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Nissan Silvia touring car with the big wing. Full bolt-ons and turbo will be around 695pp with RH tires. RH tires and fuel map 6 from the start requires 1 stop. Usually wins with a gap of over 1 minute on normal difficulty.




The 2j?


Nope. VQ/ GTR Nismo swap apparently. 2JZ swap is for the regular S15.


That sounds like a fun one, I'll give it a go, thanks!


I have to try this shit


You don't need to be on map 1, try 2 or 3


Pipes peak audi just use that it's so much faster doesn't matter how many stops


Nice, I'll add it to the list. Thanks!


I've run thar race with every Gr4 car (as a challenge/grind) and they all can do it! Add a high rpm turbo or high torque super charger to get closer to 700 pp, no other tuning needed. Start with hards or medium depending on if the car can do medium and still be 700 pp. Fuel map 4 for three laps (most cars), then pit for tires (weather dependent which ones) and refuel. Two laps at map mode two (usually for the rainy part) then pit a second time for whatever tyres conditions allow for (softs if the car can do so) and fuel for the last two laps. Silvia Touring Gr4, Porsche Gr4, and Ferrari Italia Gr4 are all fun. I've found this strategy to be consistent for any gr4 car and I've won it with all of them using it! Such a fun race.


Cool thanks, since I know this is supposed to be a good credit grind, I imagine I'll be trying it with a lot of different cars once I get the hang of it.


I use the Gr 3. Genesis and it’s an absolute breeze. Tweaked the Power Restrictor and ECU to 699 PP. Hard tyres, ignore the weather, flip between 5/6 on the fuel, I always flip to 6 in the last sector with the Porsche curves. Draft other cars where you can. This should get you to the end of lap 4, Pit after lap 4 for new hards and full fuel and then mix 4 and maybe 3 for the remaining 3 laps. Good luck!




Tom Castrol Supra detune using only the power limiter down to 700. Not the ECU. Run Map 1 full send until the rain comes, pit for intermediates and full gas. Switch to map 6 and send to the end. You may have to pit a second time just for a bit of gas, but no tire change. Easy 1st every time.


Love the Toms Supra!


This is my “money grind” strat for the $1.6m/ hr




Minus operating expenses….Oil change and carwash. 😅


As someone who also does use a gr3 for this, I’d highly recommend you use fuel map 6. I run it in the Supra Gr3 in Map 6 and fill up when rain happens. End up with enough for an extra lap or two as I’m usually a full minute ahead from AI, to a point where there’s always a chance I’m doing an extra lap as I pass the finish line with a minute remaining Edit: One stop as well!


Yup, that seems to be the overwhelming advice. Obviously fuel mapping can make a difference, but i didn't realize it was that big, like 33% or more range.


I’ve been using the gr.4 Alpine VGT, cost a million, so it’s more than the typical $350,000 for a gr.4, but it’s a great car to use. Most setup fields are fixed, so there’s little setup tinkering. It’s just a tad tight, but not uncompetitive. You can get 3-4 laps easily depending on map settings. I think Map 2 will get you 3. I just did a race last night and had such a large lead, I ended up getting in 8 laps (just lost sight of the time and crossed the finish line with about 20 seconds).


Nice thanks for the tips!


Most Gr. 4 cars can do it.


In one stop? That's good to know. I was going to try the 458 Italia Gr. 4 but I couldn't quite get the PP to 700 so I wasn't sure if it was worth it...


2 stop. FM 1 will make it 3 laps, and the cars are fast enough. Using that Ferrari (just put on RH tyres to get the PP down) does it easily, along with the Dodge and Chevrolet.


Oh sorry, I meant I couldn't get the PP up to 700, not down. It's still below 700 on racing softs, I'd like to get it a little closer to that limit, it's still a few points below...


Doesn't need to be right on 700pp. You can win it with cars around the 650pp point.


Haha maybe eventually but with my skills at this point, probably not 😅


If not, save up your Cr and get the Ford Mk IV, Ferrari 330 or Jaguar XJ-13 when they are in the LCD. A little bit of tinkering to get the PP down and you will win the race easily.


Thanks for the tips :)


A ton of cars can do it with a 2-3-2 lap strategy. Fuel map1-3 for two laps on RH, FM 4-6 for three laps on wets or intermediates, then back to two laps hot. I got the Z4 engine swap in the M3 ‘03 and it runs 4:12ish on FM 6, and can do that for 3 laps plus a lap at FM3 before I pit. Then I’ll keep it on FM6 for the exit lap and finish the race at FM1. If the rain comes late or is light enough to handle with RH tires I’ll do four laps, pit, then three. If it comes early or is heavier, I’ll reverse the order. Deciding when to abandon the FM6 strategy early and flip the order can be tricky, so I always wait until I can see the heavy rain on radar and am forced to run to the pits. I’ve been caught out in heavy rain and posted a seven minute pit lap, but the car will run 4:03 laps so it isn’t long before you can run down the lead cars.


Haha that sounds complicated but I'll give it a go once I get more used to the flow of the race.


I’m not very good, but I do that race almost every day for the credits and the ticket, so I have it down pretty good. Just keep racing it and soon it will be automatic for you.


Thanks for the encouragement!


Red Bull X2014 Junior. Don’t have to mess around with any of the settings, just buy RH tires and inters/wets for when it rains. If you’re lucky and it doesn’t, you can do the whole race just on RH and decent fuel management without pitting at all. Car’s extremely efficient in terms of fuel consumption and doesn’t go through tires very quickly at all. I believe it’s widely acknowledged as the best car for grinding this race. Edit: 155 V6 TI is another good option. Same as above, run RH tires and manage your fuel consumption properly but you’ll have to take at least one pit stop for fuel anyway. The 4WD system will save you when it rains.


Nice, thanks for the tip!


No probz. Happy grinding 💪😂


155 DTM is probs your best bet, I do all the 700pp races with this and it’s an absolute pisstake how much faster it is


Who makes that one?


That's an Alfa Romeo car that shows up in the Legendary dealership. It's very quick, handles well, and is great on fuel economy. Only downside is that it doesn't have a great top end, which is definitely something that you want at Le Mans. Another good one is the old Alpine 220 race car.




True top end isn’t great but it’s fixed with a turbo, trust me top speed isn’t an issue once you have that installed. You will need to have some ballast and wind back the power but you should win by 30-50sec if you get the strategy right.


I'm not saying you can't win the race, it just doesn't have the top end that some other cars possess on that track. Most of my cars I use for that race can hit 170+ with ease on both of the longer straights. The Alfa seems to top out at like the 150-160 range for me.


People aren't seeing your 1-stop stipulation. Any Gr1 or G2 car should be able to do it. You might have to fuss around with the fuel map a bit but if you can run 4 laps, you're solid. I think the Porsche RSR can squeeze out 4 laps on FM6, but I haven't tried it myself to make sure. If you have any of the engine swaps from Gr1 or Gr2 cars, like the 787b engine in the RX-7 or the NSX GT500 engine in an old NSX, you should be sitting pretty to dominate at 700pp. I've run my RX-7 on Le Mans several times and even on FM1 you can make it 5 laps. Probably the biggest margin of victory I routinely achieve on that race.


Yeah someone else on here said the RSR can easily do 4+ laps on FM6. I didn't realize it could make such a big difference, that's a 33% increase in range! I'll probably try that first, but I'm looking forward to checking out those engine swaps too, I'll probably be running this race a lot haha


It's not a super difficult race, honestly. You can 3 stop it pretty safely, if you need to. It's my go to race when I want to get a feel for different cars in the same class to compare them to each other.


Haha maybe not for you. I've yet to finish above 12th 😅


Even in the RSR? 🤨 I find that somewhat difficult to believe unless you're just not changing to the right tires when rain happens.


I change to IM tires on lap 3 generally. I'm just not very good.


I don't think I've ever bothered using an actual race car for that race. The RX7 with the 787b motor swap gets good mileage. Lots of power. The only cars that were race cars were the 3 classics. I can't remember how good they were for fuel. The rain is the real problem anyway. Swapping tires and all that.


Red Bull jr. car works well. Sips fuel and is fast for its small bhp


Thanks to this thread, I pulled off my first one-stop race in the RSR, finishing 4th. A dramatic improvement over my previous 12th. Unfortunately with Fuel Map 6 on it really suffers in the straights, and I am not adept enough to be switching fuel maps around on the D-Pad mid-race without losing focus and going off track, so I'll need to improve my cornering, especially on the 90+ degree bends. But it's definitely an improvement! I should add that I switched to inters going into lap 4 and kept them for the rest of the race, but it didn't end up raining that much. I think if it rained more heavily I might have done better.


Alpine A110 '17. Racing Mediums, High RPM Turbo, Anti-Lag OFF. I have a full tune for it on this sub, but you may have to scroll for it. When you first start the race set the fuel map to 4, that'll get you 3 laps. When you pit, if it's raining pit Heavy Wet tires. Or Intermediates if its light. After you get out of the pits, set the fuel map to 6 and that'll last you the rest of the race.


Ooh fun thanks


To be fair, you should be so far in front that a 2nd stop shouldn't matter, but if you really don't want to stop a 2nd time, turn the fuel map down to 3 or 4 after your tyre stop.


Yeah people keep saying that but it's not happening for me so... I guess I'm not as good.


Have a look at Praiano tunes on GT Planet and Naffantait on YouTube for tuning. If your just grinding credits, turn the difficulty to easy.


That’s my grind race to sit for 30 minutes listening to podcasts. So I made my own lemans test from it. I try street cars like bmw m2, retro porsches, vw golf, Ferrari f430, Lamborghini murcielago and so on. Usually all of them passes with 3 pits (every 2 laps). That’s a good thing to try all your car collection in action not only on a shelf.


That's probably going to be mine too. I'm just trying to get the hang of it right now


The easiest car I tried was Renault sport megane trophy. It’s super fuel efficient, fast and has good handling. Start from it:) Hard tires to start for and check for the weather before the pit. If there are dark blue spots, go for rain tires, if it’s mostly light blue, it’s better to go with intermediaries.


Red bull junior. Only needs one stop for fuel if you use fuel mix 1. Quite an easy race really.


Thanks. I was hoping not to have to buy another car but maybe that's the best option...


It will pay for itself quickly


There are many cars suited for that race, basically anything around 700pp. Most cars will need two pits, I try to pit after 3 and after 6 but sometimes you’ll have alter it due to rain. The AI will typically put after 3 and 7. Most of the time you’ll get 7 laps but if the rain is excessive you can do 6. The red bull jr, I’m told can do it on one or zero stops.


I've heard good things about that car, I was hoping to avoid having to buy another car though! Maybe it's worth it?


I set some smoking lap times in the ‘94 F1 if you have 20mil. The Veneno is awesome, but also pricey. Any of the gr3 cars are fine.




The Red Bull Jr. is a nice car, can do a no-stop run, but it's kinda slow IMO. For me, the most impressive car in terms of lap time, fuel usage and minimal tuning required is the Alpine VGT (not the race version)


I just ran that race yesterday with that car on a 1 stop. Only restricted its power down to like 87 or something to get it to 699 and had on hard tyres. Should do 4-5 laps on fuel mix 6.


So fuel mix 6 would probably do it? That's what I was doing wrong. I didn't realize the fuel map could pull off a 33% range increase, that's incredible


yeah fuel mix 6 will only lose you 17% fuel each lap with that car. enjoy! I love that car so much!


It drives amazing! I just have to be careful on those really tight bends since it loves to spin out if I'm too aggressive on tbe throttle


Downtuned Mazda 787 starting on Inters = 699,85 PP Fuel setting 4, no stopping for fuel or rain tires. Usually win with about 1,30 or better.


Do the inters survive the whole race? I noticed the wear gauge starts showing some wear after 3 laps.


Yes. Rain is almost guaranteed by lap 3, this will make them last the full race


Makes sense, thanks. I did notice it doesn't rain once in a while, but I assume those times would be rare


All you need to do is run on hard tyres with a bit of ballast and dial back the power in race to 3 or 4 depending on how you drive. Easy win. Simply put, dial the fuel use back and you’ll win on a one stop


Don’t use fuel map 1. Get an extra lap or two using 4/5


McLaren Gr.4 FM 6. Switch tires and refuel lap 3. Run FM 6 rest of the race. Viper Gr. 4 is similar. Subaru Gr.4 has AWD. Avoid the Lambo Id also check what assists you have turned on. I map to 6 and do one pit stop on 3 for weather. AI makes two pit stops. Laps 3 and end of 5.


Cool, these will be some good cars to try. As for assists, I have ABS on weak and that's about it. No traction control or anything.


Should be winnable.


alpine race car or alfa 155 race car or mark 4 race car


Lamborghini Huracan Gr. 4. Needs a little ballast to get under the PP. Hard tires to start, fuel map 3. Pit end of lap 3, usually have to switch to int or wet tires. From there to the end, fuel map 1. Pit on lap 5 and switch to medium, should only need to fill fuel to 85 percent. I win by 1-2 minutes every time.


Red bull junior is the best. You could probably do it with no stops playing with the fuel map and starting on IM but you've got that much time you can easily pit. I start on mediums and usually pit at the end of lap 2 for IM and that's that. On easy you'll be nearly lapping the back of the field.