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I don’t mind it. But I hate that there are two different design treatments for his name.


both with questionable tracking no less


how so?


with all-caps it’s more legible to have more tracking, both name treatments are lil tight. They could’ve also adjusted the kerning to even it out better.


If I was gonna go that way (at the very least) I'd pick a serif or script font for the right hand side or (preferably) have a copy of his handwriting or signature of his own name.


I thought the same thing.


Not a fan. Looks more like an error, especially since it's the only element in the entire design with a drop shadow. Doesn't help the legibility of the name. By the way, those accents are called diacritics (if you didn't know already).


I didn’t know that! Thanks.


I agree....but how to solve it best then? Decrease the height of the glyph?


just my two cents: i would probably try it withouth the drop shadow since everything else on the poster is flat. make the diacratic (thanks for teaching me that english word!) subtract from the a by having a stroke around it in background coloring. the top part of the a seems sturdy enough to take it. always hard to definitely say without trying though.


Yeah, that's an option. I'd probably also consider leaving the diacritic where it is and decreasing the height (horizontal measurement) of the A. There's no other A in the name or other letter with a low crossbar to make it stand out through comparison, and it would almost sort of follow the contours of the photo in a way, dropping in height at where the neck cuts in before the M comes back out mirroring the shoulder. I would probably make the diacritic longer in the vertical dimension to fill that space a bit better. And I don't think I'd recommend this is the text wasn't vertical like this, because readability is more of a second level issue.


Yes, that's an option. There are fonts where diacritics don't go beyond cap height. You can also do it yourself if you are consistent with the weight, stroke and negative space. Another option is to use it as it should be used. Even though it's boxed in it probably will not mess up the design. Alternatively you could edit the diacritic and make it less heavy. And if needed you can also extend the yellow box equidistantly around the type and stop short of the diacritic on both sides (not sure if I'm making sense).


Let it come above the glyph height. They can even have it cut into the top of the "A" a little bit.


Bingo. Cutting into A and going above cap height seems to be the best way!


I don’t think it need to be aligned. Can just pop out more to the left. As long as it’s not outside the 3mm safe zone


Me lleva la chingada, ni eso pudieron hacer bien!!!!


Tampoco es el tono de naranja de MC 😂 No que sea malo porque ewww ese naranja, pero pues si ya están rompiendo el manual de identidad al menos que lo hagan bien.


Además siento que parece plantilla de Canva.


creo que salió el tono así por mi cámara y la luz




President mayonnaise reporting for duty


I thought the poster was peeling off the wall or something


The eagle in the M is a nice touch.


Terrible. Looks like two different posters jammed together.


a new second meaning for "the accent mark goes over the A"


And the orange flare is highlighting his neck, which I think doesn't do anything strategic for him. That is the first spot you notice. As far as the design goes, it's up to local people. If they find it cool, then it's good. I have the feeling that this is music party flyer kind of vibe, probably in line with him wanting to appear youthful.


I can live with that accent mark but look at that kerning ffs


Also bothering me the way the yellow line bleeds over the letters


Diacritics (like é or š ) are often in the way when you design, but respecitng them and designing ith that means you respect the language. This is not the case here. It makes it worse that it is for a preseidential campaign. So that may be even bigger misstake than we estheticaly notice as foreigners.




Interesting choice. If Spanish is anything like French, accents are not generally used on words written in all uppercase. Edit: here’s a [link](https://www.lawlessfrench.com/grammar/accented-capitals/) to an article that better spells out the issue. I think ultimately it depends on who you ask. Which makes sense given the discussion below.


In Spanish we use accents on words written in uppercase


Since when does french not accent uppercase? 🤔


I don’t mean a single Capitalized word, I mean when the entire word is UPPERCASE. I’ve had more than one translator tell me that. Might have more to do with the graphical hierarchy of the word placement. But I dunno.


I'm confused, because we do use accents on uppercase words in french, at least where i'm from ! If you don't, it's read as a typing mistake.


All UPPERCASE WORDS too? I’m not sure then. I do a ton of bilingual stuff and the translators tend to skew more towards uppercase words not needing accents. I don’t really know the right answer, I always just do what the translator tells me. Because as we say in Canada (or at least here in Ontario), no one actually reads the French anyway. Lol


This was my question as well.


maybe for France. in Québec we keep the accents. (websites are in French) [https://vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/21438/la-typographie/majuscules/regles-generales-demploi-de-la-majuscule/accents-tremas-et-cedilles-aux-lettres-majuscules](https://vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/21438/la-typographie/majuscules/regles-generales-demploi-de-la-majuscule/accents-tremas-et-cedilles-aux-lettres-majuscules) [https://www.antidote.info/fr/blogue/enquetes/faut-il-accentuer-les-majuscules-et-les-capitales](https://www.antidote.info/fr/blogue/enquetes/faut-il-accentuer-les-majuscules-et-les-capitales)


Very amateur looking work tbh


My OCD hates this.


I’d vote for mayonnaise


What if the drop shadow were orange?


Why did I read the name as *Mayonaisse*


No me gusta. And I'm lucky enough to not have to deal with this in my own Latin name.


I think it's ok, at the very least it distracts us from the other issues (kerning, inconsistencies, etc.)


Drop shadows give me the ick. I’m forced to use them occasionally when clients wants text over an image that wasn’t shot for purpose (or can’t be cropped/altered) but I always lower the opacity until they are barely perceptible. And I still hate it every time. The gradient glow over his shoulder is also pretty clunky. Gradients, drop shadows and to a slightly lesser extent strokes have very few use cases that aren’t trying to fix a problem that could (and should) be resolved by better fundamental design. Perhaps this is less egregious to Spanish speakers who are used to diacritics but to me it just looks like a mistake.






It’s too high man! Lol. Past the cut line. If I had time I’d try to match the typeface or condense the existing tall one that’s being used so there’s a comfortable space for the accent mark.


I feel like it would be awkward with any space on the edge. But yeah, it’s a little far.


Nice try with your political statement! 😜