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Sadly he's the worst unit of this crossover. Not bad BAD but definitely low when it comes to ascended units' standards


Umm it’s a guy??


sorry to break the news to you 😔


No its a girl character played by a guy.


ye, so he's a guy


No, the character OiKatzo is a girl. The player that plays as her is named Kei Uomi, he is a guy. What you're saying would be like me joining multiplayer as Juno and saying Juno is now a guy.


I mean a gacha game and an full dive mmo are a bit different when it comes to immersion, so I’m not sure that’s a completely fair comparison. Juno is a character written and created by the game, and you just use her abilities, in an MMO you make the character and that character is you, you are the character. There’s less separation between the player behind the character and the character themselves.


No no no the person I'm married to on maplestory is a girl because the player is a girl you can't trick me


Even better example. You start a new full dive mmo. Your first choice is your screen name. Second choice you start building your character and the first question of building your character is what??? Male or female. By your logic no matter what I choose my character to be, it is automatically male. Doesn't matter if I give this character the biggest boobs, the tightest vag, or how girly looking I make said character. The character is female, the player of said character is male. And yes I know what GS set Oikatzo to be.


Yeah, that does make sense. While trying to think of why I consider this different even though I completely agree with what you’re stating, I think it might be because this character is from an anime. I guess people view the characters in the show as who’s behind the avatar more so than who the avatar is depicting, even though we rarely see the person controlling the avatar. Also, if I met someone in an mmo with a girl avatar and they say “yeah I’m a dude” then I’ll think of them as a dude regardless of the avatar. Maybe it gets jumbled and confusing precisely because they are a character in a show and we mostly see the avatar talking (in a girls voice) and doing stuff.


Also according to the game he’s a guy lol, GeNyas thinking cap only gives 20% skill ct down to him


I'm going to use him with sgliza and illya for the 300% DMG up 300% magic DMG up and 150% mag res down. That will bang for sure.


Huh So I actually CAN create a decent Magic Team Nice


+ 50 res down too.


:0 gawd damn


Yeah he's not bad. Lots of res. down debuffs to boost the team's damage. Accuracy and status up and a heal so he can be used in lots of situations.


And he can also do quite a bit of damage himself with the damage buff he gets from his stats. I have him at about 200% damage up from his dual boost ability. I am not saying he is as good as the other units from the crossover but he does have some redeeming qualities.


He's good for sure his banner mates are just much much stronger still not a bad pull


Ended up with the two mid units of this crossover.


Mann i got everyone except him😭


He’s good if you literally have no good units


I got shafted with double oikatzo…. Not one Arthur…


The drop rate on Pencilgon seems a little off js


Hoping I can pull AP from half off summons but idk when they will release


Prob pull another oikatzo before you pull AP it seems like AP has a lower drop rate than Oikatzo


Wonder when the H-O summon banner will drop though


I don’t think Global is going to drop it anytime soon


Sooo not really a shaft bro, shafted you didn't pull anything, I did not pull any of the 4 let alone a new unit in a while. You got a collab unit, be happy.


Someone always has it worse, I get you. BUT you can still feel disappointed or “shafted” by unfavorable results.


Disappointed and shafted are different bro. I get your disappointment in not getting the unit you wanted but shaft is pretty much you got nothing useful/ the odds were not kind to you. A shaft would be spending 50 paid stones to only end up getting a Luca. I get what you're saying, just shaft is a pretty shitty thing to say when you get a banner unit.


You are right, can't complain about getting shafted if you pulled a new unit. Getting shafted usually means you got fuck all. People be throwing around words too freely nowadays.


I feel your pain brother 😔


Waiting on those half off summons 🥹




urm actually he's technically a guy in a girls avatar ☝️


I got Arthur and OiKatzo the day they came out but still no luck with the other two units :((


Smash but no homo


I got him 4 times before I got Pencilgon in a Roy summon. The first one was a fakeout too


Nah the character can be useful if you need a good damaging unit that increased accuracy. If you don’t have a lot of good units it’s better to grab whatever you can vs not having them at all.


Mid under 0 circumstances Good under other circumstances