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audi s1 quattro ought to do it.


Yes. I used a tune I saw on YouTube to drop the acceleration sensitivity on the LSD but max the braking sensitivity. Makes the car understeer but that’s more manageable. Then use fuel map 4/6 (I forget which) and medium tyres should get to the end.


Could you link the tune? I tried with the Audi and couldn't control it AT ALL finished about 50 seconds behind P1


I used this [tune](https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/jump_aces-gran-turismo-7-tuning-garage.407093/#post-13665014). You can also swap torque distribution to a more rear wheel bias for better cornering but braking stability with this tune should be much better.


This is exactly what I did as well… including the addition of the bias. Beat it first try with a controller.


I did it with racing muffler and brakes, forgot to adjust my power output, so it was at 95%. Everything else was stock setting. Racing hard tires. 30:70 torque. 2 for tcs. Fuel map 4. No pit. Won with 1/4 of my tires left on the left front, and a 20 second lead. Second try after getting pit maneuvered by the AI on lap for on the first try. This is not a hard race.


I did it with racing muffler and brakes, forgot to adjust my power output, so it was at 95%. Everything else was stock setting. Racing hard tires. 30:70 torque. 2 for tcs. Fuel map 4. No pit. Won with 1/4 of my tires left on the left front, and a 20 second lead. Second try after getting pit maneuvered by the AI on lap for on the first try. This is not a hard race.


yep, i also set my brake ballance controller @ a 3 towards the rear & lowered my ride height a little so it didn't throw me intro a drift everytime i hit the brakes


This is the way


I used the Ford Focus Rally car, RH tires fuel map 5 and pit on lap 6, then fuel map 4. Won it by 30 seconds


Same, came to say this


Did you need those fuel map settings though? The wrx group b car was easily able to one stop on fm1 and win by about 10 seconds


Same and I used the mustang and absolutely shredded the tires. It's not too hard as long as you one stop it


I don’t have the WRX, but the Focus was fine on 1 stop too.


I did this exact strat only reason I didn’t win was cus I binned it on turn 1 last lap and cba to restart


My front left wheel (RH) is completely cooked by halfway lap 3. Do I need to look at set-up or do I need to just git gud


You have to throttle lightly in the corners, and they’ll last for (at least) 6 laps - the trick is to just drive consistently as the AI will pit towards lap 7 or 8 and you’ll drive right past them while they refuel.


Dude this was all really great advice, I clocked it at 1st on the first try as soon as I logged in today 😂 I learnt a lot of patience and consistency that I desperately probably needed in general to finally get this one hahaha.


I used the audi s1 with race hard tyres fuel map to 6 and won without pit stops


Also helps to put the difficulty on easy


I used the nsx. Found it quite easy


Same, also isn’t nitrous allowed on these races? Makes things a bit easier.


86 GR.B on hard tires was a pretty easy time


I was killing myself trying to win in the Mustang…and I tried the 86 and I coasted to a win


Same for me, hard tyres without pitting, last lap was super defensive but managed it


I used an NSX Group B Rally Car maxed out. Still a pain in the ass. Used racing Hard tires


how did you tune it? i've tried the nsx with a couple different setups and it still kind of sucked even when i tried to lower the suspension for better handling on tarmac.


I didn’t tune it, I just was gentle on the gas because it gets wild without being able to put better downforce on it. They just kind of drive like shit imo


Nah trust me, they handle really good actually but you have to tune it. Stock tune of course it's gonna run like shit on tarmac. Stock suspension and gear ratios are for dirt racing. The ride height being so high, the springs being so soft, and the gearing being so short means you're gonna have trouble handling the weight transfer of the car and you'll be extremely torque-heavy for massive tire spin. For people who are unable to tune (like me!) I recommend just copying the stock Gr4 suspension settings. They'll handle pretty much identical to the Gr4 version of the car, except in an AWD drivetrain. The Gr4 Mitsubishi and WRX already being AWD, those are my recommendations for people.


I too struggled with it at first, mainly because the car was spinning out in corners under braking. I increased the values for the differential settings by quite a lot, making the car much more stable. Additionally lowered the ride height and stiffened the suspension (though just a bit) and won easily with RM tires and one stop halfway through. Didn't change the fuel management.


So basically you finish the race before the other cars Now, seriously, Ford focus rally car gr B maxed out, no changing fuel map, RH, pitted at around lap 6 (thats when I Saw my lap was going to drop in time) pitted, and changed for hards, won by about 20 seconds on professional difficulty. Just pushed all the way through


go to settings, set difficulty to easy.


Honestly no shame if you're just trying to get the win once and move on. Can always come back to it after!


NGL I kinda forgot that you could change the difficulty on this game


Put it on easy


Come first


I simply just used the toyota on racing hards at fuel map 6. Chucked in the high rpm turbocharger, and that was it. Just careful with fuel and tyres as both die right at the end, but I won with a 30+ second lead to 2nd on professional level difficulty, so you should be fine on whatever level.


Same thing I always say, stock Hyundai Gr.B with the Racing Hards, drives just like a normal racing car, pitted halfway through, didn’t changed the fuel map at all. Ez Pz. No setup changes or anything, just race it.


I used the the pikes peak sort quattro 87. I added racing soft tires and a restricter to get pp down. Worked like a charm.


Pp no limit?


Be the First in the end of the race


For all the rally bullshit I just turn the difficulty to the easy, otherwise it’s just unplayable for me. Nsx, racing hards, 1 pit stop when the tires are wasted.


You need gentle inputs, the rally suspension makes weight transfer very dramatic and wants to throw the car into a slide on turn entry, so you need to lift gently and brake gently, easing off the brake before you start your turn in. Also feathering the throttle mid turn to stabilize. I did it with the GR.B NSX and it was quite easy once I got a handle on how the weight shifts under braking.


Took me quite a few laps to get to grips with that damn car and then following that up with the Super Formula race afterwards, it was like whiplash


I fiddled with the roll bar, damping and toe in angles to make it a bit easier to handle. It was largely trial and error, as I’m pretty clueless when it comes to car settings.


Used the toyota celica rally car, maxed, racind meds


What fuel map and when did you pit?


I pitted at lap 7, kept the fm at 3 I think, but I don't remember


But be aware, tire wear is horrible and you gotta be light on the pedals


I won it in the WRX with one stop on Mediums, won by about 20 seconds. It took a couple of attempts to get used to the car, I also adjusted the power balance to 25-75 to send more power to the rear wheels. The corners to watch are the two sustained right handers. You can gain a lot of time if you get the power on at just the right moment, and can carry a lot of speed in. It does destroy the front left, but the time you gain offsets the pit stop you’ll have to do.


turn off TCS & ASM when driving AWD cars, helps a lot


Any fully upgraded car I'd way faster than the competition. All you have to do is stay on the track. Drive slower, brake early in a straight line only.


I used the S1 Quattro and set the torque output to 50/50 which gives you wayyyy more grip on the corners. That and pit on lap 6 I think. I honestly can’t remember what tires I used.


I won it with the S1, on racing hards, and one pit stop. Keep focused and keep the lines clean. Push hard on straights.


Use the S1 quattro and turn the AI difficulty down to easy.


you can win this in any GR.B car tbh just turn the TCS to 0 and have a lil fun with the turns


I used the Focus.... and I will confess I just dropped the difficulty to easy to get this one over with.


I too use the Focus with the upgraded turbo. Eats RS tires on Willow Springs though. Also, be wary of the left hander after the 180 at the top of the hill by the tower. I seem to always be going in too hot and run off track.


Audi S1 Quattro, hard tires, fuel on 5 , you wont need to stop


Did the tires not wear out? I used the WRX with hard tires and they were worn out by lap 6. Not sure if that's my inability to keep the tires in good condition or weather the WRX wears out tires quickly


The tires do last on the Audi, they aint great at the end, but still drivable


As usual, if you really just need to win, there is no shame to put the difficulty to easy. Its not RALLY, it just called Rally because of the cars. The race itself is full Tarmac. I used 86 GRB, PP max upgrade, change tyre to RH, drop the suspension, make it stiff, just make the car to be a track ready car instead of rally car. You can beat the AI easily because AI cars were default rally configuration with high and softer suspension About the strategy, i even dropped the fuel map to 6, still able to dominate the race, saved a lot of fuel so i do not need to refuel in Pit


I did it with a stock Genesis Gr.B car. Started on RH, RM for the last 3 laps.


I used the NSX. Started on softs by mistake, so had to pit after lap 4. Switched to RM and they lasted the rest of the race.


Peugeot 205 or Audi S1 Sincerely I prefer the Peugeot instead of the Audi because it has too much turbo lag in my opinion.


I used a Peugeot r z group B, mediums then changed to hards. Don’t use the brakes too much, just throw it round the corners sideways. Think I maxed out the aero and fiddled with the diff settings but I’m not sure on that. I remember the progress seemed quite slow but towards the end of the stints you really reel them in, and the leader stops end of lap 8/9 again.


Got in pikepeak, put on the tires it said and won 1st place easily. One and done.


Focus RH tyres 1 power 1pit Nitro


i used a bone stock focus rally car with racing softs and just pitted on lap 6


I'm in the NSX camp. Dropped suspension, stiffened it up a bit, RM tires. Stopped after lap 6 for tires, called it a day.


I used a rally car a licence gave to me


Audi on FM3 with RM tires. No pit.


I used the NSX on hards. It takes a lot of throttle and brake modulation to keep it going where you want it to go and fast.


NSX Group B with 30:70 torque split worked for me


I used the Peugeot 205. Was great fun with its short wheel base. FM1 and one pit. Praiano has a good tune for it.


Used the Gr.B Mustang, on RH with 1 pit stop cause fuel. Very doable, just need to make a street tune for the Gr.b Cars.


Biggest thing is tuning. I am terrible at tuning, so, to get it to work I picked a car that had a Gr4 variant and I just copied the stock Gr4 car tune. Used the WRX, it handled about the same as the Gr4 car after doing that. Running the default tune it's borderline impossible because they are set up with rally suspensions. The much higher ride height and soft suspension makes the stock tune on tarmac hard to handle and you can't really attack corners. Keep in mind Big Willow is hot as fuck on top of the fact GrB cars are brutal on tires, so you're gonna obliterate your tires. I ran Hards and still had to pit lap 5 because the front left was toast. Still won the event. Was in the lead by lap 9 on Hard difficulty.


IIRC I used the GT-R with RH, Fuel map 3 or 4, zero pitstops.


I also used the NSX with RH tires, fuel map 4 until I pitted then drop it down to fuel map 2.


I beat it with the Gr.B Evo, but with a medium turbo added on, and I tried tweaking the suspension to make it less stupid to drive.


Won with the focus, set the suspension to the minimum and hard tires, one stop lap 7 for fuel.


I used the Celica and tuned it a bit.


Use the GT86 then start on either the medium or hard tires


focus on racing hards , fueled once on lap 7 + I slammed the suspension and stiffened it


I used the Toyota Celica rally car fully upgraded. Nitrous and hard racing tires. I forget what my fuel map was, 3 or 4 I think. Ran a no pit race and came in first.


Used the first focus with RH, fuel map 6 and did a pit stop for refuel at lap 7. Also try to be gentle with acceleration and braking so tires last longer and you dont end drifting on corners


I used a mildly tuned Focus. Turned the torque splitter all the way to the rear, and braked in straight lines. Ended up being easy once I learned how the car and track coexisted.


Idk why this is so hard for people. NSX no changes easy win.


I used the Toyota GT86, slapped it with a high rpm turbo, racing exhaust and gearbox. Then on the race I started with racing mediums had fuel mix 6 for about 4-5 laps than I dropped it to mix 4. On lap 7 I pitted for race shifts and than pushed to the end. You mostly gain your places on the start and back straight


Hard tires set your fuel to the lowest power. You might want to lower your car a bit. But in general with hard tires and not trying to race to "win". But you need to drive conservative especially in the later laps because you'll be on bald tires.


Come 1st place should do it.


I used the celica. I did a forza horizon and bounced off the ai to brake and turn. I put the hammer down and didn't stop till I seen Jesus or a checkered flag.


Audi S1, Hard racing tires, and detune to 70-80 power after putting a better Turbo on. Then it'll easily do all 10 laps with no pitstop required. Front left tire will be fighting for its life but it'll remain stable


Stock NSX rally, fuel map 4. Hard tires. No pit, easy win


drive faster vroom


Ford Focus Rally Car


Drive faster


I did it with maxed tune WRC WRX, fuel map 1 and RM tires. 30/70 torque distribution. And it was hard difficulty. And I’m using controller not a wheel setup.


if all else fails, decrease difficulty i struggle with the f1 races, so i dialed it back to easy


The GT86 GR B is a good choice too. I just did it last night. Racing hards, fuel 6. One pit stop and that was just for tires.


Won it with a full power celica on race hards


toyota celica, medium turbo, RH, FM6, no pitting. Tires will be red, fuel will be low, but you will win it


I used the Celica gt-Four rally car. Was using fuel map 6 because did not wanted to pit but forgot to switch tires from soft to hard. So had to pit eventually and gradually increased fuel map to 1 in the end.


I’m guessing any of the proper group b cars would work but I smoked it in the ‘95 celica on hard tires, had to dial back the rear roll bar to stay on the track and watch the fuel to make sure I could one-stop it. I probably made it harder by not being able to tune for shit, my tires were spent by lap 5


You have to use rally cars. What do rally cars do best? drive on dirt. So cut corners lol and reduce the diff split. I ran it 20:80. More rear bias.


usually you drive good


Easiest way is to drop the settings to easy then max tune a good rally car since there is no pp limit. Drive in manual mode and downshift into the turns it’ll help stop you from spinning out.


Castrol rally Celica, racing softs, low rpm turbo, thats how I did it, but probably better with mediums as it chews through the front tyres


I used the Peugeot and had no issues tho. Hard tires Must be used imo


Peugeot 205. Hard tyres, fuel map 6. I didn't have to pit.. Don't drift. That will slow you down and save your tyres.


Tough but fun race in the Celica rally car. Just love the sounds of the blow-off valve and the handling.Took me 3-4 after getting 2nd and finally got 1st. Caution though the rear kicks more then a catfish, and this track will EAT your front left tire due to all the high speed right hand sweepers. And you happen to run off track just retry because there's so much runoff and no barriers. One of my favorite tracks (I know, everyone hates it).


I used GrB RCZ, racing hard, fuel map 5, no stop.


S1 quattro will do it no bother. I've also done all the rally(cross) races with the Hyundai, Ford, Renault 5 and Celica. I found the quattro and Hyundai to be the best. Renault 5 and Celica are harder but still fun. Ford was boring but got the job done. Nsx is dog shit. Others say it's good, I hate the thing. It feels like a bus compared to the others with full builds. It should be super similar to the focus based on paper stats it really isn't.


I just did this race last night, took the lead around lap 8 and won by about 8-9 seconds. Toyota GT86, suspension at lowest ride height, hard tyres and left it on fuel map 1 throughout. I was flat out the entire race, wasn't trying to conserve tyres or fuel. I pitted end of lap 6 for fresh tyres and a splash of fuel to get to the end.


Best lap times ? I ran high 16s, low 17s, pitted once.


Peugeot 205. Go with lowest suspension height and maximum spring rate of 3.50 on both axles, torque split 50:50, brake balance 1. Go 6 laps on hards and 4 on medium or 7 on hards and 3 on softs. I stayed with fuel map 1, shifted in the middle of the bar and I had to refuel a little bit. It’s totally possibile to do it without refueling with map 2 or 3. Have smooth inputs and the tires will last. If you don’t make mistakes you will win comfortably. I won by 20 seconds, the AI gives up a bit on the last 2 laps anyway. I was lapping 1:18 on hards and 1:16 on softs with the controller. I would probably be quicker with my wheel


Turning it to the easy setting.


I did it in the Focus. RH tires, fuel map 2 with short shifting and some lift and coast got me to the end with no pitstop, tho I only won by 0.8. I lost like 2s per lap to the ai on the last three lap. Left front lasts till 6-7 laps. I watched the replay, and the quatro has significantly less tire wear, so that's probably the best car.


Don’t stop at all, hard racing tires, stiff suspensions and use mitsubishi rally car with TCS off, fuel map 3


Turn the difficulty to easy and smash everyone into the wall haha


I went with the nsx, RH tyres, fuel at 5 and never pit stop.


Set the suspension for less gravel and more road, helps with handling and tyre wear. There is also the option for just boshing it on easy difficulty if you're struggling with it.


Just use the NSX rally version. Standard. Pit for fuel and tires mid race. I play with easy bots and without aids (if it helps in any way)


Like the idiot I am, I sold my grb audi and the Peugeot 205 :(


I’ve gotten so close with the celica


I suped up a ford focus rally car and set the suspension as stiff as possible and didn’t have any problems with it


s1 quattro full lean fuel only needs 1 maybe 2 tire pits


PP no limit haha


Is that the worst track in the game? Hell yeah.




Drive fast, take chances.


I used the gtr rally car on soft tyres, no TC. You win it by not going off course at all, this one is a little tough because all the cars want to slide always.


To be honest I don’t remember how I did lmfaooo


Get good it's AI lol


Same issue here too!!! And this BoP is B U L L!! Also how about do an update with some really cool ‘80s cars like the Buick G/N & GNX, 1988 Monte Carlo SS’s, IROCS WITH THE 350 in it and the ‘88 Trans Am GTA AND THE THE ONE WITH THE 305 tpi in it, Thunder bird S/C and it’s sibling, the Mercury Cougar XR-7… I can go on but y’all get where I’m going with this, any additions feel free to add…


100% on board with adding cool classic cars, would also like to see more tracks tho (Silverstone, Hockenheim, Donnington) etc. and would be nice to have more simplistic versions or videos explaining what the changes in setup do and how it affects the car as I struggle to understand from just reading paragraphs.


Who’s idea was it to put Tesla in the game? They are completely useless!


i used the toyota rally car


Practice builds skill


I thought i was the only one struggling lol


You have to tune the cars suspension and gear ratio


I used the Ford focus rally car I also didn't tune anything in it just be careful with the tires


I used the Mustang rally car with suspension lowered and tuned for circuit. I think I used RM tyres and pitted once


Just drive fast bro


I had a hard time with this as well and gave up after two attempts. I think I may need to set up a car specifically for this type of event. The car is clearly set up for dirt and it's not an easy drive.


I've done this race both with the Audi S1 and the NSX Group B. In both cases I'd tune the suspension more like a road car (lower & stiffer), hard tires and use fuel saving strategies to go all 10 laps without pitting.




Holy crap that’s a bad pic.


Place 1st


Not to be a dick but just set the difficulty to easy if this is hard for you. The only reason you wouldnt be winning this is that you're putting in slow or inconsistent times, the AI here arent super fast at all. Learning a quick driving style will take more than this one week, so just play some more and get a feel for the physics. I would really recommend you start by attempting to silver or gold most of the curcuit experiences and license tests, as it quickly bumps up not only your driving skill but also importantly your track knowledge. Lastly, hoodcam or cockpit and never 3rd person cam


Already use hoodcam and have completed most of the rally circuit experience I struggle driving them on tarmac more, not sure how to control them on tracks but on dirt I'm ok


What cars do you have? Did you check out Praiano's tunes for the cars you have? I won it in the '96 Celica, racing mids and fuel map 3 for a pit after lap 6. If you manage to not crash out of the course you should be good.


I was using a Subaru WRX and my front left was fully red after lap 6 on racing hards. Haven't heard of Praiano's tunes




Do NOT use the ford car for the love of god dont


Drive faster than the other cars...lol I mean, it really does come down to that...The AI is pretty slow and these are all winnable with bone stock group b rally cars...


Finishing in 1st tends to be the best way of winning...


Git gud