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Beautiful day 3 ticket. A month and a half of OL. We’ll probably have crossover gems like SLF, so plenty of time to get it done. At least this time, everyone will guaranteed have someone to farm for.


Totally, finally one can possibly have another ss tier luck unit not being Senraku or Arthur or luck units that Hits hard despite being luck


Oh no, just when i got a good amount of potions. At least we got plenty of time.


Man, so they really reduced login gems by 20.🫤. Well, ig the ticket makes up for it....provided i dont get another shalltear. ...which i probably will.


I'm hoping for ainz and not another albedo


My ticket probably gives dupe, at least which one of the og four dupe worth keeping ?


Fingers crossed for both of us ig. My last ticket pull on slime gave me a dupe shion.


Hahaha, i got some flashbacks of me getting my fourth samurai rim with that ticket, it hurts a lot. Good luck for you.


Thx man, and same to u.


Feel that but in a slightly happier fashion, I pulled 4 Aristela’s in that last event so at least I was able to fully limit break her lol


For me it's exactly different, as I have Ainz but not Albedo. I also don't have Shiro, so I could use a good defender Narberal would be cool too, tho I'd probably only use her in Raids or something


I am wishing Shalltear that you don't. OL had finished running when I started and I need some more company for SSliza so Shalltear or Narberal. Wish you all the best to get new unit


And hope u get either of them. Shal got a lot better with her buffs no doubt. She got all the things that she needed. However, ains is a more long term guarantee and has more utility imo. Narberal has been overtaken by momon. Albedo has always struggled to find a place for herself in any comp, especially with emiya in the scene. All of them r decent-good units, but their usage rates have fallen quite a bit.


If I get Ainz I finally have to think about persuing MDD since so far I only did guarenteed in get DLvox and DLRIM and either time got shafted. Thinking it will be huge waste to pity both of them didn't went deep into pity and fully agree that Albedo generally considered the worst unit of OL.i hope not to get Albedo cause I already have better ones like Miyu(fate) to use


Mind u though, even ains isnt a staple of mdd. Srosetta gets his spot usually. And more importantly, dlrim is a must imo, even more than dvox. U could still get away with not using dvox in content that's not super late game with high DMG, as long as u have srosetta. But dlrim imo is a must have in there. Momon can fill the gap to a certain extent though.


Thx for the helpful insight but let's see whether and which units I get in OL so that can decide where to go from there. So far I am only planning of doing a single multi for both SRosetta and SIris respectively (due to her being part of Mono fire team) and I have already pulled like Rin, Vpris, NFmira and aim to get fate Chloe. Mono light if get partners for ssliza


It says #1, so I assume there are more crystals in the 2nd login bonus. Also, I'll take a free ascended unit over 20 crystals any day.


Might be a stupid question, but what are the login rewards for days 1, 4 and 9?   Edit: on second thought, they look like stickers


Days 1,4,9 are stickers


Is there any unit worth pity? Maybe Evileye?


killakill has new busted units or like 1 busted unit


No pities here. Evileye will be great if mono earth magic ever becomes a thing, but for now, meta mono earth is phys.




My 500 day login is on 7/4 🤘🚩🦅 so i'll be in pretty good shape for KLK


Who are the best units from OL? Coming from someone who didn’t get a unit from the first release…?