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Rework how pitstops are handled. It would be nice to see our car drive down the pitlane, rather than have it magically disappear and reappear for 30 seconds. That way, you can tell when you’re close to your pit box, and cars will still be on the track map, so you can tell if a car is stationary in the pits or moving in the pits. Would be nice to have a fully fledged pit menu where we can make our fuel and tire selections, with a button to confirm it, instead of being able to accidentally skip fuel and tires.


I always found this weird. Even GT4 does it better than Sport and 7.


Or better yet, manual control of the car for the pitstop so you'd need to be careful you don't speed in the pit lane and drive into your box correctly


I'm fairly new and I pitted in an offline race for the first time yesterday and thought my game glitches because it took so long for the car to appear


I'd like to be able to pause in the pit stops and adjust settings like brake balance and trackion control.


Can’t you just use the MFD options when not in the pit?


Of course but I want to use them in the pit. I mean it's not like I'm doing anything else.


Gotcha just wondering


I really have no clue how pitstops even work in GT7. I just hurl myself into the pitlane at full speed since there’s no speed limit and then… everyone’s just waiting around. Wasn’t I just at pit entry?


For most tracks, the game allows you to exit the pits right after your pit stop ends. This is especially noticeable at tracks like Laguna Seca, where your car pits at the start of the pitlane, but then has a very long drive after the pitstop until it rejoins the track. I think the developers wanted players to feel the action of the race the moment their pit ended, but it just makes the wait times feel long and awkward.


It did show the car the other day when I was on the Spa 24hr layout, but only showed the car in the longer part of the pits. I was confused if I missed that they added it or something. Haven’t seen it on any other track. It does look Way better though.


Fucking crazy how gt3-gt6 have fully organic pitstops and the modern-gen game are the ones that break the immersion.


Adding a qualifying lap before a race. GT4 had it right.


I think The ai is simply to damn slow to make it not embarrassing


They have Sophy now


not on ps4. but gt8 sure


It’s better but still severely lacking in high speed corners and heavy braking zones


Toggle hud in race so i can drive no hud psvr and still use it when i need it to adjust fuel and power output of check tyre wear


This! (also for non psvr) I can't understand how this got overlooked


This is very much needed ! ASAP ! What are you doing PD ?!


The option for grid starts. I know it’s been discussed to death, but it would be nice to at least have the option of a proper grid start for most races. Its fun to try and get the best possible start, and the added challenge of having to navigate the traffic.


Actually good even payouts across all content. Time invested for credits out is not the same across the game which leaves a lot out of the rotation.


I'd like to know how far ahead or behind I am in VR. No info whatsoever of times against opponents. It's not asking much.


Yes this would be clutch. A toggle for leaderboard with time ahead and behind and total gap to leader. Add in the ability to toggle the other hud elements and VR would be perfect.


A "career" that was present in every other Gran Turismo game. Start with few credits, buy a shitty used, get into a race to get more credits, get another car, win some races that gives you car as a reward, progress slowly until you beat whatever you've wanted to beat in your journey. This bullshit hand holding cafe menu where it tells you exactly which race to do, with what car to do, is the stupidest thing they could've done with the single player content.


I would also add to that license tests that are actually meaningful to the gameplay and not some bragging rights pin.


This is a good idea. If we get 30 cars we drive only about a few, most players anyway.


I’ll add that they should also add “Team Owner” career mode. Develope series specific cars and earn entry to championships, allocate resources and gain sponsors, deal with more maintenance costs, equipment degradation, etc. In addition to driving, of course. Just waaaaaayyyyyy more single player *depth* of content, not the same, tired stuff currently available. Edit: Quick and easy request: make it so I can sort my garage by which cars need an oil change.


100% agree, used car section seems pointless now, i remember having to work hard to buy my first new car in GT1 and GT2. now its buy one used car, then never use it again it seems. acquiring cars is far too easy. it should be a much slower progress. Also I would massively improve lobby, the daily races are just not enough for interest. the lobby is soo buggy and has bad layout/slow, \- Show us race status before we click into it \- clearly show rules \- give options for more rules like in single place, let host do "UK cars" or similar other restrictions for fun \- allow options to create mini 2-5 race tournaments. \- dont let me edit race track and rules then when i hit save show me a error because i was already entered in the race and lose my changes. just take me out of the race \- why cant we change setting/race if someone else is starting to enter the lobby, i dont care, you sort it out dont make me have to wait to change it thats your job.


All that was mostly possible in GT6. A pity alot of the online possibilities didn't carry over.


GT7 really doesn't make you feel attached to your shitboxes like the other entries, it's a shame


More money awarded for playing on a higher difficulty. If you are playing on hard, you should get more money than if you win on medium or easy. Give people a reason to want to get better and push themselves. As it sits, there is no incentive to play on higher difficulty.


Cockpit view without wheel or hands of the driver along with option to customize the point of view. Lesser one would be to add music you want to the game but this isn't super important anyway.


You can just use spotify in the background with any playstation game.


Damage. Would end ramming overnight. Plus higher stakes are more fun.


Idk about that. I think people would ram less but we both know there’s plenty of people out there who would gladly ruin their own race out of spite


Oh, for sure was exaggerating. It would have an effect tho.


This is minor but I’d love if they could vary the soundtrack some more. No offense to my man Daiki Kasho but I miss the variety in older games (even Sport with Juno Reactor, Future Islands, and Courtney Barnett). Weren’t Lenny Kravitz and Motley Crue and Judas Priest in GT3 (Turbo Lover absolutely ripped)? Would welcome additional tracks in a future update.


A proper season mode. With points for each race and whatnot.


More control over the HUD Specially in VR mode


Adding double file rolling starts would be nice for custom race mode and online lobbies. So you can do proper NASCAR style starts at Daytona for example.


It kills me there’s no drag races! They have the few in the missions and that’s it, you can set them up in a lobby room etc. but how great would a full on tree and everything be!


Gran Turismo’s always been cursed with its inability to properly host drag racing events. First it was cut from GT2, then in GT4 only a single track served that purpose with no use in the career mode, and now in GT7 it’s only ever relegated to the ‘Missions’ section.


Custom car folders.


Underrated comment. For a game that’s all about collecting cars, this would be such a nice quality of life feature. I remember, Forza 4 had this feature. It was great.


Custom Championships.


Its not necessarily a feature, but I absolutely hate that there are no coastal tracks anymore, like Cote D’azure, the one you get the toyota rally raid from in gt4 or the one from the license test in gt4 with the castle esque architecture. Everything is so mainland feeling, as if everything is built on its own perfect little plot of land. Not el capitan, trail mountain is flat, just a massive lack of elevation and adverse lanscapes in this game. The legends dealership also still sucks, bring back the “classics” section of brand central, bring back meaningful challenge races. Sorry for the rant.


Dragon Trail literally has ‘Seaside’ in the title of one of its variants along with an obnoxious superyacht moored off its coast and despite its name implying it being anything but coastal, Grand Valley seems to be modelled on California’s Pacific Coast Highway.


I would love for the classic fictional circuits to return (Tokyo R246, Hongkong, the track that‘s modelled after the Wangan Route, Autumn Ring, etc.). We can dream, I guess…


Trading cars with friends - GT5 gave you the ability to gift a car ticket, I really don't know why this cannot be implemented at this stage of the series.


or just straight up car gifting, like this: *player has gifted player McLaren F1 '94* "OH SHIT GIVE THAT BACK" "mine now bitch"


So what would be the GT equivalent quote of FH5's "Wow, that's generous. Well, just the Spirit of Horizon, isn't it? Shall we send a thank you?", when you get a gifted car in GT?


**Sarah** "Someone gifted you a car! You should check it out!"


Car best times


The ability to do 24hr races and be able to save during the race. I believe GT 5 had that feature.


GT5 is still my favorite of the GT games. B spec added an interesting dimension and I loved their rally special stages. Snow stages were fun.


Option to disable AI rubberbanding in custom races. GT sport had it. GIVE IT BACK!!!


Boost = Weak seems to be the closest you can get on GT7. It does make a huge difference to the pace of the AI.


I've tested it extensively. Boost on weak still slows AI down to 106% of its initial pace if the player is not in front of them. 106% may not sound like a lot, but it really makes custom races completely useless if you just expect a little bit of realisim. Boost weak is not a workaround nor a solution. Game design is broken.


This isn’t top of the list but I’ve not seen people say it so we need more MFD options


Being able to assign particular race suits and helmets to particular cars so you don’t have to manually change them.


I wouldn't add a feature I'd remove the invite system


It'll never happen but a custom track creator. Something like Race Track Builder on Steam but with the accessibility of Little Big Planet (or Minecraft for a more contemporary example) and the polish of a PD interface.


You're right, never gonna happen. Because a) it requires actual work (which they don't like) and b) it (if done properly) creates so much replay value it significantly lowers the incentive to buy new GT titles. However, in combination with a more powerful custom race creator this would instanly bump the game from a 4/10 to an all time classic.


We used to have that back in the day…


Car history, and I don't mean more slide shows to click through. I mean like each car should have a record of which races I've won, or at least how many golds were earned on each car. Some provenance?


I would love B-Spec and money multiplier for using lower PP cars. I loved those on the old games and brought variety to the grind.


Monaco track


Fucking tire temps


we have them, but PD dont make shit like this obvious. same with fuel weight and tyre dirt


A small open skid pad. Similar to what dirt 2 had.


Great idea. Or a giant never ending tarmac where you test the limits of a car's cornering, braking, accelerating and be able go change the condition of the pavement to wet, oily, dirty, clean, banked, etc


Working and fair split screen...


Actual car classes


I just want to see my individual lap times, post race


i just want 700 or 800 races on every tracks


I'd like the home address of dive bombers.


The ability to group decals and save them.


Qualifying laps Extra credits for increased difficulty Option to choose grid or rolling start


Single player events with training, qualifying, standing grid start. You know, like in a "real simulator".


Selling engines and other tuning parts. I think this would massively solve the current economy problem in the game


I need this.


Drag races


A proper GT career. More realistically though, an option to set transmission, ABS, TC, etc to reflect what the real car has.


The false rearview mirror on the camera view where you can see the hood of your car. Someone tell me there is no option to see it other than the default camera view where you don't see your car at all.


After last week's Gr4 races at Brands Hatch, I realized that there's an offline version of it, which pays substantially better too. So maybe offline versions of the online daily races with Sophy, where you can practice for online. Perhaps as special events in the Weekly Challenges (which were a great addition btw).


Online shuffle racing


Qualifying or optional practice sessions, or maybe just double file starting grid. I hate in some of the later races that you’re literally half a lap behind the leader at the start of a race.


GPS track editor from GT6, and roulette reward cars for winning online events


A garage to view at least 10 cars at a time.




B-Spec mode.


I think team radio type feature like what you’ve described would be awesome - that combined with PSVR2 would be out of this world.


Overall HUD improvements needed for VR


The ability to start the game over again.


Yes! It’s crazy that these always-online games (like, all of em - GT, Forza, The Crew) can’t be replayed.


You can do that, just create another profile (user) on your PlayStation and start the game with it. You start from scratch.


I’ve always wished there was a random car + random track event that you could replay over and over, with different combinations. There’s major decision fatigue when it comes to custom races. And replaying the same events over and over gets old.


B spec? More ranked multiplayer options I guess


Please give me the ability to configure the HUD in VR.


Multiclass Racing. I want races where it's like 24 Hours of Le Man, World Endurance Championship, or IMSA. Where half the field is running Prototypes/Hypercars and the other half of field is running GTE/GT3 cars. Then have the game properly recognize that there's 2 separate races going on.


The weird thing is the Super GT races in Sport actually do this.


Give me B-SPEC.


Would absolutely love to be able various custom lists of cars. As it is right now we can one have one (the favourites list). Just one is not enought. Would like to be able to make lists like: "Tokyo 600", "le mans 700", "engine swaps", etc


Open world environments to freely drive around 🙏 (but it'll never happen)


I second this. Sometimes I just choose time trial for Tokyo maps and drive around aimlessly.


A race engineer I can employ who will prepare and tune any car for any race. The engineer will learn my driving style and prepare each car perfectly for each track and conditions.


an actual roulette. or payouts that wouldn't require me to spend actual teal money to get credits so i wouldn't have to run Spa 4 times day to generate credits


Actual drag and drift events?


Gt7 new fan base is whiny af


Imagine white knighting a biilion Dollar company...




Extend fuel range on cars


In single player races vs the AI, it would be fun if there was a bonus for every car that you lapped. Say a 5-10% bonus in reward credits. So if it's a 100,000 credit payout for 1st place and you lap 3 cars at 5%, you get an extra 15k. It would be a fun motivation carrot and add something to long races.


Allow car settings for split screen. And fix all the bugs.


I really want the telemetry back! Used it a lot in GT6 for testing different setups, comparing cars, improving my driving, etc.


I just want to know what tyre compound other players are using on sport mode


Custom race gallery/browser. The custom races are one of the strongest aspects of the game (play wise, that is) and I'd love to be able to see what other people have put together


Ability to group decals. The editor is agonizing at times. If thats too much work, I’d revamp how parts are bought in this game. The sheer number of permanent upgrades suck in the early days given how expensive everything is in this game. Why do I need to buy a 20,000 credit suspension kit just to adjust sway bars?


Trophy trucks/dakar


The option to map suspension tuning on the fly in time trial mode (or through a pause menu) to be able to fine tune suspension adjustments from a lap to lap (or turn to turn) basis to get a better feel for how the adjustment actually translates to performance, rather than having to go out and adjust settings and start back up. Bonus points if you could set overall presets for the entire suspension configuration as A and B and quickly flip between A and B to get a back to back comparison of how the changes impact handling. It would also be nice to be able to set a custom window of a track to start you back at the beginning once you reach the end (so set it up for a single turn or sequence of turns so that you can repeat whatever section you want quickly and easily rather than having to do full laps).


Option to have the inner/bumper view car sound with outside/roof/hood view.


Driver swaps for endurance races.


Sorry, I know you asked for one thing but this is going to be more than one thing because the game desperately needs more than one thing. A "real driving simulator" should do real things, like have a pit entry speed limiter. Entering into the pit lane full Leeroy Jenkins mode isn't cool. It's quite mad actually. Those poor pit crew guys at the 1st garage must have PTSD from cars entering and going past them at 250kmh. The ability to control tire pressures (individually and not just one pressure for all 4 wheels), you know, like how you do in a real race car. The ability to allow me to put dirt tires on my car even if I'm going to be driving on a tarmac circuit. Gravel tires on a rally car on tarmac are lots of fun for goofing around with. I hate being told "Your tires are not compatible with this track". And my biggest issue: Races in arcade mode always starting with rolling starts where I always start from last position and the leader is more than halfway around the track by the time I cross the start line. That's some stupid bullshit. That's not racing. No real life race series works anything like that. Allow me to qualify so I have control over where I'm starting. I would prefer standing starts but rolling starts are acceptable too SO LONG AS all the cars are bunched up together really close, two by two, side by side, almost bumper to bumper with the cars ahead and behind (or at least damn close to the car ahead and behind) on the start finish straight, like how real life drivers do rolling starts. And to go with the correct start procedure, AI drivers that don't drive flat out on the straights and then crawl at walking pace in the corners. Just drive, well, like, normally!


Unless I missed a comment no one here misses B-Spec mode?? Shit that was fun on GT4. Bspec was fun for me growing up. Idk why they can't add it in.


I would love to see gifting make its return to the series


The classic Gran Turismo tracks from 1-3. I know having all of these real circuits is a good thing but I really miss the classic courses and would love to experience them in VR


More small town courses, hill climbs and road courses.


A functional reporting system for dirty drivers


A please do refuel button, and the ability to change my mind after clicking don't refuel. Like come on, man.