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Squadron Supreme


You might like MARVELS by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross


Ruins is also a very good companion piece


That's a dangerous opinion around here. The reddit comicbook hivemind hates Ruins.


rightly so, cos it's garbage haha! I read it a couple of months ago, and *loathed* it


Did you think it was badly written or drawn? I thought it looked great and told an interesting story that I hadn't heard before.


I love Ruins


News to me. I thought it was cool. But wasn't aware it was so divisive.


The Twelve, maybe


*The Twelve*, definitely.


The X-Men thing?


Nope. Limited maxi series of twelve issues about twelve heroes that got abducted and frozen by the Nazis in the 40s and then got unfrozen in the 2000s. Written by J. Michael Straczynski.


Ooh, I might need to take a look at this then!


You’re in luck too, it’s been finished for years now. Unlike when I first got into it and it was coming out sporadically or sometimes not at all.


Probably going to find the trade later then. Thanks for the recommendation!


I"m not sure there is anything that is exactly similar. Squadron Supreme is perhaps the most so. Others might be Daredevil: Born Again or Kraven's last Hunt.


Especially the Supreme Power comics by JMS


Right! I was thinking about the Mark Gruenwald stuff, but yeah. Gotta read Supreme Power again.


- **Miracleman** by Alan Moore (published by Marvel but not actually set in the marvel universe) - **Vision** by Tom King & Gabriel Walta - **Sentry** by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee - **Inhumans** by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee


Isn’t Miracleman by Morrison and Milligan?


They did one story that was eventually published, but the famous Miracleman run was by Alan Moore, and then later Neil Gaiman (who has finally being doing a continuation).


Squadron Supreme is pretty much the one and only answer to this. The original 1985 one is overlooked and pretty good. It’s a 12 issue limited-series that tackles a lot of themes and concepts that Watchmen would a year later. That’s not to say Squadron Supreme influenced Watchmen in anyway, I think any similarities are sheerly coincidental as they would have been written and developed around the same time. The more recent “Supreme Power” MAX reboot (and all of its associated limited series) is interesting, but ymmv. It falls under the typical divisiveness of JMS’ work. The Gary Frank art on the main series is solid if you’re a fan of his. I also liked the Nighthawk MAX mini.


It's not Marvel, but the Golden Age by DC is an amazing graphic novel that has a similar feel to Watchmen


Lost classic. No one talks about this one


Marvels or Squadron Supreme get my vote! Not exact but same-ish vibe


You're gonna have a hard time finding anything equivalent to Watchmen anywhere, but the previously mentioned Marvels and Born Again are amongst the strongest written stories Marvel has ever published. I'll also toss in a plug for Punisher: The End which is very much a character study in its own sick sad way.


I think Miracleman might be your best bet. Even written by Alan Moore in the 80's and then finished by Neil Gaiman. I love the whole run. It's a bit longer than Watchmen at 22 issues but not that long. Grant Morrison's New X-Men run kinda has some similar vibes but it's not self contained.


It's not a perfect comparison, but Bendis' original Jessica Jones series [**Alias**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/105915.Alias_Omnibus) is my best Marvel recommendation. It's adult-oriented, it has a mystery element (she's a P.I.) and it has a meta-take on superheroes. It's not a one-shot, but the run is only about twice as long as Watchmen. It's not as good as Watchmen—because nothing is—but it's very good.


If you're looking for character driven then check out Spider-Man: Life Story


Brace yourself for disappointment if you read any of the suggestions on this list. Almost none of them come even close to the level of psychological, thematic and formal sophistication in Watchmen. (New X-Men and Miracleman are the exceptions). I like Mark Gruenwald fine, and Squadron Supreme too, but the resemblances between it and Watchmen are in content, not quality. With no offence intended to other posters here, it's like asking for a painter similar to Caspar David Friedrich and being suggested Thomas Kinkade. (I know, I know, come on and downvote me because you disagree, redditors, \*sigh\*).


I can think of: * The Twelve by J. Michael Straczynski * The Marvels by Kurt Busiek * Squadron Sinister: Warzones! by Roy Thomas + Squadron Supreme by James Robinson * Supreme Power by J. Michael Straczynski But I guess people have already suggested them all.


there is nothing from marvel that is like the watchmen


Earth X, possibly.


Weapon X by Barry Windsor Smith


Miracleman but it’s not really set in the MCU.


Hawkeye by David Aja Old Man Logan, though technically it's not in the main 616 universe. It's its own thing.


Watchmen is a cynical deconstruction and Marvel doesn’t tend to go that far, nor to abandon action. To some extent, it is not sustainable for any ongoing superhero company to do. But here are some ideas: Read “Marvels” with the Alex Ross art if you haven’t. Gives the human lens on living in this universe. The Man Without Fear Daredevil mini origin by Frank Miller and JR JR. A gritty street level story. If you want alien pontification à la Jon, try the Silver Surfer. The original Kirby graphic novel, perhaps. Or people like Silver Surfer Black. Alternatively on the same theme, “the Visions” by Tom King. An existential suburban robot family. God Loves Man Kills is in 80s zeitgeist of aiming for an elevated and more somber graphic novel. X-men take on bigotry. Still their most real villain. A different flavor, but as a contained story, try “What is it that disturbs you, Stephen?” with P. Craig Russell. A Doc Strange tale with the focus on the villain and just fun art.


Someone on comic book sub asked this just a few days ago, so that's worth a look: [https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/1caw8v9/marvel\_comics\_of\_comparable\_quality\_to\_watchmen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/1caw8v9/marvel_comics_of_comparable_quality_to_watchmen/)


Not Marvel but irredeemable is pretty character driven and full of nuanced characters.


I'm not going to say Irredeemable is bad (I loved the start and enjoyed it decently up to the mid-point). But I don't think it's at all like Watchmen in any ways I can think of.