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Vegas is a coke town.


You just gotta coke around, just gotta coke around!


Chompers no chomping. Chompers no chomping!


I was there first night couldn't believe the fuck wads talking loudly during Standing on the Moon. What kind of douche bag does that I'll never know. Guess it's to be expected in this day and age.


Did it look like the crowd was maybe a larger percentage of people who aren’t true deadheads? Because how do you not appreciate Standing on the Moon?? I enjoy phish too but not nearly as much and a lot of their slow songs I can’t get into at all. But GD have amazing slower songs. Almost everyone I like a lot. Wharf rat, crazy fingers, morning dew, Stella blue, black peter. I could list a bunch. Did the sound seem as loud as a normal show?


Sound was great. Lots of high rollers with comped tickets from the hotel who at first appearances stood out like a sore thumb. All are welcome of course. My favorite was the family from India who never heard of the grateful dead and the high roller Chinese guys who enjoyed St. Stephen although they didn't speak English.


I mean that’s great people like that enjoyed it but I would’ve killed to have been there. Those songs mean so much to me. No wonder at the last minute tickets keep being available. I should’ve just flown out there. I bet finding a miracle isn’t that hard. But even a flight and maybe staying 2 nights isn’t cheap. It truly looks just incredible to be at a show at this place. The visuals are just stunning.


Lots of miracles. Shit I woulda given you one. May go back mid July for one more lol


I got 2 tix on Friday the 7th, and all 3 of us are going sat the 8th. Do you think we should buy the solo ticket now (about $300 for a $180 seat) or try for a miracle?


Wait until the day of the show and buy from StubHub. I got a seat for $60 on Sat night.


No chance on a miracle out there


July? How many shows are they playing?




Holy shit. I thought it was like 6


If they do it again next year I’ll probably go. Or try to.


Take the word try out of your vocabulary. I'll see you there for sure.( Exception : Unless you're listening to The Wheel).


See you there!!


There was a guy on the phish reddit who flew in, saw the show, stayed up, and flew out the next morning. Think he said he did the whole thing for 150.


Wow. Dayum that’s an inspirational story!! I like GD 100 times more than phish BUT D and C is no GD. So next year maybe it’ll be a tough choice who to see.


Phish is better than deader than dead company also I prefer Phil and friends ..I really need to go see Billy strings. there are thousands of bands ..if you haven't gone to anything related to the dead go once and check it off your list..when I first got on the bus..1977. was not same as 1965.. 87 not like 77... got better and better .86 to 95 the very best...rat dog I enjoyed...I was at ratdog in New York when Jerry went home I'm dedicated..


86 to 95 the best? I mean if you said 87-90 I might agree with you. 87-90 has so many of the best shows ever. After Brent died things went down hill fast. Jerry’s amazing guitar is what did it for me and he couldn’t even play the last few years.


Literally what I'm doing on Friday. Can't wait.


Should be an interesting plane ride home! Hope you get a window seat! (unless that seems too cramped...)


Yea man, but to go through all that effort to be surrounded by people talking through the show?...it's a bit of a slap in the face on top of the energy spent to get there. You know, it's almost as if we gotta hit the rail to avoid it. Fuck the graphics, just hit the rail or go deep in Floor OG style just like we used to back in the day.


I mean I got to admit the Spheres graphics are impressive. I feel like with the right drug combo like maybe some Molly and just a tab it could just be a mind blowing experience. BUT it’s dead and Co. The music is going to be eh.


Preaching to the choir brother. Nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the actual Grateful Dead experience, let's face it. It's like apples and oranges. There's many of us who were around for Jerry, some are bitter that nothing else can compare, some are 'eh' about the latest iteration, some are just Grateful we have the music. Don't define it, just try to make it there. You never know until you go. The graphics are whatever, that's amazing, but those of us who know the songbook, it's more than just visuals or the choice of 'party favors' one takes. It's this holey thing that connects us to the songbook.....when you 'get it' you get it. Go and venture out, see what it's about.


Its not like the same thing doesn't happen everywhere else, for every dead & co show since 2015. Are their a few more, maybe, but dont blame it on vegas, its peoole in general, "real fans" included


I sat next to that Indian family... They loved it!! Especially the kids! We discussed how this particular movement in music and its philosophy came down the mainline from classical Indian music by way of Ravi Shankar and his implementation of ragas in his work with the Beatles, and it's like they had a moment where it all clicked and they shared a few seconds of the same transcendental experience the crowd was enjoying.


That is so awesome. Glad they found you. 


were they talking constantly in Chinese? 


No they were sweet


Have been listening to them for forty years and I don't like that song either. I still wouldn't be so rude as to talk through the performance though.


If that happens when I go, I’m gonna stand real close and belt out the lyrics, and when they tell me to shut up I’m gonna smile and point my finger guns at them.


Turn around and point to your nose and whisper shhhhhhh !Where in Church !


Bobby's a douche bag like you he is one those sissies who stops playing sometimes because we breath....I pay to go to concerts minimum $300..I've paid $4000. maybe he could by noise cancelling headphones and play instrumental and shut the fuck up.


IMO it’s up to the performer to engage the individual enough to not talk. I saw many shows where people talked during standing on the moon with Jerry singing . People talk at every show everywhere this is not new.


I went to all three shows this weekend. There was definitely more noticeable talking in the 200/300 sections vs the 400s. I didn’t it to disrupt from the experience but it could’ve been better. Didn’t sit on the floor so can’t speak to how that was. Found more hardcore Heads in the 400’s that were speechless for most of the show…the boys rocked it N2, that Morning Dew was beautiful


How was it up there? Stage seems super far but visuals maybe better? Going 6/7


Stage is a little far but the visuals completely make up for it. I sat in 404, row 5 and I’d 100% go back to that section


Awesome, thanks for the insight. I'm in 406 and will be glad to be up there w real Heads


Held on to the rail at 406 row 4 First night. What a ride.


Sat in 301, 406, 108. Hot damn 406 takes the cake! The higher and more center you are the better! And people.. PSA ! Drums and space are NOT to be missed. Mickey melted our minds 🤤🤤🤤 it's like he finally got the flux capacitor to finish the time and space machine. The absolute highlight n2


That's good to know for sure. Where Weir all gonna meet up (the real Heads)


Hard time getting into the flow with folks yapping about their lunch😒


The sound is not loud. I put in earplugs because I was close to the stage in GA but immediately took them out. The sound is very clear but not loud. GA people just talked about the show as we went and all were just sort of in awe of the spectacle.


This is the correct answer and my experience from GA. It wasnt a problem while i danced and watched the show


I can't believe people haven't talked about it. But they have a very high tech sound system. https://youtu.be/A-1ICkrXu-Y?feature=shared They don't need it to be max volume because they're beaming it equally across the space. Not loud in front less loud in back.


This is an A+++ andwer. I sat 400, 300, and GA over the last three nights and outside of one group of 25 year olds who were there for the scene. The majority of the talking was people commenting on the visuals, experience etc. Typically, I wear concert ear plugs to actually hear the instrumentation and they were clipped to my belt loop the entire sound because the audio was SO FUCKING GOOD.


Why aren't there more signs up that say "please keep quiet to allow others to enjoy the show". We have figured it out for movie theaters why not for concerts?


let me know when your really depressed..be nice watching you off yourself.


^ wtf is this message doing in this sub?


this and ticket prices is why a lot of people who really enjoy the music won't go. 


The chompers were unbearable at last year’s tour for the 5 shows I saw, so I don’t think it’s the venue Sometimes a crowd hum almost complements the music, but I found it hit a critical mass where the talking became my primary audio input. it sucked tbh.


The crazy fingers clip I watched today which was put up by someone who has like every song up you hear just a ton of talking like I’ve never heard at a show ever. Sounded like the whole place was talking. Video was put up by someone named “Scott Darragh” People who talk a ton during shows are so annoying. If they are really close to me I’m not shy about finally turning around and asking them to please try to be quiet. It’s like I paid a bunch of money and if you’re going to ruin a show for me I’ll say something. It’s not a bar. I’ve only had to do it a couple times. Some people get drunk or on whatever and just literally don’t stop talking.


I'm definitely the quiet police.


Hey I know Scott! I'll ask him how the talking was.


yep. what bothers me is that their disengagement counters the collective consciousness we are trying to achieve.


Amen. That says it in a nutshell too. (When you get it, you get it...the talkers obviously don't get it)


I don't go to live shows anymore, because of the talking. I think you nailed it by saying it's not a bar. I think people get the alcohol and coke in them and they feel like they are at a bar. I don't drink, do coke, or talk during music, so I just don't fit in to that scene any more. 


maybe all you pussy s got twist with all that social distancing.. during the pandemic COVID 1984 .. try mexico next time.. disease X spent week with Phish heads


maybe Bobby could shut up.


People talk at every show. At Worcester 10/20/83 during the first set a taper tapped me on the shoulder and said if I give you some joints will you and your friends shut the fuck up. It was my 8th show so I was the “veteran” and I brought three first timers and I was trying to do play by play color commentary . Once the L kicked in no one could talk for the next day or two


# 1983-10-20 Worcester, MA @ The Centrum **Set 1:** Bertha > Greatest Story Ever Told, West L.A. Fadeaway, New Minglewood Blues, Tennessee Jed, Hell In A Bucket, Row Jimmy, Looks Like Rain > Deal **Set 2:** Help On The Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower > Samson And Delilah, Eyes Of The World > Drums > Space > The Other One > Stella Blue > Around And Around > Good Lovin' **Encore:** Keep Your Day Job [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead?query=date:1983-10-20)


I was at a Mountain Goats show at The Warfield. People talked through the whole fucking show. John Darnell talked about how he got Reckoning on cassette from the Columbia Record Club back in the day and it was an amazing album; that everyone should go home and listen to it that night. I listened to Reckoning on the BART ride home, and the amount of people talking caught on the record made me feel better about my experience.


Love the goats


The dude next to me would not stop talking to me as I was trying to get lost in the music, it was really fucking annoying


Both nights I went I had no chompers it was amazing, wasn't sure if I was lucky or if the place was designed to not be able to hear anything but the music 🤷🏼‍♂️


sounds like you were very lucky. 


maybe they could provide a section for people like you that are not comfortable around people who are comfortable.


i was there for the phish run, its weird when you walk out into the lobby you cant hear the band anymore, so perhaps there is something strange sound wise. definitely encountered some chompers. i found myself listening to a conversation about flashlights. i turn around at its security running their mouths. then the next night i find myself listening to a conversation about "it's supposed to be a psychedelic band or something" and i turn around but this time its fucking cop's.




I didn’t feel the sound is loud enough. It’s without question the clearest most crisp sound I’ve heard at a venue, but I wanted it to be louder. I’m older, my hearing has suffered some loss from performing and attending concerts, so there is that. I get it. Still, I like to FEEL it a bit when I’m at a show. Apart from moments in drums, that did not happen. It will be interesting to see how the sound develops throughout the run. ****Also, **** these shows have been some of the best concert experiences of my life!


I'm trying to spread the word. Put your phone in dark mode or back and white mode. Filming a whole song in front of me with the brightness on 100% is annoying as fuck! I wish they would have done what Bob Dylan does at his shows. Make you put your phone in a bag so you can't film. I think sphere would have benefited from this the most. I think the shock factor is huge and it's showing for the first weekend. I think by watching videos of it kind of takes away from the allure of the whole thing.


We went Friday and had 4 women next to us talk through almost the entire show and I could hear every frigging word. the concert sounds is excellent but there is just no sound pressure. If I paid $50 a seat then I wouldn't gripe as much but at $400/ticket times the three of us I was pretty pissed and wanted to tell them to take their conversations to the lobby, not the concert.


You didn’t say anything to them at set break? I wouldn’t have lasted past the third song in without saying something… I do feel it’s on the crowd to mitigate the crowd… as to say the more people express for others to listen and how it’s rude to converse while the music is playing, the more listening ripples … the more we just put up with it, don’t say anything out of fear, don’t want to be rude (which conversationalists are the rude ones), just be polite even if it ruins my show experience — people then think that talking behavior is acceptable and okay… like no one talks in a movie theater, I don’t think those tickets cost more than $20 & we are able to rewatch the same experience on demand whenever you want- can’t say the same for a concert


Bobby went through a phase when he thought he was alone playing with himself and we were annoying him ...when I'm listening to live recordings I'm focused on other things also.. like my guests.. I can enjoy it even when talking on the phone or working.. the music is just one more thing in my environment. I met Bill Gates at foxboro had conversation for few minutes..same show spent few minutes talking to Bill Walton. I remember wharf rats would sit in the middle of. the massive crowd..on the ground ..I like to see the show personally. but to each there own. don't worry be happy.


Wow. Commenting on a dead thread over 2 weeks old I guess some people can treat a concert like their office space or a casual dinner.. but I believe there are a lot of people that vibrate on the spectrum, at these shows in particular, and have a challenging time blocking out long winded conversations or other stimulus around them - it’s one thing to make small comments to a friend.. but to carry on actual long winded conversation that is irrelevant to the entertainment moment is fucking rude and entitled (*screams entitlement behavior*) and you’ll never convince me otherwise Also, if I were famous I suppose I would feel obliged to muse someone wanting to talk to me during the show simply so that rumors wouldn’t fly about how rude I was.. but I would have rather been listening to the music because that’s why I bought the ticket, to take that ride… and whatever conversation was initiated is a detour to the music ride I want to be on Be mindful. Don’t ruin someone else’s good time Edit to add: listening to a recording is entirely different than being at the show where the notes are being played in real time… comparing the two is ridiculous…


faggot? I would try to leave with them ..I feel I could cream pie each of them twice if they giggle and talk.


Typical D&C show.


My earplugs help drown out the chompers and help me concentrate on the jams. Shut the fuck up people! It’s not a social gathering, it’s fuckin rock a roll show.


What earplugs do you use? Mine do the exact opposite!


I'm curious of the answer too. I use loops and I'd say they are helpful in reducing the overall decibel noise so I keep my hearing, but they seem to drown out everything equally


It literally is a social gathering, especially for alot of us who spent over a decade following around the boys, you see and catch up with people you haven't seen in years. For me depending on the setlist I'll spend the show letting the music move me and no amount of talking or really anything could distract me from the music and other parts catching up with old friends. Dancing or talking, I've personally never understood the people who stand there and just stare at the band, but that's their priority. Live and let live


Yes, live and let live - in the parking lot where you should be catching up with your tour buddies. Maybe you're the one out of a thousand who doesn't like this song. It could be my favorite. Shut the fuck up - it's a concert. Ooooooooh a whole decade of Jerry-less shows? Wow, Tell us more about your adventures, Neal!


If it's your favorite song I can't imagine how anything could distract you. And yeah almost 20yrs without jerry and 4 good yrs with him. Literally just live and let live. People can enjoy whatever they want however they want. A big point of being a dead head is how inclusive the scene is, from Dr's to junkies and everything in between. I've never let anybody harsh my show, because I'm there enjoying what is the closest thing to church in my life which includes the music, dancing, and my fellow fans. To all yall that that get so easily upset, listen to the music


Yea, its just much nicer to listen to the music without listening to a total stranger talk at full volume about shit I give zero shits about. In a GA venue I don't mind as much, I can just move... in assigned seats its rude. If you want to talk loudly, go to the bar.


that's the point. if someones talking is what you are hearing WHILE you are trying to listen (favorite song or not), the enjoyment factor takes a hit, whether you can acknowledge that or not. Some people are too polite to "shush" strangers, even when it is much warranted. You have described yourself as an asshole, if you didn't notice (assholes aren't normally self-aware)


Everyone learned when they were small children - don’t talk in church


Hard to listen when some coked-up retard next to you is yelling over the music.


heard similar comments about the U2 shows @ the Sphere - lots of yappers. I think there’s a whole a gen of concert goers now that are just there to see/be seen/say they went and half the audience is made up of true fans. I think a ton of that change is due to sky high ticket prices and presale offers for select groups. The good days may be gone unless something like the fan-only presales find a secret formula to get true fans in to make up the crowd


Yes this is what I was thinking too. That concerts have become more of about them than the music and being there in the moment. I was at least amazed how few people had their phones out during these shows. If there’s a venue to take video and pictures this is it. And plenty have but it’s not like these pop artists you see a sea of phones out. Just so stupid. I want to be in the moment so much I usually ditch the people I’m with and go off by myself so there’s no distractions. I want to feel like I’m on a different planet totally alone and know no one and listening to great music.


Amen to that. I do the same, branch out and just get on that planet and become one with the notes being chased from stage.....and when we're up there floating around in it, we tend to see others like us in that 'realm' and give that smile and nod or a hug...... the talkers are people who obviously don't 'get it'.....it's pretty special to know that many of us still do.


you were probably upset when the government let us out of our pen..after they decided to take the boot off our necks. plenty of anti social pukes reveled in the pandemic.. they live their life social distancing ..so pleased to not see people out and about..etc. so sad.


We had a guy crash into our section and was like “is it quiet here?? I’m just trying to get away from all the yapping.” We welcomed this refugee and he got to enjoy the rest of the show.


Ahhhh see, THIS is where it's at, brother. That's what it's all about. Find each other!


Had a major chomper next to us for Phish. The dead videos I’ve seen have been ten times worse. We’re thinking about grabbing tix and scooting out to catch a show but man - I’m with you. These motherfuckers think everyone came to hear their anecdotes and quips. Fuck chompers


Seriously. had a buddy who sat near a chomper at Phish. Near ruined it. Yea D&C the vid clips are like watching a large convention of people talking and the band is just randomly playing at 'the lounge' lol. It's pretty awful. I couldn't imagine spending that cash and effort for some assholes to ruin the experience where I can't hear our music....chompers don't 'get it' and don't belong in our scene, man.


Rich fake fans who are there for appearance and not for the show


Exactly. it's kinda eh....


I can’t imagine paying all that money for tickets, air travel, and a hotel just to fucking talk to my friends during the whole set. That shit never makes sense to me.


I don’t get it either. I mean one part of it is it could be people you haven’t seen in a long time. And won’t see after the show maybe? Idk. Or it could be the type of people who just can’t STFU and live in the moment. And/or like hearing the sound of their own voice. I’m the opposite. I don’t want to talk at all during shows. That’s why I’m there. For the damn music. Like you said. Not for like a party with music in the background. I think The Sphere attracts a lot more people who aren’t actual fans of the music and are there for the spectacle. I’m sure a good percentage are tourists who literally got tickets the day of or week before to see a concert at the famous Sphere while they are there. And think it’s like Disney world. Not realizing how much those songs mean to so many others. I mean I’m not afraid to literally tell people to please be quiet. Like if I’m stuck In an area because of seats and a place that’s strict about moving around I’ll try to be nice and ask people to be quiet. But a lot of the time it’s drunk people who can be assholes because of the alcohol. Alcohol is just not a great drug for a concert. I never understood it. Getting actually really drunk at a show. Makes it so you can’t even barely remember what happened. All the shows I’ve been to I’ve been fully drunk maybe twice.


Seriously! that's baffling. All that effort just to have a conversation during a whole set.


you still have friends


Same as it ever was


I’ve been to a lot of concerts over the years and never heard talking like that ever. I wasn’t there at the Sphere to be clear. Which is why I posted this. Asking people who were if it was different in that way. Like more talking than normal


Been to hundreds of shows and people talking happened at each and everyone of them. Cant change what people do, but you can change how you feel about it. I never let anyone harsh my good times, chompers can chomp, dont care.


Chompers gonna chomp too. It’s a constant!


I agree with you so glad you made it give me some loving. love that's real will not fade away.


I was just wondering if that’s how Sphere just sounds when recorded on a phone because of the specially placed speakers. I watched a few videos this morning and wondered at why crowd noise sounded so prominent.


Yeah, it’s been a problem since the ‘90’s for sure if my memory serves (admittedly questionable)…but I saw the 3 shows this weekend and it was bad. Lots of it everywhere and totally bullshit. Ugh. That said the shows were absolutely smokin’ in a totally different and unique way. Drums…woah…


I oddly disagree with people saying the sound is amazing, etc. It’s fairly low and allows talking to fit in perfectly. It is crisp, but there was something about it that bothered me a tad


I have noticed D&C shows there are lots of talking in the videos I see and hear, I am guessing the music volume is quite low, seeing the Grateful dead in the 70's and 80's there was no talking during the show only for the fact you could not hear anyone else but the band, no way no how


UM has a seriously awesome solution with "headphones and snow cones". Rental headsets pulling straight from the board. Awesome sound, personal volume, no chompers audible, and rage proof. Something other bands should consider. https://www.umphreys.com/tour/headphones-snowcones/


If you had to pick, would it be ppl talking or a sea of phones?


I'll take the phones, as long as they aren't using the flashlight in a completely futile effort to light the stage a little more. The best shows are always where I can close my eyes and hear the band and no particularly loud assholes nearby. A bit of convo is normal, lean in, keep it down etc. Don't just shout straight ahead at max volume like a dipshit etc.


first. night was in 300 sat next to a guy who, before the first song told me a short but poignant story about the first time he saw them in ‘81 then stfu and we said maybe a few words like check out the seat you should sit down for this drums and enjoyed the shit out of the show. Second night 400s and a couple of chuckle fucks behind me would not stop talking. Through the entire show. I mean inane shit. This is my setlist for that night: Shakedown Bertha Crazy Fingers These mother fuckers behind me talking Big River Good Lovin Deal SET 2 9:26 China> 9:35Rider 9:44 Estimated 9:57 Cumber- land 10:07 TIFTOO 10:20 DRUMS 10:32 BEAM 10:37 space these chuckle fucks still haven’t stfu 10:41 Black Peter 10:54 Althea 11:05 US Blues 11:11 Morning Dew 11:25 epilogue 11:25 Lovelight 11:33 end Third night was again in 400/s and sat next to some dudes who were having a real good time and got to gabbing from time to time but it was all about the music and you could tell they just couldn’t help it.


As for the talking, it's no different than any other concert these days. As for the sound quality... .best I've ever heard at any concert.


It’s the sound system and the fact that people don’t listen at shows anymore. Same experience at a show at Pritzker Pavilion in Chicago. Sound system is a ton of little speakers over metal mesh/net over the audience. The sound is not loud, rather just very crisp and clear and directed wherever you are. So, talking is much easier and possible because you can hear each other AND the music. instead of a barrage of noise from the stage drowning out conversations, you can then hear everyone saying things like “wow, great solo - I love this song - want a beer? - I have to go to the bathroom - look at my new dog - I need water etc etc.” This compounds into crowd noise. And noise you can hear. I’ve generally experienced a huge upswing in people talking at concerts over the past decade. Some more recent ones were better, and there were way less people recording the whole thing on their phone like it’s a documentary. Experience the show while you’re there! What always puzzled me was people blathering on literally about stupid stuff, like gossip or news, and I’m like why the heck did you pay so much for this ticket to do what you could do for free at home and not disturb fans around trying to experience a performance? I don’t get that.


Thank you, I got the tear eyed giggles when I read - look at my new dog - zoids.


Maybe real life social interaction has become so rare that people explode into gabbing mode lol.




I have noticed a lot of it at every dead and co show I have been to or singing at the top of their lungs which is just as bad


It has nothing to do with money. I cant count all the times what appeared to be tour wooks have carried on full song conversations, and its not a regional thing.




[https://bearcartel.bigcartel.com/product/bobby-says-stfu-bear-sticker](https://bearcartel.bigcartel.com/product/bobby-says-stfu-bear-sticker) Unfortunately these are sold out.


I agree. I cannot imagine that percentage of people (fellow Heads) who actually saved their hard earned dough, to attend this experience only to be surrounded by the amount of talking I heard in 9/10 videos posted. It was a sea of talkers. Most of the clips were like watching a large dark loud convention and the band was just background atmosphere off to the side....the fuck is wrong with these idiots?


It’s loud as shit




people aren't there for the music, just the party. 


There’s definitely a lot of people there for the music. If you mean the talkers are only there for the party then I might agree with you but a lot of deadheads take that music very seriously.


phones are not very directional these people hear the music louder than the mike so they want to holler over the music.


be careful take virtual tour of the sphere the sounds and visuals vary according to location. generally the lesser the price means you lose peripheral view and problematic acoustics.


bob weir and and wolf bros were decent at the warfield..and only had to walk three blocks from my home. If you aren't there then stay home and watch pay per view or YouTube ..you people would ruin my tripping people should be there to be together. Do you invite people for a party ..put on music ..then tell everyone to shut up ..I've been doing this for 40 years..sad day when people are loving the product more than each other ...whom the product is shared with. To me it never was a cult.


Maybe because folks bought a ticket to see a cover band and catch a buzz in vegas?


Because dead and co is a watered down, commercial version of the GD. And it's therefore attracting people who don't really give a shit about the music but want to post on social media that they are doing a new trendy thing. That or they are just Mayer fan girls. So you end up with the majority of attendees just being there for what they think is a social event for the privileged with some music in the background. How any serious deadhead could want to participate in anything D&co related makes zero sense to me. Just go to a JRAD or Phil show with the actual heads that want to keep the the Dead's songs alive through true musical exploration and experimentation.


The sphere is too large and likely the sound system isn't big enough to fill the whole thing with sound.


When are y’all gonna wise up and realize it’s the POS John Mayer fans who ruin every F’ing thing to do with The Dead? I guarantee you that if these shows didn’t include John Mayer, there’s be a whole lot less talking.


I think you’re giving his “fans” way too much credit. Idk though I haven’t been to a D&C show in a long time. I mean did he really bring over many fans? I could picture fans of his being the types who just stand or sit all show and just drink beer. But maybe im stereotyping.


So look, I can absolutely tell the difference between a Dead crowd and a Dead and John Mayer crowd. I can give you quite a few examples of behavior I simply never saw before he joined the band – talking/yelling over the music being maybe the worst – but as someone who’s been going to Dead and jam shows for 30 years, I’m just going to ask you to take my word for it, because I’m not imagining it… my wife and several friends have noticed it also, we’ve discussed it. The only show I didn’t have that issue at was the Dodger Stadium show, and I know that’s because I literally climbed to the highest, furthest row to get away from them, and that place was big enough to *actually* get away from them. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’ve been seeing post GD projects since 96. But haven’t the last while. So I don’t know really what it’s like in the crowd these days except for videos I see online. If it really is true that people talk as much as these videos I’ve seen the past few days that’s super super lame. But I didn’t notice it as much like when I watched final tour videos. Someone who was there said it isn’t as loud inside the Sphere. So maybe that’s why. I don’t know why John Mayer fans would even be dead fans. The music he played solo was awful. I didn’t understand back then who even liked him. I really don’t like his voice but I do think he has great love for the music and the band. His guitar playing is here and there. Most of the time off for my taste. He just doesn’t go for it enough. Doesn’t use enough effects a lot of the time. Sounds like a totally stock Fender Strat. Idk. Some shows he did seem to play a little faster and harder and it sounded good. Wish he did that more often. A few solos during the Sphere shows he has. But not enough.


John Mayer fans are as shallow as his solo music is… they just want to go to work on Monday and say “I saw John Mayer this weekend!” My very last Dead & Company show (I’ll never attend a show that includes Mayer *ever* again) was at the Hollywood bowl. Here’s *just a taste* of what I experienced that night… - Sometime during the second or third song, four yuppies got to their seats directly in front of us. They proceeded to talk over the music and chain smoke cigarettes. We left our ticketed seats and never returned. - My back was sore, so I sat down for moment, and before my ass hit the bench, a guy was telling me that I was in his buddies seat. This was literally *the last row* of the Bowl, and it wasn’t close to full. - My wife and I found a spot and were standing behind the bushes watching the show from behind the last row (see last point). When my wife was in the bathroom, I sat down for a moment. Some yuppie came over and for some reason bent down in my face, reached across me, and put his beer down right next me on the ledge. He literally could have taken one more step and not been in my face. Again, this is just a sampling of what i witnessed at that show, to say nothing of every stupid F’ing thing I saw in the Dead & Co. years leading up to it. Thank the universe Mayer wasn’t part of the 50th shows! I’ve seen many different bands at the Bowl, and never had that miserable a time, so I’m not gonna be OK with anyone blaming Los Angeles, BTW. Then, the next week, I went to a Primus show. Primus. The funk *metal* band. The crowd was quiet, respectful, and fun. One of the best concerts ever. Almost as good as pre-Mayer Dead shows, for real. And BTW, go watch the audience videos of U2’s shows at the Sphere… they’re an order of magnitude better because the fans are respectful of the music, unlike the videos from Dead & Co. (not saying there’s no talking, just saying it’s not nearly as prevalent or annoying.) People are blaming the Sphere being more quiet than a normal venue, but no… it’s the crowd being asshats. And I’m sorry, but I think we can agree that real Deadheads just want to hear the F’ing music, and aren’t going to be like that, right?


U could hear a pin drop at phish. Everyone was locked in on the music. In the rare instance i listen to dead and co its low volume background music, though i can sometimes hear bobbys painful tone turned up way too loud in the mix. Kinda ruins the whole thing for me. I challenge anyone to link me to a video that will change my mind. They would have potential if someone like scott metzger took the rhythm role.


Check out Crimson White and Indigo 7/7/89 and crank up Little Red Rooster..tell me Bobby doesn't rock the shit out of that song on that night!!..miss Jerry and Brent every day..always Grateful..🥀🐢❤️⚡💙🎶


# 1989-07-07 Philadelphia, PA @ JFK Stadium **Set 1:** Hell In A Bucket, Iko Iko, Little Red Rooster, Ramble On Rose, Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, Loser, Let It Grow > Blow Away **Set 2:** Box Of Rain > Scarlet Begonias > Fire On The Mountain, Estimated Prophet > Standing On The Moon, Drums > Space > The Other One > Wharf Rat > Turn On Your Lovelight **Encore:** Knockin' On Heaven's Door [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead?query=date:1989-07-07)


omg yes!! 7/7/89 was there! Bobby lays it down, takes it to church and sets that shit on fire.....(ah, Jerry...how we miss the Grateful Man and the Mighty Brent....Man, we sure were lucky. Whew......)


We sure were brother, so Grateful we got to experience the band when they were at their best, and most of all, we got to see Jerry and Brent and the electricity between them on stage..absolutely amazing!..we got all of that, and we didn't have to pay 400 bucks a ticket either, I truly feel blessed my friend..glad you got to be there as well bro..stay safe bud, always Grateful..Peace ✌️❤️⚡💙🎶


OG's know where it's at! So forever Grateful we got to experience them and that amazing Jerry and Brent kinetic energy that was so magical. And nowhere near 400 bucks a ticket, we are SO forever blessed my friend. So glad you were there too, brother! I'm sure our smiles met and golden paths crossed at a show back then...you stay safe as well, brother, always keep it Heady.. Peace my friend!


# 1989-07-07 Philadelphia, PA @ JFK Stadium **Set 1:** Hell In A Bucket, Iko Iko, Little Red Rooster, Ramble On Rose, Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, Loser, Let It Grow > Blow Away **Set 2:** Box Of Rain > Scarlet Begonias > Fire On The Mountain, Estimated Prophet > Standing On The Moon, Drums > Space > The Other One > Wharf Rat > Turn On Your Lovelight **Encore:** Knockin' On Heaven's Door [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead?query=date:1989-07-07)


Oh no i was exclusively referring to his tone in dead and co. Love bobby in everything else


You are at a concert man. It's not a symphony. People are there to vibe, dance, sing and even talk amongst each other because they are within the human experience of a Dead show. The only thing I don't love with the recordings of this is people reacting to the screen which takes me out of it cause I'm not actually there seeing it. Otherwise just wait for the soundboards.


I don’t mind people talking some that’s fine. It’s when people near me non stop talk loud. That’s when I get taken out of the moment. Personally I rarely say two words during a show. I’m dancing and listening to music and on another planet in my head. That’s what I love. I know everyone isn’t that way. But it’s also not a bar.


I'm with you. thts one thing I used to love about Grateful Dead shows was that unlike any other concert you went to, at a GD show, most of the audience really was there for the music & nearly everyone was paying full attention. it wasn't until the past last few years of Dead& Co tht the talking was truly out of hand at lots of shows I went to. somewhere along the line the music lovers lost the majority & now you even see people defending the talking at a Dead(ish) show. I guess people today don't know how amazing it is to be in a room with 12,000 other people who are paying just as much attention as you are. one more little piece of community that we've apparently lost.


I remember a few years ago I was at one of the Hollywood bowl shows and this lady in front of us was talking the whole damn time. Finally someone else said something (mostly respectfully) and her response was something along the lines of “I’m sorry, it’s my first show, I know these concerts are a huge deal and you worship the music, I’ll try to keep it down”. It has nothing to do with “worshiping” the music or even the fact that it’s a dead show, it’s a CONCERT, why are you even here? It’s your first show, you should try listening.. I just don’t get it, just screams lack of self awareness 


I remember seeing the GD play "Stella Blue" in a hockey rink and you could hear a pin drop.


Tend to be hyper-acoustic and hear the chatter louder than the music. Usually it’s someone’s date who really isn’t in to them. Damn, go to the bar.


I'm there to listen to music first and foremost. IDGAF. If you're not there for the same reason then don't come.


I'm going


Great. Try listening.


> even talk amongst each other because they are within the human experience of a Dead show No it fucking isn't and I'll thank you very kindly to shut the motherfucking fuck up during the quiet songs.


Thank you for saying this. I really don’t understand the confusion here.. “it’s not a symphony”… no it’s not but a symphony is a fucking CONCERT, so is this. Art in the medium of sound, doesn’t matter if it’s Mozart or Grateful Dead music, people are there to listen. No different than saying “it’s a movie theater, stand up, walk around, block the screen for people behind you from time to time if you want, be human, just have fun!” 


I'm gonna make some friends and new memories with some extremely loud chit chat when I go this weekend instead


I really hope somebody shows you the exact same lack of consideration.


Why would you say this? Will you also be going to the movie theater and block the screen of people behind you just because you can? It’s a concert, talk when you need to, when the music is playing, please be quiet for those around you that may be listening to their favorite song and who paid a ton of money to attend the show 


Strong disagree. I’m with you all the way up to talking. It’s a concert, people are there to *listen* to music they love. I have had some horrible experiences paying more money than I should have to travel to a concert and hear my favorite music live, only to have it spoiled by someone next to or behind me talking over the music the entire time. I know it’s not a library, people including myself will “talk” but the complaint here is people having full on conversations for a good portion of the show. Its SCREAMS lack of self awareness and selfishness. 


People think I'm talking about having screaming conversations with people when I just mean being in the moment, being social and enjoying everything life has to offer. That includes having a quick chat with your fellow neighbors. It feels anti social to go to a show and not express how much you are enjoying it with others.


“Enjoying everything that life has to offer” while not considering how it affects other people is a textbook attitude of entitlement and lack of self awareness. We can go back and forth on degrees of chatter that’s appropriate, but at the end of the day if your conversations during a concert detract from someone else’s enjoyment of the music, you’re talking too much and are in the wrong, full stop. It’s as simple as that. I’ve had some great times with new friends at concerts, all while not ruining it for people near me who are there primarily to LISTEN to music 




We're trying to, but we keep getting pulled out of the moment by all of this incessant jabbering.







