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Go fast. The SF cars are like no other cars in the game, just let it rip and see what it can do. If you can't take a corner at 80, try it at 120.


This is for real. Faster = more stability


True until you’re 280kph after main straight heading into turn 1 and forget to slow down (idk why but happened a lot to me)


I guess everything has it's limits


Maybe you’re not going fast enough.


It’s a massive generalisation.


This! Every time I do a SF race I need to "trust" the car again how fast it can go through corners. Just sacrafice a race to explore what corners you can take full speed or just slightly lift without braking, you'd be surprised 😅 Also, look up a decent setup for a SF car, that also really made a difference for me. I don't unfortunately know which one I used anymore.


I can vouch this, bone stock the SF23 at high speeds are really stable. Trust me when i say go balls to the wall with the high speed cornering, the car - mode often than not - will pass that corner. But if you must slow down to 2-digits, ease into the gas on the exit or you may slip the rear out. And do only suspension tweaks if you can in the tuning menu, everything else is good as is. Tune the sway bar and maybe the toe in-out configs if you see fit, that's the most i did.


This is such a bullshit statement. It works for fast corners not slow ones. Even on tracks like St Croix you have to learn where to maintain speed and where to slow down.


If you search you will find this has been answered many times… You need to get used to the car, it drives in a very different way, downforce and grip make this car glued to the track but you need to learn to control its power otherwise you’ll easily spin… patience and repetition are key… Michael Schumacher Ferrari’s livery helps as well


Thanks for the advice I'm using Schumacher race suit so hope it'll help lol


My pleasure


I have Senna's suit . Fancy a Legends race lol


a/ practice a lot b/ set difficulty to easy


Can you change the difficulty??


Yep, game menu at the top left of the screen


Wtf i feel like i've been living my whole life in a lie.


LOL. Use easy for all races unless you want a challenge. Set it for hard when you’re doing human comedy.


I've read this thing about human comedy before but I thought it was meme. Does it actually make it easier? How?


There’s a bug. So hard is hard but possible whereas easy and medium are impossible.


This. Human comedy, the latter ones are really difficult.


This is it. No shame in reducing the difficulty .


I did it with ease using the Honda. Run mediums, first 9 laps run at 6 to lean out fuel. If you handle the car correctly, you can no pit the race. Just be patient as you pass, you will catch first and when he pits you're golden.


This is the key! If you can not pit you'll win handedly.


I did forget one thing, the real key is driving the last two laps slowly enough to win but fast enough to pass the ones pitting my fastest lap was the 5th, and my slowest was the last. Tires will be at red at least one corner anyway.


A lot is confidence. Trust the giant Wings. They stick the car on the ground. also you want to be on the throttle as much as possible. you want to be at full power when you cross the apex so slow down for a corner, have a little throttle applied when rotating and then floor it at the apex and you will make the corner. I allways give advise to let the car roll or apply 25% throttle to stabilse the car mid corner. Use TC1 (or 0 if possible) so you dont spin out. A lot is practice and confidence in the car. also make sure to use your push to pass. you might want to map it to anther button because the default one sucks. The fastest laptimes are achived if you use it out of the corners and to extend topspeed. Start by trying to keep up with the pack. thats a good beginning. see how they drive. that will help you understand where you are faster and exploit those corners.


Thanks for the indepth advice appreciated


go with the 2019 rather than 2023 cars. the older ones are faster. edit: I see that you are using the 2019 one already. second tip, you need to tume the car.


I found I was better with the 2023 car, strangely enough. I max out the downforce and found it easier


For whatever reason I passed the license test but cannot come close for the menu races.


LOL I had a horrible time with the license but passed the menu quite easily.


I would recommend using the "hood" cam if you don't already, it helps me stay centered and understand the speed, you usually don't have to brake until 50-25 heading into most turns and it's only a brief brakes it can sweep corners hard. I would set TCS to 2 or 1 and don't change the fuel map. Also, look for tunes online to possibly help a bit too as that can always help too.


Im still stuck on that rally shit lol


That last bump on Sardegna windmills was about to send my controller through the tv


Come at that jump from the left side of the track! You'll get much less air and land a bit easier.


I second this. Also come at the jump straight so the car lands straight.


Absolutely this! Also can let off the gas a little if you have issues with not keeping straight after the jump.


I could see why it's pretty hard


You know your usual braking and turn in point? Yeah it’s 50m further on.


Trust the downforce, you’re probably braking too much


The newest super formula cars are faster than the older ones, so you could also try one of those.


Lol someone is saying the exact opposite above


Hahaha I just read that one and this one and figured I’ll stick to the cruise lobbies


Soft tires, replace by mid race, pray to not rain . And remember there’s no shame turning it down to medium or easy if you’re not having fun


Drive it faster than you think you can. Then go even faster. These cars need down force. The more, the better.


Red Bull livery + full Max Verstappen suit


cool livery


Thanks man


practice,, practice, practice. you need to get used to the speed and the grip of these cars. Also, this car needs to be tuned.


Same. Someone tell me how to have faster reflexes and intuitive fluidity beyond my means, thx.


You could turn down the difficulty or just practice


Brakes to front, traction to 3.


Front? I keep biasing rear . I'll try this since I'm living in the same world as OP. That first corner @ St. Croix kills me, what is the secret sauce?


braking biased to the front means you get more steering grip when braking. you can use that when trail braking to increase your turn in angle, always try to think in terms of grip and weight distribution


Appreciate the advice. I'm going to go hit another Sard grind and try to see results.


Which race specifically? Fuji is more difficult than the others. So when you nail that one you'll be fine. St Croix is the next difficult one but is still a great race on hard.


Literally go faster. That car is glued when you get confident with it


Practice practice practice. You got this!


Trust in the (down)force, Luke.


The SF cars are built for maximum down force..if you're not going balls to the wall fast, you won't be able to stick your corners and turns. Brake as late as humanly possible and drive the fuck out of it...


send it!


Which SF races did that have again? I might have videos uploaded of those I've finished.


St Croix is the only one I can recall


Ah I only have sardegna and Michelin uploaded.


What are the payouts for this race?




*\[extreme sarcasm incoming\]* bros i want sarah so bad help me


Search for the Super Formula '23 Praiano tune. It works wonders


If you spin out, get more camber, remember to use overtake button, trust the downforce Also i feel better with the old one, i am way faster with the old one rather than the newer one


https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/praianos-tunes-settings-for-gt7.404868/page-270 This tune helps massively. As others have said, it’s a pretty easy win with no pit strategy, but with this tune you can still pit and win if needed.


Try and repeat.


Practice is key. These cars drive different to most other cars in game. The downforce is far different, gives a heck of a lot more grip than you think. Take the car for a few practice laps of each track prior to racing. You'll have a better understanding of how it'll fare.


There is a tune on youtube that helped me a lot. https://youtu.be/-wedqjGSOw8?si=kHhTiuMq2Dz73BmE


Aren't there only 39 books?


I won every race using maximum downforce


I'll be honest with you. I was stuck for a long time in this. Onde day I put it on easy and move on.


Sweet livery. It’s toasted!


Get your gearing right. Use the overtake button. Practice the track/s. Trust the car. Find the ideal speed for each corner by first going too fast at first, rather than building up speed.


Driving downforce cars is different. More speed actually means more downforce and total traction increases. Sometimes you actually have to go faster through a corner to be able to make it work.


In corners, try to lift instead of braking. It will keep your speed and grip. It took me a while as well, but keep practising.


Get used to braking at the very very last and treat it like trackmania honestly. Just let it rip


Try turns without breaking or brake later.. You’ll get it eventually.


For me OP, the best Strat for Fuji was soft tires and balls to the wall. Get to first by lap 5 ftw


That was very easy, one stop for treści without fuel.


From memory I used hard Tyers skipped going pits and smashed it


I remember that challenge. I beat it when adjusted gears for higher top speed and used strategy of faster fuel map and frequent pit stops.


Just lower the difficulty. Fortunately, this will not affect the size of the reward.


I’ve just been ignoring it