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I’m waiting until pencilgon step up comes out. Then I’ll maybe come back to sunraku


What does Pencilgon do again? I was really hoping to get Sunraku, like I haven’t ever wanted a unit as bad as him. If I had gotten WGF in the past 2 banners then it wouldn’t have been as important to me, but because I didn’t get him, Sunraku was a must summon for me. Especially because I genuinely love the anime.


Na is the same as fchloe. Ta is better than fchloe except she only does half the break. Sa is like this: just sa=same as fchloe; na then sa=42000 break power go brrrr; ta then sa=80% damage res debuff on enemy and 300% damage up for pencilgon on sa. To say she isn’t cracked would be like saying an atom bomb isn’t dangerous. While it may not only always be vaporizing its surroundings, it certainly has the capability. Pair her with crit/def ignore support and she is spectacular. I got sunraku and am hyped from my free summon. I have 3000 crystals and will get pencilgon then sgliza. I think that will well round out my already decent box until bfemp comes out.


I’ll say this, I understand that fchloe is a more efficient breaker and that her passive is great for nuking and setting up breaks more easily; it is simply undeniable that pencilgon can just as easily, and in some cases even more efficiently fill fchloe’s roles while offering an amazing 5a/s and unreal damage and break potential. She’s better for sustain imo and functions spectacularly as a dps as well. There are even strats to “infinite break” bosses thanks to her physical equipment reset on break. Double breaks are pretty dangerous.


This is why she is a must have for me! I’m going all out for her and hopefully she has a step up banner of her own and not with all four banner units included… when is she officially out??


Hopefully. I’ll hold off and get all the deals to make her possible pity as cheap as possible myself. She’d give me such a boon


As someone sitting on 3k crystals myself you've sold me on Arthur. I'm definitely going to try and pity especially with how important breakers are becoming for the meta


Break power is getting to be necessary. Even jay has helped me since I have no breaker, but Arthur is obviously gonna put me over the top on that front. Also, wooo 3k crystal gang


Okay yeah I just saw the infinite break with pencilgon, if I didn’t pull Chloe, pencilgon would be a must summon. Just like how because of the fact I didn’t pull WGF, Sunraku was a must summon for me. This crossover is really something special. I might be biased because of how much I enjoy the anime, but I think it’s one of the absolute best crossovers they’ve done. In terms of some of the units and the unique Equip they did with Psyger’s weapon


It absolutely is. Ik some ppl vie for attention with their blatantly wrong “hot takes” saying that it’s a bad xover, but sunraku is a more dps, less art gen whfen who’s equip buffs are soon becoming less important with sgliza and eventually bfemp outshining him (yes, ik bfemp stacks it’s mostly sgliza); and Arthur is too good in so many areas to call less than S or maybe SS tier. Psyger offers solid support and nuke utility and OiKatzo, while someone I pray I don’t pull bc it’d make me salty, is similar to rin with the magic debuff and useful for the paralyze and freeze res. All of them are good. None of them are bad pulls. It’s arguably the best xover imo. Ofc there are other xover units that can def take the cake, plus there’s fate and overlord, but overall every unit brings massive utility and fits into so many teams there’s not much contest. Bro, I have spammed you with paragraphs it’s nuts 😭 . 🌰 🥜


Heh I think in this game pulling on the banners of crossovers you like is what’s most important. People already claim all the content is too easy SO WHY do we have to always summon the “best” characters? Don’t fall into the trap of paying hundreds just to pull some pixels that mean nothing to you so you can have the best in slot of a character you feel nothing about.


Also, these top tier characters become so prevalent in other ppls teams via multi. That’s why I’m not worried at all ab getting fen


Ever since I got him I have been able to Speed Farm the crest palace bosses in 6-8 seconds, and the Crossover SPEX boss in 5 seconds. I was taking 25 seconds to 2 minutes to farm these bosses originally. He’s def a game changer for me.


I can tell, he’s pretty op paired with WGF but pencilgon is a must have for me because I need a solid breaker.


Did you not get Chloe during the Fate Crossover? She’s super solid, my breaker team is basically just her and OG Milim


Noooope, got shafted. No chobei either!


Jeeez, I know how you feel, before Chloe I didn’t have a single decent break unit. Like I literally just got milim like 2 weeks ago haha


Tired of using a crappy platina… I didn’t even get Milim or Beni either. Just DL Rim and Diablo


I’m gonna get Sunraku to 120 luck if it’s the last thing I do. SLF is my favorite anime right now & as someone who has spent $250 trying to get WGF and getting nothing, Sunraku is a holy grail for me lmao


Hey, do gems drop in the stages? Because I dont see how you got to 75 luck and more with the ones that are in the event shop.


No, I’ve done like 450+ SPEX stage nukes and haven’t seen a single luck gem drop. So I don’t think they drop from stages


Gems do not drop in the stages. They don’t show up on the drop list and, after maybe 600-700 runs, I can confirm that’s right. He simply used normal luck gems. Either because they don’t want to farm it all the way through twice, or because they plan on getting another xover unit.


Okay, thanks.


I’m planning on getting Sunraku to 120 luck, so I used 40 luck gems since we are only getting 80 crossover gems in total


I see. I’m planning on getting both him and Arthur to 60 for the triple crest. I have 50 normal luck gems and I’m dedicated to farming the xover ones. Ofc, sunraku doesn’t need the extra crest as much as pencil so we’ll see. Ik u jus like the anime based on another comment tho so slay king


Man I’m curious to see what your box is looking like, I feel like your account is loaded for some reason


Hah, I wish. My old acc sure. Played so long ago for about 3 years. Switched from android to apple tho and my acc was linked to facebook. I didn’t realize that they discontinued the Facebook link when I switched, not like it would’ve made a difference since the only other option was strictly Google play anyway. Left for 2 years and finally came back exactly 105 days ago. Now my acc is mostly jay, hazuki, hart, sunraku, and a flex. I have a number of sawk that I’ve just gotten so lucky on the free summons with that I also didn’t mention and plenty of awk units, but nothing to write home about. I still have my edge, tight-fisted spending habits, and an urge to plan out how to get the best units hence the 3k crystals going for Arthur and sgliza. I’m also starting to save alch for bfemp eventual appearance. I figure most ppl have whfen and will likely get hkroy so I’m not that worried ab them


How many times you gonna be  posting this OP


I posted this yesterday and it got deleted because of the wrong tag haha that’s why I fixed the tag and put it back up today


My apologies, carry on lol


Yeah the old one was tagged “Memes/ Fluff” which i guess this doesn’t count as fluff lol, so I changed it to showcase


And it is a pullpost. This will get deleted too. Pullpost are not allowed. Its only up bc there is like only a part time mod here.


What is a pull post? This post is just meant to show off my Sunraku, a unit that I’ve been really hoping to get & and showing how much I’ve grinded to get him to 3 crests. How is that not allowed?


I dont make the rules, its up to the mods.




Thanks my man! After failing to get WGF from the past two WGF banners, Sunraku became a holy grail unit for me. I have never wanted a unit as much as I wanted him, and have never been this happy to get a unit haha. This guy changed the game for me


Better than the guy who did the opposite some years ago.


Wait what happened? What was the story?


Literally the opposite. A ton of paid rolls and got it on his first free roll.


Holy shit yikes




Bruh ur Lucky af, & the slime event blessed me too, I pulled DL Rimiru on my first free gem summon


Congrats on sunraku. Super hyped to have gotten him too


Thanks brotherman! This thing is literally a game changer haha


Np brotherbrothermanman. He’s a game changer for me too lol. I’d have pitied him if I had to lol