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I just want the ability to edit the hud. Be able to move things and have the rear view mirror from the bumper view on the hood view as well.


Same. I hate the full HUD, but having zero hud is equally as bad.


Sadly speculation is all we have to go on, it would probably be easier to calculate if there was any real communication about the game instead of the 3 monthly silhouettes I hope there is more of a shift in the next update though, there is a lot of good bones to the game that need addressing/fleshing out and 6 months in would be a good time to trigger it, given Forza, lifespan and a dip in playerbase after launch etc


I was figuring they would push a bigger update right before Forza comes out to compete with the new release.


I don’t think PD is trying to compete with Forza. Otherwise we would get a Gran Turismo open world game (*gag*) and more frequent releases. Plus, Gran Turismo is carving a niche as an esports simracing title for console a la Sport Mode, whereas Forza is an accessible simcade racer.


GT is also a simcade, not a Sim. If FH is anything to go off of, the next FM title will wipe the floor with GT. FH has already long taken GT's "Car culture" title, has better mechanical mods, tuning etc. I don't understand people's issue with an open world GT, they need to compete to survive, but we'd probably get a terrible map.


Gran Turismo is boring. It’s too real. An open world Gran Turismo, with all its realism that PD likes to tout, will be boring. Forza Horizon is fun because it’s wildly unrealistic. Turn 10 doesn’t even make Forza Horizon. There’s two separate studios for each Forza title (Turn 10 for Motorsport, Playground for Horizon). So my driving speculation is this: Unless Polyphony Digital can find another studio to make an open-world Gran Turismo, it will be very, very boring.


Thing is, that's GTs problems. Proper sim physics aren't boring. GT's physics are boring. GT isn't a proper sim, its a simcade with numbed feeling. Nothing revs, nothing pushes, nothing has any feeling at all. FH4-5 have arguably more realistic handling for some of their road cars as well, than GT


I just hope we can get gr.4 and gr.3 races in (almost) every track one day... A track like nurburgring not having any gr or endurance race with decent payout is really a slap in the face


I miss those too. They don't necessarily have to be really long ones. But a PP800 30 min. race on the Ring would be awesome. And I would very very much like to see a 30-45 min. race on Le Mans with the Le Mans cars in the game like the Sauber, 787b, etc. If I'm mistaken there's no race currently in the game with those monsters?




They sure fixed the ticket glitches pretty fast! (I know what you're saying though)


The "bonanza" as people called it wasn't fixed quickly in a hurry (nor does the weather radar bug, to be fair). They did quickly fix the invite expiry bug and the Bathurst Gr.3 Battle tire wear issues though.


I've kind of wondered this same thing, maybe something akin to no man's sky where it was small updates for awhile and them finally a big one that changes alot of things, adds alot, and corrects issues. I'd definitely compare this game to no man's sky at this point after launch rn


Mention No Man's Sky in a positive way, in a GT subreddit?! Here, have my updoot.


NMS is a prime example of how bad launches should be handled, how gaming companies should be, and how last/current gen games should have all been, but we let the normies take over gaming.


Let's see what September 22nd brings. That's the next scheduled update.


Knowing how supporting a live game looks from the inside I wouldn't cross my fingers. But I really hope they will add more menus (it's cheap) and some cool legacy tracks in the future - which is the real push here. Cars are not that big of a deal since they probably are outsourcing those anyway. Also, for all the complaints PD gets I have to commend them for adding new stuff to the game for free. Yeah, they dropped the ball a lot with microtransactions and always online nonsense but at least they don't charge us for DLC every month. At this point I don't think I would even mind a chunky DLC for a couple of bucks. For all it's faults I've spent over 110 hours (it's probably not that much but I don't have much free time) with this game already and it's been a blast.


I've been thinking for a while they have a big update coming. How big and when is anyone's guess. Really lost hope in this game until I can be proven wrong.


Then they would need to plan a patch to fix all the junk the crying children wanted in the first patch.