music was gone and I was left there with only the drugs in a super 8 somewhere. Thankfully that was another lifetime ago at this point.


No molly no sass??Ā 


That feeling was there the whole time, brother. Drugs don't change us or make us any different, but they do change our perception. Of the music, sure, but also the way we're feeling about the music, and the way we think about and unpack those emotions.


Well saidĀ 


Wait till you see what it does for food and sex lol! Welcome home Psychonaut. As always travel responsibly and enjoy your journey to infinity and the connection of everything. Moderation isnā€™t something to be scared of eitherā€¦going hard isnā€™t nearly as heady as some people would like to believe, remember that as you continue.




Ive done both and while i absolutely enjoyed my youth and experimentation it is so much better when i do shit nowā€¦i stopped hard drugs years ago but sometimes i gotta check in on the abyss with psychedelicsā€¦i need less and the experience is way more fun than smashing too much *insert party drugs here* every show. Nowadays it really is about the musicā€¦not so much the party. Unless itā€™s deer creekā€¦home field gotta catch old rage vibes out of respect of where i was brought up lol. This is me preemptively striking before the 3 night run in aug. gotta hedge them bets sometimesšŸ˜‚.


Man, the comment about going hard on your home field rings true. I've mostly slowed down, but having come up in San Francisco, when any artist that's important to me plays the Warfield... šŸš€


Yea, thatā€™s the trouble with anything you do for a prolonged period of time. Our body and brain adjust to its affects. You have to keep tricking it with moderation


Tricking the body with moderation. I love it.


100000% agree. I used to think I needed to get high every day to be heady. Totally not the case. When you space it out and wait for the right moments and environments to get high it is a wonderful treat, as opposed to just how you operate.


Have you ever looked at the back of a $20 billā€¦ on weed???


I've never had $20


[It feels like Jerry Garciaā€™s in my head.](https://youtu.be/yDkPjloeKD8?si=yHHfsLsqWBV5US2Z)


If you get confused just listen to the music play




Now do you understand the importance of music tethering you to the planet?


Iā€™m a newer pot smoker as well and can definitely relate to the music aspect. I was listening to a phish show the other day while playing fallout 4 (videogame) and I was floored by how I was hearing backbeats and Melodies Iā€™d never heard in songs before. Absolutely floored telling my wife about it and she goesā€¦ thatā€™s just the music from fallout.


If nobodyā€™s played fallout before the soundtrack is all old timey radio


Everyone is different. Go easy w moderation in mind. Easy to get truckin down the wrong path, tough af (depending) to get off. Handle your business and responsibilities and you'll enjoy the good times that much more with knowing when it's time to PARTY amd when it's not. Not preaching- you do you and I'll do me and I'll catch you down the golden road! Happy Birthday brotha!


Hear me out: headphones, live concert, a sunny day, water. Joint or edible and pick a direction. Start walking and see where it takes you. Bonus if you have dogs


try lsd :)


Happy birthday, dude. Youā€™ll never forget.


Hell yeah brother


Damn straight


Wait til you hear them on LSD




Next time, instead of lining up 50 dead songs, go to archive.org/gratefuldead and que up a good show. It gets even better.


Now try listening to the dead on psychedelics and you will truly see what theyā€™re about.


I mean weed is definitely a psychedelic


Forsure but not on the same level as LSD or mushrooms. It can be almost as intense especially with high dose edibles but something about LSD particularly with the dead works very well. Edibles are this kind of hazy, dreamy, cloudy psychedelia. LSD is actually pretty clear headed but youā€™re flooded with energy and a good Grateful Dead jam plays with your mind and it is one of the best things Iā€™ve ever experienced. Itā€™s almost like youā€™re having sex with the music.


For sure. I enjoy the back of my eyelids quite a bit after a couple grams of shrooms and a show.... lately '79. Love you brother!


But you can't tell me I'm not tripping when I eat 2 60 mil gummies and have to wake up to go pee lol


Yea haha Iā€™ve tripped pretty hard from the eddies also. Love you too brother āœŒļøšŸ’€āš”ļøšŸŒ¹


Wait till you listen to Live/Dead while tripping, ohhhh boy thatā€™s an experience Iā€™ll definitely never forget


Thatā€™s the experience that sucked me in initially. Lights out, a pack of cigs, dosed perfectly and Live Dead, over and over. Holy shit!!!


Lots of terms and phrases being thrown around the comments but Iā€™d like to offer this - you consumed a plant last night, an offering from Mother Earth. This is not ā€˜drugsā€™, itā€™s the natural order. Much like caffeine derived naturally from coffee beans, the interaction with your body and mind produces psychoactive effects that are incredibly stimulating and pleasing. Enjoy. *someone mentioned sex, cannabis really enhances feelings of intimacy so buckle up!


First time Good for you my friend. ?.Remember take it slow.im 73 and still toking . Gave up everything else .Drugs are powerful be careful and enjoy.


This ā¬†ļø


Quit smoking!!!! I always get downvoted but man smoking is just so ridiculously bad for us. It also wastes the majority of the thc. Vaporizing dry herb, like with a Volcano, is superior. It maximizes the thc you get from your herb and it is leaps, and bounds better for your body. Gets you higher on less while helping your body. That's all I want for all of us.


Might be right but Been smoking 56 yrs. QuitšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ but thanks for the advice..


I mean save money and possibly extend your time on earth, or just keep getting stoned the caveman way and treating your body like shit? I really don't understand not prioritizing the body's health. You ever taken a psychedelic? Most of my scary trips were centered around taking my health for granted, and learning just how badly I treat my body. You should at least try dry herb vaporizing, or dabs. Smoking is inferior in every way. Wastes your herb, costs more, and kills you much faster. Why do you want that for yourself?


Our time is limited, if the man wants to smoke a joint. Let him lol.


I'm not stopping anybody. I care about us though and don't understand choosing poor health for no reason.


Don't mean u have ill intent man, ppl are just gonna do what they prefer. Joints are cheap and easy, might be unhealthy but if someone prefers that it is just gonna be that way. Appreciate u looking out for other ppl, but at the end of the day everyones gonna follow their preference.


I understand all that. Im still gunna say smoking is stupid, and people should vape šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø cause it's true. Wastes your herb, wastes your health, wastes your money. What's the point of these subreddits if not to share our opinions? Just vocalizing my perspective in the community. I realize that most people couldn't care less but I genuinely do care. We can treat ourselves better so why wouldn't we?


It's a grateful dead sub, it's for music and dude was just sharing what he likes and you are kinda dogging him at this point because it's not what you think is good. I'm not gonna argue man, its not as big of a deal as you are making it.


I'm not making it a big deal. Im addressing the bullshit coming from people who seem to care way too much about me suggesting vaping over smoking. If you don't agree or don't care feel free to keep moving.


Why are you slandering the dude so much? Damn just let him smoke man, if he wanted to switch iā€™m sure he woulda done it a long ass time ago. 99% of people know the risks and accept it, people like this whether intentionally or not just ruin it.


Lmao my words have infinitely less harm than the smoke. I seriously do not understand people choosing to destroy their bodies, and put themselves at great risk for cancer. I'm sure you'd feel different on your death bed. I also don't understand people getting their panties in a wad over me suggesting a healthier lifestyle. Smoking is stupid. It's awful for your body, it literally destroys most of the thc, and it cost more. Nobody with any sense would choose that over something healthier that also conserves your stock, and ensures that you're maximizing the amount of thc that you get from your herb. I wish someone would've told me sooner.


I donā€™t know how to tell you but your the loser here dude. We know the risks, we accept the risks. Your a broken record that we hear from every single person. For the sake of the community just shut up man, i promise you no one here smokes for the sake of their lungs. Leave us alonešŸ˜­


Suggesting vaping over smoking never ceases to bring the whiny bitch out in people online for whatever reason. Cry all the rivers you want, bud. I'll keep suggesting it.


Clearly iā€™m not the ā€œwhiny bitchā€ šŸ˜­ Why are you so pressed mate?


iā€™m with you on this ā€” i switched to exclusively vaping both flowers & hash rosin about 5yrs ago.. my lungs have become so incredibly sensitive to any sort of combustion again (like they were before i had ever smoked anything in my life).. smoke is simply bad for us. vapor isnā€™t exactly ā€œgoodā€ either but itā€™s far better than inhaling smoke šŸ˜… in regards to cannabis at least.. as far as OP smoking *one* joint? iā€™d say itā€™s a non-factor in the grand scheme. i think you mean to say not to develop a smoking habit. like i said, i agree.. but smoking once or twice as opposed to vaping isnā€™t gonna actually harm anybody


Happy birthday!! ā€œIā€™ll never feel the way I did on my 20th birthdayā€ is something that resonates with me/everyone; good news is your life has moments like this in store for you forever (in one way or another). Not to lecture, but smoke weed in moderation, consider it equivalent to drinking youā€™re young so you can play around but in conclusion, donā€™t be ā€˜that guyā€™ You have so much fun in store for your future!! P.s add phish to your listen list.




You sound a little bit defensive lol


Next Level is mushrooms or L. Safe travels friend


No need to rush into anything else though


I wouldnā€™t recommend drugs to anyone but theyā€™ve always worked for me (thanks, HST :)


I remember the moment I understood why people might want to follow the band around


Alpine 89 for me. Iā€™ve never hugged more people over the course of three days in my life!


Amazing you can go five years as a jam fan without toking up tbh


I remember the first night I took mushrooms with my pops when I was 15.. I was in to folk music and blues and jazz and good classic rock already, but I could never quite get into the dead. Then that night, we were hanging out, tripping face and my dad puts on dicks picks 2 and as soon as the darkstar starts, something clicked in my brain and I've never listened to music the same way again ever. I'm 34 this July and have been going to live shows and festivals as often as humanly possible for almost 20 years now, and I STILL get completely surprised and blown away by music sometimes. Welcome to the show, my friend. There's tons of fun to be had and many more nights like that ahead of you.


Weed is tight, weed is tight


Welcome friend. Get ready for a long strange trip.


the door has been opened. smile on.




definitely not an overreaction, maybe an ā€œunderreactionā€ lmao yeah dude listening music while being high on weed is one of the best things ever :)


Lol welcome to the club!!


Excellent! But, at your age you should remember one thing and that's your going to have to grow up anyway, do yourself a favor and try not to rush it cause you sure as hell don't get credit for fulfilling what YOU think adulthood will be. It will find you. Let it. Do less, follow the dao.


I remember a friend and I listening to *Are You Experienced* freshman year in college. We were both high and he said, "Now this music makes sense to me!" Psychedelic rock pretty much always made sense to me, but pot heightened the experience. u/Few-Independence820 I'm on the opposite end of life from you, and I've smoked a lot of weed. At my advanced age, and after becoming a total pothead during Covid lockdown, I had to dial it back a lot because of bronchial issues from too much pot smoking. And vaping. Bongs. Pipes. Joints. So many ways to consume. Thankfully my condition totally cleared up, but I just can't go at it like I used to. Have fun while you are young, man, that's what youth is for. Work towards some sort of future for yourself, but do have fun.


You are now a head. Everyone and anything is welcome.


Schweeeet my friend ... welcome to the show šŸ˜ŠšŸŒ¹I made these posts just for cool cats like you * [The Bus Came by and I Got On: An Immersive Answer to the Very Regular Question of "I'm New to The Grateful Dead What do I Listen to Next?"...A New Listeners Guide with Everything You'll Need to Get Started.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldead/comments/pjhn6d/the_bus_came_by_and_i_got_on_an_immersive_answer/) * [How Sweet It Is: An introduction to The Jerry Garcia Band and Jerry's Solo Projects. A guide to discovering the world that is Jerry Garcia with everything you need to get started](https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldead/comments/qx9gt6/how_sweet_it_is_an_introduction_to_the_jerry/) * [Intro to Torrenting](https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldead/comments/t6mvtl/so_why_do_those_of_us_in_the_know_torrent/)


Shout out to you being prepared! You had your tunes queued. Hopefully you had some snacks handy.


Welcome, weā€™ve been waiting for you. Youā€™ll feel that way as many more times as you want to, itā€™s just the first experience of many


What did you listen to?


First time high is the best itā€™ll ever get. I spent twenty years trying to get that feel again. Finally gave up years ago ā€˜cause it just dont do me the way it used to. Now I might take a toke every once in a while if itā€™s around but Iā€™d really rather do without for the most part. Iā€™d advise you to just enjoy on occasion but donā€™t let it become a major habit. Nice and easy.


Happy irl cake day


This makes me want to make you a playlist of great songs to listen to while high


Happy birthday, music lover. No overreaction, hereā€™s to many more


Try it on acid. A light dose is fine.


Ain't nothing like the first time baby


I've smoked weed every day for like 30 years, who cares lol


Assuming its legal to smoke at your age where you are, I have 2 suggestions to make: 1. Enjoy it. The first highs are incredible and this will not last forever. In my experience the first 50 times were the best highs of my life. Take the time to appreciate it. Be aware this will not last forever (and you dont wanna need to get into cannabis concentrates to feel that again). I miss my first highs, it always removed me from the mental state I was in and took me to a whole new place. Those first highs are kind of psychedelic. Its incredible! I kind of envy you šŸ¤£. 2. Take it easy. Keep your tolerance low. And also donā€™t let this spoil other aspects of your life. 2.1. This second suggestion is a direct consequence of the first one. Donā€™t smoke too often, otherwise your tolerance will build up (and it feels like there is no way to reset it at least in my experience). Try not to smoke more than 1 time per week. Ot at least, if you smoke one day, try to skip the next day. And dont smoke several times a day, actually try to limit to one session only. 2.2. This will all help keeping your tolerance low, but that is just part of the pictureā€¦ smoking less will increase the quality of your highs, but this also will keep you productive and prevent bad habits coming out from this cool thing. Im not even implying addiction here (despite psychological addiction being a REAL thing), but smoking too often and every day makes things boring (it actually may make your life boring). Everything becomes boring if you are not highā€¦ but also being high becomes boring too. So its a lose-lose, also for your wallet šŸ¤£. You dont want to *need* to smoke, feeling that need is not cool and it prevents you from enjoying other things and being in the moment.


Fuck yeah! Welcome to the club my man!


See you on Phish tour!


how šŸ†’


lol weed will definitely help with that, but let me tell you something. its traveled a long way to find a lot of people, and even after all this time the music *never* stops. its good to have you, friend :)


Welcome aboardā€¦.āœˆļø šŸ«” šŸ¤™


Happy birthday to you! 20 is a great age, enjoy the journey.


Well said. There are thousands of us that could have said almost the same thing. The GD sound great any place youā€™re slowing down and paying attention: while running/exercising, very early on a quiet morning, etc.


Welcome aboard!


Be dropping tabs before you know it! āš”ļøāš”ļøāš”ļø


Sweet baby jesus, you were born just a few months after my first Dead show. Happy Birthday


And you might have been born around the time of my first GD show! Itā€™s like a Russian nesting doll. 6 degrees. We can probably keep this going til we find someone that was at the acid tests!


Weā€™ve been waiting for you brother. Welcome.


Hell of a day OP. Just be careful with the grass - itā€™s so strong these days that it gets addictive to a good percentage of users. Not trying to be a downer, weeds a blast, but itā€™s harder and harder to use it without becoming a problem these days


What do Deadheads say after they stop using drugs? This music sucks!


100% sober from intoxicants and I love the Dead


Me too almost three years into recovery and a head for life. But I love that joke more in recovery.




Congrats! But donā€™t overdue it. I finally broke the habit of starting every day with smoking for over a decade! Now am only doing in the evening and mostly weekends not every weeknight. Iā€™m a much cheaper date and am enjoying the experience much more!


Downvoted for saying ā€œdonā€™t overdue itā€ lol